Reading From CMD Into Textbox - Realtime

Jan 29, 2012

i wanted to make a pinging program that could send pings to websites, i have all the code written, i just cant get it to display what is going into the cmd in a text box.... The reason i am having trouble with this is because the code says " output = (process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd)" it will only display it in the text box AFTER the code has finished....


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Redirect Console Output To A Form's Textbox In Realtime?

May 26, 2007

send the text from a certain line in the hidden console window to a textbox in the form, but I need this output while the console application is still running in a hidden window. Since I am going to have multiple instances of this console application running, I have assigned their processes to an array and each have a separate "hidden" console window. After I launch these applications (with different arguments assign to them), they require no input and will run until I ".kill them" using the GUI.The console application was written in the old C and it's source code scares me.

I am creating this GUI "bolt on" application for it in VB.NET 2005 to clean up desktop space (save me from 30 console windows) and to be able to start, stop, and monitor them from a single clean GUI.Attempted solutions:I have reviewed the information [URL]But again, that just tells me how to capture the output of it after the console application has exited, which I already know how to do and I do not wish to kill the application just to see a certain line of it's output as it would obviously interrupt what it is doing.

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Running A DOS Command And Show Output In Textbox Realtime?

May 25, 2010

I want to run some dos commands (eg: a ROBOCOPY) and show the output from this realtime in a text window to show the user something is happening.The command may take a number of minutes so it's important the output is showing in the VB application realtime, and not just all at the end. Obviously the user will wonder what is happening during this time.

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Redirecting Stdout In Realtime?

Sep 29, 2010

I am writing an application in VB .NET which calls external executables (written in C++)and passes them some command line arguments. What I need to do is read back their stdout outputs inealtime , i.e. as they run.I am currently using the ProcessStartInfo class and setting the RedirectStandardOutput property to true and reading it back in from a StreamReader. However, I cannot read this back in realtime. Once the process finishes, the StreamReader will allow me to

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Transferring Audio In Almost Realtime?

Aug 8, 2010

I'm currently working with a project where I need to transfer the internal audio (sound from the computer) to another computer and play it back there.

I thought of transferring the audio with a TCP server-client connection since I already have the knowledge of how to do that.

My problem now is that I don't know how I would capture the internal audio and how to be able to play it back as a stream on the target computer. I have searched a bit and many people recommend using MCI but I'm not sure if this will work on an "almost realtime audio stream" connection.

So my question is: What is the best way to grab the audio from the computer and then play back the data on another computer (as a stream)? I want to do it in realtime and not "recording" the sound and then send it to the target computer.

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VS 2010 RealTime Run Scripter?

Feb 19, 2010

i am trying to make a simple scripter. my scripter has a Run button to run the written scripts in a RichTextBox.But in new version of my program i want to make a RealTime run scripter, So don't need to a run button and scripts should process when user type in richtexbox. a way that i had used in my program is this :

On Error Resume Next
FileOpen(1, "c:windowsmagico(test).txt", OpenMode.Output)
PrintLine(1, frmMain.page_script.txtScript.Text)


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VS 2010 TabControl In Realtime?

May 12, 2011

I have hit a brick wall with my latest project.In essence the entire tab control is created on the fly, i have successfully added any number of tabs with the tabpage title being filled correctly. my problem however is when i add the content itself to the correct page, i have no item displayed on any tabs and however i can retrieve the contents and change them with code.

My code takes a pricelist xml file from my works website and my code is supposed to allow this content to be edited and returned to the server with adjusted prices to reflect updates in our costing. All the code works except the part to display the data, and consequently the code to use this data to update the array used for the xml while the program is running is not written.


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Reading From A Textbox?

Nov 3, 2007

I'm creating a program where the user has to input Name, and Number Of Pieces Made, then depending on the number of pieces a calculate is done called AveragePay. The can enter as many as they want. Then I have Name, Number Of Pieces, and AveragePay all displayed in a listbox. Now when the user clicks a button at the bottom, it needs to give them the TotalPieces, and TotalAveragePay. Now the problem i'm having is I'm not sure how to read from the listbox and get the Total's from there. If anyone could guide me in the right direction please.


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C# - Show Realtime Memory Usage In A .net App?

Jul 31, 2011

You can easily get the memory usage of the current process using workingset64 However I could not find any event like OnMemUsageChanged so I can display a little mem usage meter that displays live/real time the mem usage value. Updating in a timer every second can be done but looks inefficient. Is there anyway I can get an event or callback every time the mem usage changes ?

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Realtime Compare Keypress Value To An Existing Value?

Mar 10, 2011

Is there a way to detect whether the value the user is entering using keypress method is within the lower and upper limits?For example, the lower limit is 30 and the upper limit is 112 and the current value the user enter is 33 so the next digit is not allowable because it will exceed the upper limit. On the other hand if the user's current value is 11 the next allowable digit is either 0 or 1 but not above I am current using the below method to allow only numbers. Can i expand this code to meet the above requirement?

If Not "1234567890".Contains(Char.ToUpper(e.KeyChar)) AndAlso e.KeyChar <> vbBack Then
e.Handled = True 'When a wrong value is Entered
End If


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VS 2010 Make RealTime Run Scripter?

Dec 31, 2009

i am trying to make a simple scripter. my scripter has a Run button to run the written scripts in a RichTextBox.But in new version of my program i want to make a RealTime run scripter, So don't need to a run button and scripts should process when user type in richtexbox. a way that i had used in my program is this :

ileOpen(1, "c:windowsmagico(test).txt", OpenMode.Output)
PrintLine(1, frmMain.page_script.txtScript.Text)


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Writing To Text Resource At Realtime?

Nov 23, 2011

I have a text file that is going to store some data in this current project. Instead of having it stored on a location on the PC (like C:Test.txt) - I wanted it to be a .txt resource of the application.Using a streamwriter isn't working when I'm attempting to write to the file. This following code runs without error however when I exit the application and look at the text resource file it remains blank instead of showing "Testing".

Dim Writer As New System.IO.StreamWriter(My.Resource.TXTRESOURCE)

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Reading A File Into A Textbox

Jan 24, 2012

there is probably a very easy answer to this and I've tried all sorts of variations and checked out a lot of the previous posts on this forum regards to reading a file into a textbox and I just cant see what I'm doing wrong, I want when a Form Loads to write the contents of a textfile that has been previously created to a textbox These are the things I have tried


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Reading Lines In Textbox?

May 4, 2010

I am doing my IT PROJECT (CV MAKER) at the moment in college and i have little bit problem with reding lines in txtbox.

Dim lines() As String = TextBox4.Text.Split(Environment.NewLine)
lines(0) = " -" & lines(0)
lines(1) = " -" & lines(1)


and all of that in one variable?PS. this text box may have up to 15 -20 lines so i need some help for those numbers.

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.net - Change The ReadOnly Attribute In Realtime For Use With PropertyGrid?

Apr 11, 2011

I got a properties class that I send to a PropertyGrid. I want to change the [readonly] attribute of some properties in realtime. Below is an example of such a property in

<CategoryAttribute("Graph Limits"), _
Browsable(True), _
[ReadOnly](False), _
BindableAttribute(False), _


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.net - Deal With Output From A Secondary Process In Realtime?

Apr 27, 2012

I am trying to write a VB .NET program that runs a Perl script and reads and uses the standard output. I'd like to be able to handle each line separately as it is printed, and update my program display accordingly. Here's some code I have "written" (read: "mostly copied off the internet"):

Private WithEvents pscript As Process
Private Sub myProgram_Load(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
pscript = New Process()


This works with one problem: the program waits until the test script has run to completion, and then fires several OutputDataReceived events one after the other. This means that when I make it use the real script, it's likely to do nothing for as much as several hours, and then have to deal with, like, 5,000 events at once, despite the fact that stuff was being printed at fairly regular intervals throughout that time.

Is there any way I can make it deal with each line of text when it is written, instead of all of it at once at the end?

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How To Synchronize Near Realtime Reads From A Sql Server Table

Sep 12, 2011

We have a reporting app thats needs to update it's charts as the data gets written to it's corresponding table. (the report is based off just one table). Currently we just keep the last read sessionid + rowid (unique combo) in memory and a polling timer just does a select where rowid > what we have in memory (to get the latest rows added). Timer runs every second or so and the fast sql reader does it's job well. So far so good. However I feel this is not optimal because sometimes there are pauses in the data writes due to the process by design. (user clicking the pause button on the system that writes data). Meanwhile our timer keeps hitting the db and does not get any new rows. No errors or anything. How is this situation normally handled. The app that writes the data is separate from the reporting app. The 2 apps run on different machines. Bottomline : How to get data into a c# app as and when it is written into a sql server table without polling unnecessarily.

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Make Graphic Show In Realtime As It Is Being Drawn?

Dec 14, 2011

I am working with a very simple (so far..) little program where i use som trig to create a circle using pixels created vith the Ellipse-comand "(x, x, 1, 1)" etc.

But I want to se when the graphics is drawn, just not the finished circle, how do I do that?

I use the "Paint" version of the form. I am a beginner so excuse my poor skills. Shouldn´t this be a very simple little problem?

I work with Visual Basic 2008 Express

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Show Realtime Cpu Usage Via Unix Using Top Command

Mar 19, 2012

currently i am working on a project to help our customers troubleshoot our products, our products have the availabilty to be access via telnet, i can use the top command to show

top provides an view of processor activity in real time. This utility reads the status for all processes in /proc each <seconds> and shows the status for however many processes will fit on the screen. This utility will not show processes that are started after program startup, but it will show the EXIT status for and PIDs that exit while it is running.

I am looking to but this into my project in real time and show a graph do you think this can be achived ?

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VS 2008 - Realtime Microphone Playback (Like Amplifier)

Mar 13, 2011

I need to make an application that plays the microphone line in the same time I speak to it, somewhat like an amplifier, so I can talk to the microphone without recording and my speakers play that sound at the same time! Its pretty difficult for me because I am really new at this type of applications and off course I don't have any idea about microphone line in volume control coding too!

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VS 2008 : Draw Realtime Line Picturebox?

Apr 30, 2009

how to draw in realtime? I have this code in a timer:

Dim picBoxWidth As Integer = PictureBox1.Size.Width
Dim picBoxHeight As Integer = PictureBox1.Size.Height
Dim halfWidth As Integer = PictureBox1.Size.Width / 2
Dim halfHeight As Integer = PictureBox1.Size.Height / 2


this would draw a graph, and when x has counted to 1000 it should start again. The center cross is written, but no graph.

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VS 2008 Socket Connection For Realtime Data?

Feb 28, 2011

i need a little advice/help here. There is a particular scenario that is coming up and I am clueless as to how to go about it."I will soon have a lease line through which I will get realtime stock market data. This data will be available every second and it will contain prices of stocks. Now assume I am able to get that data on my local computer. How can I transmit data so that users can get that data through my software.

For e.g. assume it's 11 AM. Now if you select a stock e.g. Google, then my program should fetch data for google till 11 AM and also show new data every second or so with minimum lag. Something like a terminal where you see stock prices getting updates every second. In my case I need to get past data and show current data which get updated at short intervals."

Now I have a linux vps webserver which hosts my site. (I get one or two static ip free) What to do so that data goes from my local computer to my server and then my program (developed in is able to get it and show it to end user. This whole system should such that its fast (real-time) and delay is minimum.

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VS 2010 - Realtime Audio / VST Effect / Minimize ?

Feb 13, 2011

What I want to do, for one, is record audio through a microphone input, then play it back with only a few milliseconds delay. Maybe a way to do this would be to record, say, 200 milliseconds, save it to a temp folder, play it, then delete and repeat? I don't know. Would my idea work? Second, I want to use a VST dll file as an effect on this audio. I have absolutely no clue as to how I could do this. (Third one is optional, not really needed, but would be nice. you don't have to answer this third one) Third, I want to minimize the feedback. An idea of mine is maybe a frequency cut off, anything above avg human voice frequencies?

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The Right Direction Access.log File RealTime Watcher / Monitor

Mar 15, 2009

Here is my stuck in a rut kind deal.I am using Visual Basic Express Editoin 2008. (Most of these forums and samples and stuff is either C# VB 2005). I just want to simply know how I can "View or Monitor" the access.log file that is on my server?


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VS 2008 Ways To Enhance Comobox Width In Realtime?

Oct 10, 2009

I have the following problem: I have a combobox in my application. Sometimes the data inside are too wide to be displayed (see here). Is it possible to use tooltiptext to display the whole data line if the user stands on this line? Or perhaps sending the whole data to a right-click context menu? If so - how?

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Reading A Specific Line From .txt For Textbox?

Aug 18, 2011

I need to read a specific part from my text file to and show it on a text boxI have I have three text boxes.and the text file is written like this

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Reading TextBox With Audio File

May 15, 2011

I am currently developing a program that can read text to audio, I know there are already thousands of software out there but it is not in my country language. Now I have found a way to invent a similar program with high quality audio, text exchanges to wav file, and I made every word a wav file that corresponds to the word, I could type text into the textbox then I could read the corresponding wav file.

my problem is being able to highlight text while reading the text box, for example: type in the textbox: HELLO MY NAME IS JOHN, NICE TO MEET YOU. WHAT'S YOUR NAME! when read and mark the same time, if there are similar words in the previous line, then jumps back word marks and ignore next word. In our examples there are two words like: NAME, when read and mark it read and select the right until it reaches the next NAME and instead marked the first, then continues. If there are several words that are in the text, always highlights of the first word.

in directory C:Audio there is those word as wav file EXAMPLE: HELLO.wav + MY.wav + NAME.wav and so on. I do not want the mark back, i want it to select those who are not selected.

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VS 2005 Reading From MultiLine TextBox?

Apr 28, 2009

I am using single line textbox to add and appened strings into multiline textbox.

Now, I need to check for words that are appended in multiline textbox.

I know that I can add these words into array, and then search array.

But can I search a multiline textbox, to avoid using array?

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Redirect And Parse In Realtime Stdout Of An Long Running Process?

Apr 12, 2010

This code executes "handbrakecli" (a command line application) and places the output into a string:

Dim p As Process = New Process
p.StartInfo.FileName = "handbrakecli"
p.StartInfo.Arguments = "-i [source] -o [destination]"


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Mask Textbox - Reading User Input?

Jun 22, 2010

I am using VS2005 version of VB.Net programmer. I wanted to use the user input but most people tell me to use console...but I cannot use this function since my version is different, it will not show any results. I found that using mask textbox can use to read the user input but I don't know how the code can be written. I want user to input two number such as 1.345 and 2.355 and use this number for addition and give the answer. I not sure how I write the code for mask textbox to be read once user input the numbers.

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