VS 2010 - Realtime Audio / VST Effect / Minimize ?

Feb 13, 2011

What I want to do, for one, is record audio through a microphone input, then play it back with only a few milliseconds delay. Maybe a way to do this would be to record, say, 200 milliseconds, save it to a temp folder, play it, then delete and repeat? I don't know. Would my idea work? Second, I want to use a VST dll file as an effect on this audio. I have absolutely no clue as to how I could do this. (Third one is optional, not really needed, but would be nice. you don't have to answer this third one) Third, I want to minimize the feedback. An idea of mine is maybe a frequency cut off, anything above avg human voice frequencies?

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Transferring Audio In Almost Realtime?

Aug 8, 2010

I'm currently working with a project where I need to transfer the internal audio (sound from the computer) to another computer and play it back there.

I thought of transferring the audio with a TCP server-client connection since I already have the knowledge of how to do that.

My problem now is that I don't know how I would capture the internal audio and how to be able to play it back as a stream on the target computer. I have searched a bit and many people recommend using MCI but I'm not sure if this will work on an "almost realtime audio stream" connection.

So my question is: What is the best way to grab the audio from the computer and then play back the data on another computer (as a stream)? I want to do it in realtime and not "recording" the sound and then send it to the target computer.

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Give Minimize And Maximize Effect As Like Windows Vista To Project Form?

Mar 8, 2009

I have created a software project for my college using vb.net 2008

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Audio Management System - Allow User To Add Audio Files Itself Into Database Together With Audio Information

Jan 28, 2010

I'm developing a standslone system for my school project. I'm developing an audio management system which allow user to add audio files itself into database together with the audio information such as artist name and album year. I just started it few days ago and face some problems.. my song in the playlist wont continue to play after 1 finished and i need some idea on how to store the audio files into database ... in blob types may be?

Heres the screenshot and codes

Public Class Form1

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles bt_add.Click


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VS 2010 RealTime Run Scripter?

Feb 19, 2010

i am trying to make a simple scripter. my scripter has a Run button to run the written scripts in a RichTextBox.But in new version of my program i want to make a RealTime run scripter, So don't need to a run button and scripts should process when user type in richtexbox. a way that i had used in my program is this :

On Error Resume Next
FileOpen(1, "c:windowsmagico(test).txt", OpenMode.Output)
PrintLine(1, frmMain.page_script.txtScript.Text)


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VS 2010 TabControl In Realtime?

May 12, 2011

I have hit a brick wall with my latest project.In essence the entire tab control is created on the fly, i have successfully added any number of tabs with the tabpage title being filled correctly. my problem however is when i add the content itself to the correct page, i have no item displayed on any tabs and however i can retrieve the contents and change them with code.

My code takes a pricelist xml file from my works website and my code is supposed to allow this content to be edited and returned to the server with adjusted prices to reflect updates in our costing. All the code works except the part to display the data, and consequently the code to use this data to update the array used for the xml while the program is running is not written.


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VS 2010 Make RealTime Run Scripter?

Dec 31, 2009

i am trying to make a simple scripter. my scripter has a Run button to run the written scripts in a RichTextBox.But in new version of my program i want to make a RealTime run scripter, So don't need to a run button and scripts should process when user type in richtexbox. a way that i had used in my program is this :

ileOpen(1, "c:windowsmagico(test).txt", OpenMode.Output)
PrintLine(1, frmMain.page_script.txtScript.Text)


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VS 2010 Doubleclick For Maximize And Minimize

May 13, 2010

I have a form with formborderstyle = none. I already know how to move this form and resize it. But I want to maximize the form when you double click it.

I already know:

Private Sub Form1_MouseDoubleClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Me.MouseDoubleClick
WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized
End Sub

Now its maximized, but now I want it to go to the previous size, so when you double click again when maximized, the form goes back the the previous state.

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VS 2010 Minimize / Restore From Taskbar?

Feb 19, 2011

I m working on a windows application using VB.NET. Using borderless forms. Can anybody tell me how to minimize / restore that application by clicking from taskbar. (I already added minimize button into the form) but also want the functionality from taskbar.

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VS 2010 Minimize The Process While It Is Running?

May 21, 2011

I'm running a process using the Process class. My question is, how can we minimize the process while it is running?

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VS 2010 - Close But Minimize To A Notification Icon

Jan 23, 2012

In other alarm clocks I've seen, when you exit them, they close but minimize to a notification icon. I want to get that, but I don't know how. I've tried: Private Sub Form1_FormClosing(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


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Adding An Aero Effect To VB Form In VB 2010

Apr 13, 2011

visual basic 2010 code or tutorial video on how to add the aero effect to my form for Windows Xp environment? What is the code of adding an aero effect to VB form in Visual basic 2010 for Windows XP environment?

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VS 2010 - Undesirable Drag Drop Effect

Aug 30, 2010

I have a picturebox that has a semi-complex image on it and also has a series of other pictureboxes, most of which are set to not visible. The way the program works, the user can click and drag a couple different items on the parent picturebox. The things they can drag are not actual controls, but parts of the image itself. That is all working fine. While testing, I had all of the subordinate pictureboxes (there are a variable number of them) visible showing a black background. I have now improved their implementation, so I changed the display so that only the subordinate pictureboxes that actually have something in them are visible. For all the others, they have .Visible = False.

The problem is that when I click and drag on one of the items in the parent picturebox, all the invisible pictureboxes become visible. They have no image in them, so they take on the color of the backgroud behind the parent picturebox. This is undesirable. I want the invisible pictureboxes to remain invisible during the drag and drop action. The one solution that seems promising is to set the image of all those pictureboxes to some transparent image such that, though they are visible, they will not appear as anything. A bit of testing shows that this technique would work.

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VS 2010 Getting External Application Minimize,maximize Status?

Aug 23, 2011

I want to get status of an extarnal program for example notepad.is it minimize,maximize or active or in background? how can understand from my vb application?i think need to write api function. i found somethink from forums but they just control extarnal application not give a status.

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Audio Converter And Compressor - Audio & Video - Dream.In.Code

Mar 13, 2009

I just want to ask or I need some idea on how to convert wav files to mp3 and compressed the file to make the size smaller. I've search on the internet and find vorbis.dll as a reference object and lame.exe for converter. With regards to the audio compression, i downloaded monkey's audio software but doesnt have an idea on how to incorporate it.

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VS 2008 Recording Audio - Capture The Audio Played On My Laptop

Jun 11, 2009

Im trying to capture the audio played on my laptop. so i have searched the internet and found a source code for doing exactly that. the problem i have is that my audio device is not listed in the dropdown box (see picture) but it does when its run on windows xp (im running windows 7 x64) the goal of this application would be to capture my friends radio stream and save the individual played mp3's to a loction on my hard drive.(yes i have permission) i have included the source code so perhaps some 1 could have a look at it. (source code)[URL]

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VS 2010 Creating The Effect Of Control Selection At Runtime

May 16, 2010

At design-time, when one clicks a control it is selected and this state is depicted with a frame drawn around the control. I would like to know how can I mimic the same effect at runtime; that is, how can I draw a similar frame around a control when the user clicks over it?

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Make A Form (windows Forms) Minimize To The Task Bar Using VB 2010?

Jan 7, 2011

I'm using VB 2010 and simply want to have a button on the form that says Minimize.I want the form to minimize to the task bar or the notification section .I've looked at other ideas, but the code is for prior versions of VB (2003 and 2005) and some for C #Could you please email me some sample code to handle this?

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Make A VU Meter For Audio To Monitor Audio Input?

Feb 26, 2007

make a VU meter for Audio to monitor audio input devices volume level such as microphone and etc?

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Routing Modem Audio Out To SR Engine Audio Input Under VB / VBA?

May 20, 2009

I have a database application developed around Access with VBA,I have used the Speech SDK and developed an application that in conjunction with MSCOMM 6.0 library calls into a remote IVR system.It sends in the credentials and queries information in response to that IVR's verbal requests. All seems successfull except for one problem;I'm using a shared SR engine and its using the system microphone as its audio input, this in turn gets the sound from the speakers which are routed to the telephone line through the modem. Of course this has a number of disadvantages - noise added to the sound from the environment and sound quality degredation as well as speaker volume dependency.

I would like the SR engine to take its audio input from the modem in paralell with the sound that goes to the speakers (so we can listen in to the call as well). This means that I must route the system audio output to the SR engine audio input. It seems that I must use an InProc SR instance - however in VBA that type is not recognized - since the shared SR uses the microphone as input by default. there is some statement to the effect that it is difficult in Microsoft's Help file. I'm unable to set the SR audio input to the modem output stream in VBA.As needed I can accomplish the C++ interface using an ActiveX object or a DLL to expose the missing API to VBA?

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Use The Core Audio API In VB 2010?

May 20, 2012

I've been trying, without any luck whatsoever, to figure out how to use the Core Audio API in VB 2010. I started by downloading a wrapper dll located here: [URL]


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Recording An Audio Signal In .NET 2010?

May 24, 2011

I have been all over this site looking at and trying example code, but none of it seems to work properly on my computer. I just want a simple program in VB.NET 2010 that can record a .wav file from my computer / line-in microphone. I am somewhat familiar with VB, but I still consider myself a novice and I don't really know all of the audio jargin. [URL]..

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VS 2010 - How To Make Audio Converter

Jun 25, 2010

Well how can I make an Audio Converter?

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VS 2010 : Check If Audio Is Going Through Sound Card?

May 14, 2012

I was wondering what sorta code you would you to check if audio is going though a sound card?I am designing a media player and I would like to show that audio is playing.

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VS 2010 Audio Playback On Multiple Devices?

Jan 9, 2012

What I need is an application that can have several audio files open up, which in turn can be routed to any of the audio output devices (e.g. external audio card channels). See the attached image for an illustration.

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Xp Audio Auto-fader In Express 2010

Apr 7, 2012

Need to know if it is possible to use vb to either fade up or fade down the line in channel of the windows mixer in xp pro purely by system time. I can't find anything like this on the web.

Have a hospital radio setup that uses zararadio to schedule prerecorded material and live studio on a 12/24 7/7 basis to a non air audience. When off air the station rebroadcasts a local radio station sourced from an fm receiver.

The zara software can only switch the line in carrying the local station, it cannot crossfade or fade in/out and the twice daily transitions sound dreadful. The xp box and the software are synced to internet time twice daily so the timing errors are very small. Currently the zara software mutes and unmutes the line in as a timed event, accurate to the second.

I know how to read the system time and use it to drive an event, but have no knowledge of the windows mixer. I'm looking for maybe a 3 to 5 second fade at each twice daily transition. There is no requirement for user interaction and the code should auto run and survive a reboot.

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Reading And Modifying MP3 Audio-file Metadata With VB 2010?

Oct 8, 2010

Does VB 2010 offer native support for reading and modifying ID3 metadata in MP3 files? A brief search through MSDN shows me nothing, and I see someone says he had to write his own library of code for it. But that was some years ago, when you had to write code to access JPEG Exif metadata, and I know that's changed with the Image class and the GetPropertyItem method; so I'm hoping MP3 files have their own methods and properties now for this.

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VS 2010 Cannot Dispose DirectX Audio Object After Playing?

Nov 14, 2011

I'm playing an audio file like so:

VB.NET Dim audio As New Audio(Application.StartupPath & "est.wav", True) audio.Balance = 10000 audio.Play()

Which works great. But if I need to change that file, I get an UnauthorizedException because the I haven't disposed of it. But, if I add a dispose after .Play, it won't play.

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Play Audio After The Previous Audio

Sep 23, 2009

how can i play the audio after the previous audio play is finish by using directx.

assume i have audio1.wav and audio2.wav.

i play audio1.wav by this code.

audio1 = audio.fromfile("D:audio1.wav", false)

how can i play audio2.wav after audio1.wav is finish? without use any button or signal. just depends on when the audio1.wav is finish, then audio2.wav will play automatically.

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VS 2010 Animation - Add An Effect Where A Panel Sweeps Out Of The Way To Make Room For Another Panel?

Nov 24, 2011

I would like to add an effect where a panel sweeps out of the way to make room for another panel. This is sort of like a sliding effect, and I think at one point in time this could be seen on Apple's website under their product pages. I came up with some code, but it isn't working.


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