VS 2010 Minimize / Restore From Taskbar?

Feb 19, 2011

I m working on a windows application using VB.NET. Using borderless forms. Can anybody tell me how to minimize / restore that application by clicking from taskbar. (I already added minimize button into the form) but also want the functionality from taskbar.

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Minimize / Restore From Taskbar

Feb 19, 2011

I m working on a windows application using VB.NET. Using borderless forms. Can anybody tell me how to minimize / restore that application by clicking from taskbar. (I already added minimize button into the form) but also want the functionality from taskbar.

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Minimize / Restore From Taskbar?

Feb 19, 2011

I m working on a windows application using VB.NET. Using borderless forms. how to minimize / restore that application by clicking from taskbar. (I already added minimize button into the form) but also want the functionality from taskbar.

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Forms :: Minimize / Restore From Taskbar?

Feb 19, 2011

I m working on a windows application using VB.NET. Using borderless forms. Can anybody tell me how to minimize / restore that application by clicking from taskbar. (I already added minimize button into the form

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Restore All Applications And Minimize It?

Aug 24, 2010

I manage to minimize all the applications now how to restore them all ?

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VS 2008 Press F11 To Minimize The Game And F12 To Restore

Jan 22, 2010

i'm making launchers for the game MuOnline with vb 08 and i want to ask how to make when players are playing and they press F11 to minimize the game and f12 to restore the game back to fullscreen or if its window mode to restore it to window mode

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Minimize Of Programs In Taskbar?

Sep 6, 2011

How I can do minimize of programs in taskbar? I minimize form like this:

1. Select a size for minimized.

2. Select location minimized form.

My problem is: I want my programs minimized to the taskbar(picturebox) but I want to put one after another . If i select location, forms put one on another...

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How To Minimize Form On Clicking On Taskbar

Jan 12, 2012

i made a border-less form. I minimize it by clicking on a picture-box.

Private Sub picminimize_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles picminimize.Click
Me.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized
End Sub

If my form was not borderless then i could minimize and restore it by clicking on taskbar icon.... But since i made it borderless it doesnot get minimize on doing so... How do i enable it. Such that when user clicks the icon of my program on taskbar it gets minimized..

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Minimize To The Taskbar (like Where Yahoo! And MSN Icons)?

Feb 12, 2009

I added the NotifyIcon1 to my form but that is as far as i know what to do, i did google what to do and found some stuff but not what i wanted, i want it to minimize to the taskbar (like where Yahoo! and MSN icons go to when the x button is clicked on the interface) the stuff i found made it minimize to the bottom left of the screen but not into the taskbar.

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Winforms - How To Minimize A Window To The Taskbar

Jun 19, 2012

How can i Minimize the window to the Taskbar?

im using:FormBorderStyle = Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None

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Minimize A Form And Restore To Normal The Form Is Being Resize?

Jun 10, 2009

when i try to minimize a form and restore to normal the form is being resize.It's resize getting extending a form when time to minimizing a form and restore it.my form is set to formborderstyle is fixedsingle and i'm using namespace. why is hapening like that...i don't know why

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Cancel A Database Restore SMO ( Restore.Abort() )?

Jun 17, 2010

[url]..I'm trying to use the Restore.Abort function during an SMO restore process - What would be the best method?


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Switch Form Between Full Screen No Taskbar And Sizable With Taskbar?

Mar 29, 2011

I have a form in an application I'm working on that normally displays full screen without a taskbar but provide the option to switch to a minimizable window with a taskbar. When I switch from full screen without taskbar to minimizable window with taskbar everything is ok. When I try to switch back to full screen the border disappears but the taskbar is still there and the form is not aligned properly.The text at the top is cut off somewhat and there's a small margin at the right edge that shouldn't be there.I put this code in a keydown event for the form.

If Me.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None Then
Me.ControlBox = True
Me.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.Sizable[code]....

How do I get the taskbar to disappear and the form to display properly when I return to the full screen mode?

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VS 2010 Doubleclick For Maximize And Minimize

May 13, 2010

I have a form with formborderstyle = none. I already know how to move this form and resize it. But I want to maximize the form when you double click it.

I already know:

Private Sub Form1_MouseDoubleClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Me.MouseDoubleClick
WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized
End Sub

Now its maximized, but now I want it to go to the previous size, so when you double click again when maximized, the form goes back the the previous state.

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VS 2010 Minimize The Process While It Is Running?

May 21, 2011

I'm running a process using the Process class. My question is, how can we minimize the process while it is running?

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VS 2010 - Close But Minimize To A Notification Icon

Jan 23, 2012

In other alarm clocks I've seen, when you exit them, they close but minimize to a notification icon. I want to get that, but I don't know how. I've tried: Private Sub Form1_FormClosing(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


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VS 2010 - Realtime Audio / VST Effect / Minimize ?

Feb 13, 2011

What I want to do, for one, is record audio through a microphone input, then play it back with only a few milliseconds delay. Maybe a way to do this would be to record, say, 200 milliseconds, save it to a temp folder, play it, then delete and repeat? I don't know. Would my idea work? Second, I want to use a VST dll file as an effect on this audio. I have absolutely no clue as to how I could do this. (Third one is optional, not really needed, but would be nice. you don't have to answer this third one) Third, I want to minimize the feedback. An idea of mine is maybe a frequency cut off, anything above avg human voice frequencies?

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VS 2010 Restore Defaults Of The Way Things Are Displayed?

Jul 19, 2011

VS 2010 is rather annoying in that its sub windows always seem to be moving about and I have to put them back where they belong. It seems that I've completely lost one window now however- its the one that should go below solution explorer/to the right of the error reporter where all the information for the highlighted entry is displayed. How do I get this back/restore defaults of the way things are displayed?

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VS 2010 Save/Restore Trackbar Value From Settings?

Mar 8, 2012

Im having some trouble saving and restoring a TrackBars value to my settings.First of all, this trackbar is controlling a WMP components volume.. That works fine, no problems here, i can control the volume with no problems with this

Private Sub TrackBar1_Scroll(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TrackBar1.Scroll Volume.Text = TrackBar1.Value Form1.RadioPlayer.settings.volume = TrackBar1.Value
End Sub

What i want to be able to is for the application to save the value the Trackbar has been set to, when the application closes and the restore that value when it is launched again. And for this i use Application Settings.


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VS 2010 Getting External Application Minimize,maximize Status?

Aug 23, 2011

I want to get status of an extarnal program for example notepad.is it minimize,maximize or active or in background? how can understand from my vb application?i think need to write api function. i found somethink from forums but they just control extarnal application not give a status.

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VS 2010 Pin App To Taskbar?

Feb 2, 2012

so far I have searched and I am not finding anyway to "Programmatically" pin the app to the taskbar. I don't want to use powershell.

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Make A Form (windows Forms) Minimize To The Task Bar Using VB 2010?

Jan 7, 2011

I'm using VB 2010 and simply want to have a button on the form that says Minimize.I want the form to minimize to the task bar or the notification section .I've looked at other ideas, but the code is for prior versions of VB (2003 and 2005) and some for C #Could you please email me some sample code to handle this?

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VB 2010 - Disabling Taskbar, Start Menu And Alt+F4

Oct 3, 2011

I'm making a security program that locks the users screen. I have already figured out how to disable task manager but now I need to disable the task bar from showing and the start menu. Also, trying to do an event on alt+F4 doesn't seem to stop the program from exiting. Any other solutions? This program is intended for security reasons and I am not using it for any viruses.

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VS 2010 'hook' The Taskbar And Be Able To Rearrange The Buttons?

Nov 6, 2009

I have several windows open: VB, IE, Explorer... If I happen to close one accidentally, or on purpose, and reopen it, the buttons on the task bar are all messed up. I get used to them one way and I am constantly switching between the windows.Here is my question: Would I be able, in VB, to 'hook' the taskbar and be able to rearrange the buttons?I have no idea what to search for in Google. I happened upon a program once a while back, A REAL LIFE SAVER!. I could just click and drag the buttons using that one.

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VS 2010 - How To Remove Titlebar And Taskbar Icons

Dec 28, 2011

For my own personal use, I'd like to code an app that disables the icon on the upper left of the window titlebars and in the taskbar of ms windows. This is how it should look when it's done: [URL] (this little autohotkey script is broken in win 7). Is this is feasable in vb? If yes, how do I communicate with the win os? Maybe get a list of active windows and redraw them and the taskbar after replacing their icon by a blank one in memory?

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VS 2010 Show Both Forms When Clicking Taskbar?

Mar 8, 2012

I've created a form that plays some internet radio. The thing is the user wants an extra form for volume control that is docked to the side of the main form. This is no problem, i've made that, but im having some trouble making this form shown at the same time as the main form.In short what i want is that when you set focus on form1, form2 should also get in the foreground. Not focused, it should just follow form1

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Make An Advanced Taskbar In Virtual Os In Visual Basic 2010?

Aug 8, 2011

Ik how to make a taskbar but how can i make it minimized and go to the taskbar as a icon and be able to open it up again the way it was?

Bonus Question: How can i make it savable so when you leave the os the settings will be the same as you left?

Bonus Question 2: How can i make a save document button?

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VS 2010 How To Make Program Cuts Internet Connection Without Appearing In Taskbar

Jan 25, 2012

How to make program cuts Internet connection without appearing in the taskbar,I used the following methods, but did not succeed

1. shell("net stop dhcp") appear in taskbar
2. shell("ipconfig /release") appear in taskbar

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Can Get A Program To Minimize It

Nov 15, 2009

im trying to code minimizer for my game because i usually talk on instant messangers and i have to go back and forth. In addition it takes a while for me to go in the game after talking to my friend. Because of this i thought it would be easier if i can get a program to minimize it so i can talk and play. (when i mean minimizing i mean making it smaller size) I used search and google and it only shows the forms minimizing.

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Get The User For To Minimize?

Jun 22, 2010

I'm trying to write a program and am having some major issues. I've written a decent program but people are complaining about some of the cosmetic issues. I have very little experience with code (maybe 10 days of frustrating Internet research).

Here A few issues that i have that keep popping up over and over.

I'm writing the program to work through excel. We run Microsoft office 2003 and I'm just getting to VB through excel (by clicking alt+F11).

I'm trying to get the user for to minimize, but there are a lot of commands and properties that for some reason I dont have (.hWnd) (WindState) (Menu Editor) that keep popping up in various VB6 forums.Here's the about info I got from VB:

VB 6.5.1024
Forms3: 6510.500

[edit] I'm trying to do is to get my form to show up on the task bar so that it can be alt+tab to and such.

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