Rearranging Taskbar Items?
Aug 8, 2009
Im wanting to develop a little program that displays the items I have in the taskbar and Im able to sort them to how I want and thats how the show up on the taskbar. Know what I mean?here would I get started with this or is there already something out there?
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Mar 6, 2012
I have a program which runs mainly though a NotifyIcon in the bottum right of my windows screen (XP). Whenever I open the ContextMenuStrip that appears when the icon is right clicked, a box also appears in the task bar. I also have nested menus inside the menu (mouse over one item leads to another menu), and each additional menu also creates a taskbar box upon appearing. So once I am at the third or fourth nested menu, there would be 3 or 4 windows appearing in the taskbar. After the menu disapears, so do the windows in the taskbar.How can I stop the taskbar from displaying boxes to represent these menus? I have done nothing in my code as far as I know to create this type of behavior. I have searched for similar problems but have found nothing similar. There is no "showintaskbar" property for these items as far as I can see, and no other property that I can find which would affect this. I have investigated the owner of the contextmenustrip since I read the owner may effect these type of behaviors, but that doesnt seem to be helpful as there isn't an owner property of the contextmenustrip.
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Nov 16, 2011
I wanted to basically rearrange the alphabet with a keyword infront as I am doing a simple substitutional cipher. I have kind of worked out the logic of doing that but I am a bit stuck on the coding side.
What I wanted was something like:Dim key = "keyword"
For i = 0 to 26
'insert keyword and put in A to Z after without duplicating characters
'output: keywordabcfghijlmnpqstuvxz
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Aug 19, 2009
what if the lines are very long?Because i've encountered a problem such that long lines would always be arrange wrongly, example shown below:This what i want to convert:
STRUCT [2004/8/24 18:28:58, 2004/8/24 18:28:58] yc_ln45_w14
XY 7 ( 14000 149500, 159500 4000, 159500 0, 145500 0,
0 145500, 0 149500, 14000 149500)
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Mar 29, 2011
I have a form in an application I'm working on that normally displays full screen without a taskbar but provide the option to switch to a minimizable window with a taskbar. When I switch from full screen without taskbar to minimizable window with taskbar everything is ok. When I try to switch back to full screen the border disappears but the taskbar is still there and the form is not aligned properly.The text at the top is cut off somewhat and there's a small margin at the right edge that shouldn't be there.I put this code in a keydown event for the form.
If Me.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None Then
Me.ControlBox = True
Me.FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.Sizable[code]....
How do I get the taskbar to disappear and the form to display properly when I return to the full screen mode?
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Feb 6, 2011
I have a photo album gallery within my website and would like to allow users to sort the order of their photos within an album. After looking at very different ways I came across this example [URL]... which is exactly what I need. The photo are stored in the uploads directory and details in the database. The images are displayed using the ListView as shown below:
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Jul 24, 2009
How can i top the windows taskbar with the form???Like media players do(i dnt want to make a media player)
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May 20, 2011
The icon on my app should be the one on the taskbar. But its showing up as an older icon I used. I know it's not the icon file. It must be the app itself. What do I do?
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Feb 2, 2012
so far I have searched and I am not finding anyway to "Programmatically" pin the app to the taskbar. I don't want to use powershell.
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Sep 23, 2009
[URL] Check out that webpage, how would I do some of those funcitions in Visual Basic? I want the taskbar Progressbar.
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Sep 17, 2011
Screen.PrimaryScreen doesn't always work because on a multi-monitor setup the user may move his/her taskbar to a screen other than the primary. Finding the screen with minimum working area doesn't work too because there may be monitors with different resolutions.
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Oct 14, 2010
Can I add a shortcut to a folder to the taskbar? If so, what are the codes to do it?
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Jan 16, 2009 application i'd like to have the application button (with both icon and text) on the windows taskbarbut i need to do not have the caption bar on the application frame.How can i do it
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Jun 19, 2012
Is there is away to hide my application from task bar?I have tried:Me.Hide(task bar.
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Jan 8, 2010
I have an icon in the systray. When you click the icon, it display a form I created. I want it to up where the task bar is located. its all good if its in the bottom. How do I determine where its located?
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Jul 21, 2010
The title of our forms is Company Name - Application Name - Form Name This makes selecting the form you want on the TaskBar a bit difficult since the Form Name is not shown. We would like the TaskBar caption to be Form Name - Application Name - Company Name or simple Form Name From my searches, this CANNOT be done except by using an invisible form that displays on the TaskBar which calls the visible form that does not display on the TaskBar.
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Sep 14, 2011
I want to flash the taskbar application button orange if it is not focused
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Dec 21, 2010
I am developing a windowsforms app in VS 2008. I have set the icon in the project properties. It is a tray application. The icon appears properly in the tray and in the taskbar when the application is maximized, but the icon does not show when I right click on the taskbar icon. There are 3 choices: My Program Name, Pin this program to taskbar, and Close Window. This is a built in context menu, but I have no idea how to get my icon in the first item in the list, which is my program.
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Sep 2, 2009
If a user has a few of my applications open and he/she minimises them I would like to group these in the task bar like MS Word for example.
Product Name - Application 1
Product Name - Application 2
Product Name - Application 3
Product Name - Application 4
Because all of my applications begin with the product in the Title bar can this be achived.
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May 16, 2010
In almost all messengers when your IM window is minimized to the taskbar, IM taskbar item changes color or gets brighter when you have a new message
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Sep 22, 2010
I have the hwnd of every application active on the desktop and the index of them own taskbar buttons (hwnd1 ==> button index= 1 ; hwnd2 ===> button index = 3 etc etc)
I whould like to press the buttons to activate the applications by code
I have tried several kind of SetForegroundWindow code found on the web, but the code not always works... often only I obtain to flash incessantly the buttons.
I have tried several kinf of SendMessage code found on the web... no one works.
To simulate the Alt+Tab keys is not a good idea, because appears for some istants the alt+tab window..
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Jun 22, 2010
MDI Parent. that behaves same like taskbar, whenever a new form is opened there will be a link for the form, and also having RightClick Menu from which i can close maximize and minimize the form.
is any featcher like this is provided by the microsoft ?
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Feb 19, 2011
I m working on a windows application using VB.NET. Using borderless forms. Can anybody tell me how to minimize / restore that application by clicking from taskbar. (I already added minimize button into the form) but also want the functionality from taskbar.
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Feb 19, 2011
I m working on a windows application using VB.NET. Using borderless forms. how to minimize / restore that application by clicking from taskbar. (I already added minimize button into the form) but also want the functionality from taskbar.
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Sep 6, 2011
How I can do minimize of programs in taskbar? I minimize form like this:
1. Select a size for minimized.
2. Select location minimized form.
My problem is: I want my programs minimized to the taskbar(picturebox) but I want to put one after another . If i select location, forms put one on another...
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Feb 18, 2009
I have a program that has a main window, and a progression of other windows that all open from each other. I only want the main window to show in the taskbar, and I want to be able to minimize at any window, and have every window minimize to a single item in the taskbarThe problem is: when I set each form's 'SHOWINTASKBAR' to True, every form shows in the taskbar instead of just one. If I set the 'SHOWINTASKBAR' property to False, they don't minimize to the taskbar.
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Dec 16, 2009
Is it possible to make my app only have one tab on the taskbar? I have already created all the forms and now i am 'tidying it up' and i want there to only be one tab for the whole app. Will i have to set one form as a parent and all the others as child forms? Or is there a setting that just needs to be turned off?
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Jan 28, 2012
I am making a Kiosk system and would like to recreate the Windows Taskbar in VB.NET, specifically the window management features of the taskbar: displaying open windows, switching between windows, and highlighting which window has focus. if the taskbar had the same positioning properties as the Windows Taskbar, in that even when other windows had focus the taskbar would still have focus and would not taking focus away from windows on the screen, and maximized windows would not maximize over the taskbar.
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Nov 18, 2009
In my program, I would like to make it so that when you press the start button, it does something else INSTEAD of showing the taskbar. How do I modify this code to do that?
I tried putting in start where it says enter, but that didn't work.
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Oct 28, 2009
So heres a image of what I'm trying to do [URL].. My application is a toolbar sort of thing.. I want it to be stuck to the user's taskbar and the '::'s in the example will be draggable areas so they can move the toolbar left and right above the taskbar.
What I need help doing is: 1. How can I get my app to stick to the users taskbar? I know I cant set the position to mine because different screen resolutions etc, is it possible to do?
2. How can I make the draggable areas only drag left and right and not up and down?
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