Record Is Not Saving In Datavew In Program

Mar 26, 2012

I am using this code of

Filling Data Set, Assign DataView, Navigating Record.

Every things is going fine. but permanently record is not updating (Saving) in SQL Server Express.[code]...

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Saving Data Added In Other Forms In Program To A Single Record?

Apr 16, 2009

I have been working on a project which is used by a company's sale team, to combine all the wanted input data in one place allowing the sales team to show customers, where switching to them could save them money.

Basically what i want is a program which can save single records, which can hold data added in other text boxes, or indeed take the data from the list view boxes which is the intended output. I want to be able to save that data, then be able to Open it up again at a later date, and even modify it.

enabled me to save the three ways to identify a single record, the index number, company name and the date it was added. However I now need a way to save the data entered in my other forms to these single records.

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Text File Array - Read The Next Record - Cut Record Out Of The Program

May 5, 2010

Im wondering how would i work with a text file. which would allow me to Read the next Record, Cut record out of the program.

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Error Saving Record To Database?

Nov 10, 2011

When i Click on Add New Record. Then it will auto generate a ID example like 00001. The program will then open the other Fields. After i fill up the form and Click on Submit. It shows the error that my ID is NULL which its not when i look it clearly shows in the form i filled up before submitting.The generated ID on the text box doesn't seem to be forwarded to the database.

ID Data type set in the Database is Numeric(5,0)

VB 2010 Express using the Built in Database

Add New Record Button [VB Behind][code].......

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Saving A Data Record To Database?

Jul 21, 2009

i am getting a error went i update or save a record to my database.

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Saving Record Using Datagridview Control

Jan 4, 2010

I would like to save records in my unbound datagridview to a table in my database. The datagridview was manually created during design and is not bounded to any table. After the user has filled in the rows and columns, I would like all the rows to be inserted into the table. How do I go about this?

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2010 .Net MAster Detail Form Not Saving Record?

Nov 15, 2011

I am new to and have created a simple master detail windows form. I created a two table data set and then dropped the master table on the form as a continues form or a detail form with several text boxes to hold the data. The child form is a data grid.

test data that I have added directly to the database shows up with the proper parent child relationships on the form. I can also enter new records into the database using the parent only portion of my form.

When I attempt to enter a complete record with data in both the parent form and the child data grid I get this error. The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint


I have searched for a possible reason for this error but can not find any explanation. I have noted in earlier versions of you had to enter code to save the child record, but the VB 2010 code does not seem to use the same syntax so I assumed the UpdateAll eliminated the need for the extra code

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Saving Record In DataGrid - Syntax Error In Update Command

May 22, 2010

I have an Access DB that lists customer details in a datagrid and in textboxes, when I use the edit button I can edit in the textboxes and when I click save the record is saved and shows in the datagrid. But when I exit the program I get "Syntax error in update command" Im not sure why because there are no errors in the error pane at the bottom

This is the code for save button
sender As
[Code] .....

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Program Saving User Selected Image And Reloading It Upon Program Load

Jul 4, 2012

I have my rpg, still, first time working on it n ages, and I want each user to be able to set their own personalized picture background for the game...

each character in the game has its own dedicated folder for each file that the character has relating to it...

what I want to know how to do, is to have my game copy the loaded/chosen background image to their respective characters data folder, and have the game reload/reset the games default background image, to the one piced by he player...I am having a hard time figuring out how to do this however...I've tried a lot of different things...and nothing is working yet...

here is my example code right now:


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Update Server Program When Client Program Added Record To Database?

Aug 18, 2010

I am creating a very simple Voting System, that will be use on electing new set of officer in a teacher cooperative...

So I have to create two separate program, a Server Program that will manage all the information in the election and a Client Program where voters will vote their selected candidate...

The election officers wanted that the Server Program will display the Voting Results at real time... So when the Voter finished voting, The Voting Result displayed by the Server Program will also be updated every time the Client Program Insert the data to Database....

An action listener in Server Program that will execute if new data is inserted in a Table in the Database made by the Client Program...

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Program First Open And Saving Data When Program Is Closed?

Nov 19, 2011

I am currently working on a menu driven console program that so far has 4 menu options of checking internet connection, decrypting/encrypting a message, calculator, and a logout, and i am wondering about a few current things.

1. How do i make it to where, when a program starts for the first time, it asks for a user to enter in his data, like signing up for a site for the first time?

2. How do i make it to where the program will save the data entered, and does not delete when the user closed the program.

3. How can i make it to where when a user signs in, his/her data is read correctly? Like an array search for a multidimensional array.For my "New user" sign data i created a function...

Function createNewUser() As String()
Dim name As String
Dim userName As String[code]...

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DataGridView Saving - Set Employee ID In The Related Table In The Grid to The Value From The Employee Record?

Sep 15, 2009

I have a VB project with a form where user adds/modifies the data, data are stored in SQL. On the form there are 2 tables that are linked by employee ID. When I test the process and insert a new employee record and add new comment for this new employee in DataGridView - when I save it I get an error that "Object reference is not set to an instance of an object". During more detailed debug it says that CurrentCell is set to Nothing - even that I do have values in all fields.I do set employee ID in the related table in the Grid to the value from the employee record - so all primary keys do have value and the comment is saved after all but I get an error and saved comment dissapears from the screen right after saving. When I pull the same new record again - everything is saved. What am I missing and how to avoid the error and dissapearing of the saved comment?

Also - I tried to save the new employee data in the first table first and then add comments - it didn't solve the problem. But if I add first part of information in the main table, save and close the form, then go back and add comment - it works fine. The problem is - it's not convenient for the user - they'd like to enter everything at once.

Private Sub TblCommentsBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles TblCommentsBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click

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Retrieve The Record And Display The Record In A Listbox Displaying The Time Field As The Text For That Record?

Apr 18, 2009

I hav a web service which pull records from a database and I am hosting these services in IIS which works fine but I am trying to retrieve the record and display the record in a listbox displaying the time field as the text for that record.I have created the following function

public sub get_data()
dim dt as new data.dataTable
dim service as ws webservice.webservice


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Quering Record - Check A Record In Database Before Inserting A New Record

Aug 9, 2010

I am trying to check a record in database before inerting a new record here is my code but problem is when i enter a names first alphabet it imediatly populate massage. i want to check it after entering whole name

Private Sub TextBox1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles TextBox1.KeyPress
Dim cnString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" &


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Saving Program Settings

Jun 15, 2009

Okay, i have this program that gives the user some settings that need to be saved and loaded when the program runs. Can anyone help me with this?

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How To Add Record Navigation On Program

Oct 12, 2009

I have already connected MS Access to Visual Basic .NET 2003 through this tutorial [URL] I want to add some record navigation on my program like Previous Next Add Delete Save buttons.

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Record Audio In Program?

Mar 16, 2010

I'd like to make a program, what records audio, not sound

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Saving A File When Closing Program?

Nov 23, 2011

I am trying to write a code that lets you open a text file and display it in a text box. I need to make it so that when the user tries to close the program it will ask them if they want to save any changes made to it.

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Saving The Value Of A Variable When Program Is Closed?

Feb 8, 2012

I am looking for an easy way to save the value of a variable when a program is closed. And then when it is reopened the variable has the same value as what it was previously when the program was closed. The variable has an integer value.

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Add A New Record To Datagridview Control In Program?

Jun 25, 2012

I want to add to my site a simple table/excel-like feauture that will display some values. So, I added a gridview. I don't use Datasets or database biding at all. All I have is a small form with two entries. When the user clicks a button, I want to add some values to the datagridview control as a new row. How do I add a new record to datagridview control in VB.NET?[code]...

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Display Certain Record From DB As Program Starts?

Jul 13, 2010

I've got a very simple SQL database program that lets me change user information in a table. I have two textboxes that show the user information but I want it to show a specific record as the program loads.

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Record Video In Wmv Format Using Program?

Apr 7, 2010

Code to Record video from video devices in wmv format using

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Set Up Program To Insert A New Record To Database?

Mar 11, 2010

i'm trying to set up my program to insert a new record to my database i keep getting a insert syntax error

Private Sub btnAdd_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAdd.Click


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Saving All Tabs And Loading When Program Opens?

Dec 28, 2010

How can I combine specialized string collections so that I can accomplish this :

-Save all the tab's texts from a tabcontrol
-Save contents of the tabs : eg.Every tab contains a label and I save the text of each label

And the real problem:
-Loading them when the program opens

I have made some thoughts about saving them, but not about loading them
For Each item As TabPage In TabControl1.TabPages
Dim name As String = item.Text
[Code] .....

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Saving Changes Made In A Program Into The Access Database

Oct 7, 2009

I've seen used the datagridview to save the changes.

I don't use a dgv, but rather I connect directly to access and when a text field has text in it, it takes that text and searches, and updates various text boxes with the according information (finds a row, and takes all the data in the columns and adds it into their respective box). There are approximately 5-7 text boxes being used at the same time, and only a few will be changed.

How would I go about updating and saving through the VB program?

Here are some relevant pieces of code:

Dim con As OleDbConnection = New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=C:\InventoryMusic.mdb")


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Saving Checkbox State Between Program Runs?

Mar 16, 2011

Iam looking for a way to save a checkbox' state between runs. So that if a checkbox is checked and the program is the closed down, it will remain checked when the program starts up again and vice versa. I've found som deferent guides around the web but i cant seem to get it to work..

Private Sub Form1_FormClosing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing
Dim ExtApp As Integer


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VS 2008 - Saving Program Settings In Document?

Oct 3, 2009

How do I save my programs settings in a document? Like total sessions used, Total accounts created. Also, How do I make a text file save and load every time the program is opened or closed? The saved accounts should be like this in the text file.

Account: Account name E-Mail: E-Mail used Password: Password used

Account name, Password, E-Mail will will all be in a textbox or combobox so if you can make it save from there. I have an total accounts created combobox. How would I make that load into a combobox and then when session is closed they all save. So loaded into a combobox then saved into a text file.

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VS 2008 : Saving Settings In Program NOT On Computer?

Mar 17, 2012

I would like to create a program that user can save his settings in the program and not on the computer .I want to make something like icon changer ιnstead it will work for strings not icons String Changer?

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VS 2008 Making Preferences To Program And Saving

Sep 27, 2010

The projects I've made in VS 2008 and VB6 are pretty basic. I use VS 2008 now, and I was wondering how I could accomplish something like this:Let's say I want to make a toolbar and in the toolbar (under Options...) I want to open up a dialog box that will allow users to change preferences to the software I've made. Let's say, for instance, they can set the background color of the main form to customize their software a bit.

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Delete Record From Datagrid Using Checkbox In Program?

Aug 27, 2011

How can i delete record from datagrid in using checkbox i.e when i click on checkbox it should display conformation message.

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