Reference ContextMenuStrip From Controls Collection?

Jan 6, 2010

I am writing a simple control translation function that reads an XML file containing control names and their localized text. Within the application, each time a form is loaded, it iterates through every control and tests to see if that control is defined in the XML file. If it is, it then sets the control text to whatever localized text is defined in the XML file.

There are some tests and additional requirements (i.e. nested loops) for TabControl and MenuStrip etc., but the control that is giving me the most trouble is the ContextMenuStrip.[code]...

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VS 2008 Adding Controls ContextMenuStrip At Runtime?

Jan 15, 2012

im trying to work with adding controls in runtime. Anyways ive added a ContextMenuStrip control in runtime and added a item called "Display". The ContextMenuStrip is also added to textbox's that are also added in runtime and when i right click a textbox i see the "Display" but i want it to do "msgbox(textbox.text)" when i click "Display".


View 1 Replies - Add Controls To A Collection And Update From Collection

Mar 25, 2011

I have an ASP.NET app with lots of textboxes all over the page that need updating at various points through program execution. These textboxes actually belong to a certain class, so for easy updating I thought I could create a Dictionary(Of string, object) and add the control.ID and the control to it and then for updating do something like this:


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Add Object To Collection (copy Not Reference)?

Mar 27, 2009

i have a user define object which i'm initializing with data from external datafiles.... the purpose of this object is to reduce the amount of disk/data access and processing required every time i need to add an instance of this object to a, whenever i add a copy of this object to a collection, i would simply reference the "base" object, and avoid having to process all the data and perform the conversion and so on...the issue is when i add the object

Collection.add(Base_Object, Key)

the collection ITEM is a Reference to the base object and not a copy.

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Define A Collection In .NET So Can Reference Items Either By Value Or Name

Apr 18, 2011

I often have a class defined and I also define another class that is simply a collection of the other class. To do this I found it easiest just to define the other class as Inherits List(Of Type). The reason I define a collection class is to add extra functionality to the collection. Take the following code for example.

Class Car
Property Name As String
Property Year As Short


how can I define my own collection so that I can reference it by index or name like that. Right now I can only reference it by index.

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Get A Reference To The Screens Collection In VB Express 8?

Mar 2, 2010

I've tried this example directly from MSDN:

Dim Screens() As System.Windows.Forms.Screens

and I can't find a way to get a reference to the Screen. I've checked my references and they seem fine but I may have missed something. Anyone experience this or know of a bug?

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Readonly Reference To Parent/collection?

Feb 22, 2011

When it comes to creating trees or collections, sometimes I want child elements to have a reference to the parent. Obviously it is important that the parent and child references to each other remain in sync. It seems natural to have code in the parent "addchild" and "removechild" methods that updates the child's parent reference.t also, the reference to the parent should probably be readonly, so it can only be changed at the appropriate time.Two examples in .Net that I've seen are the TreeNode and datagridview controls

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Collection To Place These Objects In For Easy Reference?

Nov 11, 2011

I have an error while using a collection that has been stumping me for years.I wrote a class to allow users to write equations in a txt file using RPN (stack based notation).The class runs through a select statement while reading the equation and then ends up with a final number as the answer. I have a collection to place these objects in for easy reference. For whatever reason I get random object reference not set to an instance of an object errors when there is nothing in the program that would remove objects from the collection, kill objects, or change the collection in any way. It is possible for one thread to call the calculate function while another thread calls the CurrentValue property. I'm not sure if this could be causing the error, but once it happens I get an error every time the program enters that code until I run out of memory.


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Not All Controls In Collection Are Being Copied?

Dec 13, 2011

I'm a bit confused here. I'm copying all the controls from one form to a panel on the main form and for some reason only about half of them copy.

Private Sub switchComponent()
Dim selection As String = TreeView1.SelectedNode.Text

When stepping through the code, serverDic(selection).Controls has 12 elements, but only 6 of them get copied. Next time this gets called, only 3 get copied. Does Panel1.Controls.clear() somehow kill the references?

EDIT: Just to show that there are infact 12 elements in the collection:

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Loop Through A Collection Of Controls?

Feb 24, 2010

Im trying to loop through a collection of controls see code:

Private Sub addZeros()
For Each ctrl As Control In Me.Controls
If TypeOf ctrl Is GroupBox Then


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Working With The Controls Collection?

Feb 17, 2010

I often see code snippets for handling each control of a certain type on a form or panel, etc.They always start with For Each ctrl and the do a test for control type.Many .NET users are not aware, as I was not until I tried it recently, that we can LINQ on the controls collection.Below is a simple sub I created for resetting every checkbox on a panel I use as a validator.

Private Sub ResetCheckBoxes(ByRef pnl As Panel)
Dim ctrls as System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of Object)
ctrls = From c In pnl.Controls Where TypeOf (c) Is CheckBox


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Access FontDialog's Controls Collection?

Aug 27, 2010

Does anyone know how I can access the FontDialog's controls collection? I would like to disable the Font Style ListBox, set the Font Style's TextBox to readonly and disable the UnderLine and StrikeOut CheckBoxes.

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Assign A Group Name To A Collection Of Controls?

Apr 15, 2011

Maybe if I knew the right termanology, I could find the answer myself.. I am going to run a fairly long list of "If"s that will determine if certain controls appear on the form or not. In it's simplest form would be:


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Get Last Instance Of Collection Controls Using Linq?

Mar 6, 2012

How to get the last instance of label control in List (of Control) using linq?

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Add Controls To A Collection Runtime(toolstripmenus To A Menustrip)?

Dec 29, 2009

I am trying to add controls to a collection runtime(toolstripmenus to a menustrip) However, when I try to loop through the collection, it says something like: "Collection has been edited. Listing function cannot be done" (it's a free translation since i have a finnish VB)

View 2 Replies - Detecting If Controls Exist In A Control Collection?

Mar 12, 2009

I am trying to dynamically add some css and js elements into an ASP.Net page at runtime, but because this code is used in mutliple controls I need to ensure that the relevant links are only injected once.

Currently I have the folowing code in the OnPreRender event.

Dim head As HtmlControls.HtmlHead = Me.Parent.Page.Header
If Not _useCustomStyles Then
Dim litCustomCss As New LiteralControl("<link rel=" & Chr(34) & "stylesheet" &


Does .Contains look for this instance of an object (which I assume is why this is failing)?

Is there a way to check the controls collection for a specific id? Or am I going to have to write a sub to loop through the existing controls in the collection checking for the id.

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Determine The Type Of Control In The Controls Collection

Oct 9, 2009

I have a small piece of code that iterates through the controls collection on a panel (below) Everything works fine until I want to focus on a control that doesn't support the selectall method i.e. a datetimepicker. Is there any way of determining the type of control and not call the selectall method when the type is datetimepicker. All my other controls support it so that's the only one I need to exclude.


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Javascript - Modifying Controls Collection Error

Mar 31, 2011

I need a function to be performed on the page load, which uses a stored session variable. I have added the following to my <body> tag.

<body onload="doSomething(event,'<%= Session("StartTime") %>')>

This does work. However, it is causing a problem elsewhere, when I try to add a control to my controls collection:


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VS 2008 - Access The FontDialog's Controls Collection

Aug 27, 2010

Does anyone know how I can access the FontDialog's controls collection? I would like to disable the Font Style ListBox, set the Font Style's TextBox to readonly and disable the UnderLine and StrikeOut CheckBoxes.

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Adding Controls Made At Design Time To Collection

Jun 2, 2011

I'm trying to make a collection class for buttons to address them as a whole, only I want to design the buttons at design time, and not add/set their properties programatically at runtime. Each button has its own image, so it doesn't seem right to add a bunch of lines of code which assign the properties when they're always going to be the same thing.Is it possible to create the controls at design time and then add them to an array at runtime? I did this, iterating through the buttons on the form and adding each of them to the class below.The problem is that once they're added they seem to be a different instance because changing their positions has no effect on the design-buttons on the form. Essentially i wanted the collection to be a reference to the items belonging to the form.Is that possible or should I be doing this a different way?[code]

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Looping Though A List Or Collection Of Controls Available In The Development Enviroment?

Apr 12, 2009

How can I find a List or Collection of User Controls available within the development enviroment and dynamically add them to a combox by their Name Property. I am looking for something along the lines of:

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VS 2005 - Controlcollection - Make A Collection Of Controls That I Can Loop Through

Mar 2, 2010

I am trying to make a collection of controls that I can loop through. So I have this code in my form... Dim WizardFrameCollection As New Control.ControlCollection(Nothing)

I then try to add controls to the collection by I get a error "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." WizardFrameCollection.Add(Me.GroupBox1) I am not sure why I am getting this error. Groupbox1 is a groupbox that is on the form.

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Dereferencing Objects - Make CopiedCollection A True Copy (not A Reference) To The Listbox1.Items Collection?

Jun 30, 2010

Okay I've been wondering about this for a while now, but whenever you assign variable values to objects they tend to just become references to the original object

For example:

Dim copiedCollection As ListBox.ObjectCollection = ListBox1.Items
For Each L As String In copiedCollection
If L = "Goodbye" Then ListBox1.Items.Remove(L)

As soon as it encounters the string "Goodbye" and removes the item from the listbox, the program will throw an error saying the the collection (copiedCollection) has been modified. How can I make copiedCollection a true copy (not a reference) to the Listbox1.Items collection?

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Expose Methods And Properties Of User Controls Contained In A Collection?

Mar 9, 2009

at some points, I need to call the same method on those controls (ex. user presses the clear button on the big control, I want to call the clear f(x) on each of the controls)I thought to toss the controls in a collection, and then be able to handle them something like this:
nextturns out, and I should have realized, methods and properties of controls are not exposed when treated this way. The only thing that can be seen is the stuff that the base class (control, I guess) has.

View 2 Replies - Iteratively Reference Controls By Name Pattern (.NET)?

Sep 26, 2011

Is there a way to iteratively reference an ASP.NET control based on it's name pattern? Perhaps by a "pointer" or something?What I have are a large set of comboboxes (each with an associated DropDownList and TextBox control). The DropDownList always has an item selected by default, but the use may wish to submit a NULL value. I come up with the following code to handle three cases: NULL, Existing Item, New Item.

'TextBoxControl & DropDownListControl should iteratively reference their
' respective TextBox & DropDownList controls by the actual control name


The problem is, with so many comboboxes, I could easily end up with hundreds of lines of code. I wish to handle this in a more dynamic way, but I do not know if it is possible to reference controls in this way. Say I wanted to reference all the TextBox Controls and DropDownList Controls, respectively.

I can do string formatting with a given naming pattern to generate a name ID for any of the controls because they are all named with the same pattern. For example by attaching a specific suffix, say "_tb" for TextBox Controls and "_ddl" for DropDownList Controls:

Left(item.SelectedItem.ToString, item.SelectedItem.ToString.Length - 3) + "_tb"

Can this sort of thing be done in VB? Ultimately, my goal is to take the value entered/selected by the user, if any, and send it to a stored procedure on SQL Server for insertion into the database.

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What Is The Best Reference Material On WPF Custom Controls

Aug 24, 2009

I currently do all development work in VB.NET 2008, winforms; but within 18 months will be switching to WPF (for better or worse). I have had great success using Matthew MacDonald's "Pro NET 2.0 Windows Forms and Custom Controls in VB 2005" book. This is an excellent reference focused entirely on the development of custom controls in windows forms. ( Many of the controls that I use have to have a very specific UI look and feel, so they end up being custom.

I'm looking for pretty much the exact same thing, except focused on WPF. MacDonald has a new book coming out on WPF in general ,but not on custom controls. Books are my preferred reference material, but any good web references.

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Added Reference; Microsoft Internet Controls (COM Tab)

Jan 8, 2012

I was trying to make my program see if was running in internet explorer.

I added the following

Private Function isFaceBookOpen() As Boolean
For Each ie As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer In New SHDocVw.ShellWindows()
Dim filename As String = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ie.FullName).ToLower()
If filename = "iexplore" Then


And added reference; Microsoft Internet Controls (COM tab) but i also need to add this reference; Microsoft.mshtml (.NET tab)

Problem is that i can't find that reference. BTW, I want the function to be triggered by a timer.

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C# - Remove Id Tags From Controls That Don't Reference In Code Behind

Apr 3, 2012

I'm wondering about a feature in Visual Studio. Personally it bugs me when I open a solution someone else has been working on and it's full of Controls with Ids like "label27" "textbox3" etc. One of the first things I do is either rename them or remove them if they are never referenced in code behind (as is usually the case with the labels).


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C# - When Using FormView With Templates, Reference Controls Statically?

Jul 18, 2009


<asp:FormView ID="frmEmployee" runat="server">
<asp:TextBox ID="txtFirstName" runat="server" />


is there a way to reference this control statically, without having to use FindControl?

txtFirstName.Text = "George"
txtFirstName.Text = "George";

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Forms :: Reference Text Controls In Other Tabs

Sep 2, 2011

i am building a tab control (using VS 2010 and 4.0 framework). on Tab 0, this works as expected:

Me.ddUE_B1.SelectedValue = Me.B1.Text <-- changes the combo box selection to what is in the label.

on the other tabs this does not work. when I do a messagebox to show, say, Me.Ea1.Text on Tab 1, nothing is returned.

Is there an issue with referencing controls on tabs that I am missing? In general, I will need to set combo box's value to what is in the database when the form loads.

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