Reference Current Http Context When Using HttpListener?

Aug 6, 2011

When using ASP we can reference HttpContext.Current from anywhere in the code to get at the current http context.

I want to do something similar using HttpListener, so that I can access GET/POST data etc from anywhere in my code. Can I reference some global object for this, or do I need to explicitly pass the current HttpListenerContext object all through my code?

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Error 'UpdateInput' Does Not Exist In The Current Context

Oct 9, 2010

I couldnt find any where else on this forum for C# so I just posted here because Im using Visual Basic C# 2008 Express. Im making my first game and Ive come across this error: The name 'UpdateInput' does not exist in the current context.


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.net - Send HTTP Auth Credentials With A WCF Service Reference

Sep 4, 2009

I'm attempting to consume a HTTP Basic Auth Secured PHP WebService using VB.NET. I've so far managed to get 100% perfect integration by adding it as a Web Reference and doing the following:

Dim Credentials = New System.Net.NetworkCredential("username", "password")
Dim CredentialCache = New System.Net.CredentialCache()
CredentialCache.Add(New Uri(MyWebService.Url), "Basic", Credentials)
MyWebService.Credentials = CredentialCache
MyWebService.PreAuthenticate = True

I can also successfully add the webservice as a 'Service Reference' and this also works fine, as long as i turn off all HTTP authentication on the SOAP server.

My problem is that I can't find any documented means of sending basic HTTP Auth Credentials when using Service References as opposed to 'Web References'

Am I right in my understanding that 'Web References' are a legacy method of Web Service consumption?

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LINQ To SQL: Reference The Data Context When Extending A Table Object?

Jul 27, 2009

If I'm extending OnCreated for a LINQ to SQL table object, is it possible to get a reference to the data context to which the table belongs? For example, if I add a property to the data context:

Partial Class MyDataContext
Private _myValue As String
Public ReadOnly Property MyValue As String


I don't want the property on the data context to be Shared, because it could be different per instance. I've been pouring over the designer code to figure out where the reference might be, but no luck yet.

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How To Reference The Current Control

Jun 6, 2012

When I am working in a project I can reference the current form using "ME"...

Is there a way to reference the current control?

For example I am working in the button1_click subroutine. I can type button1.text but is there a MYCURRENTCONTROL.text that I can use?

View 1 Replies - Reference Current/Working Directory In .NET?

May 4, 2011

I am after the one which is most used. A number of ones I have come across are:


Application.StartupPath (this one doesn't work for me, missing a library?) I am using it to save a file, for argument sake, "test.txt"

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Can't Reference A File In Current Directory

May 6, 2012

I'm making a Windows Forms application and I am about to publish it to a ClickOnce to distribute on a CD. The program refers to a LOT of files, e.g. pictures, which I have in a folder on disc called GAMEFILES. It's in the Solution Explorer. That folder does itself have a lot of subfolders. (I'm sort of a tidiness freak.)[code]...

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HTTP Client Component For Communicating With HTTP Servers

Jan 17, 2009

Anyone know anymore .DLL Files that are like this?

HTTP client component for communicating with HTTP servers. [URL]

Im looking for something that acts like Web Browser Control But it is not. It should be like HttpWebRequest Class But handle the stuff properly like a Web Browser Control Does.

So i found Chilkat HTTP .NET

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Regex - Extracting HTTP Link(http://) For The String In .NET?

Sep 28, 2011

I have the following column values in my table Sample values:


I want to have 2 variables having the links and content separate - example:


I guess it can be done via String functions or regular expression.

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HttpListener Does Not Work Too Well

Sep 19, 2009

I wrote a HttpListener console application just to test it. I have been able to get the Httplistener class to respond to request for the local host, but not for any other URL. Any ideas? All examples I have seen on the Web just parrot what's on MSDN but no one has actually said that they got it work for any other URL other than local host.

In my code, I will add a URL to listen to like:Prefixes.Add("http://junk1234:80/"It it registers just fine(no errors) but when I type in http://junk1234:80 in my browser, my application just sits there and does not respond.

This works just fine(+ is a wild card to listen to any URL):Prefixes.Add("http://+:8080/") Browser URL: Http://localhost:8080 But if I change the URL to Http://junk3333:8080, my Listener code does not see it even though it should see any URL on port 8080.

I am running on Vista Home Premium(.Net 3.5) but running my listener console app as a admin.

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Reading XML From The Httplistener?

Mar 30, 2009

what am I missing here.. I'm using the MSDN example but I want toread the xml that is coming as part of the XML..

Public Sub AsynchronousListener(ByVal prefixes() As String)
' spin up listener
listener = New HttpListener()


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Error: The CLR Has Been Unable To Transition From COM Context 0x4cefd8 To COM Context 0x4cf148 For 60 Seconds

Aug 20, 2009

When bulk renaming files (14000 of them) i get this error: The CLR has been unable to transition from COM context 0x4cefd8 to COM context 0x4cf148 for 60 seconds. The thread that owns the destination context/apartment is most likely either doing a non pumping wait or processing a very long running operation without pumping Windows messages. This situation generally has a negative performance impact and may even lead to the application becoming non responsive or memory usage accumulating continually over time. To avoid this problem, all single threaded apartment (STA) threads should use pumping wait primitives (such as CoWaitForMultipleHandles) and routinely pump messages during long running operations.

My code is as follows:

Private Sub frmTest_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim asd As List(Of String) = FileIO.FileSystem.GetFiles("D:Music").ToList
Dim rs As New ADODB.RecordSet("SELECT * FROM Songs", My.Settings.Files_Database__Connection)


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.net - HttpListener As A Windows Service?

Mar 28, 2011

I have an httpListener exe that is working great. What I need to do now is make it a service (I think) so that when the server is rebooted, this program will start automatically. I found a few tutorials for making services and I got one installed, but when I started it, it said it took to long to respond. I was thinking that might be because I have a while true loop going in the onStart method.

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Allow HttpListener In To Allow Outside Access?

Aug 14, 2009

How do i allow the HttpListener in to allow outside access?

For testing purposes i have set it up to use the same ports as my webserver uses so there are no firewall issues.

the prefixes are set up to take the localhost on port 80 the realm is unset AuthenticationSchemes = Net.AuthenticationSchemes.Anonymous

it works just fine locally on the machine, but cant be reached by web browser on any other machine on my network

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Communicate With An HTTPLISTENER That Have Created?

Dec 28, 2011

I've got this code below that creates an HTTPLISTENER that is nicely waiting at listener.GetContext().How do I communicate with this from another VB app? I cannot seem to get WebRequest.Create to work with the URI that my HTTPLISTENER example is using. This line of code from a second app is not working:

Dim request As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create(prefixes(0))

Here is the code:


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Communicate With An HTTPLISTENER That I Have Created?

Dec 28, 2011

I've got this code below that creates an HTTPLISTENER that is nicely waiting at listener.GetContext().[code]....

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Reference A Particular Code Routine In .net External To The Current Loop/routine?

Apr 17, 2011

is there any way to reference a particular code routine in external to the current loop/routine?Example:

If Var01 < 5
[Routine A]
[Routine B]
End If

where Routine A and Routine B are code sequences at the end of the entire program -- such as outside of the current sub or class? The idea would be to reference an otherwise repetitive code.

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2005 Simulate A Web Browser's File Download Using Net.HttpListener?

Aug 8, 2009

In vb2005 how do you simulate a web browser's file download using Net.HttpListener?This current program functions somewhat like a webserver. how when a client from a web browser
asks for a file do i allow them to down load the file? currently the method will tell the browser that there is a file but it will fail after the client oks the file for download.

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VS 2008 How To Stop Async Operation (httplistener/begingetcontext)

Dec 30, 2011

I've created an httplistener and I'm using the async method it has.Starts like this on a BUTTON click in my test app

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim prefixes() As String = {"http://*:8080/HttpListener/"}
End Sub


This forces the callback to fire - for some reason that I don't quite understand and it gets this error...


The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an application request at this line

Private Sub GetContextCallBack(ByVal result As IAsyncResult)
'Dim listener As HttpListener = CType(result.AsyncState, HttpListener)
Dim context As HttpListenerContext = m_listener.EndGetContext(result)

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VS 2010 HTTPListener Of Large Memory Stream Vs File I/o

Feb 24, 2012

I have a user interface app that allows you to drag/drop in files - and it turns them into HttpListener request POST's to another EXECUTABLE that I have running - let's call it BACKEND1. BACKEND1 will be running on a SERVER when this gets ready for production use. Lots and lots of users running the UI - all dragging in files - all getting POST'ed to BACKEND1 - with the file included as a memory stream in the POST. BACKEND1 responds to the UI with a "sequential" file number assigned to the file centrally on the server.

On the SERVER is also running another EXECUTABLE - let's call it BACKEND2. It's job is to work with the DRAG'd in files. Both BACKEND1 and BACKEND2 sit on the same SERVER. At the moment I am writing the memory stream to DISK in BACKEND1 - and POSTing the FILENAME to BACKEND2 for it to work on. Would it be better to not write the file in BACKEND1 but instead include it in the POST to BACKEND2 - where it can be written to DISK? Is having LARGE HTTP REQUEST's a burden when sent between two EXECUTABLES on the same machine?

My primary goal is to have a really available BACKEND1 talking the the UI instances running out in the world. I'm concerned that doing the file i/o in BACKEND1 is "expensive" - and I don't care about the performance of BACKEND2 as much. just looking for opinions. I guess ultimately I'll have to bench mark this myself in a production environment to get a real answer.

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VS 2010 HTTPListener Of Large Memory Stream Versus File I/o?

Sep 28, 2010

I have a user interface app that allows you to drag/drop in files - and it turns them into HttpListener request POST's to another EXECUTABLE that I have running - let's call it BACKEND1.BACKEND1 will be running on a SERVER when this gets ready for production use.Lots and lots of users running the UI - all dragging in files - all getting POST'ed to BACKEND1 - with the file included as a memory stream in the POST. BACKEND1 responds to the UI with a "sequential" file number assigned to the file centrally on the server.

On the SERVER is also running another EXECUTABLE - let's call it BACKEND2. It's job is to work with the DRAG'd in files.Both BACKEND1 and BACKEND2 sit on the same SERVER. At the moment I am writing the memory stream to DISK in BACKEND1 - and POSTing the FILENAME to BACKEND2 for it to work on.Would it be better to not write the file in BACKEND1 but instead include it in the POST to BACKEND2 - where it can be written to DISK?

Is having LARGE HTTP REQUEST's a burden when sent between two EXECUTABLES on the same machine?My primary goal is to have a really available BACKEND1 talking the the UI instances running out in the world. I'm concerned that doing the file i/o in BACKEND1 is "expensive" - and I don't care about the performance of BACKEND2 as much.

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Mds - Error "The CLR Has Been Unable To Transition From COM Context 0x3dc190 To COM Context 0x3dc300 For 60 Seconds"

Jun 8, 2011

I got this message because of a long process: ContextSwitchDeadlock was detected
Message: The CLR has been unable to transition from COM context 0x3dc190 to COM context 0x3dc300 for 60 seconds. The thread that owns the destination context/apartment is most likely either doing a non pumping wait or processing a very long running operation without pumping Windows messages. This situation generally has a negative performance impact and may even lead to the application becoming non responsive or memory usage accumulating continually over time.

To avoid this problem, all single threaded apartment (STA) threads should use pumping wait primitives (such as CoWaitForMultipleHandles) and routinely pump messages during long running operations. I've poked around on the internet and on a forum, someone suggested to use application.doevents(). I did that and the messaged goes away. In an earlier thread a member wrote that using application.doevents rarely was used appropriately. Is my situation a proper usage of application.doevents or is there something else I should be doing?

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Insert A New Right Click Context Menu Item To The Existing Right Click Context Menu For The Active Window?

May 15, 2010

VB express 2008 .net 3.5 or .net 4.0 VB express 2010?I have written application to convert RTF to HTML. The main Purpose of the application is to copy VS code to the clipboard and covert it then put it back into the clipboard as a HTML Document so that it can be pasted into a HTML document such as Windows Live Mail. I found that code copied and pasted is spaced out in in the wrong positions.

The applications works perfect with no bugs so far. I then asked Myself how to go about doing the copy with the least amount of operator interaction. So I added an Icon to the Icon Tray with a right click menu to use to convert once the Rich Text Format was copied to the clipboard. This works fine except you have Five steps, Select the text, Copy to clipboard, Right Click the icon, Select the Converter and Paste. The normal is three steps.

To this the best solution is to add a context menu item to the active form such as the RTF editor or window. So that when you select the Rich Text to copy and right click on the form to bring up that menu then to Just Select the menu Item such as "Copy RT and Convert" I searched and found about 544000 Items and tried to restrict down to no avail. I read until I finally gave up. I did not find any code examples of this. Almost every thing I found related to the web or some other explicit document like Excel and not to the Various windows that could be active with RT in it.

how do you add a context menu item to the context menu of an active rich text format window such as WordPad or VB?I have test in my application that tests to see if it is a RTF in the clipboard so if it is not the converter does nothing.

Imports System.Threading
Imports System.IO
Imports System


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Request Server Variables From Within A Simple HTTPListener Web Server?

Dec 27, 2010

I am trying to use an Asynchronous HTTPListener to create a simple web server in VB .Net (Not ASP) This will be run as a desktop application. My only goal is to be able to request Server Variables from the client. Is there any way to do this from within a HTTPListenerWebServer? I am using the code from the MSDN VB .Net Samples:


View 5 Replies - Clicking Link To Replace Current Frameset Contained In Current Window

Dec 28, 2011

I have following link in a.aspx file:

<a href="a.htm" target="iframe">A</a>

I want to set link from a.aspx.vb page according to what person is viewing the page. How can i change this so that if user clicks on link it will replace current frameset contained in current window with a url provided according to user?

Or in another way:

How will i replace href code in aspx page by giving it value from aspx.vb page?

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Get Current Enumerator (iterator) In LINQ Query / Like A Current Index In For Loops

Sep 20, 2011

Is that possible to get current Enumerator (...or iterator? Don't know which tern is the correct one) in a LINQ query ? For example, I try to create a XML output (via LINQ to XML) of all currently loaded assemblies. [code] is it possible to somehow get current "index" (counter?) from LINQ's Selects? I would like to use it in XML. [code]

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VS 2010 : HTTP Webrequest Post Inside HTTP Webrequest Post?

Oct 6, 2011

Im trying to create a software which can post into yahoogroups.I've done trying to log in yahoomail but my problem is when I am going to post in yahoogroups, I am turning back in to yahoo log in page.

Here's my code so far:


Imports System.IO
Imports System.Net
Imports System.Text


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Keyup Event - Get The Current Value Of The Current Row And Column

Sep 12, 2011

I have a datagridview having 3 columns (qty,scraft factor,actuall qty). What I want is if the user encode 50 in qty and 2 in scraf factor, actuall qty will automatically computed based on qty multiply by 2. I was using keyup event. Now I am using endedit to get the current value of the current row and column, now the problem is if the amount to be encoded is more than one digit it will not accept because of endedit. What event do I have to used? or any solution with this scenario.


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Error, "Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference

Nov 28, 2010

I am receiving this error: Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference on the code I've
bolded within the code body. Here is my code:


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VS 2008 - Error : Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference

May 8, 2010

I get this error:Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference.When i compile on the following code section:

Private Sub statusBarToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
ToolStripMenuItem.Checked = Not ToolStripMenuItem.Checked
statusStrip1.Visible = ToolStripMenuItem.Checked

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