Referencing Outlook - Import A Reference On The COM Tab?

Apr 14, 2009

I have a program that has a button with text of "Email". When the user clicks this button I would like my application to check to see if the user has Microsoft Outlook installed on their system, and, if so, to open it up with the email address populated from a field within my form.I'm having several problems.I just basically don't know where to begin.I've searched the internet some, but couldn't find much that begins where I need to begin.Firstly, I _don't_ have Outlook installed on my computer that I am developing the application from.This is probably why, when I go to Import a Reference on the COM tab, that I cannot find the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook item.Then, based on what I have read elsewhere, I would do the following:

Dim objOutlook As Outlook.Application

But then I'm not quite sure the code to call up Outlook, although I bet I could find it if I could just get over that first hurdle.

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Programmatically Import/export Outlook Contacts From Access?

Feb 4, 2010

I have Access application and I want to import and export Outlook contacts in this access DB, programmatically. How do i do it?

I have founf Linked tables does the same automatically. But then if the appliaction runs on the other system then will that linked table work?As the linked tables is synchronised for my outlook. Is there any way to make this generalised, so that linked table concept can be used?

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Import Or Create An Outlook 2003 Rule (.rwz) With VSTO 2005?

Jul 29, 2009

I would like to automatically create an Outlook rule (move email containing something in subject to folder xyz) but dont know how to achieve this. Of course I can create the rule and export it to a .rwz file. This file can be imported manually, but how can I import it automatically?

Can I import a rule through my VSTO 2005 Outlook (2003) Addin? Or can I create the rule from within this addin?

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Referencing Controls - TextBox1, TextBox2, And TextBox3 - Reference Without Adding Extra Arrays

Oct 10, 2009

Lets say that I had three TextBox's and they are named TextBox1, TextBox2, and TextBox3, is there a way to do like TextBox And Rand(1,3).Text = Nothing? Something similar to this where you click a button and it will choose at randomly a textbox to clear?I know I could do like Dim Number = Rand(1,3)if Number = 1 Then TextBox1.Text = Nothingend ifif Number = 2 Then TextBox1.Text = Nothingend ifor use else if and such, but I have 12 different textbox's, not three, so, I want to shorten the code, if you could do something like TextBox And Rand(1,12).Text = Nothing that would defenitely be way shorter, can you do anything like that to put together "TextBox" and the number to reference the control? I am not looking to use the full controls list to search for the right control nor to make an array that contains the controls, I just want to reference them without adding extra arrays or searhing for them.

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VS 2008 Outlook Reference

Apr 7, 2010

which reference I need to add to my project to connect to Outlook?

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Add Outlook 2010 Reference With Code?

Jun 22, 2012

i have Office 2003 on my developer computer, but my client have Offie 2010. i handle the error on access adding the reference of outlook.exe programatically, but when i have to fix the VB.Net solution, i can't find a way to programatically add the reference of Office 2010 when i don't have that version installed on my computer.

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Can't Reference Outlook Object Library

Aug 16, 2009

This is strange. I tried to create a new project to reference the Outlook Object Library, but I can't get the code references to work. Here's what I'm doing:

Quote:# Start Microsoft Visual Studio .NET.# On the File menu, point to New, and then click Project.# Click Visual Basic Projects under Project Types, and then click Console Application under Templates. By default, Module1.vb is created.# Add a reference to the Microsoft Outlook 12.0 Object Library. To do this, follow these steps:

1. On the Project menu, click Add Reference. 2. Click the COM tab. 3. Click Microsoft Outlook 12.0 Object Library, and then click Select 4. Click OK. If you are prompted to generate wrappers for the library that you selected, click Yes.

# In the Code window, replace the default code with the following code:


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Reference To Outlook: Create Contacts And Groups?

Jun 30, 2011

I created a application that reads a data file (SQL table) and creates contacts and groups from this data. If I run this application and point the Contact folder to my local Outlook folders, the application runs fine. It creates about 550 contact and 10 groups. My problem is when I go to run the application against a public folder that am the "owner" of with full permissions it will run fine until it hits items 250 and then I get a COM error.


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Cannot Import The Directx Reference

Oct 17, 2011

I've spent a long time bashing my head against my desk and an even longer time trying to get directX to work with I've downloaded the June 2010 SDK and installed. I cannot import the directx reference, and it does not even show up in the add references popup. even when manually going into the c:program filesMicrosoft DirectX SDK (June 2010) and search every folder for the correct file it does not exist. What the hell. I'm running Visual Studio 2010 Pro. this is the most frustrating thing.

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VS 2008 Outlook Add In Saving Email As MSG Gives Error 'Object Reference Not Set'

Jul 28, 2010

I am trying to create a new email in Outlook 2007, and save it to local disc in creates the new file, saves it, and I can open it from local disc(by double clicking on file) while outlook is still open.But when I close outlook, and then try to open the file from disc, it does show the email message, but WITH an error messagebox saying : "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." [code]

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"Reference Required" Error When Referencing NServiceBus Assembly From Another Project

Feb 3, 2010

We are trying to write an application that uses the NServiceBus library in a VB.NET environment. We've been stymied by errors similar to the following: Reference required to assembly 'NServiceBus,Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=9fc386479f8a226c' containing the implemented interface 'NServiceBus.IMessageHandler`1'. Add one to your project.Our project already includes references to NServiceBus.dll and NServiceBus.Core.dll from the same NServiceBus 2.0 RC2 distribution.


Any ideas about how to solve this problem? (And, yes, my preferred solution is switching to C#, but no, that's not an acceptable one at the moment.)

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Import A Reference In An Aspx File Without Program?

Nov 1, 2010

I have a standalone aspx with backend file. I need to import google api referance in this file. If i put this file in a application project, the referance gets imported easily by using "add referance". But when i use a standalone file, the referance cannot be imported.

How can i import this google api referance (or any referance) in an aspx file without having to make a project for it?[code]...

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Set Up/reference/import/include/whatever The XAudio2 And XACT Libraries

Nov 22, 2009

I'm trying to implement the XACT engine in a VB.NET project. I'm pretty new to this stuff, but I can set up and use the normal DirectX libraries fine. However, I can't for the life of me work out how to set up/reference/import/include/whatever the XAudio2 and XACT libraries. All the dlls in the Aug2009 DX SDK say they can't be used as references in the project, and the only tutorials I can find are in C++ and use the .h headers, which, if I'm not mistaken, I can't use at all for VB.

I'm tearing my hair out over this because there literally seems to be no way that I can find to use the new sound stuff in VB! I'm imagining MS wouldn't actually allow that to be the case, so if someone can tell me what basic thing I'm doing wrong.

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Outlook.Application, Outlook.MailItem,Outlook.Attachments,not Defined?

Jun 8, 2009

Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop
Public Class Form1
Public Sub SaveAttachments()
Dim objOL As Outlook.Application


This is my code. When i am tryng to run it in my VB editior i got the errors

1.Outlook.Application, Outlook.MailItem,Outlook.Attachments,not definedWarnings as Warning1Namespace or type specified in the Imports 'Microsoft.Office.Interop' doesn't contain any public member or cannot be found. Make sure the namespace or the type is defined and contains at least one public member. Make sure the imported element name doesn't use any aliases.C:\Documents and Settings\E1002176\Local Settings\Application Data\Temporary Projects\WindowsApplication1\Form1.vb19WindowsApplication1

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Outlook Lastmodification Time Doesn't Gets Modified After Change Of Synced Outlook Item

Jul 3, 2009

I have written a code in VB.NET using "Microsoft Outlook 11.0 Object Library" to create an appointment, task or contact in Outlook. Now the problem is once i create an appointment, task or contact from my VB.NET code and then if i open these item in outlook and modifies and save the content (like body of an appointment) then the lastmodification time of these item doesn't gets modified. It always shows the previous lastmodification time. This happens only for those item which got created from my VB.NET code.

I have tried realsing the COM object in my VB.NET Code.

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Trying To Use 2008 Express To Export Outlook 2000 & Outlook 2003 Address Contacts Into Excel Or CSV File

Apr 20, 2009

I work for a somewhat large company.There are about 160 Windows XP Pro users. We are still using Microsoft Office 2000 for the most part.We have upgraded some users to Office 2003. We are not using Microsoft Exchange.I have to export every users' Outlook 2000 or Outlook 2003 Contacts into an Excel or CSV file every 6 months as a way of backing the Outlook Address Contacts.Currently I am doing this by physically going to every pc and manually exporting the contacts.This is a large pain.I am trying to find out if I can use or create a Visual Basic 2008 Express program or script that will export the contacts from Outlook and save it as an Excel or CSV file.The name of the file should be the same as the computers net name.It should be saved in the same location, on the network, each time.I am new to programming and new to VB 2008 Express.I do not know or have any code to start with.

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Error When Using Outlook To Send An Email From 2008 When Outlook Is Running?

Aug 5, 2011

If i use this code to send an e-mail with outlook (2010) from my app (2008):

Dim app As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Application
Dim appNameSpace As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook._NameSpace
Dim memo As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.MailItem
app = New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook.Application


I get an error. It's work fine, when outlook is not running.

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VS 2008 Reading Outlook And Outlook Express Data?

Oct 9, 2009

I'm working on an application that takes certain outlook email messages, saved as text files, and loads data from them into a database. It would be better if I could read the messages from the inbox directly into my app without the user having to save them as text files. I've searched the web and every example I find is from 2003 or earlier and is using VB6. I'd like to read both Outlook and Outlook Express Inboxes. Can someone either provide me with the code to do this or a good "recent" link with a tutorial?

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Convert An Outlook 2007 Add In To An Outlook 2010 Add In

May 18, 2011

I'm trying to convert an outlook 2007 add in to an outlook 2010 add in, but I'm running into some problems. One such example is finding the 2010/.net 4.0 replacement for:


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Read Outlook Express And MS OutLook Emails?

Aug 28, 2010

Can we read Outlook Express and MS OutLook Emails using our code?

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Creating An Outlook Script, Reads Subject Line For A DATE Then Uses Date To Set Appointment In Outlook Calendar?

May 12, 2012

My mailbox regularly gets emails from people wanting to promote their events. Usually the subject line looks like this:

fwd: come to *TMC* meeting this weekend, <5/19/2012 @ 1300 >

I need a script to read the date, then make an appointment on my outlook calendar, using that date, time and term (TMC) as the meeting title. So it should make an appointment on 5/19/2012 at 1pm, called "TMC meeting"All appointments are 2 hours by default.I used The identifiers "*" and "<>" as an example, and can be changed to be whatever, what is important is that the meeting gets on my calendar with the correct title.

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Get Outlook Appointments From Pst Without Outlook Installed?

May 15, 2012

How to get the appointments from a pst file without outlook installed. d party API as long as it's free (unlike independetsoft).

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Import Into Access Using Import Specification?

May 10, 2010

I want to write a program in vb2008 that can import a text file into a Access 2000 database, but using import specifications already in the access database.

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Unable To Import "System.Drawing" When My Only Reference Is "System"?

Jan 19, 2012

In Visual Studio 10 - Visual Basic, why can't I import "System.Drawing" when my only reference is "System"? I can import "System.Runtime.InteropServices".To reproduce my problem:

1. Create a New Project in Visual Studio 10 with Visual Basic Class Library template.

2. Add "Imports System.Drawing" and "Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices" at the beginning.

3. Remove all references except "System" in the References pane of the project properties.

Result:Visual Studio cannot find "System.Drawing" but it can find "System.Runtime.InteropServices". "System.Drawing" is fully qualified so the system should be able to find it inside the referenced "System".

Thoughts:It appears "System" and "System.Drawing" are distinct namespaces (or containers?) so why doesn't qualification "." work? Does "." represent something else? "System" is also in "mscorlib" but is that the namespace which is used or is it another?"Microsoft.VisualBasic" is also listed in the imported namespaces but there is not a reference to it. How was it found? Where is the "Imported namespaces" list populated from?I have been looking through it for a while but cannot understand why "System.Drawing" is not imported.

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Error, "Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference

Nov 28, 2010

I am receiving this error: Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference on the code I've
bolded within the code body. Here is my code:


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VS 2008 - Error : Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference

May 8, 2010

I get this error:Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference.When i compile on the following code section:

Private Sub statusBarToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
ToolStripMenuItem.Checked = Not ToolStripMenuItem.Checked
statusStrip1.Visible = ToolStripMenuItem.Checked

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VS2010 : Error: Reference To A Non-Shared Member Requires A Object Reference

Jun 20, 2011

when I do something like this: Process.Start [URL] it says that error only on Form2 not Form1.

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Error 'Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference'

Jul 23, 2009

Error 'Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference'?I want to know what a non-shared member is.

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Error - Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference

Dec 7, 2010

I am opening frmB (variable for FormB - the actual form) from frmA. From btn1 I open frmB like this:

frmB = New FormB()

From btn2 (frmB is already open) I bring frmB to the front from behind frmA:


No problem so far. Now I need to pass an arg to frmB. This is where I am having the problem.

from btn1 (in frmA) I do this:

frmB = New FormB(myArg) '--pass myArg to constructor of FormB -- no problem here

then from btn2 -- this is where I have the problem


I tried placing myArg in FormB.Show(myArg) but that did not fix the problem. What is the correct way to pass myArg to FormB (frmB) in this scenario? Do I need to share FormB or frmB? How do I do this? "frmB" is frmA level variable.

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Error : Reference To A Non-shared Member Requires An Object Reference

Sep 22, 2009

why i am getting an "reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference" error on format.Yesterday gets the previous days date and presents it in a yyyyMMdd format.vsettlementDates takes the "Yesterday value and requests data from it.

Dim Yesterday As String = format(Today.AddDays(-1), "yyyyMMdd")
Dim vSettlementDates As String = (Yesterday)

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