Refresh Button Using In Studio 2010?

Sep 17, 2011

I'm working on a project just for fun that is a fixed browser that load one site. However, the site doesn't work in Internet Explorer so I'm using the webkit core. I've added the webkit browsing area that's named "ACB" and set the URL. I then added the only button neeed, a button to use as refresh, and set the code for that button to "ACB.Refresh()", however if I click that after running it nothing happens. If I set the page it loads to Google it loads but you can't hit search.

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VS 2010 - Webkit.NET (or Any Webkit-based Browser) To Work - Use The Default .NET WebBrowser Control

Feb 29, 2012

I'd like to integrate Webkit.NET into a VB project, but I'm not having any luck so far. The Webkit.NET tutorial page gives a demonstration in C#, so I assume that it's possible to use this in VB.NET as well? [URL]

I added the control to the project successfully, but since I'm not familiar with C#, I haven't been able to convert the code successfully (even after running the code through a few different online C# to VB.NET converters). So... has anyone gotten Webkit.NET (or any Webkit-based browser) to work in VB.NET? Or am I just dreaming? I would love to be able to use the default .NET WebBrowser control for this project, but this project requires doing a few things that the IE browser is not capable of (but Webkit can do it easily).

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VS 2010 Added A Manual 'Refresh' Button

Jul 5, 2011

I have an explorer-like interface which in many ways mimiques the behaviour of a standard explorer window. What I need is to find some way of knowing if something had changed in the filesystem since the last time I checked.What I mean, for example if a user creates a directory or renames a file - I need a way to know that. Right now I re-read the contents of the displayed folder once per second and I added a manual 'Refresh' button, but I wonder if there is a better solution.I tried to use FileSystemWatcher component for that but either I couldn't figure out how it works or it doesn't have such functionality.

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VS 2010 If Radio Button Is Ticked - App To Refresh Page

Sep 1, 2010

There is a radio button on a webpage, if the radio button is ticked I need the app to refresh page, if not then do other stuff.

This is the html of the radio box



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Refresh Windows Form When Ever User Clicks Refresh Button?

Jun 5, 2009

Lets say i label "label1" , and 2 buttons named "button1" and "btnRefresh " [code]So , when user press the button 1 , the text will change. But what should i put inside btnRefresh to reload the forms ? and display the default label.text = "Form Load" ???

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VS 2010 Change IP Of WebKit Browser?

Sep 30, 2010

I'm having trouble making an instance of the WebKit browser use a different IP. Is there a simple method that I'm missing?

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VS 2010 WebKit And A Few WebBrowser Methods?

Sep 8, 2010

I've embedded the WebKit browser in my program to use as a replacement for Internet Explorer. Well, it seems a few methods did not carry over. These are the methods I'm speaking of:

WebBrowser.Document.element.InvokeMember("click")This is not supported in the webkit engine. Is there another way I could invoke a click on an element? It has a .Focus method, maybe I could use that?

WebBrowser.Document.element.InnerText = xxx Setting a text box's text is also no longer supported. It would be nice if there was some way to set a text box's text with the web kit browser.WebBrowser.Document.element.setAttribute("theAttribute", "theValue")Same deal here. This code does not work with the web kit browser.

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Onclick Event For A Button In Visual Studio 2010

Dec 5, 2009

I am a new vb user and I have the beta of Visual studio 2010.I have to make a button redirect to another form IN THE SAME FOLDER [code]Now, I assume that if I dont want to mess with the code, I need to click the buttn, go into the properties, events,click.What identifier should go into the click box so that it will automattically open up a file in the same folder?

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Visual Studio 2010 - .NET Debug Button Disabled?

May 9, 2011

I am using Visual Studio Ultimate. I have made a fairly long program which worked fine.One day I find that the debug button was disabled and both the build and rebuild buttons do not work. I have tried opening the same project files in Visual Basic Express 2010 but still, the sane problem.

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IDE :: Visual Studio 2008 IDE Refresh?

Nov 21, 2008

is anyone else having a refresh issue of the overal IDE. When I switch between my code behind and my form pages in both web projects and windows forms projects, the design page does a complete refresh about 75% of the time. Changing ID names to form controls takes forever due to another refresh.Also, loading of web projects take forever, even ones I have just started that have only 2 or 3 pages in them. It's like the design interface needs an optimization of some sort.It seems to me that Visual Studio 2008 is not as robust and efficient as 2005. When VS2008 SP1 was released, I was hoping I would see these things go away, but they have not. Are these issues that others are experiencing as well, or do I have an isolated issue?If others are experiencing, any ETA from Microsoft on a fix?

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Clear/refresh DataBind Using Visual Studio?

Apr 19, 2012

Here I draw the table data binding using this code :-

Dim ds As DataSet = New DataSet()
VisaDG.DataSource = ds

How to clear the VisaDG table after display it?

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DataGridView Refresh In Visual Studio 2008?

Feb 9, 2010

I have a datagridview in Visual Studio 2008. I am using the binding navigator to add rows to the grid. I have two text boxes on the form that I am using as the data entry method. I have dragged these onto the form as details items from the dataset and placed them below the datagrid.

I hit add item item on the navigator, fill out the test boxes and then hit the save button on the navigator and it sends the data to the database but is doesn't not update the datagrid. The only way that I can seem to correctly display the new row is to use the Datagrid fill method

My code is below.

Private Sub CustomersBindingNavigatorSaveItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CustomersBindingNavigatorSaveItem.Click


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Refresh Data Gridview In Visual Studio Form?

Jun 10, 2011

I have a form with gridview data with database data. With query I run INSERT INTO from one table into another, with button. I would like when I run procedure, also reset/update/refresh gridview with new import data??!!

For info, I have try with some methods, such as me. gridview.refresh() or update(), but nothing. Maybe I have also using this methods wrong.
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Refresh Desktop To Reflect Wallpaper Change Visual Studio 2008?

Oct 18, 2009

I have written a small application that will allow the user to use DreamScenes on there desktop in Windows XP but i can't get the screen to refresh to reflect the desktop changes. The refresh routine i have used will only work once....This program is part of an application i am writing to allow users to customize/modify the windows xp source.Here is my code:

Imports System.Collections.ObjectModel
Public Class Form1
Dim DSNAME As String


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Make A Refresh Form Button?

Jun 15, 2012

I want to have a button on my form that will close the form itself and then reopen itself essentially refreshing the form. i have read several posts about this topic and most people say use the hide and show functions but i don't want to hide the form i want to close it. I have also tried to use the form1.refresh thing and that doesn't work either.

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Refresh Another Form On Button Click?

Aug 11, 2009

I have a form called FrmPracDetails which is built up with a List view called LvwColProc. Therefore when you click a field on the LvwColProc it takes you to another form called FrmColProcessing, here you can make changes to certain fields which are also present on FrmPracDetails. What I want to do is when you make changes on FrmColProcesing and Click the Save Button (which calls the Save function)the changes appear instantly on FrmPracDetails. Please note, FrmColProcessing will always be open next to FrmPracDetails. I have tried to put this code in the Save function present in FrmColProcessing as shown below, but it doesnt Refresh FrmPracDetails form.


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Refresh Button In Binding Navigator?

Jun 10, 2011

I am wondering which code would apply to a refresh button in a datagridview form.

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Refresh Data From Database Without Using Button

Jun 28, 2009

i have a problem and it's hard to explain but don't know the solution.

A is viewing database from datagrid.
after that
B inserting a new data to database from different computer.
A still looking datagrid from database before updated.

if he don't click refresh or using timer how can the datagrid automatically refresh the data from database without using button or timer. i don't like using timer cause it eat resources a lot.

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ASP Delete Button To Refresh ModalPopup After Click

Aug 29, 2011

I have ModalPopupExtenders that show associations that are NOT tied to a specific product. The associations that ARE tied to the product are shown in a tabcontainer with delete imagebuttons next to them. When I was testing earlier I noticed that the associations that I delete from the tabcontainer don't show up in the modal unless I click on the refresh button in my browser. Is there some code I could use that would make it so that when I click on the delete button, it will automatically refresh my Modal so that I won't have that extra step? [code]

View 1 Replies - Refresh Page With Framesets On Button Click

Nov 15, 2011

I have a web application built around a frameset. The main page (with the frameset layout) is index.aspx. After the user logs in, if there are any alerts it redirects the main content frame to an alerts page with a confirmation button on it. When they click this button I want the index.aspx to be reloaded. If I use the response.redirect("index.aspx") on button click it reloads the main content frame with another frameset.

The server-side button click sets a flag within the database so that the user doesnt see the alert again.

how do I force a complete reload of the entire frameset?

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Possible To Update/refresh Listview On Button Click?

Jun 23, 2012

Imagine you expand onto 'Sofas and armchairs' and click 'fabric sofas', it will redirect to next page on click and it will send data '10661' to the next page. Then the listview will updated with reference '10661'. After that click on another link, maybe leather sofas. The listview will re-update table with new reference '10662'

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Refresh The Data Of After The Save Button Is Clicked?

Apr 16, 2010

I have a combo box that I want to refresh the data of after the save button is clicked. I know that in web developer you can just say datasource.databind but I do not see that in

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Make Button Refresh Back To Original Text?

Feb 11, 2012

I have a simple translating program i working on in vb 2010.I have a combobox and a textbox and a button. What i have so far is when you select the option in the combobox the textbox and button will appear. then when you type something it replaces each letter with something new, in the same textbox.what i cant figure out is how to make it so where if i click the button again it translates the replaced letters back to the original ones.

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Prevent Button Serverclick Firing On Every Page Refresh?

Feb 22, 2012

prevent a button serverClick event from firing on page refresh?


<INPUT id="btnGo" type="button" value="Go" runat="server">

Public Sub btnGo_ServerClick(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnGo.ServerClick

The btnGo_ServerClick function needs to fire on the button click, but not on page refresh.I've tried using IsPostback, but that is always true- even on the button click.N.B. I'd rather not go into the reasons behind why I'm using a serverclick, rather than an asp:button and a click event. Suffice to say it just isn't suitable for I am doing.

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Reset Button To Refresh Form And Update Data

Nov 28, 2011

I want to make a Reset Button. When I click Reset Button, Form1 will be loaded again, all data will be resetted.

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Implementing WebKit Into VB?

Jun 24, 2011

i've been trying to make a simple web browser, but i've been trying to have it run on WebKit because IE sucks. The first form is where the user enters in a product key, and after they enter in the correct key, it's supposed to open up the next form containing the actual web browser, except this is where i'm getting errors.


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Use VB Express With Webkit?

Jan 10, 2010

I am new to VB. I got interested in VB because it supposed to be easy to work with without learning a lot of complicated code. I want to design a web browser in VB 2008 or VB 2010 and instead of it just being a shell for Internet Exploerer, I want to use Webkit as its engine.

Is this possible? Otherwise, if I made a browser with VB what would it use.. IE's engine?.. and it would not really be a web browser but Only a shell for IE.. isn't this correct?I want a standalone app that I can distribute.

Also, whats the difference between the free VB express and the paid for Full versions of VB?

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Can't Get The Tabcontrol Working With Webkit?

Aug 31, 2010

i have a problem i can't get the tabcontrol working with webkit i want webkit because it's faster.

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WebKit.NET Editing Fuctions.

Sep 11, 2011

I can't seem to be able to find the editing functions for WebKit.NET (Cut/Copy/Paste)
Any of you know what we need for the code ?

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Make The WebBrowser1 Refresh Infinite Amount Of Times With A Click Of A Button?

Nov 25, 2008

how i can make the WebBrowser1 refresh an infinite amount of times really fast and with a click of a button?This is the code i have right now:

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As
System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click

End SubThe above code only makes the webBrowser1 refresh 1 time, but i want it to refresh infinite times with a click of a button.

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