Removing Part Of Text?

Aug 17, 2009

I have 20 checkboxes (I don't use checkboxlist because if user click on checkbox then new window appear) in one form. I want to do that when user select few of those checkboxes they will appear in new textbox or label in new form. But I have a problem, when user uncheck checkbox the data is not removed from textbox or label. How can I do, that only text of that unchecked checkbox is removed from textbox or label.I tried with for each look up but i don't know how to do that either, so I am doing that with IFs for every checkbox.

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Removing Last Part Of String?

Feb 10, 2010

I have an object folder, which has an atributte name path, that contains a string with it's current path, say "folder1folder2folder3"

I need to remove the last ocurrence beginning on the last "" (in this case, 'folder3'). The new string would be "folder1folder2"

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Removing Part Of A String At Beginning?

Jun 25, 2010

program makes strings from webbrowser documenttext.For example

String1 = "<span class""long-title"" title"" Informations here"

Im trying to remove all text before "Informations here" this is what i currently have.

dim mychar as char () = {"<"c, "s"c, "p"c, "a"c, '....thatandlike20moretill.... "e"c, """"c}
string1 = string1.TrimStart(mychar)

(Note that each letter or symbol inbetween the quotations is a part of the string (span = "s" "p"...)Now this works. Not all the time though and its a pain in the .. having to do "letter"c, all the time.. (I got over 10 strings lol) Im wondering if theres a way easier method to remove part of string from the beginning, maybe like still a certen part of the length..

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VS 2010 Removing Part Of String?

Oct 9, 2010

I have a file location as a string. How can i remove the path from the string and just use the file name? For - is the stringhow can i just make it so it's in mind that the location is found by using anpenfiledialog(), so it needs to be able to remove the location wherever the file is.

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Office Automation :: Columns As Objects Part - Removing Duplicates

Nov 28, 2009

I am Tring to Make this work but I do not understand the Colunms as objects Part. Here is what I got


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Read Text File - Read The Top Part First Then And Match The Line With Bottom Part

May 21, 2009

in my text file i have two part. Called bottom and top. So i need to read the Top part first then and match the line with bottom part. Its like this


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Webpage Interaction - Read The Text Of The Site And Display A Certain Part Of That Text In Form

Oct 14, 2009

I'm trying to make an application which will log me into a site and read the text of the site and display a certain part of that text in my form. I'm stuck at the login, its a .php page with 2 text boxes, 1 check box and 1 button.Is there any way to manipulate those objects by using controls in my form?

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Removing The Zero From Text Box?

Jul 22, 2011

I can't get a zero into a text-box, what I'd like to achieve is this: if the textbox is zero, then I want it to remain as a blank, until I enter value to that field.Actually When I activate the field via some other control, then I Never wants to display "0" zero in Textbox Fields, before operation done. By default which comes from the multiplication operation (txtUnitsPrice.Text = d1 * d2) into the textbox field. I have three Text box fields, i.e. Unit_Price, Unit_on_Order, Units_Price.

Unit_Price=0 or some time it have default value, i.e. 25, which display ok, but not the below field.


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Removing Certain Spaces In A Text?

Nov 9, 2009

In my program, I get an rtf file (which I load through a Rich-TextBox), and need to format it a bit: I need to remove certain spaces, from certain lines.

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Removing Richtextbox Text?

Feb 13, 2010

I am searching a Richtextbox for a certain string. I want to keep the 1st string & remove all the repeats of it (and the line above it). I have managed to use the code below to color the 1st instance as blue & the others as red. But when I debug my program never finishes the load (goes into a type of loop).

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Removing Text From RichTextBox?

Jan 23, 2012

My program current pulls the html from a webpage and shows it in a richtextbox. I have it set to remove the html between brackets but i also want it to remove selected words before it is displayed for example "colour" and "font" leaving only the other part (the useful parts that i will later use) this is the first section so far

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
' Don't forget the Imports System.IO line ;-}


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VS 2008 Removing Certain Text?

Oct 21, 2009

How would I remove certain text from a textbox? I want it to be something like this.

Dim NewText as String = TextBox1.Text.Remove "1" Also, if there is no text, how can I keep it from crashing?

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Removing Text From A Text File?

Mar 1, 2010

Ive got my text file all setup, how can i remove certain text from the file.i got text in there that basically says what the line is in relation to, and i want to remove that bit of text.theres about 8 lines,

textline reads as
subj = First Aid
Ques no 1


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Removing The First 3 Characters Of Text Box's Text?

Jan 26, 2012

i trying "Removing the first 3 characters of text box's text".

i tried this


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Removing 1 Line From A Text File?

Dec 3, 2010

I'm really stuck on something, which, is probably easy, but I've blown hours trying to figure this out.I need to be able to remove 1 line from a textfile. I will always know exactly what line it is, as, it's the same "string" as a variable. So if my variable is called "removeThis" then I need to be able to Read through the textfile, find the line that is equal to the removeThis string variable, and then rewrite the whole textfile.

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Removing All Whitespace From Text File?

May 22, 2011

I am trying to remove all whitespace from a text file and store each character into an array. Is there any way to combine all the lines together without leaving any whitespace? I tried the .replace method but it only removes whitespace for each line. It currently shows like that, but I want it to be 1 whole block of text without whitepace in every line:


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Removing Latin Accents In Text

Apr 10, 2012

What .Net functionality will allow a conversion from unicode to 7bit characters? For example, let's say that I want to convert "" to "eea". I thought I would find it in System.Text but it has been eluding me.

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Removing Lines From A Text File?

May 29, 2012

I am in the process of developing a helper application that will combine two text files into one, remove the extra blank lines, do some calculations and spit out a new and improved text file.

My question is: at the beginning of each file is a header row that starts with a "01". How does one go about removing all of the other "01" rows but leave the first header line?

So far, I have succeeded at removing all of the "01" lines, which isn't what I want but hey, I got it to work

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Removing Numbers And £ From Text In Textbox?

Apr 17, 2009

When a user enters text in a textbox as follows: Banana £65 Is there a way to remove just the £65 in the textbox's leave event.

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Removing Text Between Chars From A String

Apr 14, 2010

this is driving me crazy , I have a string like this dim s as string = "<a href="url.aspx? target=_BLANK>mik, H</a>" I want to remove "mik, h" from the string, how can i do that?

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Removing Text From File Using Listbox

Nov 11, 2010

I have been working on this for quite some time now. I have a listbox that loads the names from a .txt file. When the user selects names I need it to delete the items from the list. I have the code to remove it from the listbox, but when I reload the form it puts them back in because it's reading the file.

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Removing Textline From Text File?

May 5, 2009

I know this has been asked like a million times, but I cannot seem to find a solution that works for me. I have a text file..and lets say its named Test.txt.I have like a list of stuff in the file and I have a Remove button. I also have a listbox that has the contents in the Test.txt file listed on the form_load. So basically to try to explain this better..what I want is to delete the line that is selected in the listbox when I click the remove button. Let me explain in an example.The Test.txt has the same contents as the say my list is like this:


If I have Hi as my Listbox.SelectedItem then I would like to remove that line from the Test.txt. I tried to load the contents of the file in a TextBox too and I can search and find the text in the textbox and focus on it and highlight it but I cannot delete it from there too.

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Removing The First 8 Characters From A Text String?

Feb 1, 2011

Removing the first 8 characters from a text string. How can I do it?

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Removing URL From List In Text File

Nov 12, 2009

I am attempting to get my program to store its, in this case, a Url list in a text file. This should be relatively simple and so far it has been, writing to the document has been easy and it has all worked well, however, I have been trying to get my program to remove a url from this list too. To achieve this I have created a temporary text file, named 'FavouritesTemp.txt' and write the content of a listbox (with the target of the delete command removed from it) and then replace the old text document with the new one. But I keep getting an error from this - saying that a process is already accessing this file, even though I have just created it! I have attached a picture of my error and the code I am using underneath.

System.IO.File.Create(My.Settings.ProgramInfoStorePath & "FavouritesTemp.txt")
MsgBox("Created FavouritesTemp.txt")
Dim FavouritesWriter As New System.IO.StreamWriter(My.Settings.ProgramInfoStorePath & "FavouritesTemp.txt", True)
For Each Item In FavouritesListBox.Items
[Code] .....

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VS 2008 - Removing Lines From Text?

Feb 16, 2010

I am using the follow code to obtain source code from my site:
Dim downloader1 As New Net.WebClient
Dim source1 As String = downloader.DownloadString("[URL]")
But there is code in the file which I am loading, something like:
<!-- load time: 0,05ms -->
<!-- Queries: 25 -->
But I want to remove all the <!-- --> lines from source1.

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VS 2008 Removing Certain Text From Textbox?

May 26, 2009

I have two text boxes with a word in each. I am trying to remove both these words from another textbox.

so say for instance
textbox1.text = helllo
textbox2.text = world


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Checking PART Of Text?

Feb 27, 2009

I am trying to figure out if I have a textbox and user entered and another user wrote How can I have an IF statement to check if there's a bk= SOMEWHERE in the text and if there is then DO something.It has to search for bk= because everybody wont enter hello my name is bk= john, it will be diferent combinations like


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Forms :: Removing Certain Text From A Listbox Item

Apr 22, 2009

Im trying to remove a certain bit of text from my listbox item..

heres my code..

If ListBox1.Text.Contains(".zip") Then
ListBox1.Text = ListBox1.Text.Remove(".zip")
End If

and when i start it and it tries to remove it, it comes up with an error saying

Conversion from string ".zip" to type 'Integer' is not valid.
ive tried, this code..
If ListBox1.Text.Contains(".zip") Then
End If

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VS 2008 Removing Line Of Text Containing String?

Nov 30, 2009

I'm trying to build an app that would search a text file for a string entered by the user, and delete the line of text containing that string. Here's the code I have. The code works, but since I'm relatively new to VB and programming as a whole, I was wondering if there's a better method out there. he strFilePath is handled by the openfilediaglog

Dim strSearch As String = Replace(MaskedTextBox1.Text, "-", "")
Dim strLine As String = Nothing
Dim strAllText As String = Nothing


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VS 2010 Removing Line From Text File?

Aug 20, 2011

I'm trying to have a program remove lines from a text file if they start with a certain string. I haven't had much luck with this over the past couple of days so I thought I'd try and get some advice.

This is the code that I've tried most recently, and makes some sense to me, but gives a "A first chance exception of type 'System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException' occurred in mscorlib.dll" error:

Dim SourcePath As String = "C: est.txt"
Dim fileLines As List(Of String)
fileLines = New List(Of String)(File.ReadAllLines(SourcePath))


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