Removing Space From String?

Jan 16, 2011

I have a string that has three spaces in it.

In the following examples, underscores represent the spaces:



I need to remove just the first space. Now, i tried just replacing the space with nothing, like so:


If s.Contains(" ") Thens = s.Replace(" ", "")End If

But, that removes every space. I also tried .StartsWith, but it still removed every space. I didn't actually expect that to work, but if I hadn't tried it, I wouldn't have actually know.

how to remove just that first space?

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Removing Small Space On StatusStrip?

Mar 20, 2012

There is a gap on my statusStrip to the right of the last item. The last Item is pushed all the way to the right.

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Parse String From The Last Space In A Dynamic String?

Mar 22, 2012

Say I have a string LineOfText = "UserName1 Password1 UserName2 Password2" how would I just grab the last word (Password2)

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Get A Certain Text Inside A Textbox To Equal That Text Space To Space Or Null To Space?

Sep 25, 2011

How would i get a certain text inside a textbox to equal that text space to space or null to space?

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If Textbox1.Text.StartsWith(Textbox2.Text + " ") And Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Textbox2.Text) Then
Textbox1.Text = Textbox1.Text.Remove(0, Textbox2.TextLength)
End If

Btw: after i finish this step my project will be finished!

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<xsd:string> Should Allow Space?

Feb 25, 2010

i have a requirement that my <xsd:string> should allow should not validate the space. but naturally it will not allow space. but i need it should allow space.

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Get Space Taken By A String?

Jun 9, 2012

I would like to get the width of some text drawn by GDI+ in an Integer so that I can adjust the position of a cursor.

I used:

"lCursor = g.MeasureString(vInputText, Font)"

In which 'lCursor' is the offset for the original location of the cursor. But apparently the output of MeasureString is not integer and can't even parse it to integer.

View 10 Replies

Out Of String Space

Feb 22, 2010

I got the following code to capture information for files on a specified drive, I ran the script againts a 600 GB hard drive on one of our servers and after a while I get the error [code]How can I avoid getting this error? The server drives are quite a bit <????> and I would imagine that the CSV file would be at least 40 MB.I commented out some lines in the code, using double ticks ('') so you can see where.

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Add A Space Between Every Character In A String?

Oct 7, 2009

How do I add a space between every character in a string of text?For example:Change abcdefg"
To "a b c d e f g"I have two text boxes on my form, one for input, the other for output of the re-formatted string.

View 5 Replies

Add Space After Every 4 Characters To String?

Nov 19, 2011

How can I add space after every 4 characters to string that returned from a function? I know the returned value it is 8 or 12 or ...etc.

for example function myString will return the value of ABCDEF12XY1Z

How can i display in textbox1 as ABCD EF12 XY1Z

View 7 Replies

Replace A String With Space?

Apr 21, 2011

I want to Replace a string with space here string is comming from DB, here string looks like as followes (This is my first name : "rama" and my second name : "krishna") so now i want to replace the above String as ( This is my first name : rama and my second name : krishna ) So i want to replace " this with Space..

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.NET Windows Forms For Each Space In String?

Nov 2, 2011

i have this code

Dim RandomNumber As New Random()
Dim msg As String = "My name is Nick from Neptune"
For each space as char in msg
msg = msg.replace(" ", RandomNumber.Next(0, 33))


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Checking A String Contains Only Letters A - Z / Space?

May 9, 2009

So I basically want to make sure that a string entered by the user is valid. Valid being over 10 characters, containing only upper case characters, and only characters A - Z and spaces. The first two were easy, but I'm having trouble with the third, though.What I originally attempted to do was create a loop which checks if the first invalid character is present with the InStr function, by using the characters ASCII value. The next ASCII value is then checked, and so on until it has checked the string for every single invalid character. If an invalid character gets picked up, 1 is added to a variable, and after the loop is finished executing, if the variable is no longer 0, invalid characters have been detected.

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How To Check If String In Textbox Has Space

Sep 3, 2009

How to check if the string in textbox has space/spaces then I will put it in if condition.

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Program Is Adding Space To End Of String?

Mar 14, 2011

I have been undertaking the task of creating a POS system in VB.NET, everything is going good, but for some reason, I am having a hard time with a simple string....When I'm creating my receipt, I'm using html code within a string, then load the string into a webbrowser, this way I can easily format text and use a simple css file to change things, anyway this works well except for when I'm generating a bar code.

'Print Barcode for future reference
sREC = sREC & "<br><div class='BC'>*" & BusID & "-" & transIDnumber & "*</div>"

sREC contains all the information for the receipt that is the set to a WebBrowserControl Document text and saved as an html file. the output of that line of code is "*1243-2* " minus the quotations. I don't understand why the trailing space is added?

--EDIT--I know that is not in the variable, because I have tried the following as well

'Print Barcode for future reference
sREC = sREC & "<br><div class='BC'>*2*</div>"

the output continues to be "*2* ".

View 9 Replies

Split A String Using Followed By A Space As A Delimiter?

Jan 11, 2012

I have an string that is returned from an xml file and looks similar to this name1="test 1" name2="test2" name3="test 3".I want to split this into 3 elements of key=value. I can't just split using a space because some of my values may contain spaces, e.g., test 1.So, I'd like to split the string using the " before the space. I've tried many variations but can't figure out the correct syntax to specify that my split characters are a " followed by a space. For instance, I've tried text.split({""" "}) but that returns elements split by " and ignores the space after the ".It shouldn't be this difficult. Can someone please help me with the correct syntax?

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.Net: Empty String Is Not Clear Space Character?

Apr 7, 2009

I've always use String.IsNullOrEmpty to check for a empty string. It recently come to my attention that a " " count as not a empty string. For example,

Dim test As String = " "
If String.IsNullOrEmpty(test) Then
MessageBox.Show("Empty String")


It will show "Not Empty String". So how do we check for " " or " " in a string?

edit: I wasn't aware that " " count as character.

View 13 Replies

Remove Empty Space From A Large String?

Oct 5, 2009

I try to remove empty space from a large string, using replace(), and using regex.

the replace method:

Do While (stripped.IndexOf(Space(2)) >= 0)
stripped = stripped.Replace(Space(2), " ")

and with regex using its replace with : "/ss+/" - regular expression.

but I am still stuck with empty strings such as :

temp ""String

these string have lengths ranging between 3 and 8, so I have tried to adapt the replace function with something like this:

replace 2

Do While (stripped.IndexOf(Space(4)) >= 0)
stripped = stripped.Replace(Space(4), Space(1))

View 7 Replies

Remove Excess White Space From String?

Apr 14, 2011

I want to remove the excess white spaces using[code]...

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Remove White Space After A Certain Character In A String?

Apr 17, 2009

I'm trying to build a list that will be used as the in clause of a select statement. The requirement is to have the user enter a comma separated list of descriptions. Each description can contain spaces so I can't remove the spaces before splitting by comma to add the single quotes around each description. I want to remove all white space after a single quote since no description will start with a space. What's the best way to do this in VB.NET? Regular expression or a string function? Here's what I have so far.


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VS 2010 Strings.Space VS String.Empty?

Jan 5, 2011

To create a string of space characters to a given length using the MS VB namespace I used,

Strings.Space(Length)But without the VB namesapce, how do I do the same thing, is it like this?...

String.Empty.PadLeft(Length, " "c)

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IDE :: Removing Tab From String?

Sep 7, 2010

I'm having a variable, which contains characters with tab character in between two words. remove the Tab character.

For Ex;

Input string "Word<tab>1234"

I need the output as "Word1234"

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VS 2008 Removing String From A String?

Aug 10, 2010

0000011 22 331. How do I remove "22"?2. How do I get "0000011" and "33"?

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.net - De-serializing A Space Delimited String Into A Generic List?

Oct 19, 2011

I have an xml file with elements that look like this (abbreviated for clarity):

<post id="1" tags="tag1 tag2 tag3 tag4" />

I want to map this to the following class using Xml Deserialization, but I can't find a way to map the tags attribute to an actual List(Of String).

<Serializable()> _
<XmlRootAttribute("post")> _
Public Class Post


Is there any way to override the default Deserialization?

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.NET Function Pading Blank Space To The Right Of String - Not Working?

Jun 10, 2010

My Requirment is to Leave Blank space to the right of the each Lable (String) in Chart in SSRS.

Using Custom VB.NET Function, i want to Pass String Lable to VB.NET Function and then Function Return String with Padding Blank Space to the right of String.

Example :Lable String is : "United States of America"

My Lable output should be : "United States of America "

How can we achieve ?

Let me know if you need mor information.

is there any other way to achieve this ?

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Parse A Space Delimited String Into A Double Array?

May 25, 2010

in parsing a string which is delimited by space in to a Double Array

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Regex - Replace Space In A String At Random Position In .net?

Mar 1, 2012

I want to select a random space in a string and replace it with a word (%word%) but there is a problem. The position cannot be fixed as i want it to be inserted at a random break. Few things which iam considering :

1)break the string at a space and merge it with the word

2) find a random space and replace it with the word. I like this point and so far all i have is break the selectedtext into string array and then iterate over each line. But i don't know how to find a random string position? Any short and sweet code please?

If (rtfArticle.SelectedText.Length > 0) Then
Dim strArray As String() = rtfArticle.SelectedText.Split(New Char() {ChrW(10)})
For Each str3 As String In strArray


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String Parameter With Space In Between Passing To SSRS Report?

Nov 2, 2010

my users to view, send (via email), export SSRS reports. I have set up date parameter boxes with calendar drop down and they are able to send via email a URL link that would either display the report via ReportViewer or send a link that would let then view the report in Excel or PDF. This is working just fine. Now I just added another report with a procedure prompt using a text box. Report works fine when I run it in SSRS. If I enter say carotid stent, it displays all records that have the word "carotid stent" in the procedure name field. Now, when I added code using VS 2005 to accommodate this new parameter, here's my code -

ProcedureName = txtProcedureName.Text
msg.Body = "Please click on the URL link to view the report - " + Chr(13) + Chr(10) + "http://SERVERNAME/ReportServer/Pages/ReportViewer.aspx?%2fReports%2f" + ReportName +


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.net - Removing - Character In String?

Mar 22, 2011

i tried to read html contents by striping html tags in a string.when i try to print that string i got - character. how to remove this character?

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Removing All Spaces In A String?

Nov 8, 2010

Is there any function in that removes all spaces in a string. I mean a string like ' What is this' should be 'Whatisthis'

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Removing Certain Character From String?

Jun 13, 2011

I had a quick question. I'm desiging a program that users can enter a currency (dollar amount) in a textbox. Since the string I declared will be based on what the user typed in and I want to convert it to a decimal, I want to remove a "$" sign if the user made one.

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