Replace Something In A Listbox Using Substrings ?

Jul 1, 2012

I have made a code where I write a recipe to a file and then I can read from the file and it is output in a listbox. I need to allow the user to change the amount of people served and then the quantities change to suit the serving number. The serving number is input and the rest of the code works apart from the changing the quantities bit.

The code that I am using is below. I have no idea if i'm doing it right though.


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Replace Multiple Substrings Within A String - Error In Function?

Jun 16, 2010

I found this function that replaces multiple substrings within a string on the internet but it gives an error on one of the parameters.It doesn't like this one:

ByVal ParamArray FindChars()) As String

Can you look at the code and correct the error since I don't yet know about explicitly typed parameters?

Public Function ReplaceMultiple(ByVal OrigString As String, _
ByVal ReplaceString As String, ByVal ParamArray FindChars()) _[code]......

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Find And Replace Using Listbox?

Sep 15, 2011

have a list of 84000 words , and have some articles in these articles i want to replace first occurrence of each word i have in listbox e.g

For Each item In ListBox1.Items
Dim mytext As String = "My some text this text is very long text and i want to replace this"
If ListBox1.Items.Contains(mytext) Then


but it used to replace the whole mytext i want to replace words in mytext and also it hang the system and very very slow?

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Replace Text In Listbox

Jan 12, 2010

How can I replace all text in a list box that matches "Goto " with "Move "? I tried wpbox1.Items.ToString.Replace("Goto ", "Move "), no luck though

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Check & Replace Text Of Listbox Items?

Apr 7, 2009

First how do I check if each listbox item in a listbox contains an expression (Regardless of how many items there are in the listbox) and secondly how would I replace that with text that I want

So, if the First item in the listbox contained "Http%$$" then how would I change that to "Http:" without affecting the rest of the text in the item

Here is the code I have so far


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Find A String In A Listbox And Then Replace It With The Value From A Txt File?

Jan 20, 2012

I've got a listbox build up as an array of items like this: First column is product id, 2nd column is name, 3rd column is price, 4th column is amount and I put them in an array: Public Item(3) As String,

7226218; Hemlock; 22.55; 0
7711175; Pine, Radiata; 12.45; 0
2229886; Pine, Arkansas; 15.25; 3[code].....

how to change the line if the Order(0) value is found in the listbox with the new amount value..

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Remove And Replace String Character In Listbox?

Feb 15, 2012

My project is scanner for example.


if listbox in same url then don't add listbox only one url stay

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VS 2010 Remove Or Replace Part Of A URL In A Listbox?

Dec 14, 2011

I have a listbox with urls like:[URL]..I want to remove all after "/" like[URL]..

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Replace Multiple Selections In Listbox With Textbox.text?

Oct 23, 2009

I have code that works to place two items in listbox into two textboxes when selected (multiple select extended).

Private Sub lstOutput_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lstOutput.SelectedIndexChanged
Dim i As Integer = lstOutput.SelectedIndex


I need also to be able to modify the data in the textboxes and replace the lines in the listbox. The reverse code doesn't work properly, it only replaces the first selected item. The "lstOutput.Items(i + 1)" appears not to lead to the second selected item.

Dim i As Integer = lstOutput.SelectedIndex
lstOutput.SelectedItem = lstOutput.Items(i + 1)
lstOutput.Items(i) = txtName.Text
lstOutput.Items(i + 1) = txtPhone.Text

I have scoured the web for ways to manipulate the selected index/indices, with no success.

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VS 2008 How To Search And Replace Words In Listbox Items

Nov 6, 2010

How to search and replace words in listbox items.

just can't seem to work it out

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Best Method To Look For Specific Substrings

Dec 19, 2011

I'm using Visual Studio 2010 and automating Outlook 2007. I am writing a program that executes on incoming mail (which I have that working), but I want this program to inspect the subject line for a 5 character string that will be in the format of AB123 (can be any 2 letters followed by any 3 numbers). What is the best method to accomplish that?

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How To Compare Strings With Substrings

Sep 26, 2009

is it possible to compare a string with substring of other case insensitively

I have tried it through but i is case sensitive


true only if the case matches else it is false

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How To Identify SubStrings In Text

May 6, 2009

I have a large string in which I need to replace specific strings with other values. For example, within this string I might see the following characters: [[sub id=5]]. I am trying to replace those substrings with values, pulled from a table and based on the id. What would be the simplest way to accomplish this. My first thought was to loop through and examine each character and note their positions when they match the pattern. I would then have to identify the id. That would be fairly complicated, however, and there must be a better way.

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Inserting SubStrings Into String

May 30, 2011

so say I have a string called Cmd, and the text inside the string is Restarting server in ()..., what I was wondering was how I would go about inserting different substrings like 3, 2 and 1 in between the two parentheses? I know about Cmd.Insert() but I don't know how I would make it go between the two parentheses.

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Removing Several Substrings From A String?

Dec 17, 2009

Alright I am taking an XML file which has a bunch of tags and I'm trying to eliminate everything but whats inbetween certian tags for instance the input maybe

- <w:p w:rsidR="00254C13" w:rsidRDefault="001173CF" w:rsidP="001173CF">
- <w:pPr>
- <w:tabs>


unless they say they are safe. Average consumer can protect themselves>not knowledgeable enough to always protect selves</w:t> I want to go through and remove those end tags but when i used the remove string it didn't let me specify a string to remove it the two arguments were where to start and how long. how do i specify what to remove?

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Split A String Into 2 Different Substrings?

Aug 9, 2011

I'm trying to split a string into 2 subs. The first contains the first 236 (0 to 235) chars and the second one from 237 to the end of the string.

firststr = str.Substring(0, 235)
secondstr = str.Substring(235, strLength) 'strLength is the total length of the string


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VS 2008 : Find Multiple Substrings?

Jul 16, 2010

I need to find all strings in given text file which would look like:

Hi thisisme Bye Bye
Hi thisisyou Bye Bye
Hi someone Bye Bye

so, i need the result to be:


also, there is all sorts of other text before this and after this (in source text file)now, i have this, which doesnt work quite well:

Public Function midReturn(ByVal first As String, ByVal last As String, ByVal total As String) As String
If last.Length < 1 Then
midReturn = total.Substring(total.IndexOf(first))


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Loading Text File And Then Search For SubStrings

Dec 16, 2010

Trying to write an app to load a Text file and then search for substrings that contains some specific characters to compose a list. Tried first loading the text file into a StreamReader then search line by line for my substrings. Had to write a lot of code to identify my strings, but it worked ok. Then tried loading the text file into a RichTextBox then use RichTextBox.Find(......) to look for my substrings. The " .Find" property makes the code really simple, but using RichTextBox the app was really slow.

Using Stream the loop was completed in about 2 minutes and using RichTextBox in about 30 minutes! I will need to make a lot of searches and using RichTextBox is lots easier, but is too slow. Is there any way to perform search operations using Streams instead making a loop and go looking line by line??? Or what else would be a good solution to search for strings in a text file??

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RegEx - Splitting First Parameter Into Array Of SubStrings

Sep 25, 2010

I am a little bit confused by the following VB statement
commands = Regex.Split(script, _
"GO", _

I know what regex.split does. I know what the first parameter is. The second parameter is what I'm confused by. I think it is using the word "go" as a delimiter to split the first parameter into an array of substrings. But I don't understand what that refers to.

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Substrings And Finding Words In Visual Studio

Oct 14, 2011

how can i track how many times a specific word appears in a text box then display the number of times found in a message box?

for example if i type this in a textbox: today is really hot, it is not very convinient to be outside, it is better if we go swimming

and i am looking for the word "is" troughout the sentence, it appears 3 times yet I am not sure how to make a code so it does count the times "is" is being found and then display it with a message:

"your word is found 3 times in this sentence"

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Write A Program That Separates A String Into 2 Substrings?

Sep 23, 2009

I am trying to write a program that separates a string into 2 substrings.Lets say I need the entire string to be 15 letters long.I need to break the string up so that the program reads it as two words.Lets say that the first word has to be 8 letters long and the second word has to be 6 letters long.So if I type it like this: Computer Screen

That should be 15 letters including the space between the two words.I need the program to read the string to make sure that the entire string is 15 letters long and if its 15 letter long continue, but if it is not 15 letters long stop and give me an error.If is 15 letter long next the program needs to read and make sure that the first word is 8 letters long and if it is print out the first word and continue but if not it needs to give me error.

Lastly if the first word is 8 letters long it needs to read and make sure that the second word is 6 letters long and if it is print out the second word and then continue, but if it is not give me error.The problem I'm having how to declare the first and second word and substrings, can someone please help me understand how substrings works and declare them after I have declared a string.

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Parsing A Textbox String And Returning Substrings To Multiple Textboxes

Nov 17, 2010

i've done some basic parsing with text files before.

Scenario is i have 4 textboxes String (which contains the string i'm wanting to parse) sub1, sub2, and sub3. so the string is ex. 500000-1-2

- is the char that is the seperator

so the aim here is to get

500000 into sub1
1 into sub2
2 into sub3

the real string i'm wanting to parse is much more complex, but i'm keeping it simple here for a jumping off point so i can figure the rest out.

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String.replace - Replace The New Format YYYY-MM-DD Back To YYYYMMDD In The Code

May 5, 2009

The file reads in parameters and two of the parameters used to be in Date Format YYYYMMDD but will now permanently be in format YYYY-MM-DD. This change, I believe, is stopping the import of the file from working. I would like to replace the new format YYYY-MM-DD back to YYYYMMDD in the code. If possible I'd also like to see some output so I know that the old format has been replaced with the new format. The code is below. I added the two rows with .replace code in green in expecting that to be enough but it is still not working.

Sub Main()
Dim R1, O1, P1, C1, strDateFrom, strDateTo, strRunDate


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Replace Doesn't Replace / Formatting A Timespan For Display

Dec 8, 2008

I'm working on a timekeeping application in Visual Basic 2008 and am having trouble formatting a timespan for display. Here's how I want to the information:If a positive number my Label will be: lblTimespan.txt will show as "12 Hours And 15 Minutes" This works fine.If its a negative number I want to display it as "(12 Hours And 15 Minutes)'[ in red. The problem is that I can't get rid of the minus sign. [code] Thr Replace doesn't seem to want to replace the "-", can anyone suggest what to do?

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Use Find/Replace To Replace Arbitrary Text Per Line?

Dec 9, 2011

I have a bunch of object variables which are all initialised in their declarations such that:

Private _myObject As New ThisObject("SomeString")

where ThisObject is one of a number of object types, but all are initialised using a string.

I would like to use the Visual Studio Find/Replace dialog box to search for "As New" then replace everything from "As New" to the first set of speech marks with some text such that:


My original example could be solved using other methods. This example is more representative of the actual problem:

Private _myObjectA As New ThisObjectA("SomeString")
Private _myObjectLongName As New ThisObjectLongName("SomeString")


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VS 2008 - Regex Replace To Replace Double Quotes With Nothing?

Jul 13, 2009

I am trying to think of a regex replace to replace double quotes with nothing. Example:

hello("hi there") would become hello(hi there)

"hi" would become hi

"example "3" would become example "3

-edit Maybe an easier way to explain this is, replace all " that do not have a backslash before them.

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Forms :: Replace Comma With Regex.Replace?

Mar 10, 2009

I am trying to filter out all unwanted characters from a string. All I want in the string is letters A-Z, numbers 0-9 as well as comma (,) plus (+) and quotes (").I figured how to do the letters and numbers, but the 3 special characters are giving me a problem. I also tried with the Chr(34) equivelant for the " sign, but no luck, as and " or , messes up the way the code is read. Here�s what I have so far, but it only works for A-Z and 0-9:

STR = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace(STR, "[^A-Z, 0-9, Chr(43) ]", "")

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Replace Occurrences Of ALL Characters And Replace Them With A Specified Character?

Mar 6, 2010

How can I specify in my string that I want to replace occurrences of ALL characters and replace them with a specified character? Something like this:

'assuming currentWord is a string that contains any word
_myWord = CurrentWord.Replace("a-z,A-Z", "*")

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Using Replace Function To Replace A Character In The File?

Jul 7, 2011

I am using replace function to replace a character in the file

sw.WriteLine(Regex.Replace(strLine, "\", Chr(13)))

This code is working fine, but now I want to replace two times and I want to use the replace function twice. Something like this, but it is not working . Can anyone tell me how to use Replace function multiple times?

sw.WriteLine(Regex.Replace(strLine, "\", Chr(13)).Replace(strLine, Chr(13), ""))

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Replace String - Replaced One Blank Line And " Replace By "

Apr 7, 2009

Suppose i have two strings which is given below.


Where ever i find , it should be replaced one blank line and " replace by "

When i migrated the data from MYSQL to SQL Server 2005, i found few problem in one of the column. In MYSQL indicates as new line and " indicates as ".

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