Resource File ( Resx ) Editor Not Painting / Rendering In Visual Studio 2008

Jan 18, 2010

I have Visual Studio 2008 SP1 installed and lately it is taking longer and longer to bring up a Resource File (.resx) in its standard editor. Some of the file loads up, but you can see that the screen does not paint/render it 100%.I tried doing some searching on the web and the only thing I came across was doing a edit to the GDIProcessHandleQuota registry entry from 10,000 to 20,000. This appeared to work initially, but the problem came back the next day.I am doing an extensive localization project and this is severely limiting the amount of work I get done.

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IDE :: Visual Studio 2008 Ressource Editor Not Working?

Jan 31, 2011

when i try to load the ressouce editor instead of open it per default i get it in xml"The file cannot be opened with the selected editor.

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Visual Studio Keeps Changing Resx Files

Apr 21, 2010

I'm working on a VB.Net project and using SVN. I noticed that every time I open my main form, Visual studio slightly modifies my .resx file, which means that I keep having to re-commit it.url...

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Interface And Graphics :: Visual Studio 2008 IDE Code Editor Settings

May 11, 2008

Does anyone know how to turn off the blank space delimiter of a dot? I have no idea how I turned it on, but now there's a dot where every whitespace charater would be in the IDE's code window.

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Is There A Visual Studio Add-in For Populating Resource Files From Strings In A Code File

Mar 12, 2011

I'm maintaining a WinForms application which was not written using any development patters conducive to localizing the classes in the project which were not directly associated with forms, or the code-behind partials of the forms.Thus, there is MessageBox() code with English text in it in almost every code file. I'd like to find a tool which will "scrape" those strings from the code, insert the strings in a resource file, and substitute a call to the resource with the substituted string in a comment.

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Resx File - Build A Page And Then Run Generate Local Resource

Feb 13, 2009

When I was using ASP.NET I used to build a page and then run Generate Local Resource and it would build a resx page with all my strings. Is there a way to do this with VB.NET?

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Visual Studio - .Net Editor Using RichTextBox?

Aug 3, 2011

I've created a simple text editor using a RichTextBox for a Logic Program. I've got the coloring(highlighting) to to work except for comments. However it runs really really slow after a 100 lines or so.

Note: I call the SyntaxHandler on the RichTextBox TextChanged event.

Friend vbKeys As String = "And|As|Case|Catch|CDbl|Ceiling|CInt|Class|Const|Continue|CStr|Decimal|" & _
"Default|Delegate|Dim|Do|Double|Each|End|Else|Enum|Event|" & _
"Explicit|Extern|False|Finally|Floor|For|Format|GoTo|If|IIf|In|Int|Is|Long|Module|" & _


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Visual Studio 2010 C# Editor More Cumbersome

Oct 6, 2011

I traditionally work in VB.NET, but have been asked to code the latest project in C#.This is fine as I can work in either language, having had to frequently translate C# code to VB in the past and I've no qualms about developing in either.My issue is with the Visual Studio editor and how many of the tasks that have traditionally been automated for me while writing VB.NET code are missing when writing C# code, or involve a larger variety of key-presses.For example, creating a new #region or function. In VB.NET creating a region involves typing "#r", at which point intellisense kicks in and shows me "#Region". I press "space" and "#Region" is auto-completed, thus allowing me to type the region name, then click "Enter" and the closing "#End Region" is automagically added.In C#, I type "#r"... and nada.. I have to either click "Ctrl + k + x" and select #region from the list of snippets to achieve the same effect.Similarly when writing functions in VB.NET ... the autocomplete creates the structure in seconds, whereas C# involves having to manually add the brackets etc, adding precious seconds to the development process. (or perhaps there is another shortcut key combo)

These are just two examples, but there are many others where the short-cuts that the VB.NET editor provides make coding much faster than the C# editor.I'm pretty shocked actually as C# is so often lauded for being "better" than VB.NET.My question is, are there any plugins which allow autocomplete on the C# editor in the same way as provided to the VB.NET editor?

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Opening .resx Files In Visual Gives "The Operation Cannot Be Completed. Invalid Pointer" Error

Dec 23, 2009

I am using Visual Studio 2008. While opening some of the .resx file, it is giving me error that "The operation cannot be completed. Invalid Pointer". What can be the possible problem and solution?

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Visual Studio Resource Kit?

Aug 26, 2010

I recently downloaded Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition. While going through the registration process, at one point there is a link to download software entitled "Visual Studio Resource Kit." My PC however does not recognize the file, so I am then redirected to the Windows URL where it tells me the file type and extension (cd rom image and .iso extension respectevily), but it is unclear what FREE software I can download to open the file.

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Can't Load It Into The Visual Studio 2010-editor/compiler?

Feb 22, 2011

I have a project written in Vb6, and I can't load it into the Visual Studio 2010-editor/compiler, because no wizard pops up. The idea then was to install Visual Studio 2008 and try to get to 2010 via that. But apparently the downloadlink for 2008 is not working. Does anybody have answers or ideas to my problems.

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IDE :: Up Close And Personal With The Visual Studio 2010 Editor Team

Jun 11, 2009

For those you that joined in, I would like to thank you for joining us last week on the topic of Visual Studio Setup.

This week, we have something even better with the team that has built the new editor: Sean Laberee; Kav Latiolais; Selma Ikizto and Brittany Behrens (whom many of you may have already met on the forums) to do a quick walk through of their new features -and of course gather your feedback for the work of sorting through their Beta2 DCRs.

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Xaml Editor In .Net Express / Visual Studio: Auto Completion Annoyance?

Mar 23, 2012

As I'm typing out Xaml in VB.Net Express 2010, it helpfully finishes certain things for me. Most of the autocomplete is fine, but some of it annoys me and it leads me to wonder if I'm missing something or doing it wrong.

If I type:

<GroupBox Header=

It automatically puts a quotation mark before and after my cursor. I've gotten used to the quotation mark before the cursor - I immediately start typing in whatever property I wanted. But now there is a quotation mark after my cursor! I have to reach over to the other side of my keyboard and press the right arrow key to move past it. I find this insanely aggravating, because it breaks my "flow" while I'm typing. Are you supposed to be able to press a close-at-hand key (like tab, but that doesn't work) to move to the other side of the quotation mark or do they really intend for you to have to constantly use the right arrow key?

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Visual Web Developer 2008's .sln File Is Not Working In Visual Studio 2008?

Mar 28, 2009

Visual web developer 2008's .sln file is not working in Visual Studio 2008

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Get Visual Studio To Recognize Multiple Project Resource Files?

Aug 17, 2011

I have a Windows project in Visual Studio 2010 in which I store all images in the project's resource file that Visual Studio created for me. However, it's getting cluttered and I'd like to separate images into multiple resource files if possible. I created a new resource file, but Visual Studio doesn't recognize it when I go to the form designer and try to change an image. The only file that comes up under the Project resource files available are MyProjectResources.resx. The one that I just created isn't there.

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.MSI (Installer File For MS Visual Studio 2008 (.Net)?

Mar 23, 2010

I have a MS Visual Studio .NET project created. I also went through the basic steps to add a setup project which created both an .MSI and a setup.exe file under the "Release" folder within the Debug folder. When I ran the setup.exe it installed the website on my http:localhost/Program/default.aspx which is fine and all..

My only problem is that the website does not have some of the customized icons that should be displayed, some of the other files are also missing such as "filename.txt" found in the main directory of my program used for specific calculations. I guess my two questions are:How do I add "All" the files inside my project to the .MSI?? The Website works fine, but its missing some files.

My second question, what if I "Remove" the program? Will it delete all directories, even files manually added to some folders AFTER the installation? For example: Lets say that my website contains a folder called "Data" which gathers data for specific purposes. The "Data" folder is often changed to replace outdated "Data", so when I need to make an update to the program the "Data" should not be removed, my 'client' should be able to just Add/Remove the program to update the program but all the other files should remain unchanged.

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File System Using Visual Studio 2008?

Jan 11, 2010

i am about to ask what file should i do that could be done in noon time!? can anyone suggest me a topic because i'm getting a hard time out of it.

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Reading XML File From Visual Studio 2008

Feb 11, 2012

I have XML which has following content. I am providing only small portion of code below. I need to read this XML file from Visual studio 2008 and display the contents on windows and web.



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Visual Studio 2008 Sp1 To Visual Studio 2010 Beta Sp2

Feb 17, 2010

Will i be able to successfully install 2010 beta 2 side by side 2008? because i want to test 2010 features and some development toolkits such as silverlight while i don't want to uninstall my visual studio 2008 professional.

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Visual Studio 2008 Keeps Crashing With "Microsoft Visual Studio Encountered A Problem And Was Shut Down"

Mar 20, 2009

I have a Visual Basic project and when working and modifying code, the compiler will crash and then a message will say something like "Microsoft visual studio encountered a problem and was shut down." I've tried editing code from the solution and the project. Both produce the error. Usually occurs when adding an "IF...Then..." condition. May work for hours but then crash. Solution will compile and build.

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How To Encrypt Data File In Visual Studio 2008

Jan 21, 2010

Is there any built in Encryption function in Visual basic 2008 that I can use? I want to encrypt my file because it is written in XML format any as far as everyone know... XML can read by anyone that has notepad or any related software.To aim is not enough.

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IDE :: XML Editor Not Working In Studio 2008

Jan 30, 2009

I just purchased Visual Studio 2008 Standard edition and the XML editor that I had and loved in Studio 2005 is either not available or not working. If I open up an XML file, it just opens it as a plain text file. Is this a feature that was left out of 2008 or what?

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Working In Visual Studio 2008, VB File IO Creation/Opening

Apr 26, 2011

I'm trying to search for a file in VB. If it exists I'd like to read it in. If it doesn't not exist I'd like to create it. I'm working in Visual Studio 2008. I was using a Streamreader before, but when I did that I was never getting any sort of error if the file wasn't there, which isn't what I want.

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Import A Registry File Using Visual Studio Express 2008

Mar 6, 2012

I am trying to import a registry file using Visual Studio Express 2008 with this


It keeps coming up with a file not found exception but I've included this


And it tells me the files exists!

No idea why this isn't working.....

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Visual Studio 2008 - .Net - Version Numbering In VBPROJ File?

Jun 25, 2010

Following on from my last question, are the AssemblyMajorVersion, AssemblyMinorVersion,AssemblyRevisionNumber and GenerateRevisionNumber properties required in .vbproj files?

All of our components have these entries in the .vbproj files but they are completely out of sync with the AssemblyVersion and AssemblyFileVersion entries in the AssemblyInfo.vb files.

Are they a legacy from the upgrade from previous VS versions?

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Visual Studio 2008 Not Showing Chart From Excel File

Apr 3, 2012

I am trying to show my excel chart in visual basic listbox and it does not work. I have added the reference of in my code i have put the range of column "A" and i do not know how to change the range to where the chart is in the excel.
Here is my code!


I have attached the excel file screen shot if that can help in any way...So basically When i click on the button in VB than it should show me the excel chart. My code just shows me the column "A" which shows me the "data" column only from the excel file.

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Database - Connect To An Access 2007 (accdb) File In Visual Studio 2008?

May 2, 2009

I am working on a project which was made using VB6, and my client wants to change it in VB.NET

i have to configure this projetct on windows vista ultimate..coz i cant go on with Win XP

can some one help me...

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Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Will Not Create Resourse File For Forms Application?

Apr 19, 2011

The environment will not create a resource file for a newly created Windows Forms Application. When I add a button Visual Studio displays a dialog "File Exist". That'sall, plus an OK button. There is no file name or the file name is in unreadable characters.The dialog comes from Visual Studio because the title is "Microsoft Visual Studio".There is no resource file so it must be that the resource file cannot be created.I uninstalled and reinstalled Visual Studio 2008. It did not change anything.I believe the problem was caused by opening the same project rapidly twice on an i7 laptop. I have done this unintentionally before and I can testify that unpredictable

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VS 2008 Picturebox And Icon From .resx File?

May 24, 2012

I am working on a vb6 to migration project using VS 3.5. In my application, there is .resx file and some icons are there in this file (eg: icoIN,icoUS etc). On click of a checked listbox (which is filled with country names), the particular country flag should be displayed on a picture box control. The image of country flag is taken from the .resx file.I tried with the following code.


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Visual Basic Express File System Editor?

Apr 18, 2009

I am trying to publish a program but when I run the setup I get an error saying I need to put WindowsBase v3 in the Global Assembly Cache which I can do using the File System Editor apparently. The Help says to access the file system editor go to "Editor" on the "View" menu in Visual Studio. But it isn't there.

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