Resx File - Build A Page And Then Run Generate Local Resource

Feb 13, 2009

When I was using ASP.NET I used to build a page and then run Generate Local Resource and it would build a resx page with all my strings. Is there a way to do this with VB.NET?

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C# - Use The Local Resource File With Code Behind Page?

Sep 14, 2011

I want to make message strings independent of aspx file and code behind page

I want to know how to use the resource files with code behind to achieve this?

or is there any other way to do this, other than using resource files?

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Resource File ( Resx ) Editor Not Painting / Rendering In Visual Studio 2008

Jan 18, 2010

I have Visual Studio 2008 SP1 installed and lately it is taking longer and longer to bring up a Resource File (.resx) in its standard editor. Some of the file loads up, but you can see that the screen does not paint/render it 100%.I tried doing some searching on the web and the only thing I came across was doing a edit to the GDIProcessHandleQuota registry entry from 10,000 to 20,000. This appeared to work initially, but the problem came back the next day.I am doing an extensive localization project and this is severely limiting the amount of work I get done.

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.net - Windows Forms Local Resource File?

Sep 8, 2011

I am using a number of localised form resource files in order to store translation strings. In addition to the standard component captions and text values, I am storing localised messagebox strings for things like autosave notifications.However, when opening the form again, the additional messagebox strings have been removed from all the form resource files.Is it not possible to store additional strings in these files? Or is there a workaround?

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VS 2008 Resource File To Physical Local File?

Sep 1, 2009

I'm trying to output a resource file to a physical file on my hard drive. Here is what I have so far from researching but I think I'm doing it wrong.

Dim ms As New System.IO.MemoryStream(My.Resources.File1) Here is how I would do it in VB6, but I'm trying to catch up with the times and move on to the new stuff.

Dim c() As Byte
Open Sysdir & "mswinsck.ocx" For Binary Access Write As #3
c = LoadResData(103, "Custom")


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Wpf - .NET Make A Copy Of An Embedded File Resource To The Local Drive

Apr 8, 2010

I'm creating a WPF application in VB.NET with the 3.5 Framework. (If you provide an example in C#, that's perfectly fine.)

In my project I have a Template for an MS Access database. My desired behavior is that when the users clicks File-->New, they can create a new copy of this template, give it a filename, and save it to their local directory.

The database already has the tables and some starting data needed to interface with my application (a user-friendly data editor)

I'm thinking the approach is to include this "template.accdb" file as a resource in the project, and write it to a file somehow at runtime?

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Local Resources Vs Embrdded Resource?

Oct 29, 2009

I am creating a project in which i need a background image for every form in VB 08,initially i took the images as embedded resource and had a problem so then i replaced them as local resource, now,my question is that when i install my project on different computer will it display the background image.

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Possible To Generate One Without Build Number And Revision

Dec 5, 2008

While versioning a .NET 1.1 assembly using Visual Studio 2003, is it possible to generate one without build number and revision. I would want just the major and minor version.

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Icons From Resource File - Use Files Inside Of Resource File In Apps?

Feb 26, 2011

So i created resource file New --> new file --> Native Resource Template Then added icons with custom id, like "x", "u_100", .. so i understand, what the files (in my case icons) is.. And i saved as 32-bit resource file (*.res) So i have a question, how can i use these files inside of resource file in my apps? i know how to add icons in to my app.. Me.Icon = New Icon(C:/icon.ico)

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IDE :: Can't Use The Button Under 'Generate Local Resources'

May 29, 2008

why can't I use the button under 'Generate Local Resources' (it's disabled everytime) located under Tools.I'm developing a .NET 3.5 Web project and using Visual Studio 2008 Professional?

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.net - WinForms - Prevent UserControl's Resources Being Copied Into The Form's Local Resource?

Dec 29, 2009

I have a simple windows Forms application where in I have a usercontrol called "MyControl" derived from PictureBox.

In this MyControl, I have the following code :

Sub New()
Me.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.MyImage 'This is a project resource image
End Sub

Now when I drag and drop this MyControl into a form, I get the image and also those stuff. But the problem is that the BackgroundImage is being copied into the Form's local .resx file.So when I look into the form.designer file, I find the following :

Me.MyControl1.BackgroundImage = CType(resources.GetObject("MyControl1.BackgroundImage"), System.Drawing.Image)

This is a problem and also when I try to change the image in the control, it does not get reflected in the form's control instance.

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Evtx / Evt Files - Access The Local Eventlog Using Build In Functions?

Feb 8, 2011

I know I can access the local Eventlog using build in functions. However, I need to be able to open and read evt and evtx files save on a remote computer for further analysing.

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Load Dll From Resx File?

Aug 15, 2009

Is it possible to load a dll from a resx file?

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Software To Build Program - Use Crystal Report To Generate The Sheet For Print

Feb 8, 2009

I need a software to build a program that can do the following:

-use a sql server 2005 express maibe
-use a sql server 2000
-connect to mysql
-use crystal report to generate the sheet for print

Until now i use the vb6 to work with that things that i have say but i looking for a new language because vb6 is a "little" old but i dont want spent many time learning a language for say to my self "damn this program cant do what i want" i have seen many versions of visual basic and one of them is the visual basic 2008 express that is free, but what is the limitation of this software? i can build all of that i build in vb6? i have the same controls? i know some controls dont exist in others versions of visual basic 2005,2008 etc but my question is the visual basic 2008 express if good for what? until now i dont spend many time using this software because the language if a quiet diferent from vb6 the vb6 to .net have many diferences but i need know is if i learn use the visual basic 2008 express i able to use the others versions? like visual basic 2005 and others products the is more professional?

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Fix Resx Error After Changing File Name?

Jun 7, 2011

I had a program going along swimmingly until I tried to change the name for form1 to something more meaningful. Now It is all messed up and I am getting the dreaded resx error. Is there any hope in salvaging this?

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Load Resources From A .Resx File?

Nov 30, 2009

how to load resources from a .Resx file

in C# you can do (Properties.Resources."ResourceName") This doesn't work in VB

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Picturebox And Icon From .resx File

May 23, 2012

I am working on a vb6 to migration project using VS 3.5. In my application, there is .resx file and some icons are there in this file (eg: icoIN,icoUS etc). On click of a checked listbox (which is filled with country names), the particular country flag should be displayed on a picture box control. The image of country flag is taken from the .resx file.I tried with the following code.[code]

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C# - Migrate .RESX File When Changing .NET Framework?

Mar 12, 2012

How to migrate .RESX file when changing .NET Framework... I was changing the .NET framework from 4.0 to 3.5 (because of an incompatbility we discovered in a third party dll) and everything went fine except some .RESX file got messed up. I was starting to fix them manually but is there some tool I can use for this?

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Resx Resources File Be Unit Tested?

Dec 5, 2011

I have a system.resx resources file that is used in a SubmitClick method

Protected Sub SubmitClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
If (... AndAlso ...) Then
End If
End Sub

My problem is that no matter how I try to unit test this, the test will fail when the SetError is hit with a:"Could not load file or assembly 'App_GlobalResources' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified."

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Strange Reset Of Resx File After Localization?

Sep 21, 2010

I've a very strange problem with the localization and the default language resx file.I can add a string entry in the file with no problem. After moving or resizing any of the object in the form, the default resx file, resets itself and then my entry is deleted.Has anyone had the same problem??Unfortunately I can't attach a test project I made, 'cause of some security policies of my network. This is the list of operations you have to do, in order to replicate the problem:create a new windows form project;add any object (ie button) and then change its text property to "Example";set the form's property Localizable = Trueselect one of the language in the form's Language property;change again the text property to "Example 2";get back to the "(default)" entry of the language property;open the Form1.resx file then add a string entry, finally save it;try to move or resize the object into the form and then open again the Form1.resx file. You'll se the entry just for a while and then the file resets itself.

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VS 2008 Picturebox And Icon From .resx File?

May 24, 2012

I am working on a vb6 to migration project using VS 3.5. In my application, there is .resx file and some icons are there in this file (eg: icoIN,icoUS etc). On click of a checked listbox (which is filled with country names), the particular country flag should be displayed on a picture box control. The image of country flag is taken from the .resx file.I tried with the following code.


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Error 23 Is Not A Valid Win32 Application On .resx File?

May 26, 2011

I have a form in my VB>NET project (2010) with some ImageList. Those images are embedded in the list with a form resource in a .resx file asdata name="xxxx.ImageStream" mimetype="application/ I tried to build/run my project I get:

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Invalid Resx File / Deleted Unused Image Files

Apr 1, 2010

I deleted the images that I thought I will not need but the program would not run. Error 1 Invalid Resx file. Could not find a part of the path 'E:Code6 04-01-2010 evening Code5 ResourcesIMG_3514.JPG'. Line 123, position 5. E:Code6 04-01-2010 eveningCode5My Project Resources.resx 123 5 Code5.I even deleted the folder to make it worse.The project is code5 but it is running inside the folder of code6.

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Generate HTML Page?

Jun 11, 2009

My problem is that i want to develop a project in which there is front end (window form) in vb .net in which there are diffrent field for book entry name,author,image etc. all this data is stored in back end sql server 2005there is drop down list of books name the user select the name of book & click a button to generate HTML page of that book which include all

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Invalid Resx File Parameter Is Incorrect Line 1374, Position 5?

Oct 26, 2009

Here is my problem: I developed one application in VB.Net in VS 2008 Express Edition on MS Vista. I published the application and created the installation setup. Now when I install this application on any Vista machine, it runs without any problems, but if I install it on an XP machine, the installation is clean, but when I launch the application, it ends abruptly without any warnings/error just after the splash screen.

Then to investigate further what I did was that I copied the source project from my VS 2008 Express Edition on Vista to an XP machine having full (VS 2008 Team System) version , and when I try to compile it there (XP/VS2008 Full), I get one error in one of the forms resx file. Incidently this is the same form that gets loaded after the splash screen. So I see there is some correlation between my application ending just after the splash screen and failing to compile the main form of the application. The error that I get reads like: "Invalid resx file. The parameter is incorrect Line 1374, position 5."

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Resource File / - Separate Resource DLL ?

Feb 5, 2010

I have a resource file that I include in my shared code library that has all of my re-usable classes in it (all the resources go into their own namespace). Now, what is the best practice regarding resources... should I include them in the same DLL, or should I have a seperate resource DLL and/or are there any benefits from seperating them out into their own file.

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Print Web Page In Web Browser (build It In VB)

Mar 26, 2010

I have a problem. I need to create a Print Dialog to print a web page. I want to make a button, and when I click on it, I want to appear that Print Dialog and then I can print a web page in my Web browser. Can someone give me a code? I am programming in Visual Basic 2008.

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Generate Combinations Of Pixels On A Page?

Mar 25, 2011

how to generate combinations of pixels on a page using 24bit color using MS VB 10.0.

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Copy A File In System32 Folder From Resources Folder .resx File Of Windows Application?

Mar 14, 2009

how should i copy a file in system32 folder from resources folder .resx file of my windows application?

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Shell From Aspx Page To Local EXE?

Feb 25, 2011

On a web server i have an aspx page which calls an EXE, waits, gets the result and sends it back to the user through the browser.

command_line= "lsrunas.exe /user:Administrator /password*** /domain:myPC /command:""d:onair ts_app ts.exe /f:" & FileName & " " & Text & """ /runpath:""d:onair ts_app"""

tts.exe produces an mp3 file which contains synthesized speech based on the given text.lsrunas.exe is the known utility to run the exe as another user.

Shell( command_line, True ) If i run the 'command_line' from the Start->Run menu (its win xp pro), then the EXE works ok. But when it runs through the aspx page and Shell, it produces an error and terminates. Sorry i cant recall the error code (something like 0x400...) but in a little search i did it has something to do with DLL initialization, the app cant start correctly.

As i said, the 'command_line' (as given from me above) works ok using the start->run dialog. i am pretty sure it has something to do with Rights. This service made from me a year ago, it worked then after lot of headaches, but now after a new windows installation i cant remember what i did to make it work.

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