Invalid Resx File Parameter Is Incorrect Line 1374, Position 5?

Oct 26, 2009

Here is my problem: I developed one application in VB.Net in VS 2008 Express Edition on MS Vista. I published the application and created the installation setup. Now when I install this application on any Vista machine, it runs without any problems, but if I install it on an XP machine, the installation is clean, but when I launch the application, it ends abruptly without any warnings/error just after the splash screen.

Then to investigate further what I did was that I copied the source project from my VS 2008 Express Edition on Vista to an XP machine having full (VS 2008 Team System) version , and when I try to compile it there (XP/VS2008 Full), I get one error in one of the forms resx file. Incidently this is the same form that gets loaded after the splash screen. So I see there is some correlation between my application ending just after the splash screen and failing to compile the main form of the application. The error that I get reads like: "Invalid resx file. The parameter is incorrect Line 1374, position 5."

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Send XML File Error 'Data At The Root Level Is Invalid. Line 1, Position 39'

Aug 2, 2011

I am attempting to send my XML file through an API. I have done this no problem by using the below code, however when I try and send the FILE over it will not work, I am now getting in the browser:

Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 39.

Without trying to send FILE it works:

' create the Xml that the Msxml2.serverXmlHttp object will send to the Webservice
dim Xml_to_Send
Xml_to_Send = "<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""utf-8"" ?>"
Xml_to_Send = Xml_to_Send & "<xmldata>"


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Invalid Resx File / Deleted Unused Image Files

Apr 1, 2010

I deleted the images that I thought I will not need but the program would not run. Error 1 Invalid Resx file. Could not find a part of the path 'E:Code6 04-01-2010 evening Code5 ResourcesIMG_3514.JPG'. Line 123, position 5. E:Code6 04-01-2010 eveningCode5My Project Resources.resx 123 5 Code5.I even deleted the folder to make it worse.The project is code5 but it is running inside the folder of code6.

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Error - Data At The Root Level Is Invalid. Line 1, Position 1

May 6, 2010

I am trying to learn how to read XML file and created a little program below to start testing what I have read but keep getting error "Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1"The line where the error is coming from is the line "xmldoc.LoadXml(strFile)".. any ideas?

Private Sub cmdReadXML_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Handles cmdReadXML.Click
Dim clsk As New clsHx


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Reading Text File Line By Line, With Resetting Position To Beginning Of File

Jun 23, 2011

I'm reading a text file with StreamReader, line by line. If a condition is met, then I do an operation and then start reading the file again from the first line. I realize I could close and then re-open the file, but surely this would be very slow.

I could do this easily in VB6, but pulling my hair out trying to do this in It seems that 'Seek' is the function to use, but it doesn't work.

I've seen other examples, where it works, but you must open it a different way -- with a file number.

Imports System.IO
Dim I as Integer
Dim LineText as String


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File.Encrypt Throwing "Parameter Is Incorrect"?

May 27, 2009

When I try to call System.IO.File.Encrypt() on an existing file, it throws a generic IOException, and the message is "Parameter is incorrect". System.IO.File.Encrypt("C:ProjectStorageDirectoryfile.txt")

The current user the process is running under has full control to the "StorageDirectory" folder. Is there something I'm missing permissions-wise?

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Opening .resx Files In Visual Gives "The Operation Cannot Be Completed. Invalid Pointer" Error

Dec 23, 2009

I am using Visual Studio 2008. While opening some of the .resx file, it is giving me error that "The operation cannot be completed. Invalid Pointer". What can be the possible problem and solution?

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Objects On Form Are In Incorrect Position

Jan 19, 2012

on my laptop most objects of a form are suddenly in the incorrect position but ok on all other computers.could this be a corrupted .exe? this is not happening on any other computers(all are Win 7)the laptop is at another location so i cannot try replacing the .exe until i go there next week.

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Sub Parameter Is Being Passed An Incorrect Value?

Nov 27, 2009

The parameter to a sub is being passed a value like 501/500, of coarse this value should be converted to 1.002. Unfortunately, the actual value being passed to the parameter is 1.0.


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Sql Parameter Setting Incorrect DbType

Jun 22, 2010

So I have this weird issue where I set a SqlParameter.DbType field = to a SqlDbType.Decimal, but instead it sets it to a SqlDbType.DateTime. I'm going to include 2 screen shots from the debugger one line after the set statement. As you can see when I hover over (just after the execution of that line), it set the param.DbType to the wrong value. I can only assume that the param.DbType has code that incorrectly changing the type. How can param.DbType become a SqlDbType.DateTime when the varable I'm setting it to is a SqlDbType.Decimal? I'm targeting the .Net Framework 3.5.

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Crystal Report Viewer The Parameter Is Incorrect?

Jun 13, 2011

i tried to pass parameter to crystal report viewer. but it show The Parameter is incorrect.

Dim rpt As New ReportDocument
rpt.FileName = My.Application.Info.DirectoryPath & "MAuditList.rpt"
Dim paramDV As New ParameterDiscreteValue()


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VS 2008 ArgumentException Was Unhandled - The Parameter Is Incorrect

Jun 29, 2011

The programs runs fine for about 10 seconds but then I get this error message: ArgumentException was unhandled. Message: The parameter is incorrect. Here's my


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Error-:-The Parameter Is Incorrect - Boolean StartWithCreateProcess(System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo)?

Jun 30, 2009

I have a service that runs under local system that I need to have execute an external .exe using alternate credentials. Using the code I have posted here, I get the error "Error-:-The parameter is incorrect" and the target site is "Boolean tartWithCreateProcess(System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo)"Here is the code:

Dim AuditProcess As New Process
Dim p As System.Security.SecureString = New System.Security.SecureString


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Invalid Parameter: Name Handle Exception

Nov 23, 2009

I am using VB.Net code to print barcode label in Zebra TLP 2844 printer. And the printer is connected to system by USB port. When i execute the code i get an error "Invalid Parameter : Name handle" in the line outFile = New FileStream(_SafeFileHandle, FileAccess.Write) . As this is a USB port So i shared the printer and used the UNC path. But still i get the error. Below is the complete code


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Parameter Invalid ' While It Works Fine On Pc?

Mar 7, 2011

I have a small project I'm working on and from time to time I show it to my friend. He and I both have Visual Basic 2010 Express installed.


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Getting Incorrect Syntax Near At Line 504 And 527?

May 30, 2012

Trying to find out the cause of 'Incorrect syntax near ,. in the insert statements below :reason didnt use the GetDate() for the sInputDate and sSuccessDate is to manually get the precise in the upper code and calculate the difference with the sSuccessDate.

strSuccessDate2 =
DateTime.Now.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss")
If (IsDBNull(ds.Tables(0).Rows(0)("fExpireDate")) = True) Then
strSQL2 = "INSERT INTO tSMSSendLog (fBatchNo, fOrderNo, fRefNo, fDataRefCode, fPriority, fFromID, fMobileNumber," & _


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System.Management.ManagementException: Invalid Parameter?

Oct 21, 2010

I have created a windows Service which invokes executables on remote machines, waits for it to complete and then proceeds to the next machine on the network.

The Account type for the windows Service is "Network Service". For monitoring if the process is completed on the remote machine, I am using ManagementEventWatcher class. I get the following error when I start the Management event watcher object.


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VS 2008 COM Exception Error: Invalid Parameter

Dec 10, 2009

I am running the same program on two workstations. One reveals no errors while the other shows a "COM exception error: invalid parameter." The offending line of code is shown below.Is there an explanation for the inconsistency?

.SeriesCollection(iRet).Name = "=""Q" & Str(iRet) & """"

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Incorrect Syntax Near ','. - Getting The Error In The Last Line

Jun 20, 2011

cmd = New SqlClient.SqlCommand("select(pname,MRP,rate,dis) from stock_table where pid = '" & Val(ComboBox1.Text) & "'", con)
adapter.SelectCommand = cmd

I am getting the error in the last line ..

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VS 2008 Invalid Parameter Error When Trying To Get Favicon In Stream

Aug 24, 2009

I am using VB.Net 2008 Express and trying to build a favorites list for a webbrowser I am working on.I get an invalid parameter error on the line that reads favicon = image.FromStream(stream).[code]the urls are stored in an array after they are taken from an xml file.I checked the url that was being used when the error occurs and it seems fine. I can even navigate to it in IE.The error I get is that "stream" is an invalid parameter, at least that is where it points to.It also shows that stream is a type System.NET.ConnectStream.Stream was originally set to System.IO.Stream.I don't know if this is a problem but it processes several urls before it gets to this one.I am wondering if this may be a permissions issue and the site is blocking the WebRequest or if it is something else.

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Load Dll From Resx File?

Aug 15, 2009

Is it possible to load a dll from a resx file?

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Line 1: Incorrect Syntax Near ','. Unclosed Quotation Mark Before The Character String ' )'

May 10, 2010

I get the following error:

Line 1: Incorrect syntax near ','. Unclosed quotation mark before the character string ' )'. at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection.OnError(SqlException exception, Boolean breakConnection) at System.Data.SqlClient.SqlInternalConnection.OnError(SqlException


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Fix Resx Error After Changing File Name?

Jun 7, 2011

I had a program going along swimmingly until I tried to change the name for form1 to something more meaningful. Now It is all messed up and I am getting the dreaded resx error. Is there any hope in salvaging this?

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Load Resources From A .Resx File?

Nov 30, 2009

how to load resources from a .Resx file

in C# you can do (Properties.Resources."ResourceName") This doesn't work in VB

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Picturebox And Icon From .resx File

May 23, 2012

I am working on a vb6 to migration project using VS 3.5. In my application, there is .resx file and some icons are there in this file (eg: icoIN,icoUS etc). On click of a checked listbox (which is filled with country names), the particular country flag should be displayed on a picture box control. The image of country flag is taken from the .resx file.I tried with the following code.[code]

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Forms :: Error Occurred Creating The Form Error The Parameter Is Incorrect

Nov 23, 2009

System.InvalidOperationException was unhandled.

An Error occurred creating the Form. The error is: The Parameter is incorrect

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Incorrect Type For Parameter "Source:MSRDO.rdoColumn Number:40060"

Nov 30, 2011

Incorrect type for parameter Source:MSRDO.rdoColumn Number:40060 Description:Incorrect type for parameter. I have encounter the above problem by editing column(Comment Dropdown Box) . I only have sql DB and don't have VB code.:(( How should I do for this problem?

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C# - Migrate .RESX File When Changing .NET Framework?

Mar 12, 2012

How to migrate .RESX file when changing .NET Framework... I was changing the .NET framework from 4.0 to 3.5 (because of an incompatbility we discovered in a third party dll) and everything went fine except some .RESX file got messed up. I was starting to fix them manually but is there some tool I can use for this?

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Resx Resources File Be Unit Tested?

Dec 5, 2011

I have a system.resx resources file that is used in a SubmitClick method

Protected Sub SubmitClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
If (... AndAlso ...) Then
End If
End Sub

My problem is that no matter how I try to unit test this, the test will fail when the SetError is hit with a:"Could not load file or assembly 'App_GlobalResources' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified."

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Strange Reset Of Resx File After Localization?

Sep 21, 2010

I've a very strange problem with the localization and the default language resx file.I can add a string entry in the file with no problem. After moving or resizing any of the object in the form, the default resx file, resets itself and then my entry is deleted.Has anyone had the same problem??Unfortunately I can't attach a test project I made, 'cause of some security policies of my network. This is the list of operations you have to do, in order to replicate the problem:create a new windows form project;add any object (ie button) and then change its text property to "Example";set the form's property Localizable = Trueselect one of the language in the form's Language property;change again the text property to "Example 2";get back to the "(default)" entry of the language property;open the Form1.resx file then add a string entry, finally save it;try to move or resize the object into the form and then open again the Form1.resx file. You'll se the entry just for a while and then the file resets itself.

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