Retrieve Checkbox Selected Values?

Jun 24, 2012

I want to retrieve checkbox selected values from sql database such that the selected checkbox list values get ticked in the form![code]...

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Retrieve Inserted Checkbox Values In Checkbox On Page Load?

Dec 30, 2010

i have 5 checkboxes in webform and textbox1... when i search the record using the date specified in textbox1 when i enter 11-Dec-2010 in Textbox1 and click on submit button then checkbox1, checkbox2, and checkbox3 will be disabled and unchecked .....


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Retrieve Data Values To Checkbox?

Apr 23, 2010

With this code above I would like to retrieve the data values, like sex, to checkboxs. So If the value of the field in database is "Male" my checkbox4 must be checked, case else checkbox3 must be checked.[code]...Retrieve Data Values To Checkbox?

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C# - Not Retrieving The All Selected Values From Checkbox?

Jul 30, 2009

Below code is written in such a way to retrieve all selected check box values But its retieve only the first selected value

Dim CheckedValues As String
For Each item as ListItem In txt_panview0_ddinput1.Items
If item.Selected Then
CheckedValues = CheckedValues & item.Value


View 2 Replies - Checkbox Selected Values In Comma Separated String In Textbox?

Nov 3, 2010

I have 3 checkboxes and 1 textbox

checkbox1, checkbox2, checkbox3

when i check first checkbox1 and then checkbox3 then in textbox it will appear as 1,3 exactly......

View 1 Replies - Retrieve Data From Checkbox?

Jul 30, 2009

I am trying to execute the code below to list the select item in a checkbox to the body of the mail

Dim CheckedValues As String
For Each item In txt_panview0_ddinput1.Items
If item.checked Then


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Retrieve Checkbox Checked Value In Textbox

Dec 11, 2010

i have retrieve checkbox checked value in textbox as 1,2,3,4, on ...and inserted into database ... using [code]I want when i search for the record of 11-Dec-2010 then checkbo 1, checkbox2, checkbox3, checkbox4, checkbox5 will be unchecked and disabled for 11-Dec-2010...

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Retrieve Custom Attribute For Checkbox?

Dec 8, 2011

I am using a repeater with the Item Template of a checkbox. Here's my checkbox template:


Now, I know asp checkboxes do not have a value attribute, but I read somewhere that you can put that in there and it will work the same. I'll have to look it up again to see if I read it wrong. However, just in case it is possible to put the custom attribute in there, how do I retrieve it in code behind? I looked at the source after the page is created and there is no attribute in the control that says "value".

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Get Id Of Selected Row In Listview Using Checkbox?

Jun 17, 2011

I have a listview with the following markup:

<asp:ListView ID="ListView1" runat="server" DataKeyNames="ContactName" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1">


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How To Retrieve Selected Value

Sep 3, 2009

cboName.DataSource = Me.CustomersTableAdapter.GetDataByFullName
cboName.DisplayMember = "FullName"
cboName.ValueMember = "CWID"
'cboname.SelectedValue =
How do I retrieve the selected value.

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Retrieve Selected Value Of RadioButtonList?

Nov 14, 2011

How to read those selected items using datareader and make the radiobutton enabled in the list.

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Check A Checkbox Of The Selected Item In A Checkedlistbox?

Sep 30, 2011

I want to check a checkbox of the selected item in a checkedlistbox but option strict disallow it. How can I do it without turning it off?

Dim clb As CheckedListBox = DirectCast(sender, CheckedListBox)
clb.SelectedItem.checked = True 'late binding error

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Javascript - Insert Checkbox Selected Value To Textbox In

Mar 26, 2011

I have 5 checkboxes in webform ...i want as the checkboxes checked and unchecked then its text will be added in textbox i.e if checkbox 1 and checkbox9 will be checked then in textbox the text will be 1,9 and if checkbox1 is unchecked then the textbox text will be 9

How to do this using javascript, or Jquery


<script type="text/javascript">
function Test(control, value) {
var str = '';


View 1 Replies - Retrieve The Selected Row Value Using Command Row In Gridview?

Jan 15, 2011

i have a button in gridview whose command name is "hold" i want when i click n hold button of first row then the whole row values will be transfererd to default2.aspx ...

and if i click the hold button of gridview second row then the second row value will be transferred to Default2.aspx ,,how to do that ?

i m using that ...but it always transfer the 1st row value even i select first last or middle row gridview ....


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Retrieve The Name Of A File That A User Selected?

Sep 14, 2010

how do i retrieve the name of a file that a user selected that they want to delete?

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The Checkbox Column In The Datagridview Can Not Be Selected Because Set This Form's MdiParent?

Aug 31, 2010

is my main form.and frmpayable is frmmain's child the frmpayable my code is

Dim frmreleasing As frmPostap
frmreleasing = New frmPostap(Me, release_record)
frmreleasing.MdiParent = Me.MdiParent


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VS 2008 Can't Uncheck A Checkbox After Radio Button Has Been Selected

Nov 14, 2009

i'm trying to design a program where I can take all the software that i have and just put it on an external Hard drive open this program at a customers house select what software I want to install and than let the install run through everything. I'm running into a problem with my winrar installation since I have a x86 installation and an x64 installation I want to be able to select the checkbox for winrar and than choose either the x86 or x64 and than it will install. I figured out how to set everything up it disables the two radio buttons until the checkbox is checked but I can't go through and uncheck the checkbox (say if I accidently checked it or something)[code]

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Retrieve Data From All Cells In Selected Row In Datagridview?

Mar 17, 2010

I have a data grid view control which i populate using a random access file. What i want to do is when a user clicks on a cell, i want the data held in all the cells in the particular row to be used to populate some textboxes. i have searched everywhere and they all use sql databases.

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.net - LINQ Query For Filter By Selected Items In Checkbox List?

Jun 30, 2011

Could not find this through Google or in SO questions.I have a checkbox listbox on my form. I want to filter my List by the list of selected Ids from that listbox that are checked, in SQL I would have done this like "Where TypeId In (1, 4, 5, 7)"... how do I do that in LINQ?

I feel like I am missing a really obvious answer, but cannot get it.

For argument sake... here is the what I have for sample data:

In Colors (List<of currentColors>)
ID, Name, TypeId
1, Red, 1
2, Blue, 1
3, Green, 2
4, Pink, 3

Selected Types 2 and 3 in CheckboxList: filteredColors


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Database Frontend - Retrieve The Primary Key Using The Meal Name Selected?

Aug 1, 2011

Im trying to develop a frontend for a database project I have been working on, I am using a combobox to select a meal_name and need the primary key to update another table for orders, How can I retreive the primary key using the meal name selected.below is the code I am using to add meal names to the combobox

Private Sub ComboBox1_MouseEnter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ComboBox1.MouseEnter
Dim myRow As DataRow
Dim CmdStr As String[code].........

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[2008] Retrieve The Selected Path And Filename From SaveFileDialog

Jan 23, 2009

I would like to use a SaveFileDialog to retrieve a path and filename.

Like for example: You choose a saving location and filename in the SaveFileDialog, and then when you press save the path and filename will be put in to a string as such: C:Folderfilename.txt

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Get Values From Db According To Checkbox To Datagrid

Aug 17, 2010

I created 10 checkboxs dynamically. I am using DataGridView. According to Checkbox Checked the corresponding data will display in the Datagridview. How can i connect checkbox to DataGridview. Example: Assume Each Checkbox have one subject. like English,Maths,Physics,Chemistry,Arts..... If i click English Checkbox then Corresponding Students list will show in the datagrid. when i checked Maths , corresponding students list will show in the Datagridview. How can build the code to develop this???

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Getting CheckBox.Checked Values?

Jun 22, 2010

I have a form that creates a row of checkboxes depending on the type of analysis the user wants to perform on the incoming file. I need to be able to determine if the checkbox is "checked" but I don't know how to do that when the controls are created at runtime.So right now I have a loop going through all the controls on the form and selecting the appropriate case: for instance chkbox1, combobox1, etc. Now I can access the values of the control by using Me.Controls.Item(chkbox1) but after that the only thing resemebling checked is .Text which wouldn't be accurate. how do you workaround the .Checked property of a checkbox when it is created at runtime?

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DB/Reporting :: Object Reference Not Set When Retrieve Data From Selected Server

Jun 9, 2008

I have a combobox where the user can type the sql server name. Then a connect button that, when the user click, I want it to populate another combobox with all the databases from the server in the previous combobox. Unfortunately, I am getting the error object reference is not set....!

Here is where I am getting the error:
For Each objDB As Database In Me.SMOServer.Databases
I am new to VB ...I'm using vb2008 connecting to sql server 2005.

Here is my complete code:
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo
Imports Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Common
Public Class Form1
'Public Class frmSQLConnection
Private m_objServer As Server
[Code] .....

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Retrieve From Database Data To A Text Box That Equal To Selected From A Combo Box

Mar 13, 2011

I want retrieve from database data to a text box that equal to selected from a combo box. ex:- i'm selecting a item_code from item code combo box after item name should come to the item name text can i writ that.

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Retrieve GridView Selected Row Command Value In Modal Popup Panel1?

Mar 16, 2011

I have a gridview in webform and a panel1 which I used as a modalpopup control. I wanna show panel as modalpopup per row item select using commandrow of gridview ... There are two controls inside panel1; literal1 and literal2. I want when the item in the gridview is selected by user then panel 1 shows as modalpopup which displays the records from gridview in panel 1 controls i.e literal1 , literal2. I want to retrieve the selected row item from gridview to modal popup panel1 control..

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Retrieve Selected Value From The Dropdown List In And Store It In Session Variable?

May 15, 2010

the dropdown list is showing data from database, but how to retrieve the selected value and store it in a session variable??

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Retrieve The Selected Row Cell Value If It Is Visible Property Is False In Gridview?

Jan 6, 2011

how to retrieve the selected row cell value if it is visible property is false in gridview ?

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VS 2008 Retrieve The Selected Items In A Listbox - Save Them To A Collection

Jan 6, 2010

I want to retrieve the selected items in a listbox, save them to a collection, and then use that collection later. I thought that was simple enough, but when I clear the selected items in the listbox, my collections (items, indices) change. I found this out by stepping through the code.

Basically what I'm wanting to do is move items in the listbox up or down (up in this case), and still keep them selected.


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Checkbox Not Saving Values Beyond First Line?

May 23, 2011

I have a form in an application that I'm building and in it I have a datagridview that when a user clicks a checkbox on a line in the datagridview and "submits" the data, then the form will insert all of the data on that line (along with the code "Holiday") into a database. Currently if I click in the checkbox on any line other than the first line and put a line break on the "Try" statement, and then fire the submit_onclick event, I'm never reaching that break point but if I click on the checkbox on the first line and submit that data, that works and it behaves at I stated above. Here is the code as it stands currently:

Private Sub holidaysaveButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles holidaysaveButton.Click
For Each dr As DataGridViewRow In DataGridView1.Rows


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