Rewriting Collected Data From Txt File?

Jan 7, 2011

I have a txt file comprised of a vertical list. The list contains x-amount of groups but what is standard is that they are always made up three entities.Example as follows:


Explained as:


A list of three items (though list can contain x-amounts) is identical to:



I now need to create a new txt file, which is written as follows:

("NEW BEAM" is "38" x "2440")
("WOOD" is "22" x "610")
("ITEM A" is "50" x "1220")

How van I do this using VB.NET?

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Check / Uncheck Acording To Data Collected From A .txt File

Jun 4, 2011

I have a grid of RadioButtons, and need some help in Check / Uncheck acording to data collected from a .txt file.

The .txt file contains a list like this:


I have set up in a grid formation RadioButtons, and named them A01,B01,C01,A02,B02,C02. I have loaded the .txt file in an array, and want to use the first 3 letters in the array to point to the RadioButton.

Problem: How do I get the string "A01" from the array to point to the RadioButton control?

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How To Create A Simple Report From Data Collected From A Data Entry Form

Oct 13, 2010

Currently we are using a VB script macro created in word to create some fairly simple forms based off of data entered on a data entry form. I am very new to VB, and I have been able to create many applications using forms, but I have absolutely no history creating reports. I have been reading up on the reports, and it looks like they are designed to use with data sources like tables. I merely want to take either data from the entry form, or from data derived internaly from processing the user entered data and populate a defined report "form". I have been searching, but there is so much on printing reports, that I feel overwhelmed. I am not looking for the exact answer as much as a link or place to look for a sample for what I want to do.

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HtmlElementCollection Moving Collected Data To Richtextbox

Jun 14, 2010

I have this app that can now control my browser but after I use the htmlcollection of links how can I put that stored information into a richtextbox?[code]

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VS 2010 : Rewriting An INI File?

Jun 23, 2011

I am making an application so I can easily clear up this ini file. The ini file contains such data as playerlevels, abilities they own, abillities available, conclusion: it contains all information for the RPG modification for a game.Now when I have for example this in my INI:

[[CD]Infernus RPGPlayerDataObject]


;Each ability will be removed. The problem here is that earlier in the code you also have Abilities= which I really need to keep, I only want to remove it from parts starting with the header [**some name** RPGPlayerDataObject]

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Client Database From Dialog Box Not Updating Table View Of Data Collected?

Apr 20, 2012

I am currently working on a Database that collects information. Firstly, i use a new windows form to collect that data. I have it set up to where, when the form loads, the database is ready to collect the information fields. And then the form closes on the button click to add that data, it does not update that data table view. It adds it once i close the program and debug it again.

Code: (Open the windows form)
Private Sub btnAddNew_Click_1(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnAddNew.Click


Problem two: I need to make a button that will increment a cell that was set as an Int, by one, but can't figure out how to put it into code.

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Rewriting <html> Tag On The Fly With Vb?

Feb 24, 2012

I have over 11,000 pages in a site and need to change the tag on every page. I interact with production through horribly slow tool so doing a global search and replace is out of the question. The site is in a .net environment and I utilize vb so I am wondering if I could rewrite the tag sitewide on the fly with a class

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Rewriting C# Into .NET With Events?

May 16, 2011

It looks like theres a bunch of threads with these issues. Mine has to do with events and event handing in an its a bit complicated for me.I'm trying to rewrite this C# code

#region Event Handling
/// <summary>
/// Wires up events from xWeb and this plugin
/// </summary>


I have no idea where the type AddinActiveDocumentChanged and the type DocumentEventHandler is coming from. Intellisense doesn't have these. So both of those sub routines I'm stopped at.

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Splashscreen Not Collected?

Mar 1, 2011

I 'm working on a quite large VB application, and recently I started profiling the memory usage, because there were some issues with objects not being collected.I noticed that the SplashScreen (boilerplate SplashScreen hooked up via Project Properties) never gets collected, because is remains referenced by My.MyProject.MyForms.m_SplashScreen. This is apparantly a private member, and I can't figure out how and where to set it to nothing with reflection code.I looked into my code to make sure i'm not doing anything special; I don't even reference the form anywhere.

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Rewriting A Line Of Code To C#?

Mar 2, 2012

How would I write the 3rd VB code in C#?. I can't find anything on Google.

Imports XL = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel
Public Class LicenseRenewal
' The line below to C#
Private xlRangesForRenewal As New List(Of XL.Range)

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Rewriting The Database Objects In VS?

Jun 2, 2009

in terms of speed and resource usage is it better to call the access queries using access.aplication or rewriting the database objects in VS? By using access there should be just one version of the queries, not two and access is more friendly for writing the queries.

View 2 Replies - URL Rewriting And 301 Redirect... Redirects To The Original URL?

Feb 18, 2010

I have wired up a Global class to an HttpModule. It's job is to detect "http:/www." in the URL and redirect the user to the NON www. version

Protected Sub OnBeginRequest(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
'Force Removal of WWW
Dim application As HttpApplication = TryCast(sender, HttpApplication)


not something I want to do anyways since it's a hack, but it didn't work anyways.

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Rewriting The Settings In Windows Forms?

Dec 25, 2011

I have set the name of my Form text in the application settings and I need to rewrite it. Is it possible as it is showing me that it is only a readonly.I know that we can simply change it by using me.text="" But I have a problem in my application as I have the below code where On every time the form loads it is erasing the text.

Protected Overrides Sub OnLayout(ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.LayoutEventArgs)
'Me.Text = CStr(Val(Me.Text) + 1)


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A Callback Was Made On A Garbage Collected Delegate?

Jun 6, 2012

I am using 3.5 and application is interacting with VC++ dll.

code is:
Public Delegate Sub delProcess() //Globaly declare
im del As New delProcess(AddressOf Process) //Process is function which not returning


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C# - When Variables Defined In The Inner Scope May Be Garbage Collected?

Sep 28, 2009

If I want to narrow scope of a variable in C#, I can introduce additional braces - i.e.:

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)[code].....

In the ide, I can no longer reference y outside of the scope introduced by the new braces. I would have thought that this would mean that the variable y would be available for garbage collection.(it is interesting to note that when viewing the compiled code using reflector it appears that there is no difference with or without the additional braces)Is there any way similar to this to narrow scope when using Does this have any impact on when variables defined in the inner scope may be garbage collected?

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C# - Rewriting Existing Functionality In The .NET Base Class Library

Apr 14, 2009

Relating to another question I asked yesterday with regards to logging I was introduced to TraceListeners which I'd never come across before and sorely wish I had. I can't count the amount of times I've written loggers needlessly to do this and nobody had ever pointed this out or asked my why I didn't use the built in tools. This leads me to wonder what other features I've overlooked and written into my applications needlessly because of features of .NET that I'm unaware of.

Does anyone else have features of .NET that would've completely changed the way they wrote applications or components of their applications had they only known that .NET already had a built in means of supporting it?

It would be handy if other developers posted scenarios where they frequently come across components or blocks of code that are completely needless in hindsight had the original developer only known of a built in .NET component - such as the TraceListeners that I previously noted.

This doesn't necessarily include newly added features of 3.5 per se, but could if pertinent to the scenario.

Edit - As per previous comments, I'm not really interested in the "Hidden Features" of the language which I agree have been documented before - I'm looking for often overlooked framework components that through my own (or the original developer's) ignorance have written/rewritten their own components/classes/methods needlessly.

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Download Html Text Collected In String Builder To Word Document In Console Application

Aug 12, 2009

I have a requirement to move the html text available in a string builder to a word document and open the word document after the data is appended in a VB.NET console application. I am new to console applications and am not sure how this could be done, but I am aware that if I am using a Web Application then I can use the following code:[code]

View 1 Replies - Returning Variable Page Route Value To Page (URL Rewriting)?

May 7, 2012

In my global.asax.vb I have a rule like so:

RouteTable.Routes.MapPageRoute("defaultRoute", "{*value}", "~/default.aspx")

So, if someone enters:[URL]...Even though that page doesn't exist, the application pulls up default.aspx

Now, if this wasn't using a wildcard it would be easy to pull this value in on default.aspx like so:

Dim prospect as String = Page.RouteData.Values("value")

But this doesn't seem to work with wildcards, e.g.:Dim prospect as String = Page.RouteData.Values("*value")

How can I get the page to pick up these variable values? e.g. one time might be janedoe, another johndoe, another goose, another 12345, etc. Whatever it is, I want it to be returned into the string prospect.

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Disposing Object Collected In List (Of Object)

Jul 29, 2010

I would like to ask what is the efficiency way the clean and dispose the object collected in the List (Of Object)?

Is that by calling the List.Clear() method will automatic clean all the object collected by it?

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File I/O And Registry :: Move Data From One Data File To The Next, Using A Text File?

Apr 25, 2010

I'm Writing a Problem that will allow users to move data from one Data file to the next, using a Text file. My problem is that i so far i 3 test users.

No matter what test user is logged on it seems to be Reading the first user info no matter which one is on.

How do i get it to Only Read the User Info and show it up on text file that is Currently logged on.

Imports System.IO
Public Class TestForm6
Inherits System.Windows.Forms.Form


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VBSQL.OCX Is Failing While Loading Flat File Data (text File Data)?

Oct 15, 2009

Our application is using VBSQL.OCX on Sql server 2000 to create temporary tables and load pipe delimited data from a text file with predefined format into the tables. It is failing intermittently doing this. 99% times it works perfectly. But on occasions it does fail with error. Once the process is rerun with the same input file it runs successfully.Basically the architecture is of Store/Head Office where there are around 200 remote stores sending set of data files to the Head Office. At HO our application sequentially processes each store which has all the set of files received, creates a corresponding table, loads the data from the file into the table and moves onto the next store.If it is for some reason not able to load the file for a store, it gives a failure message and continues with next store.Error which the OCX throws is "Attempt to convert data stopped by syntax error in source field"

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Load A Lisbox With Data From File. Save Data From Textbox To File?

Dec 10, 2011

I have a form with a listbox that when the form is opened I need it to display info from a file. I don't know what would be easier to work with Excel or a txt file, but it is in this format:

Phillip Frank

I would like it to populate the list box when the form is loaded, but if I have to use a button to tell it to load that is fine also.On the same form I have 4 textboxes that ask for each of the above items (name, DOB, Level, PH#) and a button that when pushed I want it to save it to the same file where the above info was pulled from in the same format.The Show Contacts button doesn't have to be used if it is not needed.

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Copying Data A File Int An Existing File Where The Filename Of Both The Data File And Existing File Will Vary From User To User

Aug 5, 2011

I have a workbook (Workbook1) that runs through some steps using visual basic, which ends up opening another workbook Workbook2). Once Workbook 2 is opened, I need to copy a section of data from it, into Workbook1 int a specific worksheet. I was able to do this by recording a macro, but the challange is, the name of Workbook 1, and Workbook 2, will vary by User. When I created the macro it uses the files as they are currently named. The section of code is below.


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Code That Reads An Input File And Store Data In SQL Server Data?

Sep 11, 2009

I am new to I want to read and input file and store that data to an SQL Server database. Do you have an sample code that do such?

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Read Data Of A SQLite Database File And Chart Data Using Basic Bars, Pies, Lines?

Feb 24, 2010

I'm only getting started with VB.Net, using VB Express 2008.Using the System.Data.SQLite wrapper, I need to read data off a SQLite database file, and chart data using basic bars, pies, lines, etc. Nothing fancy.

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Comparing Data In A Text File With Data In A Combo Box Collection

Apr 14, 2011

i need to be able to compare data from a text file with the collection of a combo box.My algorithm currently populates the combo box with data from the text file on the form load event.I have included an update button that updates the combo box collection.[code]

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Forms :: Populate A Data Table With Some Data From Text File

Mar 29, 2010

Here is the code that I already have:


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Load Data From Text File To Data Grid View?

Jul 20, 2009

I have a datagridview which have 5 columns. The name of the columns are T,C,F,S,H. [cod]e...

So i want to display this data in datagried view. I must display the number beside T to T column, the number beside C to C column and so on. It should only display number in the respective column. It should not display the T,C and so on. [code]...

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Pull/fetch Data From SQL DB Using Data Reader And Loding To XML File

Sep 9, 2009

how to pull/fetch data from SQL DB using Data Reader and loding to XML file.

After that I will have write code to read XML file and download to CSV file and Test files.

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Load A Xml File Into A Data Set By Loading The Information Into A Data Row?

Jul 5, 2012

I am trying to load a xml file into a data set by loading the information into a data row. when i try to complete the task it throws a nullReferenceException. the row has data in it and i used the code earlier and it work.


Imports System.IO
Imports System.Xml
Public Class frmMain


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