Rubber-Band Effect To Select?

Feb 13, 2010

Rubber-Band Effect to select?

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.net - Rubber-band Effect On Image Using ASP.Net?

Oct 26, 2011

I am trying to watermark an Image and works perfect and now I need to have my customers much more convinient so that I am planning to add a feasibility to the image watermarker.I want to have an adorner control or somethng like the rubberband effect which has 4 0r 6 corners so that they can enlarge the text with that.I have seen one of the articles in codeproject which is implemented with WPF as shown below.But I need to implement with my normal ASP.Net application.So how do I start with it?

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Interface And Graphics :: Resize Boderless Form Bottom Left Corner - Rubber Band Effect

Oct 23, 2010

I was able to search this code : [URL] but i need a help in modifying this code so that i can re-size the form from bottom left corner the code block below is resizing the from from bottom right corner i need that to be modified to convert it to bottom left corner


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Rubber Band / Focus Rectangle To Select HTML Content?

Apr 9, 2010

What is the best way to implement a rubber band /focus rectangle on a web page?In other words, I want to be able to navigate to a web page like and use the rubber band / focus rectangle to some html content (images and/or text)......and I do realize I can simply highlight the content that I want but I am trying to do this via the rubber band / focus rectangle...

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Draw A Rubber Band Line?

Nov 19, 2009

I would like to draw a rubber band line on a form. how do I do it? what I would like to make is when I click button1 I can draw a line in a form but Im having some problems with my code. here is my code

Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D
Public Class Form1
Dim x1 As Integer
Dim y1 As Integer


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Rubber Band / Focus Rectangle On A Web Page

Mar 11, 2010

What is the best way to implement a rubber band /focus rectangle on a web page?In other words, I want to be able to navigate to a web page like and use the rubber band / focus rectangle to some html content (images and/or text)and I do realize I can simply highlight the content that I want but I am trying to do this via the rubber band / focus rectangle...

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VS 2005 - How To Create IE Toolbar / Band

Jun 18, 2010

I want to create my own toolbar/band for IE. I've searched all over and can only find a few small C++ or C# references but nothing in VB 2005. How to create this.

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Changing Band Color In DGV Based On Column Value?

Aug 29, 2011

Attempting to set a color on a data row in my DGV if the value is True. As of now it changes all rows.


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Create Own Rock Band Or Guitar Hero?

Apr 24, 2010

I am very new to VB. I wanted to try and create my own Rock Band or Guitar Hero, but not sure where to start. I thought I would create a Windows form and try to create a fret board with strings. I have tried using the power pack for visual studio, lines and shapes but they always end up behind all of the other .Net objects. this is probably not the way to start anyway.

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Getting Picture Of Moving Objects On Conveyor Band

Mar 26, 2012

I need to get pictures of objects that move on conveyor band while they are passing by the hires camera. I know that algorithm sould check alpha channels to understand when object (medicine box) is roughly at the middle of frame and then get picture. but the problem is while object moves this algorithm must only get one photo and before one object leaves the scene, other object can appear at the other side of frame. so that makes everything complex. more basically I should get every medicine box's picture while they are on the move.

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Display A Label In Group Footer When The Detail Band Does Not Have Any Data?

Dec 1, 2009

If a have a lable called: lblWarning. I'd like to display it (Visible = True) when the detail band does not have any records. The label is in the group footer.

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Way To Make The Band In The DevExpress Banded GridView Be Invisible If All The Columns Are Also Invisible?

Jan 6, 2012

I am currently using a DevExpress (10.2) Banded GridView within my Visual Studio 2010 project. It works great except I was have an area where I allow the user to choose which columns they want visible or invisible. I noticed that if I make all the columns within a band invisible the band still remains and gives an empty column in my grid. I was wondering if there is some way to automatically

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Changes Won't Take Effect?

Aug 22, 2011

Wrote a custom stand alone engineering program to do some very basic repetative design calculations. This program also does pricing by taking each design element and asigning pricing to it based on the parameters given. All the individual elements are added together to get a unit cost. (All this works well without any problems or issues)


My eventual goal once I can prove that my changes work is to control the pricing by using the YEAR so that the program increases the cost by a set multiplier based on the actual YEAR the system is set for. ie: 2011
10% increase, 2012 5% increase, 2013 5% increase, etc.

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VS 2005 Changes Does Not Take Effect?

Aug 15, 2009

I have fields with " monday, tuesday,wed, thu, fri, sat and sun". I am trying to add the hours of each day on a separte field " week total hours "..Everything works fine but say if i make any changes again to "monday hours" it does not take effect on " tot hours "

eg.. mon 2hrs, tues 1 hrs, wed 1 hrs, thur 0, fri o, sat 0 and sun 0, then the total hours is 2+1+1 = 4 and it displays well ....but if i change ( mon= 1 ) then it should be 1+1+1 = 3 but it remains 4


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Add Wait Form Effect?

Jun 30, 2010

I want to add a wait process form instead of the wait cursor effect while the method block execute codes.[code]...

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Create A Spinning Effect?

Feb 23, 2010

I have to create a slot machine. i have 3 picture boxes and i need to know how the program can randomly select from the 7 pictures i have but still create a short delay where there is the effect of spinning. my teacher said that it would be easy to assign each picture a number but i didnt get what he means.

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Effect Of Openform On Subforms?

Jun 12, 2009

When I use a control button on a switchboard to open my form which has subforms, the subforms open in datasheet view. When I open the form directly the subforms open in single form/continuous form view - which is what I want. Is there something I can do to the event procedure to make the subforms open properly?

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Forms :: Which Statement Has NO Effect

Nov 1, 2006

I was recently asked a multiple choice question: According to the sample code, which one of the following statements has NO effect and should be moved to another line to accomplish its purpose?

dim tb as New TextBox
g_row as Integer = 0
tb.Text = CType(g_row, String)


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Glow Effect To Mouse Over?

Dec 22, 2009

I am not an advanced VB programmer as I create applications for fun at home, so am hoping someone can help me with this. I would like to add a mouse over glow type effect to a control (doing this on a picturebox at the moment). I did this very simplistically by creating a user control and having a picturebox within a picturebox, one of which is not visible. On the mouse over, I just make it visible and it does look cool as it has rounded edges and all that. But I assume this is not a good technique and really limits you. I would like to do it so I can define the color, glow size, etc... kind of like the glow effect in Flex.

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IDE :: Why Click On A Button Twice To Take Effect

May 5, 2010

I have a few routines that they loop forever if they are not interrupted.Selecting any of them sets the "seq" to True.This would leave them in the tight loop to do whatever they do.Its different patterns of LED flashing.I use another button to stop and that makes the "seq" go False.Interesting that I need to click the stop twice to take effect.I can click the stop now and the 2nd click could be after a long time but there is always the 2nd click on Stop that takes effect.


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New WebBrowser1 Won't Be Effect With WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted

Jan 20, 2011

I use to remove wb1 at some point after work Is done

Dim WebBrowser1 As New WebBrowser


p.s the reason I'm doing it because even if you delete cookies, index.dat will have cookies saved for the current wb1 and won't be deleted only if you reopen the app.

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PageSetup.FirstPageTray Not Having Any Effect?

Mar 11, 2009

I am try to control which tray to print to from a VB form. (VS2008)The target printer is HP laserjet 4200 with a 4 tray TowerTray added. The test is below just cycles through the 16 options, but they all go the botton tray on the printer. The default tray is the top tray on the printer.Imports Word = Microsoft.Office.Interop.WordImports System.Drawing.Printing

Public Class PrintTest1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click testprint() End Sub
Private Sub testprint() Dim oWord As Word.Application Dim oDoc As Word.Document = Nothing


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Picturebox Fade Effect?

Dec 20, 2011

i am making a marriage bureau desktop application software and i have set 12 pictureboxes in a groupbox...i have set timer to change picturebox in groupbox but this does not feels impressive so now i am trying to give fade effect to these pictureboxes i tried a lot but not succeeded...

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Position - GROWL Effect In .net App?

Mar 14, 2012

i came up with the following code to produce a "GROWL" like effect that you see on MAC's and some jquery websites. (example of something like this can be found HERE. The code i am using works great and displays the message(s) just fine. However, the problem i am having a hard time trying to get working is how to display the current message ABOVE each previous message thats still on screen and having a timer for EACH message that pops up. Currently it closes all the message boxes at the same time.

The code is this:

Public Class Growl
Private _notifications As New Dictionary(Of Integer, msgWindow)
Private _count As Integer = 0


Right now it will display the newest post BELOW the old post. What do i need to change in order for it to display the newest one top and keep working its way down the list as other message boxes appear?

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Set Picturebox As Glass Effect?

Mar 30, 2010

I would like to know if it possible to create an effect of magnifying glass for the picturebox, so I could see the other controls behind the picturebox which make them looks like a glass?

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Sql - SQLCE Query Having No Effect?

Aug 28, 2011

I'm attempting to insert rows into an SQLCE database, and it's returning that 1 row is affected, there's no exception, and no syntax error in the query as far as I can see - but it's having no effect, when I look in the table from the Database Explorer.

Here's the code, though it probably doesn't make a difference:

Using conn As New SqlCeConnection(My.Settings.DietSafetyCheckerReportsConnectionString)
Using cmd As SqlCeCommand = conn.CreateCommand()


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ToolstripButton Don't Look Like Button Effect

Jul 30, 2009

My ToolStripButtons look flat. They are highlighted when pressed, but they don't look like buttons do. I want them to look like they're not pressed in and then press in when click with the mouse. How can I get this effect?

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VS 2005 LockBits Has Different Effect?

Jan 13, 2010

I've made an Aero-style form header (see signature) and I wanted to speed it up, so I used LockBits, and it had a different effect. These two methods should do the same thing, right? Well, it doesn't. Image 1 is before LockBits, Image 2 is after. Using LockBits gives a streaking effect that I don't like.[code]

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Way To Have That Aero Glass Effect Using XP Pro

Mar 31, 2012

is there a way to have that aero glass effect using XP Pro when creating forms and please give me walk thru on this. I want to have that look on all my forms.

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Why Effect Of A LinearGradientBrush Does Not Always Seem Symmetrical

Feb 18, 2010

Can anyone explain why the effect of a LinearGradientBrush does not always seem symmetrical?To see what I mean with the following code where point1 is halfway down the left side of the form,point2 is halfway down the right hand side.Using the colors Blue and Green the transition appears mainly nearer 3 quarters of the way across the FORM for the BLUE changing to GREEN.

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