VS 2005 - How To Create IE Toolbar / Band

Jun 18, 2010

I want to create my own toolbar/band for IE. I've searched all over and can only find a few small C++ or C# references but nothing in VB 2005. How to create this.

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Create Own Rock Band Or Guitar Hero?

Apr 24, 2010

I am very new to VB. I wanted to try and create my own Rock Band or Guitar Hero, but not sure where to start. I thought I would create a Windows form and try to create a fret board with strings. I have tried using the power pack for visual studio, lines and shapes but they always end up behind all of the other .Net objects. this is probably not the way to start anyway.

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Create IE Toolbar Using VB?

Jan 22, 2009

How to create IE Toolbar Using VB.net

Actually now i m using IE toolbar in C# but not able to Convert that code in VB.Net

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Create A Toolbar Addon?

May 2, 2011

How does one go about creating their own toolbar for Internet Explorer, or something along those lines? I've been doing some digging around the web, but nobody has really made it clear whether or not it's possible to do with vb.net. I tend to keep in mind that there is almost nothing that isn't possible in vb.net but that's almost.

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Create A Toolbar In MS WORD?

Feb 24, 2010

How can i create a toolbar in MS WORD as such :This is picture :

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Create Windows XP/7 Toolbar?

Aug 15, 2011

I want to create an application which provides toolbar 'button' like BatteryBar.

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VS 02/03 : Create A Toolbar Button?

Mar 5, 2011

I want to create a toolbar button, which controls toolbar is on MDIForm and I make a function in the Module.My code like this:

Sub AddToolbarButtons()
'MDI Main form
Dim fMain As MDIMain


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VS 2005 - Toolbar Not Working (Grayed Out)

Oct 23, 2009

I am running Windows Vista Ultimate. I have a copy of Visual Studios 2005. The toolbar is not working. I tried all of these and none of these fixed the toolbar:
-Show all (greyed out)
-Reset Toolbar
-delete C:UsersUsernameAppDataLocalMicrosoftVisualStudio8.0*.tbd worked one time then it did not.

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IDE :: Create Custom Toolbar Events?

Jul 22, 2009

i just creates a new custom filters toolbar and compile into a dll to be used on my projects but now i face a problem
the controls inside my toolbar used t create a filter (combos and text boxes) has the event for when text change but this event does not pass through my dll to be used on my projetc so i have no way of knowing when the user change a value on the filter, how can i pass this event?

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Fix A Missing Debug Menu/toolbar In 2005?

Aug 8, 2010

I am suddenly missing the debug toolbar/menu. In stead the Data menu appeared.

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Use Vb 2008 To Create Add-In Toolbar To Excel Program?

Aug 11, 2010

Give Me Some Examples

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VS 2005 Fill Docked Listview Hides Under Toolbar

Sep 13, 2010

I have a form that has a toolbar and a status bar on it. After the form's InitializeComponent method is ran, I add a listview control to it and set the listview's dock property to fill. The listview is actually an overridden listview with an overridded constructor - that's why I don't just add the listview using the designer.

But the listview tucks itself up under the toolbar. It looks like the bottom of the listview respects the presence of the status bar. It's just the top of the listview that is giving me problems. So, any guesses as to what I may be doing wrong - why the listview tries to fill dock underneath the toolbar?

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Use WSH To Create A Shortcut To A Folder In My Quick Launch Toolbar?

Jan 14, 2008

I have a Quick Launch Toolbar linked to a folder of shortcuts.In this folder I link other folders and applications that I use commonly.I'm trying to use WSH to create a shortcut to a folder in my Quick Launch toolbar, but the shortcut isn't being created correctly.I suspect my problem is that, evidently, Windows has two kinds of shortcuts to folders.Using Explorer,I navigate to my Quick Launch folder, and choose the File | New | Shortcut, supplying the name of another folder as a target, it creates the shortcut.Using Explorer, looking at the shortcut in the details panel, Win says the shortcut is of type "Shortcut". Looking at its properties, the type is also Shortcut, and looking at the Shortcut tab, the Target Type is "Folder" and the Target location is the path I supplied. Now create the shortcut another way.Locate the folder in Explorer, and right-click-drag it to the same Quick Launch folder, choosing to Create a Shortcut.Now, Explorer thinks the shortcut is of type "Folder" and looking at it's properties, the Type is Folder (Target Type isn't shown) and the Target does point to the real location.There isn't a Shortcut tab now either.Both are definitely shortcuts to the same folder (I've double-checked), but they work differently in Quick Launch.If you pull up the Quick Launch toolbar and hover over the second shorcut, Windows pops out a sub-menu that contains the folder's contents. However, there is no such functionality using the first shortcut, you would have to choose Explore from the right-click menu to view it's contents.

(Below, the "Work" dir is my Quick Launch toolbar's folder)Using WSH, I can create a shortcut that doesn't autoexpand as follows: Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")[code].....

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Create A Toolbar Within A Windows Form Title Bar, As MS Word 2007?

Mar 5, 2010

I'm getting started with VB 2008 and was wondering which control I can use to create a Toolbar within a windows form title bar, as MS Word 2007 does?

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Create Shorcut Key In Toolbar Or Shortcut To Call Both Procedure Or Function?

May 20, 2010

how to create shorcut key in toolbar or shortcut to call both procedure or function

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Visual Studio 2005 - Menu Items,Toolbar Items ,etc Displayed In Duplicate?

Jun 1, 2009

My visual studio 2005 has been running great up till now The menu items in the menu toolbar display exactly as follows:File File Edit Edit View View File File Edit Edit View View Tools Tools Tools Tools Window Window Community Community Help Help Window Window Community Community Help Help

Error List is displayed as follows:(I've excluded the icons)0 Errors 0 Errors 0 Warnings 0 Warnings 0 Messages 0 Messages The standard toolbar images are also displayed in 'duplicate'

This is before I open a project and visual studio is on the start page. The 'duplicates' do not go away even when a project is open.When project is open, Solution explorer displays duplicate images as well

I've tried all the following but still cannot get it to display normally. Restored my computer to a time when it was working ok. Full scan on my computer with AVG premium which includes spyware etc (No viruses , etc found) All software is updated fully

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.net - Rubber-band Effect On Image Using ASP.Net?

Oct 26, 2011

I am trying to watermark an Image and works perfect and now I need to have my customers much more convinient so that I am planning to add a feasibility to the image watermarker.I want to have an adorner control or somethng like the rubberband effect which has 4 0r 6 corners so that they can enlarge the text with that.I have seen one of the articles in codeproject which is implemented with WPF as shown below.But I need to implement with my normal ASP.Net application.So how do I start with it?

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Draw A Rubber Band Line?

Nov 19, 2009

I would like to draw a rubber band line on a form. how do I do it? what I would like to make is when I click button1 I can draw a line in a form but Im having some problems with my code. here is my code

Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D
Public Class Form1
Dim x1 As Integer
Dim y1 As Integer


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Rubber-Band Effect To Select?

Feb 13, 2010

Rubber-Band Effect to select?

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Changing Band Color In DGV Based On Column Value?

Aug 29, 2011

Attempting to set a color on a data row in my DGV if the value is True. As of now it changes all rows.


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Getting Picture Of Moving Objects On Conveyor Band

Mar 26, 2012

I need to get pictures of objects that move on conveyor band while they are passing by the hires camera. I know that algorithm sould check alpha channels to understand when object (medicine box) is roughly at the middle of frame and then get picture. but the problem is while object moves this algorithm must only get one photo and before one object leaves the scene, other object can appear at the other side of frame. so that makes everything complex. more basically I should get every medicine box's picture while they are on the move.

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Rubber Band / Focus Rectangle On A Web Page

Mar 11, 2010

What is the best way to implement a rubber band /focus rectangle on a web page?In other words, I want to be able to navigate to a web page like people.com and use the rubber band / focus rectangle to some html content (images and/or text)and I do realize I can simply highlight the content that I want but I am trying to do this via the rubber band / focus rectangle...

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Display A Label In Group Footer When The Detail Band Does Not Have Any Data?

Dec 1, 2009

If a have a lable called: lblWarning. I'd like to display it (Visible = True) when the detail band does not have any records. The label is in the group footer.

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Rubber Band / Focus Rectangle To Select HTML Content?

Apr 9, 2010

What is the best way to implement a rubber band /focus rectangle on a web page?In other words, I want to be able to navigate to a web page like people.com and use the rubber band / focus rectangle to some html content (images and/or text)......and I do realize I can simply highlight the content that I want but I am trying to do this via the rubber band / focus rectangle...

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Interface And Graphics :: Resize Boderless Form Bottom Left Corner - Rubber Band Effect

Oct 23, 2010

I was able to search this code : [URL] but i need a help in modifying this code so that i can re-size the form from bottom left corner the code block below is resizing the from from bottom right corner i need that to be modified to convert it to bottom left corner


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How To Create A Sql Server 2005 From Visual Studio 2005

Apr 14, 2010

i have installed visual studio 2005 in my computer i want to create a sql server 2005 file i saw a sql server 2005 option in my installed components i want to know how to create a sql server 2005 from my visual studio 2005 it is possible or not.

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Way To Make The Band In The DevExpress Banded GridView Be Invisible If All The Columns Are Also Invisible?

Jan 6, 2012

I am currently using a DevExpress (10.2) Banded GridView within my Visual Studio 2010 project. It works great except I was have an area where I allow the user to choose which columns they want visible or invisible. I noticed that if I make all the columns within a band invisible the band still remains and gives an empty column in my grid. I was wondering if there is some way to automatically

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Add A Toolbar To App?

Apr 30, 2009

I am trying to add a toolbar to my app and I would like to use larger icons than the standard 16x16. An older VB6 app that I created had large icons but I cannot figure out how to get my VB.net app to change to use the large icons.

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Add A Control To The Toolbar?

Feb 15, 2009

I can't find an answer to this question anywhere. How do I add a control to the toolbar? I clicked Add reference and added the Microsoft Internet Transfer Protocol, but I can't see it on the toolbar. I also tried with another reference, but couldn't get it there either.

So, should it be there or am I completely wrong? Quirky commenters, please choose another thread. I just want an answer.

EDIT: To make it easier from the start for you guys: I use version 2008.

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C# - Merging MDI Toolbar?

Jul 28, 2010

In .net MDI application the menu of child form automatically is merged to the menu of parent form.Is there a way to do similar thing with the tool bars.The concept is to send the toolbar of active child to the parent toolbar stripe

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