Running SQL Command To DGV And Export To CSV File

Apr 15, 2012

I made a proejct that runs sql command to datagridview and than export it to csv file, everything going fine but i got line break problem.
Here my export code:
Dim filePath As String = "C:FULLWorkcsvdbslimit.csv"
Dim delimiter As String = ";"
Dim sb As New StringBuilder()
For i As Integer = 0 To DataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1
Dim array As String() = New String(DataGridView1.Columns.Count - 1) {}
[Code] .....

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Using Export Wizard In Sql 2005 To Export To .xlsx File?

Aug 25, 2009

I have been able to export data from a query to the xlsx file..howerver those fields which are currency in my sql server 2005 table are currency are showing up in the spreadsheet as text. The column mappings are correct when I look at it in connection manager.

Also Is there also a way to create a new worksheet each time the export is run or does the file have to be already named?

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Export A Table Into An Excel Worksheet By Using Select Command

Jan 5, 2011

I see the examples where I can export a table into an Excel Worksheet by using
SELECT * INTO [Excel 8.0;Database=C:Book1.xls].[Sheet1] FROM [MyTable]
But I can only use [MyTable] if it is a binding source correct? What i would like to do is something like:


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Running A Command On Key Press?

Jan 21, 2009

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
WebBrowser1.Navigate("test" + txturl.Text)End Sub

Thats my code, however i want to run that code there if the user presses the enter key as well.

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Running A Command That Will Run On Every Computer

May 13, 2011

I have this code which gives me all of the information I need regarding tasks, information etc. I have it all shelled into a VB program and I want to be able to run this from one computer and have it return the data from all computers on the domain.[code]I have script that will list all users on the domain, can I implement that or is there an easier way? If I could search the entire domain for a specific file that would work too.At the moment I just need all the data returned to a text file, I am not worried about it being sorted, or how long a process like this would take.

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.net - Running Command Line Arguments?

Aug 23, 2011

I'm trying to run a command line argument through VB.NET using the Shell() command.I'm trying to use this piece of code:

FOR /R %I in (*.pdf) DO @pdf2swf.exe "%~fI" -o "%~dpI%~nI.swf" -f -T 9
-t -G

Using this:

Shell("FOR /R %I in (*.pdf) DO @pdf2swf.exe "%~fI" -o "%~dpI%~nI.swf" -f -T 9
-t -G ")

However, the interpreter is giving me this error:

Character is not valid. (BC30037)

For the %~ part.I also tried created a string and passing the argument to the Shell() command by using Shell(StringName) but I still get the same error in the string.

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Pass Command Top Already Running Process?

Nov 23, 2011

I need to pass command to a console app i start in my program, with some start-up parameter.get the return parameters after the console app has finished,then pass further commands based to the return values from the initial execution

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Running A Command In A Console Application In VB?

Dec 17, 2010

I am new to Visual Basic and i started to write a console application. I it working fine by now, but I tried to execute a command like shutdown -s

I tried that by writing console.writeline("shutdown -s")

but all it dows it displays the text and does not shutdown the computer. How do I code that correctly???

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How To Send A Command To A Running Application Via Commandline

Nov 10, 2011

I want to exit my GUI application ( 4) using a commandline parameter.I should send thive! from the commandline:

myapplication.exe quit and an already running instance of the application should exit.

Now, I have a mutex detection in place so that I can only have one instance of the application running at a time. It seems that if I send a commandline, it won't work on an already running application; it will only work on one that is launching.

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Check If A Particular Command Line Is Running In Cmd Prompt?

Jul 8, 2010

create a vb / dos code which will do the following: Check if a command prompt window is running with the following command: mgms A1 (mgms is a custom command) If it is running, exit. If it is not running, start cmd prompt and run the command , exit

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Detect A Command Line Request When The .exe Is Already Running?

Dec 10, 2011

My single-instance application has code to auto-start from the command line and open a requesting file with the appropriate extension when it's double-clicked or 'run' - this works fine. Once it's up and running however, what is the recognised way to detect a command line request to open another similar file so I can offer an option box to stay with the existing file or close it and swap to the new one? Can I do this within the main app, or do I need some sort of 'background listening' app to detect this and act accordingly?

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Running Program When Executed With Command Lines

Sep 3, 2009

How do I make a program run only when it is executed with a command line? For example, if you press WINDOWS KEY + R, and then type in
"firefox.exe -profilemanager"
It will open up Firefox's profile manager. How do I make my program do that, except, if it's command line is "program.exe -letmein" it'll open form2. And if it's opened manually, (by doubleclicking or anything else) it'll open form1.

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When Running A Command Whose Path Contained A Space

Jun 11, 2010

So I ran into a problem when running a command whose Path contained a space.apparently anything after the space would be treated as a parameter to the command.In the code below, 'path' is the path to the command and par1 and par2 are arguments to that command. The code below works, but could someone tell me why it works?Initially I was creating a literal string by placing around it like so: """string""" , but I needed the fourth quote when passing a variable.How is the use of quotes functioning here? [cod]

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Process Start And Running Defrag Command Line

Mar 17, 2011

For some reason I can not get the following code to work properly:


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Running A Command In A Console Application In Visual Basic?

Aug 1, 2011

I am new to Visual Basic and i started to write a console application. I it working fine by now, but I tried to execute a command like shutdown -s I tried that by writing

console.writeline("shutdown -s")

but all it dows it displays the text and does not shutdown the computer. How do I code that correctly???

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Running A DOS Command And Show Output In Textbox Realtime?

May 25, 2010

I want to run some dos commands (eg: a ROBOCOPY) and show the output from this realtime in a text window to show the user something is happening.The command may take a number of minutes so it's important the output is showing in the VB application realtime, and not just all at the end. Obviously the user will wonder what is happening during this time.

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Shell Command Launches An App Differently Than Running The Executable

Sep 1, 2009

I have a legacy vb6 application that uses a shell command to launch a newer .net application. It's a very simple command, just launches an app. Here's the problem. When I run the .net app through the shell command, it tries to connect to a database that is not referenced in it. If I double-click the .net executable, it runs just fine and connects the way it is supposed to. Normal, no problems. Only when I run it from the shell command do I have problems. I have checked everything I can think of and simply can not come up with a reason why the app would behave differently when launched from a shell command.

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VS 2010 - MySQL Command - Not Running The Cmd2.executenonquery

Dec 29, 2011

Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient
Public Class Form1
Dim myTime As Date = TimeValue(Now)
Dim myDate As Date = DateValue(Now)


It'ss not running the cmd2.executenonquery. I've tried many different things such as opening a different connection and yet it still doesnt run that line of code, but it'll run the message box in the if then statement. So I assume it's something to do with the connection somewhere. I've also tried using try and catching the error. nothing. So the problem is that its just not running query2.

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Passing Command Line Arguments To Already Running Single Instance App

Jan 19, 2010

I have a single instance database app that emails out notifications. I would like to add a link in the emails that when clicked would open up the app and go to the section of the program that its supposed to go to. I implemented my own URL protocol so that links starting with my codewords get passed to my EXE. So far so good. I then parse the URL and pull the keyword and identifier out to open that section of the program. So if a user clicks a link like this:


My application will start, it will grab the arguments (LoadCompany?ID=323), pass this to my load company routine and then load up company ID 323. Works great.

Now the issue is if the program is already open I still want the links to work but since it's a single instance app it just closes the second app. How can I add something ot the app to watch for this or receive a message from the second app? I know I will need to check status of what I'm doing and make sure things are saved, check security, etc but I can get all that done easily enough. I've found some examples online but none really did what I wanted them to.

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VS 2008 - Export Crystal Report Error " Invalid Export DLL Or Export Format"?

Jan 26, 2010

I am developing an application using VS 2008/MySql and I am trying to export the crystal report on runtime using my own code. I get an error saying:

Quote:Invalid export DLL or export format.

My code is:[CODE].....

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Display Message On Target Pc's Screen Without Client Application Running / Actively Listening For Incoming Command?

Sep 29, 2010

I have recently started playing with sockets, so now i have set up an instant messaging app. it works like it's supposed to however, theres a slight problem. short of arranging for both parties to come online via email or something there's no way for the other person to know that someones waiting for them. So i'm basically looking for a way to send a pop-up message to tell the other dude to get his ass online,is there a way to display a message on a target pc's screen without a client application running and actively listening for an incoming command?

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Using WSF (Windows Scripting File) To Retrieve Component Services Running Process ID's Using Running Process Name

May 7, 2009

I am trying to write a Windows Script that will allow me to monitor the following: That 2 x seperate but specific processes within Component Services "Running Processes" list are currently running and have not reset within the past hour. If I already know the PID, then I can retrieve the CreationDate (I assume which I can use to check for restarts? or is this the actual process creation/installation date) for each specific process, however if a restart occurs the PID will change and my script needs to know what the new PID is without me telling it!


View 2 Replies - Export To Excel File As .zip To Reduce File Size - Compress Xmldata Before Sending It To The Client?

Jul 8, 2010

I like to compress the xmldata before the data is provided to the client as an excel file. I am trying to compress and deliver it as a .zip file. its not working Here's my code below. I tried compressing it, converting it to bytes etc etc. The issue with below code is, the XSL transformation is not happening properly and the output excel file is raw xml with some .net exception at the end. (that's what I see on the .xls file that's downloaded at the end) Before I started working on compression my below code was working fine that gives properly formatted excel file from the xml input. the excel file is so nice you can't even tell it was from XML.


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Check the Excel File Is Opned Or Not When I Try To Export As Same File Name Again?

May 22, 2009

A user exported a excel file and he opened it.Some reason, he tried to export same exel file as same name.Then, the application is gone because it does not know what do with it.How do I check the excel file is opned or not when I try to export as same file name again?

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File I/O And Registry :: Export Data To Text File?

Mar 17, 2009

I have a variable (double) that is constantly update in real time with data from an analog input. I would like to write this data as it comes in to a txt file. When I stop my acquisition of data from my analog input, I should have a txt file with all that data stored on my computer wherever I want it. The way I'd like that txt file to be laid out is like so:

Test Title: "This info comes from a string variable"
Operator Name: "This info comes from another string variable"
Test Date: "This info comes from yet another string variable"


And so forth. As you can see I would also like to write the time for each data. This depends on my Timer interval which the user can set. The default is 50ms. So by default, y1 y2 y3 would be 0, 50, 100. How would I generate such a text file?

PS: I have five variables (X, Y, strTitle, strName, strDate)

View 1 Replies - Export Trace.axd To A File?

Feb 25, 2009

This probably has an easy answer, but I haven't been able to find one yet. I was wondering if there was a simple solution to exporting the page-level trace results of trace.axd to a log file of some sort.

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C# - Xml File Creation And Export It Using

Apr 19, 2011

how can i write <p> <br/> hello this is my creation </p> in xml file while i am creating it by the use of .

it is showing &lt;P&gt; text &lt;/P&gt;

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Export (convert) A Txt File To PDF?

Nov 25, 2009

I must build an application that exports a simple TXT file to PDF. Actually, it will have to export DOCs, RTFs and ODFs, but for now, only txt will do.Can you guys recommend some code or article so that I can get started on the task?

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Export .dat To Xml Or Readable File With Help Of .fmt

Feb 15, 2011

I downloaded a database from url... it was a zip archive. Anyway my question is, there are two files: virussignatures.dat and virussignatures.fmt. I've heard that I should extract the database as SQL by using BCP. The contents of virussignatures.fmt is: [code] I want to turn the virus signatures.dat to an XML or an understandable TXT.

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Export A DataGridView To A CSV File

Dec 10, 2010

I'm trying to export a DataGridView to a CSV file. The method I'm using works fine if all cells have a value in them. However, not all cells will have a value. This is the error I'm getting:


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