SQL Server DB Connection Class Creation?

Jul 22, 2011

Trying to begin rewriting a VB6 application using .NET (as a Windows Forms app.) to get some practical coding experience.First hurdle is the best way to connect from VB.NET to typically various stored procedures in a SQL Server DB... I'm of course struggling a little along the way as well w/the difference in syntax and so forth, too.Anyone out there have an example you can point me to as far as typical blocks of code you use in calling to establish connectivity to SQL Server databases, populate SQLDataAdapter objects, etc?My assumption is that I need to create a connection object class and have everything in there and just call various methods of that connection object class whenever I need to connect to the database, retrieve data from stored procedures to populate fields on various screens of my app., close the connection to the database, etc.

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Why Interface Allow Class Creation

Aug 27, 2011

Since interface provides 100% abstraction over its members then why we are allowed to define a class inside an interface? We can define class inside interface, even instantiate it and call its members ,why? I am not getting the clear picture over this .Why this is allowed and what can be its implication or benefit.[code]

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Creation Of Remote Server Checking Tool

May 25, 2011

I am new to Visual Basic (and programming in general) just wondering if there are any good tutorials on how to get my Visual Basic application to connect to a remote server.

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Dynamic Table Creation From .net In Sql Server 2008?

Oct 19, 2010

Can i create a table with the input taken from user at runtime from vb.net.?

From vb.net in sqlserver 2008

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File Not Found After Creation Vista To Windows 2008 Server?

Aug 31, 2009

Using VB6 to create a file and then open the file just created fails when run on a Vista client with Windows 2008 Server. The same code will work when run directly on the Windows 2008 Server or when using an XP client. If a Sleep 10000 is placed after the close, the program will work. What is the problem here? The code is as follows:

Option Explicit
Private Declare Function GetTempFileName Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetTempFileNameA" _
(ByVal lpszPath As String, ByVal lpPrefixString As String, ByVal wUnique As Long, _


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Sql Server - .net Program Dataadapter Connection Closes After Fill But Database Still Shows Connection?

Aug 19, 2010

After running the following sub (VS debugger), I try to detach the database in SSMS, but it shows the connection open still and won't let me detach. If I close program in debugger, the database shows no connections. I check the dataadapter's connection in the finally block and is shows closed. What gives

Private Function ClientMasterDBFiles(ByVal MasterClientDBConnection As String, ByVal DBName As String) As DataTable


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Sql Connection Error - Re-establish Connection To The Server

May 14, 2010

This will happen at random, and I can always just catch the error and re-establish connection to the server, but I am confused as to why. When doing lots of inserting into the sql server, I only establish one connection that is public, instead of many little connections. I had my doubts on a public sql connection, but it's been running great, and I've seen no problems until this morning. Again, this random moment I hit an error that stated, sql connection state is broken. Is it bad practice to just accept this error, and when it happens, re-establish the connection?

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The SMTP Server Requires A Secure Connection Or The Client Was Not Authenticated. The Server Response Was 5.5.1 Authentication Required

Nov 28, 2009

This emailing code wont seem to work in my program. I get an exception "The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was 5.5.1 authentication required."

Imports System.Net.Mail
Public Class emailStudent
Private Sub sendEmailButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles sendEmailButton.Click


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VS 2008 Connection To Sql Server Failed (server/'localhost' Not Accessible)

Aug 18, 2009

I have simple code that connects to Sql database... (well it doesn't)

Dim objConn As New SqlConnection("Server=localhost;uid=***;pwd=***;database=***")

ERROR MESSAGE:A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)But looks like something is wrong with "localhost" thing. Any help? Where can I get name of (my) server?

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Connection To MS SQL Server 2005 Database (using Server.MapPath)

Feb 29, 2012

I am tring to make the below application work with SQL Server 2005 Database Currently it works for test.mdb, which is in the same folder with the application. How shoud I modify the MapPath to work with SQL Server.


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Import Excel Data Into SQL Server - ERROR: "ODBC --Connection To {SQL Server} Servernamesqlservername Failed"

Aug 13, 2010

I am trying to do something fairly simple.. allow my user to import thier data from Excel into SQL Server, where it can be used by the application.To do this, I'm using the fairly simple code that is common everywhere I look:

strFilePath = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + fdlgFileOpen.FileName + ";Extended Properties=Excel 8.0"
connExcel = New OleDbConnection(strFilePath)


Now, on my development computer this code works perfectly. The data imports, and I can go on my merry way.

On the TEST computer, this code throws the error: "ODBC -- Connection to {SQL Server} servernamesqlservername failed." This seems very odd to me, because I'm using exactly the same SQL Server and database to interact with the application, and all the other screens in the application work perfectly. The test computer CAN connect to this SQL Server, but it keeps throwing this error whenever I try import data from Excel.I've tried everything I can think of - using the server's IP address instead of the server name, sending the SQL Server administrator data along with the request, taking out the Trusted_Connection=Yes... nothing works. What is going on here? How can this code work fine on my computer, and hiccup on another?

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.Net ADO Connection Class

Apr 25, 2011

I created a connection class that should return a datatables/datareaders etc to my webpages. I am worried that the connections won't be closed properly by using this class. Here is the class: [code]I am worried that once I go into production the connections won't be close properly and my site will fail. I am new to .net, is there anything wrong with the principal behind this class?

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.net Create Connection Class?

Mar 19, 2012

I want to create a class in vb.net that make the connection to database.Also I need the way to use this class inside forms. I need a code example of both the class and the form call

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Use A Class For My Database Connection?

Sep 13, 2010

I know I'm missing something really simple here, but I'm trying to create a class that I can use to access the database in my program as this is obviously used a lot throught out the program and on different forms. I've used classes for other purposes and never had a problem but for what ever reason I can't seem to get this one to work.[code]...

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.NET Connection To SQL SERVER?

Jun 21, 2010

i started programming with .NET (i have express edition) and wanted to make a connection to an SQL Server..previously i had .net 2005 - i started having the issue there - i unistalled it, n installed visual studio 2008. I have installed SQL Compact that came with the .net 2008, and besides it SQL Server 2000.When I try to make a connection to the SQL Server, if server is running I have to stop it and then choose the DB i want to use. (if its running wont let me choose any DB). Then, when i select the DB i need, Im getting this error:

"The instruction CREATE FILE fount SO error 5 (failed to retrieve text for this error.Reason:15105) while trying to open or creating the fysichal file : -path- to northwnd_log.ldf. Cant open the new database -path to northwnd.mdf. CREATE DATABASE discarded.Error while trying to attach a DB automatically named for archive -path to northwnd.mdf. There already exists a database with the same name, cant open the specified file or it is in a shared UNC resourse.File activation error. File name -path to northwnd_log.ldf- might be wrong"And when i try to connect with the SQL compact edition that came installed with the visual studio, im getting this error:"Can not allow access to the file in DB [File name = path to northwind.sdf]"

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Connection In Class.vb For A Command Object?

Mar 28, 2012

im making a class.vb which has a sql connection. The class.vb will be used by all forms/windows on the application. So whenever a form needs to access the database, it will call class.vb.

This is the code in class.vb:

Public Sub Openconn()
Dim myConnection As SqlConnection
Dim connstring As String = "Data Source=192.162;Initial Catalog=db1;User Id=sa;Password=1;"


but it gives error: value of type sqlconnection cannot converted to array of Sqlconnection.I just want a method that's useful for opening the connection and that is also useful when asigning to a command object.

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Make ODBC Connection Be In The Class?

Dec 12, 2011

I tried to make my ODBC Connection within the class. here's my class code

Public Class Library
Public Function Seek(ByVal Connection As Odbc.OdbcConnection, ByVal TableName As String, ByVal Field As String, ByVal Index As Long)


Here's my error: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Int32' to type 'System.Data.DataSet'. I am using VBdotNet2005

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.NET Closing Connection To SQL Server?

May 30, 2010

I have many Listviews in my Form and Im retrieving stored procedures to populates my Listviews. Is it necassary to close the connection to SQL Server once I have finished populating my Listviews?The angle which im coming from is that every 30 seconds or so I need to re-populate my Listviews with the latest cut of data from SQL Server therefor Im probably going to slow down my application if it has to connect to SQL Server every 30 seconds to get the latest cut of data... instead of keeping the connection to the SQL Server Stored Procedure live so that I can use some sort of method to refresh the data?

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.net Connection With SQL Server Express

Mar 14, 2012

why i'm getting the following error from the code below:

Error Type:
Active Server Pages, ASP 0221 (0x80004005)
The specified 'Import Namespace="System.Data.OleDb" ' option is unknown or invalid.
/default.asp, line 6


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.NET Connection, Server Can't Be Changed

Sep 18, 2011

I've been trying to make a login system for my application. Which seems to work, but when I try to connect to the database itself, it won't work. I used this code to check the exception:

Catch myex As MySqlException

That gives this exception:

"Acces denied for user '[my db user]'@'[My IP-Address]' (Using Password: YES)"

The code I use for the connection is:

Dim Connection As New MySqlConnection("server=[The SERVER IP]; user id=[DATABASE USER]; password=[DB USER PW]; port=3306; database=[DB NAME]; pooling=false")

As you can see, I've tried to change the 'server' part, but it won't affect anything. It will just say my ip address (localhost, I assume) in the exception. Telling me that it couldn't connect to it. Which is not even what I'm wanting to do.

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Can't Establish A Connection To SQL Server?

Nov 15, 2011

I'm using Visual Studio 2005 and SQL Server 2000 for my vb.net desktop application..I'm having a SQL Server exception saying that "connection can't be established to the server.hen connecting to SQL Server 2005 this failure may be caused by the fact that under the default settings SQL Server does not allow remote connections. Also showing

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Connection String For Sql Server ?

Apr 19, 2012

I have installed sql server 2005 in my machine which is installed vb.net 2008. I want my machine to distribute the database to the clients and make it as server.I don't have that much knowledge of how to overcome this issue as i am awfully naive about it.Let me start it here:I have got an application in vb.net...at first i was using ms access database 2007. then decided to switch on to the sql server since i want to distribute the database to the clients who are going to use my application.When i installed the sql server, i imported my access db files onto sql server database. i enabled tcp/ip as enable in the sql server network Configuration. i want use sql server windows authentication as my default user account of my system for the sake to simplify the issue.

Hence, i connected the sql server into the vb.net through the "add new data source".am done with that...the problem is how do i assign the connection string to the vb.net? Or how do i include a connection string in vb.net which tells every other computer that the database data source is in my computer so that every computer can automatically check it in the network.Where exactly shall i put the connection string...as far as my knowledge is concerned for access database, you can easily identify your connection string in project /properties/settings...it goes here and you put your database in any where.And what is the best connection string do i need for sql server 2005..computers are running windows xp.

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Connection To SQL Server 2005?

Feb 26, 2009

I making a connection through word 2003 VBA to SQL server 2005 using the following codeDim cn As ADODB.ConnectionSet cn = New Connectioncn.ConnectionString = "Provider=SQLNCLI;Server=LEXAE29150SQLEXPRESS;" & _"Database=MCarter.mdf;Integrated Security=SSPI;"cn.openetc.cn.close.All runs fine up to cn.open.I then get the message error 'Cannot open database "MC.dbf" request by the login. The Login failed'.Tryed websearching but no succes. Been on it a week and the boss is doing his nut. I'm lost and unsure what wrong.The SQL server is set for windows authenticity and SOL Server login.In the MC database under security users my user name (Login) is their and setup as owner and sysadmin.SQLServer is running on the same machine as the word.dot.

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Connection To SQL Server Not Working

Oct 6, 2011

I using vb.net 2010 and sql server management express 2008. bu I little confused what is wrong with the code for connect sql and vb.net


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Connection With Ms Access And Sql Server

Nov 26, 2008

how to use conection with vb.net 2005 and ms access and also sql server

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Involve A Connection To An SQL Server

Aug 12, 2010

I am wondering if it is possible to perform some SQL command on a datatable. I currently have an application which reads in an excel spread sheet using the excel COM, and stores the data in a object array. The Object array is then used to create a datatable based on user specifications. I have added a number of checked list boxes which are populated with the column names and row number. The user can select what rows and columns that want to see, and the datatable is recreated to their needs and displayed in a datagridview.

Although at the moment the program is fairly simple in design, but I plan to add a bit to it. I am now wondering if you can use an SQL statement to extract a set of data from a pre-existing datatable. Most examples I have seen involve a connection to an SQL server,

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Remote Sql Server Connection?

Mar 20, 2012

I have SQL Server 2008 setup to remote connection. and it works perfect. I can access it from public IP address. [code]...

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Sql - Server Connection Overloads

Feb 26, 2012

I'm trying to run this code, but it displays the error "overload resolution failed".


Here is the full error:[code...]

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Sql Server - SQL Connection Strings

Mar 19, 2012

I'm creating a program in VB.Net that heavily interacts with 2 large MSSQL databases. I do not know a ton of vb and I'm fairly new, but I would assume just having the connection strings in the code and releasing the program it would be quite easy for someone to reverse the program and get my connection info? correct me if I'm wrong. My question is I'm wondering if there is a safer way to use a connection string in my program. Would I just have to encrypt my app? Create a module or dll?

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SQL Server Connection Error

Apr 19, 2011

This is my connection string

"Data Source=,1433;Network Library=DBMSSOCN;Initial Catalog=RFX2220;User ID=sa;Password=PhhassssWord!;"
this is the error message

A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server. The server was not found or was not accessible. Verify that the instance name is correct and that SQL Server is configured to allow remote connections. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.)

(1) windows port enabled

(2) server configured for windows + sql server authentication

(3) & also enabled for TCP/IP

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