Sample Application From Microsoft Does NOT Work

May 6, 2007

The following is an application sample downloaded from the Microsoft website.It shows how to use the serial port.However, it does not work as written.It sends data OK.When it receives data from the serial port and attempts to display it in textBox2, the program locks up and eventually shows an error message having to do with a thread error..Does anyone understand why this "sample program" written by Microsoft does not work?I see many posts about problems attempting to read the serial port and generating thread errors,[code]

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Linking SQL Tables - Working With The "Northwind" Sample From Microsoft

Nov 28, 2010

Im new on SQL databases and im working with the "Northwind" sample from microsoft. there are 4 tables with this realtion Customer->Orders->OrderDetails->Products. i want for every customer to list the products ordered... how can i link those 2 tables?

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Fetching Data From A Microsoft SQL Server Compact 3.5 Table Into A Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition Application?

Aug 7, 2009

I am building a VB 2008 Express Edition application.I have built a database (with a single table) using SQL Server Compact 3.5 and have connected it to the project. I am able to view and edit the data using a DataGridView on a second form (tutorial made this very easy). I need to work with the data in the table within the application. how to easily load the entire table into an array or even read the table a row or cell at a time so that I can make all of the data available for manipulation within the application (the tutorials only seem to show how to display the data).

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.net - Sample DashBoard Application In Either C#?

Apr 4, 2012

i just trying to develop Dashboard application in but can't find any good example[not even in]..[either VB.NET or C#.NET and Doesn't using any third party control like VisiFire or etc] for dashboard style application.

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Sample Code For Remote Process/Application Monitoring?

Sep 23, 2010

I am looking for a bit of inspiration here, a client has requested me to build a simple remote process monitoring application with capability for smtp notification, when monitored processes go down or come back on-line. Can anyone point me in the direction of some sample code to get me started. I have briefly looked at .net remoting as a potential development path, from my understanding of how this works, the remoting architecture would require both a client and remote server component, (though I am not a 100% sure on this one), however if this is the case, then it will not fit the bill, as one of the fundamental requirements is that no additional software can be deployed on the servers which are to be monitored

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Search Network Code Sample To Produce VB Application?

Jun 7, 2012

I would like to ask something about Network in VB.NetI try to search network code sample to produce VB.Net application (Like Server and client)But I found a lot of codes (Server and client) and the codes are very complicated for me because codes are mixed with chatting process So I would like to know or want some sample Network VB.Net application(code) the application has two forms

form1(server) and form2(client)

form2(client) has (one button or textbox)

form1(server) can make visible or invisible (button or textbox) of the form2 (Like that code, I can able to make or learn other processes) I want to know how to code it. If I can get the code, I can learn more smoothly with various way

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Work With The COM Microsoft Forms 2.0 Multipage?

Jan 14, 2006

I was working with this control to make multiple pages fit on 1 main window. When clicking a menuitem, the program will go to the correct tab. Now the problem is, i only have the 2 standard tabs.. NOTE: This is NOT the standard Tab control found in VB.NEt 2005 ! Does anyone know how to add more tab pages

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Tab Import Does Not Work With Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB; CSV Works Even Though FMT=TabDelimited?

Nov 25, 2009

I am trying to import a tab delimited file with ADO. If I convert my tabs to csv it works,but I would like to know why it does not work with tab.The Function is on the buttomhere is my test data:

- Create a Text file with Headers: Test1, Test2, Test3
and rows:


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Source Code That Uses Microsoft Office Task Panes And To Work?

May 23, 2009

I'm trying to compile some source code that uses microsoft office task panes and to work with some speech recognition.Code is from the following article

Enabling Speech Recognition in Microsoft Word 2007 with Visual Studio 2008 -


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After Creating New Mail Using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook Button 'Attach File' Does Not Work

Mar 18, 2010

I am creating simple mail without any atach using Microsoft.Office.Interop.Outlook. Mail is successfully created and opened, but after this button 'Attach File' does not work (it could be clicked, file could be selected but it is not attached). Here is simple code:


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Unable To Install Or Run This Application. This Application Requires Microsoft Common Language Runtime 4.0.3 To Be Installed On Computer?

Jun 8, 2011

I have designed and published my small created app with WINDOWS FORMS using VB 2010 EXP on Windows 7. I can only install the app on the machine that I used to develop the app.I want to install the app on another computer but I cannot. I usually have error reports.

Example:Unable to install or run this application. This application requires Microsoft Common Language Runtime 4.0.3 to be installed on your computer.

what can I do to be able to install the app on a different computer which does not have .Net and does not have visual basic 2010 installed.

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C# - Sample Windows Application In .net Which Uses Windows Services?

Sep 22, 2011

Code can be in C# or VB.Net.t is urgent P.S project deadline tomorrow

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.net - Migrating Application From Microsoft Access To VB Or C#.NET?

Sep 5, 2010

I'm currently trying to convince management of the need to port one of our applications to .NET. The application has grown to be a bit of a monster in Access (backend in SQL), with 700 linked tables, 650 forms/subforms, 130 modules and 850 queries.

I pretty much know all the major benefits of doing this, but now need to look at how this can be achieved technically, so I can put a project plan together.So, my plan was to convert the queries into stored procedures and/or views on the backend and re-write the forms in WPF or WinForms.

Now, the code is where I come unstuck. Is it possible to packaged up the code behind and modules into dlls and consume them whilst it is slowly ported to VB/C#?

What we can't be left with is half an application in VB/C# and half in Access, it must 'appear' to all be one application, even half way through the migration.EDIT: Just some more info about what we do and why we're looking at moving away from Access.We are essentially an ISV and the Access application is our main product. This application has been developed over a period of 15 years, by many, many developers on an ad hoc basis. There is no documentation for this application.

We also have problems with getting branching in SCC to work properly, so we've currently got 4 or 5 code bases for the half a dozen clients we have. On top of that, all the testing we do is completely manual, which you can imagine is very labour intensive, and only scratches the surface of what really needs to be tested.We're currently looking to expand, and have a number of sales leads that are in the final stages. I'm worried that with these new sales, we're going to be swamped with support and testing, and that this application is going to become even more entangled an buggy.

I'll also add to this the fact that we're just about to enter the spec phase of a brand new product, which is almost certainly going to be built in .NET. If we were to rewrite the Access application in .NET, then the people we use for that can go straight on to this new development. If we were to stay in Access, then we'd have to get some new Access people in, whom would have to be retrained once we start the new development.

So essentially it has come down to two choices, major refactoring work in Access to try and 'organise' the code a bit better, and those of you who have suggested culling parts are most probably right; I'm sure there are parts that are no longer used. However, I fear that if we stay in Access we still won't be able to build in effective testing and we still won't have proper SCC branching, which will lead to support continuing to be a nightmare, and any future developments on this product makings things worse. Either way there is a lot of work that we're about to embark on, which is either going to be done in Acces, or .NET.

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Read And Update VB Database Application Using Microsoft Acc?

Apr 14, 2009

I have been working on an Order management System using VB.Net and Microsoft Access as the database, But i am having problems updating the database through my Visual basic Application (I can only view my Microsoft access database but i can not update it through my visual basic application).

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Use Microsoft Word Object Library For Web Application

Mar 30, 2010

i want to use Microsoft Word Object Library for web application , but i dont have office installed in the server side. but i do have a 2007 version installed in the developer machine from where i can build the application. my question here is will my application would be running fine in server , do i need to also install office at server also.

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Application Need Microsoft Common Language Runtime At Client's PC

Feb 23, 2011

I try to install my program (Run from setup) in a pc. Operating system Windows 7 Professional edition, it says to run the applciation , the application requires your system to be updated to Microsoft common Lanuage Runtime version 4.0.21006.0. What does it means?


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Get The Equations Of Calculations From Application To Microsoft Word File?

Jun 16, 2011

I found a great way to get the equations of calculations from application to Microsoft word file with MimeTex here-[URL]

But unfortunelly the code is only for Microsoft Visual Studio Solution under the Eq2ImgWinForms folder, but I use on my application Visual Basic language (Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition).

how could I use the same thing on my application with Visual Basic?

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Get The Error That Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 Is Not Installed When Run The Application On The Client?

Jun 27, 2011

I have created an application in VB.Net 2010 and am using an Access 2010 db. Connecting to this DB I use the Provider= Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 and it works fine on my machine. This was a recent update from using Jet as that provider was having issues on client Win64 computers that had Access 2007 or 2010 installed.Basically my issue is that I get the error that Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0 is not installed when I try to run the application on the client.

The problem however, is that I do not want ask the users to install Data Access Objects in addition to .Net 4.0. I want a simple install that they can run and upgrade to .net 4.0 if they need to. The above thread states a solution as "You can also consider to use ADO.NET object in System.Data.OleDb namespace to connect to the Access database instead of the Provider. In my opinion, this is the best choice since the ADO.NET provides you the powerful data access objects." This sounds like a great option, however I cannot find any way to install the ACE dll and get it to work on the client.what do I need to include in the client installer to get my application to run on systems without Access installed? Do I just include the ACEODB.dll or is there something else that needs to be done?

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Use Microsoft Cut, Copy, Paste And Sort A To Z Icons In .Net Application?

Dec 13, 2011

I am building some context menus and the menus will contain a "Cut", "Copy", "Paste", "Sort A to Z" and "Sort Z to A" buttons just like the context menus in Microsoft Office. I would like to use the same images used in MS Office for these buttons in my context menus. Anyone know how to add these images to my contextmenus?For example,

Private CMS As New ContextMenuStrip
CMS.Items.Add("Cut", 'MS Office Cut Icon Here', Me.subCUT)

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Visual Basic Application With Microsoft Sync Framework 2.0 ADO.NET?

Nov 24, 2009

I am creating a Visual Basic 2008 .net application that will be using the Sync Service for ADO.NET on Windows 7 Ultimate. The back end database is SQL 2008. Below are the basic steps I take when the error occurs

a. Add a Local Database Cache item to my application
b. Use the Configure Data Synchronication wizard for the setup process
c. Click the OK button to accept changes
d. An error message is generated, "The given key was not present in the dictionary".

I have attempted this several times and the error message presists no matter how I vary the options. I have also installed Microsoft Sync Framework 2.0 successfully but the error persists. I also have all the following Dlls referenced in my project:


I am sure I don't need all of these references but I figured it does not hurt to have them all referenced for now. I have the latest OS service and Visual Studio 2008 service packs.

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VS 2005 Microsoft Data Access Application Block For .NET?

Mar 31, 2009

Is there a need to explicitly close the connection in this Microsoft Data Access Application Block for .NET? i am encountering timeout expired pooling errors in the sql server 2000. I am wondering if the unclosed connection is the problem

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Application' Is Ambiguous In The Namespace 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel

Mar 9, 2010

Application' is ambiguous in the namespace 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel

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Importing Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms Into Console Application Project?

Jul 26, 2010

I've created a VB Console Application Project and am trying to instantiate a Report Viewer object. To my understanding I need to import Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms however Visual Studio does not recognize this name space. Is there some reference I need to add?

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ClickOnce: Unable To Install Or Run The Application, Requires Microsoft.Vbe.Interop 14.0 To Be Installed

Apr 15, 2011

Just got this message today on user machines when pushing out an update to a ClickOnce VB.NET application.No new references have been added, just some bug fixes.

System Update Required Unable to install or run the application. The application requires that assembly Microsoft.Vbe.Interop Version be installed in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) first.Note that this is only happening in XP machines, not Win 7.

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Error6 'Application' Is Ambiguous In The Namespace 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word'

Dec 9, 2009

It says .Application ambiguous Error6'Application' is ambiguous in the namespace 'Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word'.

Imports Word = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word
oWord = CType(CreateObject("Word.Application"), Word.Application)
oDoc = oWord.Documents.Add()

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Microsoft Data Access Application Block Date Type Precision?

Jul 13, 2009

We are working on an ASP.Net/VB.Net application using Enterprise Library for our data access (DAAB).

We are trying to store DateTime values in an Oracle Date field. However, the precision is being lost. Currently only the year, month, and date are being stored. We need better precision than this.

Oracle Dates are supposed to "includes not just the month, day, and year, but also
the hour, minute, and second. "

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Prepare For The MCTS:Microsoft Net Framwork 3.5 Windows Forms Application Exam?

Oct 2, 2011

Can any one advise me about a book to purchase to prepare for the MCTS:Microsoft Net Framwork 3.5 windows Forms Application exam?

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Application Won't Work On Another PC?

Apr 24, 2011

I just finished creating my VB application and now when this application running on another PC, jumping out error (error image here [URL]..

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Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Will Not Create Resourse File For Forms Application?

Apr 19, 2011

The environment will not create a resource file for a newly created Windows Forms Application. When I add a button Visual Studio displays a dialog "File Exist". That'sall, plus an OK button. There is no file name or the file name is in unreadable characters.The dialog comes from Visual Studio because the title is "Microsoft Visual Studio".There is no resource file so it must be that the resource file cannot be created.I uninstalled and reinstalled Visual Studio 2008. It did not change anything.I believe the problem was caused by opening the same project rapidly twice on an i7 laptop. I have done this unintentionally before and I can testify that unpredictable

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Application Suddenly Won't Work

Sep 7, 2011

I recently had to format my PC, So I moved my project files and build files to my External Hard Drive, and continued to work on my project..I started to receive emails saying that the application is saying "Cannot download the application. The application is missing required files. Contact application vendor for assistance." After clicked view details, I found this:+ Downloading file:///C:/Users/myuser/Downloads/Browser.application did not succeed.I was confused, the .application file is not in Downloads, its supposed to download it from my website. And if I were to open my project on a computer with it already installed, it won't check for updates - it opens really quick without the "Viewing Application Requirments" window.

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