Save Element Into Program For Later Use?

Mar 27, 2011

Simply stated I was wondering how I would take text from the user and store it in a local database within the actual program?

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A Program The Finds Element By ID With A Single Click?

Jun 2, 2011

Is there a program where i can launch a website, click on a button or textfield and it will give me the getElementByID? I searched around for this and i have found nothing? Why doesn't this exist? I am writing a program that will enter information into a copiers web interface for scanning. The problem is the copier's web interface uses Java and XML. I cannot get my program to enter the information into the apprioate field because i cant find the tag to reference it! its very annoying, this is the last stage to my program.

View 1 Replies - Element 'system.webServer' Has Invalid Child Element 'rewrite'?

Feb 14, 2012

I have a number of rewrite rules for a lot of things that I did in IIS7, like removing trailing slashes, canonnical URLs, lowercase lettering, and such. IIS altered my web.config, and everything works fine on the website, like it should. But in the Visual Studio web.config, the opening < rewrite > statement is underlined in blue, and at the bottom of VS, it says that the element 'system.webServer' has invalid child element 'rewrite'. But this is how IIS made it. I didn't do this manually. Should I be concerned with this VS error, or should I just leave as be, since it's working how it should work? Here's an example of my web.config:


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VS 2010 : Program To Save Settings To Another Program Without Running The Program That Is Being Edited?

May 5, 2012

is it possible by 1 program to save settings to another program without running the program that is being edited?

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VS 2010 - Creating A Program - To Secretly Save When The User Clicks On Save

Feb 7, 2011

I'm creating a program and i want it to secretly save when the user clicks on save.

In other words, i have made it so that it saves twice. Once for the user to read (like a fancy copy) and another that the program uses to open up the form.

Currently when pushed, 2 save dialog boxes come up after each other. I don't want this to happen. I want 1 to come up (the user friendly, fancy version) which is the easy part, but i also want the other 1 to save automatically and secretly without asking the user to set the destination.

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Make Webbrowser Not Click On Element But Grab Element Name?

Apr 13, 2011

Is there a way to control the way a browser behaves such as if I click on this link it doesn't navigate to that link but instead show me the source code behind that button?

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Randomly Pick An Element From An Array And Can Only Use That Element Three Times

Mar 11, 2010

I need to randomly pick an element from an array and I can only use that element three times,I can randomly pick the element but how do I go about only using it three times.

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Build An XML Tree In Program Reading Element Names From A Text File?

Sep 6, 2011

What I'm trying to do is more complex than this, but I'm trying to get over this hurdle.[code]...

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VS 2010 Check For Element Or Keep Trying Until Element Is Found?

Feb 21, 2012

I have been doing well and also I am a noob I know it and you know it a lot has started making sense and I am evening figuring new things out without using Google but of course I have hit another snag in my program so here goes

I am waiting for an email to arrive (the page automatically refreshes) and then I want to click the link (I do not need to click to open the email or anything like that) I also have the code to click and navigate to the address reason being it was the only way I could figure out how to stop it opening in a new window on IE

So my only problem is I need a way to check every x seconds for the element and then if its there proceed with my code and if its not wait and then check again or however this is done in VB.If this is not the way its done please point me in the right direction the code I am using to find and then navigate to the link is

Dim emailpageelements As HtmlElementCollection = WebBrowser2.Document.GetElementsByTagName("a")
For Each emailver As HtmlElement In emailpageelements
If InStr(emailver.InnerHtml, "") Then


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Text Editor Program - Save And For Save As?

Feb 28, 2010

I almost have this text editor/Stopwatch/Calculator program done. I am having mojor difficulties to get this code for Save and for Save As to work properly. I do not have code for save yet. When I click on Save I want it to save without popping up the dialog box. I do not have code for Save yet. When I click on Save As I want the popup box to show. Here is the code I have for Save As:


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Forms :: Paint Program (graphics Disappearing) - Add A Save Feature To This Program?

Jul 22, 2010

Ok major problem with a paint program i am making. When i have a window overlap or anything and move to side of screen and minimize and maximize i lose whats in the picturebox...Here is an example of the code I use to draw a line after click a button:

Private Sub btndraw_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnlinedraw.Click
lxs = txtslinelocationx.Text
lxe = txtelinelocationx.Text[code].....

Here is a picture of my program running: How do I stop everything being deleted when things pass it...? how can i add a save feature to this program?

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Reference Structure Element By Element Name?

Jun 7, 2011

I want to be able to reference an element in an array of structures by the name of the element in a visual basic 2010 function. For example

Public Structure myStruct
Public element1 as string
Public element2 as integer
Public element3 as boolean


Is it possible to reference a structures element by the element's name in a similar way to that shown above. The code shown above does not work, as the expression obj(i).[elementName] does not work as hoped.

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Save The Settings Of Program So That They Are The Same Every Time Somebody Uses The Program

Apr 14, 2009

I am currently using vb 2008 and want it so when a user registers it will unlock all the extra features and stay that way even after the user quits and restarts the program... I already have everything set exept for the save feature. I don;t know exactly what to do. I just want to save the settings of my program so that they are the same every time somebody uses the program. I heard that you need to go into Project , then properties and then settings... But I don't understand what to do there...

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Child Element Of XML Element Is "" When There Is A Space In The XML Document?

May 23, 2012

I have the following XML:


I am accessing the name of the child element like this:


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Using LINQ To Return Element In Collection, Would Like To Return Nothing If Element Not Found?

Mar 3, 2011

I would like the following function to return Nothing if the element with the specified key is not in the collection. Instead, it returns an error - something to the effect of "no element found"

Public Class MyCollection
Inherits System.Collections.ObjectModel.Collection(Of MyType)
Public Function FindByActivityKey(ByVal searchValue As Integer) As MyType


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Web Element Associated With Form Element

May 24, 2012

I would like to associate a web page element, a textbox for example, with a textbox in my form. When a user types something in the textbox, I would like it to be like he types it on the webpage.

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Text Editor Program Save The Title Says "Untitled" I Want"name Of File I Save"

Feb 24, 2010

When I run my program and save my file and name it "Ed's doc". It saves fine. But the title still says untitled, I would like it to say Ed's doc in this example.This is the code I have for my SaveAs button:

Private Sub SaveAsToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SaveAsToolStripMenuItem.Click
Dim Save As New SaveFileDialog()
Dim myStreamWriter As System.IO.StreamWriter


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Using Write Start Element And Write End Element In VB For XML Code

Oct 2, 2009

I know I can create XML ouput in Example 1 as follows using the following code in Example 2. How do I create the same output in Example 3?[code...]

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How To Program To Save

Feb 3, 2012

This is just a 'goof around' program. I am playing around and wanted to see if I can set the get the 'Save' button to save!

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How To Save A VB Program

Feb 16, 2011

I have create a programe using vb and visual studio 2010, my program have a mdi parent ,multi userforms which have textboxes comboboxes databases , modules etc. i want to create a save as button so as to create a file. in this way the user could stop the program at any time without the need to input values at all the necessary fields at once. i think that streamwriter isn;t what i need here so how i do that?

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Save Everything On My Program?

May 3, 2009

I've created an organizer for myself that consists of a few forms, comboboxes, and textboxes. How do I save EVERYTHING as one file. Once I've saved the file, how do I make it so that when I click the saved file, my full program loads up with the forms and everything?

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Close Program And Ask To Save Changes?

Jun 20, 2009

I have a form with a listbox. I have controls on the form that can add items to the listbox with the click of a button. I already have the save file, open file dialogs working properly but I want to add something else that works with them. Lets say I open a file and the listbox adds all the strings from the file. Now, lets say I add something to the listbox and instead of saving the file, I just close the whole form. How do I make my program ask if i want to save the changes to the file when it is about to be closed? (I only want it to ask that IF there are changes to the file).

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How And Where To Save Program Preferences

Oct 30, 2011

I have a default WindowsApplication1. I understand that with .NET the recommended way to save program settings are to use XML files instead of the registry.In this application I have a menu with a "Settings" entry, that opens a window which has 1 setting"Save window position", and a checkbox

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How To Use Save Dialog In Program

Apr 28, 2012

I have a button on my form and when clicked I want to show the save dialog box but I want to have a filter so the file saved can only be .txt also I want to change the default location of the save as dialog, is this possible?

So far I have the following
Dim filesaveas As New SaveFileDialog
filesaveas.Filter = "Text Files|*.txt"
filesaveas.Filter = "C:\Test\"

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Save Data To Sql Using Program?

Oct 15, 2011

I'm trying to save data from textboxes in visual studio using to sql server 2008. the coonectiong is working perfectly but is not displaying the data output in data grid. This is the part of the code.[code]...

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Save Files In Program?

Feb 13, 2010

I'm trying to create an app launcher in but I do not know how to save files. Save files like the one that is executed when you run a setup for an application wherein the setup will save the application files on program files folder. I'm not trying to create a setup, because I want to run my program as portable. What I want the program to do is to place the files in their appropriate location when the user clicks a button[code]...

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Save Program In Spreadsheet?

Oct 8, 2009

For the excel automation, actually what I wanted is a save button to save as a new spreadsheet and not opening from a exact one.

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Save Settings In Program?

Apr 27, 2012

I want to save settings in my program as follows. I have an import button to open files. How can I make it so when I start up my program next time, they are already "imported" as a setting or something? *Note - I have not tryed anything as I do not have the slightest clue how.

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Way To Save Program State

Feb 8, 2010

I am making a program for my workplace. The program is going to close explorer.exe on start up and launch only applications i select. (I know that there are other ways to do this, but I'm getting paid to make a custom program W/ Co. Logo)

1st question: How do i make the program close explorer.exe on start up

2nd question: End users will be able to change the background of this app. My question is, How do i save the background the end user pick on program exit and load it on program start? [code]...

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Can't Save Image In MSACCESS With Program

Jul 17, 2009

I have a problem with saving images in Access. OK the problem is: I saving for first a picture without problems, but then I want to change it for instance "I don't like this image and I want to change another one". Access doesn't want to save second image... and I don't understand way! Code is OK I think because it saved one image. I can change the previous image only if I closing the program and I start it again.[code]...

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