Save Multiple File Types Into One Potobuf-net'ized In Program?

Sep 27, 2011

I'm writing a program that saves 'map' files to the HD so that I can open them later and display the same data. My maps originally saved only one data type, a set of my own custom objects with the properties: id, layer, x, and y. [code]...

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Get A Multiple Number Of File Types?

Feb 21, 2009

I am not sure I am doing this correctly,I want to get a multiple number of file types (gif, jpg, png, etc.) and store them in one variable so I can access all the files in that var. I read that GetFiles doesn't allow for multiple patters, so how do I do this so I can have more than one file type in a variable?

Dim aryFiGif As FileInfo() = di.GetFiles("*.gif")
Dim aryFiJpg As FileInfo() = di.GetFiles("*.jpg")
Dim aryFiPng As FileInfo() = di.GetFiles("*.png")

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Associate .hwm File Types With Program?

Oct 18, 2009

Associate .hwm File Types With Program?

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Save Multiple Checkbox Values In One While Or For Loop In Program?

Jan 28, 2010

I have 50 checkboxes for 50 american states. The user can choose all 50 or only 1( so basically any number he wants). Based on his choice, I want to insert or update the table in sql server 2008. e.g-

Color = blue and chk1=check, chk2= check and chk3 = check (chk = checkbox). now the user wants to ad 10 more states to this or remove these 3 and add 5 more. so u basically get the idea. the table in database looks like this - ID Color State_id there is a table called states, so stateid shall come from there. so how do i do a loop insert or update in

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Save Multiple Images To A File?

Dec 28, 2010

I have created a simple drawing program in vb 2010 and am trying to add the ability to create multiple images and put them in a slide show type thing similar to powerpoint. The only problem is that I do not know how to save multiple images to a file and open it back up again.For example:If I have created 5 images, I want all five to save to one file, and be reopened as one file but 5 different images.

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Save Data Of Multiple Files In New File?

Sep 12, 2009

I have these files [code]...

How can I use code to put all data from these files to a new file for searching purpose?

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Save Multiple Objects To Single File

May 13, 2012

I am trying to save multiple type of objects to a single file, objects are a custom class that I am able to serializable and another object is a word document that is not being able to serialize via binary. Is there a way to save multiple objects to one file using vb, also would it be possible to save files like how a docx is saved, that is a .zip renamed as docx but get access to inner objects.

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Open And Save Multiple Richtextboxes Text Into One File?

Mar 15, 2012

i am using visual basic 2010 and i want to open and save multiple richtextboxes text into one

for ex

richtextbox2.text="My Name"

but i want to save these informations in one file.

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Save Multiple Textboxes To A Single File And Load Each One By Itself?

May 28, 2010

I have a sign up sheet that I am working on for instance;

street address

I've been trying to save the textboxes individually but when I go to load the information everthing is pushed all into one textbox.....I'm also using the SaveFileDialog and OpenFil

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How To Write / Save Data File (Multiple Nested Arrays)

Nov 22, 2010

I Have a complex Class Structure that holds a large amount of data in the form of multiple nested arrays that I want to save to a file and retrieve everytime I use my program.. How do I do this? I am using VB10 Express.

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Save User Input From Multiple Textboxes To Text File?

Sep 18, 2010

Is there a simple way to save user input from MANY controls (textboxes, comboboxes, etc...) to a text file? When I say 'MANY', I am referring to at least 580 textboxes and several dozen comboboxes.

I may be able to accomplish this using the StreamWriter Class, but doing this individually would take quite a long time. I suppose I could also change all text boxes to richTextBoxes and save to .rtf. It seems like this would be even more time consuming.

Surely there is a simpler way to do this 'globally', perhaps with an added single line of code that points (and saves) to a preset or created text.txt file whenever text is added or changed in a textbox or combobox throughout the program.

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Use The WebBrowserControl To Download A Program Generated PDF File Without The File Save As Dialog

Sep 15, 2011

I am writing a Windows Form program to automatically download and store generated PDF reports from a web site using the WebBrowser Control. The web site uses Ajax to link an icon back to the source aspx file which then returns a PDF file.

The problem I have is that the WebBrowser control brings up the File Save As dialog box when the PDF file is returned and I can find no way of handling this to cature and save the returned file. I have found other examples of how to manage this using the Navagating event to validate the extension of the file that is being accessed (e.g. [URL] and, if not an HTM, file then use the HTTP Web control to directly download the file. Unfortunately this will not work as the call references a .aspx page.

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VS 2008 File Association And Opening Program From Save File

Jul 20, 2009

I'm having a slight problem getting my program to load a save file when double clicking the save file.I'm using the Command$() to get the command line argument. I can open a save file by dragging it onto the exe. But not by double clicking the save file (after it's associated with the exe).I though dragging and dropping a file on a program and double clicking the file would open it in the same way, but I guess not.So in short how does file association work and how do I get the file path set to a var when the program loads.

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Return Multiple Types In A .Net Function?

Feb 17, 2012

So you know how PHP internal functions usually return a boolean FALSE when a function fails, or some other data type when the function succeeds? Is this possible in VB .Net?For instance, lets say this simple code here Public Function TrySomething(ByVal Param As String) \what would go here??


You see I want to return a BOOLEAN false when a function fails, and a string when the function works. I've looked everywhere, and when I search for "return multiple types" all i find is Tuple.

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Save One Of Custom Types To The Application Settings?

Mar 9, 2011

(using VB.Net 2008) I am trying to save one of my custom types to the application settings. I've read a variety of opinions on the internet about whether this possible.

When creating an app setting, none of my types appear when browsing. However, previously I needed to save off one of my datasets, and it worked simply by hand-entering it as the setting type (ie, I just typed "MyProjectName.DatasetName"). However, when I try the same trick with another custom type that isn't a dataset, I get a "type was not found" error. So I'm a little confused, can the program "find" some custom types and not others?

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Save An XML Web Document To A File Using Program?

Jan 31, 2011

The following URL returns an xml document. [url]....

I wish using save the results as xml file. I will have about 1200 different exch to query using that URL.

So I will do a kind of loop and append the XLM file.

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Use One Save File Dialog Box In Program?

Feb 7, 2012

Currently I have three separate save commands in my program: Write to Plain Text, Write to HTML, and Write to Excel File.

Each one is invoked by a different command on a menu. I would like to combine these three into one Save File Dialog on the program. I know that I would have to edit the "Filter" property of the dialog box to add in the other two types.

My questions, how do I code the program to save the file based off what is chosen from the filter.[code]...

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C# ::Generic Overkill To Define Multiple T Types?

May 25, 2011

NOTE: I am mixing VB and C# - snippets come from different librariesI have a VB class definition as follows:

Public Class Session(Of TConnectionBuilder As {DbConnectionStringBuilder, New}, _
TConnection As {DbConnection, New}, _
TDataReader As {DbDataReader})


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Collated Printing Of Multiple Documents Of Different Types

Aug 4, 2010

I have a series of documents (Crystal reports, Excel workbooks, Word documents, PDF documents) that I need to print out in a collated order, but it seems that each application runs on its own thread and the documents don't come out in the order I intend.Is there a way of using VB.NET code to (a) control the order in which the documents are published; and (b) compelling the system to wait until one document is complete before starting the printing of the next one in the sequence?LDC

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How To Store Multiple Objects (of Different Class Types)

Mar 22, 2012

My brain is fried at the moment, so here's the scenario.I have a form that adds a member to my VB.NET application.When I press submit I add their details: name and number as well as what products they want (internet and phone). Internet and Phone are their own class as is member.

I want to add that they HAVE whichever they have chosen and with the member store it.


As what happens is once the member is created (stored) I will go to input how much they have used, and then store that. But to do so I will need access to the internet and phone classes, which are associated with said member.

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XML Serialization Arraylist With Multiple Object Types?

Feb 10, 2010

My quest is in regards to xml serialization. I need to get rid of the root node of a collection. I don't have access to my source now so I'll just try to generalize

public class SomeClass
'...some other properties...
<XMLArray(isnullable:=true), _
<XMLArrayitem(datatype:=(getType(object1)), _


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Save And Read From A Binary File In Program?

Oct 24, 2011

I want to save some data to a binary file, and read it later, as in several strings of data.

My objective:

To save the following things...

1. 3 different strings of data, and be able to easily read them later.

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Converting Multiple Numerical Data Types In 2010?

May 7, 2011

I'm having a bit of an issue with this program I have been working on for my class. It's a future values calculator, that takes a single data type, decimal data type and a integer data type does the formula and then spits back out the Future value. What i'm having difficulty with is converting the string over.

Public Class Form1
'Define the Module level variables
Dim FutureValueInteger As Integer


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Using A Structure Array With Multiple Member Names With 2 Types?

Nov 2, 2009

I am using a structure array with multiple member names with 2 types. My question is can you single out one of the member names and add its total? kinda like this...

HTML Code:
structure structureName
dim a as string
dim b as double
dim c as double


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VS 2008 Jagged Array With Multiple Data Types?

Mar 13, 2010

I have a jagged array.

Dim jaggedarray(numColumns)()
Does this accept multiple data types?

I'm trying to get the results of a SELECT SQL query from Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader.Item Are there any better ways of approaching this?

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Text Editor Program Save The Title Says "Untitled" I Want"name Of File I Save"

Feb 24, 2010

When I run my program and save my file and name it "Ed's doc". It saves fine. But the title still says untitled, I would like it to say Ed's doc in this example.This is the code I have for my SaveAs button:

Private Sub SaveAsToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SaveAsToolStripMenuItem.Click
Dim Save As New SaveFileDialog()
Dim myStreamWriter As System.IO.StreamWriter


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Can't Save File Using A Command Line Program Using New Process

Oct 7, 2011

I have been trying to fix this and make this work for pretty much three days now. I already solved one problem being, I can't use the shell on one HDD and create another file onto a different drive other then the drive that the directory of the application is running in.


If I run a program that is on the C: drive and using a working directory that is on the C: drive, I can not create a file onto the F: drive.

I got this problem when I was just using Shell(Environ$("Comspec") & " /c then the command")

So I decided to use Process()

Dim p = New Process()
p.StartInfo.FileName = "F:Visual Basic ProjectsCode TestingCode TestinginDebugToolsMediaInfoMediaInfo.exe"


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Save Multiple Text Files Using A Save Dialog?

May 2, 2009

I am trying to save multiple text files using a save dialog.

I can save one textbox

Dim File As System.IO.File
Dim Write As System.IO.StreamWriter
Write = File.CreateText(SaveFileDialog1.FileName)

but I don't know how to save multiple textboxes and richtext boxes. Would I have to use a screenwriter for this?

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Save Application Data (input+output) In A New File Format In Program?

May 16, 2011

I work in an engineering design house and programming is not my actual profession. And I am relatively new to VB .net (previous i had worked in vb 6)

I am working on an in house application. I am coding a simple application in vb .net. This applications takes a few inputs from user and calculates a result. Now I want to implement a simple functionality that user should be able to save the input and results just like most of the windows programs can in a new file format. And user should be able to open the save file when desired.

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Save Multiple Text-boxes And A Combo-box To A Text File

Nov 20, 2010

I need to to able to save multiple text-boxes and a combo-box to a text file. the thing is, when I go to save, I check out the .txt file manually and its saved all in one line, no spaces. when I go to "read" it with the 2nd part (<-----this is a 2 part Challenge) it even reads all from that one line in the text file. What i'm asking is how can I make my text-boxes saved in the text file on different lines. [Code]

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