Return Multiple Types In A .Net Function?

Feb 17, 2012

So you know how PHP internal functions usually return a boolean FALSE when a function fails, or some other data type when the function succeeds? Is this possible in VB .Net?For instance, lets say this simple code here Public Function TrySomething(ByVal Param As String) \what would go here??


You see I want to return a BOOLEAN false when a function fails, and a string when the function works. I've looked everywhere, and when I search for "return multiple types" all i find is Tuple.

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ADVERTISEMENT - Declare Return Type Of The Function When There Are Two Possible Returned Types

Jan 25, 2010

I have the following statement, I want to turn it into a Public Shared Function :

If isEmployee Then
Dim employeeInstance As New Employee
employeeInstance = GetEmployeeInstanceByUserId(userId)


Public Shared Function GetWorkerInstance(Byval isEmployee as Boolean) As ...(not sure what to write here)...

There two possible return Type. I'm not sure what I should declare for the function return type.

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VS 2005 Function Return Types And Error Conditions

Jun 8, 2012

Lets say I click a button on a form that calls a function in a data access class. This function inserts a record into a table in a database. The function returns an integer value for the record id of the newly inserted record. Now lets say the insert failed (syntax error, timeout, whatever). I can return a zero to the calling routine to indicate the failure, but not the error message. So in general, what's the most appropriate way to handle getting information back to a calling routine when the return parameter data type doesn't allow it?

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Return Multiple Arrays From A Function

Mar 13, 2009

I want to go to a class.vb file that has a function from an aspx page and I want to return mutiple arrays. Is that possible? If so, how would I call it from the aspx page and how would I return it?

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Return Multiple Ilists From A Dal Function In

Nov 10, 2009

I modified a function that returns a strongly typed Ilist of products (from a web search form) from a stored procedure. Because of the complexity of the stored procedure I have changed it to return productcategories as well using the product results. I can get this into another strongly typed ilist but for the life of me I cannot return the two ilists.

Unfotunatley I ran out of talent, after reading hundreds of posts, It seems it's possible with linq, but I would rather not go that way as I have even less knowledge there. Is it possible put the ilists into a collection of some sort and return them for use as ilists?


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Return Multiple Values From A Function?

Mar 30, 2011

Is it possible to make a function that returns both a datatable AND a list(of custom class) at the same?In my GUI layer, the main form (the application is MDI) calls this function and it has to fill the datagrid on one of its child forms and it also has to fill lot of other child forms with various information that is calculated from my custom class properties.Both the datatable and the class properties are created from the same external database and that's why I don't want to have two separate functions.

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Return Multiple Values From Function?

Mar 15, 2011

I have created a function that takes a Car Registation as its argument and I want it to return 3 values (Make, Model, Price and of course True).The code itself works fine (it returning each Individual value but can't find a way to get ALL of them from 1 function) However I need to actually return all 3 values, and I cannot see how to do this with a simple function.

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Return And Use An Anonymous Types?

Sep 5, 2009

Assuming Anonymous Types are tailored to be used with LINQ, I'd like to use them for simply and fast data aggregation without an explicit class definition, like in this snippet[code]....

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.net - Using Child Classes Polymorphically With Differing Return Types?

Apr 10, 2012

I have two Parser classes that inherit from a base class, BaseParser. I want to use either class as a parameter in another Monitor class. The Parser classes, CS600 and TCH600, both have two properties, RawDataList and SummaryDataList. The CS600 class's RawDataList returns a List(of CS600Data); the TCH600 RawDataList returns a List(of TCH600Data). The SummaryDataList returns similar classes in each Parser class. CS600Data and TCH600Data derive from a base class, BaseData.BaseParser also has RawDataList (List(of BaseData)) and SummaryDataList (List(of BaseSummaryData))The Monitor class has a private field, _thisParser which can be either of the two concrete Parsers above. I want to be able to call and use RawDataList and SummaryDataList of _thisParser within Monitor class, but when I construct the concrete Parser classes, Visual Studio notes that the RawDataList property of CS600 cannot override the RawDataList property of the BaseParser because they differ in their return types.

I thought that since CS600Data derived from BaseData (but also adds some new properties of its own) that I could use CS600Data wherever I use BaseData. What am I misunderstanding? How can I correctly construct these classes?

Public MustInherit Class BaseParser
Protected _rawDataList As List(Of RawGasData.BaseData)
Public MustOverride ReadOnly Property RawDataList() As List(Of RawGasData.BaseData)


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Get A Compiler Warning For Functions Returning Value Types, Without Return Statement

Jul 21, 2009

I've just been burned again by the fact that there is no compiler warning when you fail to return a result in a Function that returns a Value type. I wrote the function:

Public Function CompareTo(ByVal other As MessageIndex) As Integer Implements System.IComparable(Of MessageIndex).CompareTo
End Function

which performs the CompareTo Function for two integers, then throws the result away and returns 0, because I forgot to either assign a value to CompareTo, or use Return, and that isn't flagged by the compiler because it's valid VB for a Value type.

I happen never to use "FunctionName = ReturnValue" because it hides information from maintenance programmers and also because I think it's insane .

Is there any way I can get the compiler to issue a warning whenever my Functions are missing a Return, whether it's a Value type or not?

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VS 2008 Return Multiple Table Rows To Multiple Text Boxes

Feb 27, 2011

visual basic 2008 express
access 2007 db

I am attempting to fill a form with multiple rows from an access table based off of a parameterized query. My query works fine but I don't want to return one row at a time, I want to return all rows that match my query in multiple text boxes. I know that I can use a datagrid view to accomplish this, but I would prefer the look of a textboxes on a form. I have read through many books and searched the internet forums but think I may just not know what to search for as nothing has worked yet. Can anyone point me in the right direction. So far I have tried setting the text box value to the row().item(), creating a different dataset for each row, and even setting variables for the results of the query to then be passed to the text boxes. Since none of this work, I don't really have any starting code to post. If I could just get a starting point I could work from there, so don't feel the need to code anything for me, just set me in the right direction.

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Return An (Anonymous Type With A Function) From A Function?

Mar 3, 2011

Just so it's known, this question is mostly academic, even though I tried to use the concept in a real-world solution. I realize the example is contrived, but I believe the concept is valid.I want to write some fluent code like this:


I realize that I can't force an anonymous type into a specific type (like implementing an interface or some other class), and I don't want the overhead of defining a specific class just to match my desired fluent name with the actual method name. So I was able to make the code work like this:

copy(my_first_file).to.Invoke(my_second_file)So there is no IntelliSense or type awareness there, and I have to include the Invoke in order to have the method run. How can I get more type safety and exclude the Invoke method, under these constraints: Anonymous Type returned from Method No additional classes or interfaces Preferably, I do not want to pass in another parameter to the copy() method that tells what type to return, unless copy becomes a generic method (but I think that means defining another class/interface, which I don't want to do)

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.net - How To Pass Linq To SQL Types To A Function

Aug 27, 2011

The code below is used in a Linq to SQL solution, and is in the Load event of a form. It works fine to display an ordered list of people's names, and set the value member to that person's ID. However, I'm going to be using these 'people' comboboxes a lot, so I'd like to put a sub into my Utility code there is only one line in the form's Load event.

I want to call something like: Call ComboboBoxPeople(cbo, tblTurnbackMain, ReportedByID)

The sub would begin like: Public Sub ComboboxPeople(cbo as Combobox, tbl as 'sometype', fld as 'someothertype')

What can I use as the parameter types for tbl and fld?


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Get A Multiple Number Of File Types?

Feb 21, 2009

I am not sure I am doing this correctly,I want to get a multiple number of file types (gif, jpg, png, etc.) and store them in one variable so I can access all the files in that var. I read that GetFiles doesn't allow for multiple patters, so how do I do this so I can have more than one file type in a variable?

Dim aryFiGif As FileInfo() = di.GetFiles("*.gif")
Dim aryFiJpg As FileInfo() = di.GetFiles("*.jpg")
Dim aryFiPng As FileInfo() = di.GetFiles("*.png")

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Insert Function - Object Cannot Be Cast From DBNull To Other Types

Nov 9, 2011

I am having problems with my code, where I get the "Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types" message when Insert(). I get the message on every Insert to this table, even though the data is successfully inserted. If I Update the same data after Insert(), it does so without error. I have checked my values and none of them are DBNull. Even when the same values are passed on Insert that are passed on Update.

My code is :
Private Sub Save()
Dim bo As tbl_GL
bo = New tbl_GL()
bo.ConnectionString = AppConfig.ConnectString
[Code] .....

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Write A Generic Function In .NET That Only Accepts Numerical Types?

Jun 4, 2009

Suppose I want to write a function like the following (as usual, a trivial example for illustrative purposes):

Public Function calcSqSum(Of T)(ByVal list As IEnumerable(Of T)) As T
Dim sumSq As T
For Each item As T In list


As you can probably guess, this function causes an error because a generic object is not guaranteed to implement the + operator. As far as I know, though, any numerical type (Integer, Double, Decimal, etc.) will.

Is there a way to write a (quasi-)generic function that can accept any numerical type, without having to explicitly overload the function for every such type yourself?

Alternatively, I suppose an equally acceptable solution would be to somehow check if a type implements the '+' operator (or any operator generally associated with numerical types and used by the function).

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C# ::Generic Overkill To Define Multiple T Types?

May 25, 2011

NOTE: I am mixing VB and C# - snippets come from different librariesI have a VB class definition as follows:

Public Class Session(Of TConnectionBuilder As {DbConnectionStringBuilder, New}, _
TConnection As {DbConnection, New}, _
TDataReader As {DbDataReader})


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Collated Printing Of Multiple Documents Of Different Types

Aug 4, 2010

I have a series of documents (Crystal reports, Excel workbooks, Word documents, PDF documents) that I need to print out in a collated order, but it seems that each application runs on its own thread and the documents don't come out in the order I intend.Is there a way of using VB.NET code to (a) control the order in which the documents are published; and (b) compelling the system to wait until one document is complete before starting the printing of the next one in the sequence?LDC

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How To Store Multiple Objects (of Different Class Types)

Mar 22, 2012

My brain is fried at the moment, so here's the scenario.I have a form that adds a member to my VB.NET application.When I press submit I add their details: name and number as well as what products they want (internet and phone). Internet and Phone are their own class as is member.

I want to add that they HAVE whichever they have chosen and with the member store it.


As what happens is once the member is created (stored) I will go to input how much they have used, and then store that. But to do so I will need access to the internet and phone classes, which are associated with said member.

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XML Serialization Arraylist With Multiple Object Types?

Feb 10, 2010

My quest is in regards to xml serialization. I need to get rid of the root node of a collection. I don't have access to my source now so I'll just try to generalize

public class SomeClass
'...some other properties...
<XMLArray(isnullable:=true), _
<XMLArrayitem(datatype:=(getType(object1)), _


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Converting Multiple Numerical Data Types In 2010?

May 7, 2011

I'm having a bit of an issue with this program I have been working on for my class. It's a future values calculator, that takes a single data type, decimal data type and a integer data type does the formula and then spits back out the Future value. What i'm having difficulty with is converting the string over.

Public Class Form1
'Define the Module level variables
Dim FutureValueInteger As Integer


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Using A Structure Array With Multiple Member Names With 2 Types?

Nov 2, 2009

I am using a structure array with multiple member names with 2 types. My question is can you single out one of the member names and add its total? kinda like this...

HTML Code:
structure structureName
dim a as string
dim b as double
dim c as double


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VS 2008 Jagged Array With Multiple Data Types?

Mar 13, 2010

I have a jagged array.

Dim jaggedarray(numColumns)()
Does this accept multiple data types?

I'm trying to get the results of a SELECT SQL query from Data.OleDb.OleDbDataReader.Item Are there any better ways of approaching this?

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Save Multiple File Types Into One Potobuf-net'ized In Program?

Sep 27, 2011

I'm writing a program that saves 'map' files to the HD so that I can open them later and display the same data. My maps originally saved only one data type, a set of my own custom objects with the properties: id, layer, x, and y. [code]...

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.NET Function Return Value?

Jun 15, 2011

Possible Duplicate: VB.NET Function Return If I have a function that returns a boolean, what is the difference between:Return False and Function = False

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Function Does Not Return Nothing?

Feb 12, 2010

take a look at the following Code:

Private Sub btnDebug_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDebug.Click
Dim d As Date


The Funtion ZZNull always returns Nothing, so IsNothing(d) in the calling method should evaluate to True.

But it does not !

When you run these lines, then you will see that IsNothing(d) evaluates to False

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Get A Function's Return Value?

Jan 14, 2012

In the documentation of FileInfo.Create Method it says:

Public Function Create As FileStream


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How To Use A Function's Return Value

Mar 8, 2009

So the program I am writing validates the controls on the page on button_click.

I want to write a function which checks which step the program is at (0-7) then return something depending on whether or not it validated.

My plan was to return the control which was not valid.

Private Function ValidateInputs() As Control
Select Case wizardStep
Case 0


1. could I return the names off all the controls which did not validate?

2. should I be returning a control type or would something like a string be better?

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Return More Than One Value From A Function?

Mar 1, 2012

One over time hours and one week's pay @10 hourly pay. I wanted to display those two in two listboxes 1 and 2.

Public Class Form1
Dim overTimeHours As Double
Dim weekPay As Double


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Return More Than One Value From The Function?

Jun 2, 2009

how return four value from a function. In general function will return single value but here i am going to return four different values. If possible please tell me how to store the function return values.


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