Saving / Displaying TimeStamp Values In New Form

Apr 25, 2010

I'm creating a game using and whenever the user inputs something to my program it displays the time and the time displayed until the user inputs something again the the time changes. I have my program display each individual timestamp but I would like to know if I would be able to save the values and all display at the end of my game in a new form.

The code I have is the following:
(in timer1=tmrReadInputs):
For I = 0 To 3
If (Convert.ToInt32(DataValue) And CInt((2 ^ I))) <> 0 Then
lblBitVal(I).Text = "1"
lblBitVal(I).Text = "0"
TextBox1.Text = Trim(Format(Now, "hh:mm:ss tt"))
End If
Next I

So when the value changes from 1 to 0, the textbox displays the time. How can I save the different time stamp values? I heard StreamWriter can work but I keep trying that and it doesn't work

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Form Checkbox Not Saving Values Beyond First Line?

May 23, 2011

I have a form in an application that I'm building and in it I have a datagridview that when a user clicks a checkbox on a line in the datagridview and "submits" the data, then the form will insert all of the data on that line (along with the code "Holiday") into a database. Currently if I click in the checkbox on any line other than the first line and put a line break on the "Try" statement, and then fire the submit_onclick event, I'm never reaching that break point but if I click on the checkbox on the first line and submit that data, that works and it behaves at I stated above. Here is the code as it stands currently:


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Saving Form Control Values To Reload Later?

Feb 3, 2010

Basically I have a form which is used for a report, when completed it is then mailed to various mailboxes. I would like the option that if the user cannot complete the form, they can save it & reload the values into the form to use later.Some of the boxes will have quite a lot of text, so using the registry is not an option. I have looked at My.Settings but think this is for application settings not user input such as a lot of text - but I could be wrong.I've looked at freefile & got it to work with text boxes saving to a .dat file, but had a problem in that text appeared in the wrong text boxes so I assume the order was different in the load to what it was in the save?

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Datagridview Bound To Bindingsource: Displaying Both Old Values And The New Values

Mar 23, 2011

I bound datagridview to bindingsource. The bindingsource has its datasource a collection Called Rates which is a collection of Rate items. The rate object has a property called VALUE. I need the user to be able to edit different values for the collection; However, on the datagridview, i need to keep displaying on one column called OldValue the existing Rate value before the change while allowing the user to edit that value in a second column called NewValue.

In other terms, One colum OldValue will keep the existing values from the DB before being edited by the user, this column OldValue is readonly. Another column NewValue will display, the 1st time, the old value from the DB (similar to OldValue when we do the Fetch from the DB), but it`s editable column, so the user can modify each value in the column NewValue without overriding OldValue cells. For now, I bound both columns OldValue and NewValue to the same property VALUE of the Rate object,


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Saving - Retrieving And Displaying An Image In WPF

Jun 22, 2009

Note: This is in Visual Studio 2000 using a WPF solution. I am saving an bmp image to a SQL image field:


I may be saving the image the wrong way or attempting the conversion incorrectly.

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Displaying Data From 3 Tables Using References Then Saving To One Table Using Tableadaptors And Datagridview?

Feb 5, 2010

I have 3 tables. customer,item, pricing, each with keys customerid,itemid,priceid. pricing is related to customer and item tables by a 1 to many.pricing (priceid,customerid,itemid,price)


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Displaying A Chart For Values?

Dec 24, 2011

i have a dice program that will find the random numbers according to user input as regards dice and throws required. My problem is when i have to display all the values in a listbox but in a horizontal type, were if a value came out more than once it displays the number and a bar for each time it come out and also at the end show the count of the times the number came out, to have a better idea the final chart needs to be displayed in the following format in a listbox as in the long run the program needs to run in a web application, but i am writing and testing in a window form application, then i will transfer to web application and use session variables and timers to control the output and the graph.

3 ||||||||| - 9
5 ||| - 3
6 ||||||- 6
10 ||||||||| - 9
2 | - 1

My code till now is that i have a class were a roll dice method and a similar values method are kept and from the form in the roll button these two methods are called and the results are shown in two listboxes one for how the roll dice random numbers with duplicates is shown and the other listbox displays only the numbers without duplicates.Also another method for the graph is in the class clsNDie but it seems that i have something wrong it this area?

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Displaying Loop Values?

Dec 10, 2010

i have a loop that does a simple math function and i need all the values to show up in a single message box. I've got it to when i get individual values minus the start value to show up in separate message boxes but i cant figure out how to consolidate can someone ?

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Displaying Values In ListView From SQL

Jun 6, 2011

Can someone tell me on how could I display the data from my SQL to a ListView? I only have one column to display.

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Displaying Values On A Bar Graph?

Sep 17, 2009

How do I display the actual values at the end of the bar graph so the use can easily see the real values?

I am using Microsoft Report Viewer in VB 2008.

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Combobox Is Displaying Null Values?

May 19, 2012

the combox is bound database table,but it is not displaying the contents of table in database,instead it is displaying corresponding null values(blank).it is showing just "select" and the blank spaces corresponding to the number of items in database

here is my

Function combobfill() As DataSet
Dim selectstring As String = "select materialsname from materialtype_table"


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Displaying Values From A Single Combobox?

Jun 6, 2011

the code display 2 colunms in one combo box from a table. i have table with 2 columns account_type and account_name. the account_type is an abbreviation(codes) which would be stored in a new table when selected. I want the code when the combo is click, would display the code-account_type and account_name in the same combo box.

Private Sub cboAccount_type_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cboAccount_type.SelectedIndexChanged
Dim cn As New SqlConnection(ConnectionString)
Dim query As String = "Select Concat(Account_type, ' - ', Account_Name) As AccountDesc, Account_type from Accounts"


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Displaying NULL DateTimePicker Values?

Jan 4, 2010

I have a database that has null date values in it. When I call the columns from the database with the null datetime values and display it in the datetimepicker text box using a dataset, theres always values in the datetimepicker text box. It sets everything that was in the database with null values to the current date. This is what i have..

DateOPStartedRevisionDateTimePicker.Text = ds.Tables(0).Rows(0).Item(13).ToString

I just cant figure out a way to get the datetimepicker text box to display nothing if the values are null in the database.

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Displaying Values From A Website Input Box?

Dec 5, 2010

what im trying to do is make an application to change values in my modems web config trouble at the moment is that I want a textbox to display the value held in an input box from the modem.I currently have a web browser control on my form and have it navigate to the config page on form_load.

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Displaying Hex Byte Array Values In A Specified Format?

Sep 17, 2010

I need to convert hex values aa 01 00 17 f4 2f (as contained in byte array FrameData) to display in a label control as AA:01:00:17:F4:2F

HexDump(FrameData(2)) converts the aa (which has been converted to Decimal 170) into 31 37 30 !

similarly I need to convert hex data ('02 00' contained in byte array FrameData) as
0x0200."0x" & FrameData(1) + FrameData(2) displays the data as 0x20. How would I convert the '02 00' hex data to display as 0x0200?

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FormView - Assigned Values On Load Not Displaying

Jun 7, 2011

Normally I've been lucky to find someone who has had the same problem and applied their solution but after hours of searching I'm not able to find a solution to this one. I've got a FormView which is default mode set to Insert. When the page is loading I'm checking to see if the session variable which the formview datasource is set to has a value. If it doesn't I've coded in the onLoad that some of the controls in the InsertTemplate would be set to specified value.

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Textboxes Not Displaying Correct Record Values?

Nov 29, 2011

I got 100+ textboxes that display record values. Most of the textboxes display correct values but several textboxes doesn't. These are the same textboxes. And they only display wrong values if I edit a record for the first time. After correcting the wrong values in the textboxes the first time, they display correct values in succeeding editing of records. Tried to compare their properties and all but they are the same with textboxes that worked...

Private Sub english_proficiency_answersheet_Form_Activated(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Activated
Me.Text = "EPT Answer Sheet of " & gsLastName & ", " & gsFirstName & " " & gsMiddleName


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VS 2008 Displaying 2 Values From A Single Combo Box

Feb 18, 2011

I am developing a form which needed to display 2 values from a combo . I have table Account with these fields Account_type, Account_name in this table. Even though I am saving only the Account_type in to a new table but when selecting from the combo, I want the account_name also display since the account_type is a code so that user would understand the mening of the acount_type. code that would display both the code and the account name to this. I used data binding to do this, it also displayed only the code.

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VS 2010 Displaying Multiple Values In Messagebox?

Apr 26, 2011

I am trying to make a message box display evens from textbox1 (being the user's low input) to textbox2 (being the user's high input). I currently have it displaying the correct numbers for evens, but they are appearing it separate message boxes. I need them all to be displayed in the same message box.i.e. Textbox1 = 1 , Textbox2 = 7 MessageBox = 2 4 6...Also, I have to do the evens in a Do While loop and the odds in a Do Until loop.

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Forms :: Dropdown Menu With Values For Displaying Different Tables

May 25, 2009

I want to have a drop down menu with the values:
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
And I want to display different tables for each the values selected in the drop down menu. For example, when the "Year 7" value is selected in the drop down menu, a table is displayed for that year.

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Boolean Not Saving New Values?

Dec 26, 2011

Having a little issue with my boolean statement. It is not changing the value to true after you click it. Its a basic function just not working correctly and Im pretty stumped on why. I mean its a simple yes or no concept. The button is on or off is the basic concept.

Private Sub btn_Backhoe_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_Backhoe.Click
Dim InUse As Boolean
'Switch On/Off[code].......

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Saving The Null Values?

Oct 8, 2009

Have read most of the null value posts here, and I have managed to get things working as far as a "next record" button for my database application form (there's some awesome advice on this forum!). I have just one question, though. How do you manage saving of blank text box values from a form? I am using JET, but when I try to save an updated file that has a null value, it is not letting me. I got around it by forcing the text boxes with null values to contain " ", but obviously this is not the bext solution!

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Saving Values And Calculations?

Jul 22, 2011

Im creating an application that allows me to enter a product with a cost. I want all the costs to be saved in an array and then calculate the total cost and display it in a label. I looked for hours in my textbook and cant seem to get this part.


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Checkbox Not Saving Values Beyond First Line?

May 23, 2011

I have a form in an application that I'm building and in it I have a datagridview that when a user clicks a checkbox on a line in the datagridview and "submits" the data, then the form will insert all of the data on that line (along with the code "Holiday") into a database. Currently if I click in the checkbox on any line other than the first line and put a line break on the "Try" statement, and then fire the submit_onclick event, I'm never reaching that break point but if I click on the checkbox on the first line and submit that data, that works and it behaves at I stated above. Here is the code as it stands currently:

Private Sub holidaysaveButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles holidaysaveButton.Click
For Each dr As DataGridViewRow In DataGridView1.Rows


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Open/Saving Textbox Values?

Jul 8, 2010

My windows form as a bunch of textboxes on it that basically let the user put in different positions/forces that a test cycle then uses. I am trying to let the user save their profile settings/open the settings so they don't have to input the same values every time they want to run the same test. Here is my code so far. basically, when i save my csv file, and open it, all 6 textbox values are plopped in the first textbox instead of being distributed to their original boxes. I just read about a "split" function

Private Sub SaveProfileToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SaveProfileToolStripMenuItem.Click
Dim sw As StreamWriter


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Saving All Values From A Combo Box To A File

Mar 4, 2011

I have A combo box with 5 values in: How would i save all 5 of those values to my file?sw.WriteLine(CustomerIDTextBox.Text + ":" + CustomerFirstNameTextBox.Text + ":" + what????? Once these values are saved how would i go about retreiving them from the file and displaying them back into the Combo box?

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Select And Saving Values From Listbox To SQL DB

Apr 27, 2012

We have a listbox in our MVC View and the user has the ability to highlight multiple values. I'd like to be able to save those selected values(if possible?) as a comma delimited cell value in our '08 SQL Database.

The image below shows what I am attempting to explain. Note the selection in the LISTBOX

This is where we save the passed in values from the Positionnumber DDL (Listbox w/ mulitple highlights).

> <HttpPost()>
> Function Edit(wsmonitor As WSMonitor, ByVal vbpositionnumberDDL As Integer, ByVal PassedCounty As Integer, ByVal
> MonitorTypeDDL As String) As ActionResult


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Update - Saving Checkbox Values ?

Jan 28, 2010

I have 50 checkboxes for 50 american states. The user can choose all 50 or only 1( so basically any number he wants). Based on his choice, I want to insert or update the table in sql server 2008. e.g- Color = blue and chk1=check, chk2= check and chk3 = check (chk = checkbox).

Now the user wants to ad 10 more states to this or remove these 3 and add 5 more. so u basically get the idea. the table in database looks like this -ID Color State_id

There is a table called states, so stateid shall come from there. so how do i do a loop insert or update in

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Update - Saving Checkbox Values In .net?

Dec 13, 2011

i have 50 checkboxes for 50 american states. The user can choose all 50 or only 1( so basically any number he wants). Based on his choice, I want to insert or update the table in sql server 2008. e.g-Color = blue and chk1=check, chk2= check and chk3 = check (chk = checkbox).now the user wants to ad 10 more states to this or remove these 3 and add 5 more. so u basically get the idea.the table in database looks like this -ID Color State_id there is a table called states, so stateid shall come from there. so how do i do a loop insert or update in

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VS 2005 Not Saving Values To App.config?

May 10, 2009

I have used the following code to update the app.config file. The code works fine and didnt shown any exceptions, but values are not storing to app.config ?


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