Update - Saving Checkbox Values ?

Jan 28, 2010

I have 50 checkboxes for 50 american states. The user can choose all 50 or only 1( so basically any number he wants). Based on his choice, I want to insert or update the table in sql server 2008. e.g- Color = blue and chk1=check, chk2= check and chk3 = check (chk = checkbox).

Now the user wants to ad 10 more states to this or remove these 3 and add 5 more. so u basically get the idea. the table in database looks like this -ID Color State_id

There is a table called states, so stateid shall come from there. so how do i do a loop insert or update in vb.net?

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Update - Saving Checkbox Values In .net?

Dec 13, 2011

i have 50 checkboxes for 50 american states. The user can choose all 50 or only 1( so basically any number he wants). Based on his choice, I want to insert or update the table in sql server 2008. e.g-Color = blue and chk1=check, chk2= check and chk3 = check (chk = checkbox).now the user wants to ad 10 more states to this or remove these 3 and add 5 more. so u basically get the idea.the table in database looks like this -ID Color State_id there is a table called states, so stateid shall come from there. so how do i do a loop insert or update in vb.net?

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Checkbox Not Saving Values Beyond First Line?

May 23, 2011

I have a form in an application that I'm building and in it I have a datagridview that when a user clicks a checkbox on a line in the datagridview and "submits" the data, then the form will insert all of the data on that line (along with the code "Holiday") into a database. Currently if I click in the checkbox on any line other than the first line and put a line break on the "Try" statement, and then fire the submit_onclick event, I'm never reaching that break point but if I click on the checkbox on the first line and submit that data, that works and it behaves at I stated above. Here is the code as it stands currently:

Private Sub holidaysaveButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles holidaysaveButton.Click
For Each dr As DataGridViewRow In DataGridView1.Rows


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Form Checkbox Not Saving Values Beyond First Line?

May 23, 2011

I have a form in an application that I'm building and in it I have a datagridview that when a user clicks a checkbox on a line in the datagridview and "submits" the data, then the form will insert all of the data on that line (along with the code "Holiday") into a database. Currently if I click in the checkbox on any line other than the first line and put a line break on the "Try" statement, and then fire the submit_onclick event, I'm never reaching that break point but if I click on the checkbox on the first line and submit that data, that works and it behaves at I stated above. Here is the code as it stands currently:


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Retrieve Inserted Checkbox Values In Checkbox On Asp.net Page Load?

Dec 30, 2010

i have 5 checkboxes in webform and textbox1... when i search the record using the date specified in textbox1 when i enter 11-Dec-2010 in Textbox1 and click on submit button then checkbox1, checkbox2, and checkbox3 will be disabled and unchecked .....


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Update CheckBox In Update Query?

Jun 4, 2009

I'm using the following update method.. I'd like to be able to update the value of a checkbox into the existing query if possible. how to do this the correct way?

Public Shared Function SaveMemo() As String
Dim sConnectionString As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:Documents and Settingsdiw07My DocumentsDaily Backupsphone memo backend.mdb"


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Bind The Checked Value Of A CheckBox - PropertyBinding Not Saving

Jun 3, 2009

Well I just learned about PropertyBinding and I was all happy to try it out and then *bang*, it doesn't work. It actually did work on a new project I created, but in specific there's another project that I'm trying to PropertyBind and it doesn't work. All I'm trying to do is Bind the Checked value of a CheckBox. The CheckBox is in a group box but I don't think that should affect it. I also have Save My.Settings on Shutdown saved. Anyone know what might be causing this? I also tried to save the Text of a textbox not in a group box and that didn't work either.

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Saving Checkbox State Between Program Runs?

Mar 16, 2011

Iam looking for a way to save a checkbox' state between runs. So that if a checkbox is checked and the program is the closed down, it will remain checked when the program starts up again and vice versa. I've found som deferent guides around the web but i cant seem to get it to work..

Private Sub Form1_FormClosing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing
Dim ExtApp As Integer


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Saving Settings Of Checkbox In Visual Basic?

Mar 3, 2010

i have a form with some checkboxes on it i want to save those settings.

how can i save the settings

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Saving State Of Checkbox And Dropdownlist In Gridview?

Nov 30, 2010

Firstly i'm not asking for the exact code here but the below is what i'm trying to do:I have a gridview with DropDownList and CheckBox and I have a button outside the gridview that will add a new row within the gridview.I have no problems with the adding row but I have a problem with saving the state of the checkbox/drop down list.Everytime I checked the checkbox and add a new row, all the DDL/CB will be reset.So how can I do it so that when I add a new row, the checkbox that I've checked before will still remain check.

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VS 2008 : Creating New Checkbox In Groupbox + Saving Changes?

Apr 3, 2011

I would like to use code to create a checkbox with default properties and place it at a certain position in a groupbox. For example, i would like to do this by pressing a button and that i can give in the name and tag by use of an imputbox. Also, i have noticed that if something like this is done, these changes aren't permanent and don't apply to the designer nor the code in VB. Is there a way to let the newly created checkboxes appear in the designer? And what about permanently deleting checkboxes by pressing a button. With "Dispose()" it isn't deleted from the designer...

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Sql Update - Update Database With The Value 40'6"(Feet And Inches Values)

Apr 15, 2012

I am using vb.net with access database. I am using sql. How can i update database with the value 40'6"(Feet and inches values)

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DataGridView Changes Update (CheckBox)?

Aug 26, 2009

I am using Visual Studio 2008, Vb .Net 3.5 and MS Access 2003.I have a datagridview (DGV) control bound to this MS Access DB. One of the queries is bound to this grid. Everything works fine, the data is displayed correctly. Here's the problem The SELECT statement of query has a BOOLEAN column which is shown as a check box on the grid (this is exactly what I wanted to be shown), when user clicks one of the check boxes all the records are updated. For example, if 30 rows are displayed and user changes stuats column from FALSE to TRUE for only 2 records all records in the table are set to TRUE.I have set the UPDATE command for this query's table adapter using the DataSet designer as "UPDATE <table> SET Status=?"

Can you please help me resolve this. All that I want is only those rows should be updated which are changed on the grid. Below is my code


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How To Update A Database With The Value Of A Bound Checkbox

Apr 30, 2011

On a Windows form I have a checkbox bound to a datatable. In the CheckedChanged event I do .EndEdit on the bindingsource and then .Update on the tableadapter. At runtime this gives an error: "Data Table internal index is corrupted: '5'.

If I change to the Validated event, there is no error, but the new state is not sent to the data base untill focus is subsequently lost, which is a problem. So how am I supposed to get the new state of the checkbox written to the database when the checkbox state changes?

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Get Values From Db According To Checkbox To Datagrid

Aug 17, 2010

I created 10 checkboxs dynamically. I am using DataGridView. According to Checkbox Checked the corresponding data will display in the Datagridview. How can i connect checkbox to DataGridview. Example: Assume Each Checkbox have one subject. like English,Maths,Physics,Chemistry,Arts..... If i click English Checkbox then Corresponding Students list will show in the datagrid. when i checked Maths , corresponding students list will show in the Datagridview. How can build the code to develop this???

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Getting CheckBox.Checked Values?

Jun 22, 2010

I have a form that creates a row of checkboxes depending on the type of analysis the user wants to perform on the incoming file. I need to be able to determine if the checkbox is "checked" but I don't know how to do that when the controls are created at runtime.So right now I have a loop going through all the controls on the form and selecting the appropriate case: for instance chkbox1, combobox1, etc. Now I can access the values of the control by using Me.Controls.Item(chkbox1) but after that the only thing resemebling checked is .Text which wouldn't be accurate. how do you workaround the .Checked property of a checkbox when it is created at runtime?

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Update Database Based On Datagridview Checkbox Value?

Sep 15, 2011

i am working on a window based student registration project using vs2008 and ms access database.what i have to do is to register students for main or comptt. exam according to the course they are in.The students are shown in a datagridview as per the course generated by populating comboboxes.i have checkboxes for main and comptt exam on the form.i want checkbox column in datagridview to select students either for main exam or comptt exam It means when i check say main exam checkbox and check some students or use "select all" checkbox to select them all,those students must be registered for main exam by updating the field "status" in database table by clicking a button.The updated value should be 1 for main exam and 2 for comptt. exam.i have generated the grid but now unable to register

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C# - Not Retrieving The All Selected Values From Checkbox?

Jul 30, 2009

Below code is written in such a way to retrieve all selected check box values But its retieve only the first selected value

Dim CheckedValues As String
For Each item as ListItem In txt_panview0_ddinput1.Items
If item.Selected Then
CheckedValues = CheckedValues & item.Value


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Retrieve Checkbox Selected Values?

Jun 24, 2012

I want to retrieve checkbox selected values from sql database such that the selected checkbox list values get ticked in the form![code]...

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Retrieve Data Values To Checkbox?

Apr 23, 2010

With this code above I would like to retrieve the data values, like sex, to checkboxs. So If the value of the field in database is "Male" my checkbox4 must be checked, case else checkbox3 must be checked.[code]...Retrieve Data Values To Checkbox?

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VS 2010 Changing Checkbox Values?

Mar 25, 2012

I have an array of structs and each struct contains values for the checkboxes. I am trying to display the checkbox values contained within a particular struct.

MyStruct is an array of structs which has a values for the checkboxes

ChkBoxCol is the collection of check boxes for the form.

I am iterating through the collection as follows:


What I am noticing is that if the check boxes are checked in order (checkbox 1, 2, 3, 4...etc) the code works fine and the values are displayed correctly in the form. However, if the check boxes are not checked in order (4, 5, 7...etc) the code does not write the values of the check boxes and instead keeps them blank. I just need to display the values for the check boxes for a specific struct.

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C# - Looping Through Checkboxes And Inserting Checkbox Values To DB

Apr 14, 2012

ASPX Page:

<asp:ListView ID="lvSubjects" runat="server" >
<asp:PlaceHolder ID="itemPlaceholder" runat="server" />


Where am i going wrong?? i do not get any error...but this code is not working for me.

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Programmically Update A Bound Checkbox In A GridView Using An Asp:ButtonField In ASP.NET 2005?

Jan 6, 2012

The GridView is bound to an Access Table, but I want to update the checkbox using the asp:ButtonField. The best I've been able to do is replace the checkbox with a string value. Below is the code I have now:

Protected Sub GridView1_RowCommand(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewCommandEventArgs) Handles GridView1.RowCommand
If e.CommandName = "check" Then
'Enable Editing on the GridView


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Sql - Make Gridview Checkbox Update Boolean Field In Database?

Nov 21, 2010

I'm working in vb.net creating an asp.net web application. I have an SqlDataSource and a GridView on my page:

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="msgUnread" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:edinsec %>"


As you can see I was playing with WithEvents but that didn't seem to help. In the above code all I was trying to get was some kind of reaction to the clicking of a checkbox - but nothing happens (no errors, either).

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Asp.net - Disabled And Uncheck The Checkbox Values From Database Fields?

Dec 11, 2010

how to disabled and uncheck the checkbox values from database fields.. if i have entry in my database records as :


I want on page load event the default date for todays is 11-Dec-2010 then checkbox1, checkbox2, checkbox3, checkbox4 will be disabled and unchecked state for 11-Dec-2010 as you see on the above database structure the seats for 11-Dec-2010 is 1,2,3,4 so the chekbox1, checkbox2, checkbox3, checkbox4 will be disabled... I wanna this code snippet in VB.NET

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Save Multiple Checkbox Values In One While Or For Loop In Program?

Jan 28, 2010

I have 50 checkboxes for 50 american states. The user can choose all 50 or only 1( so basically any number he wants). Based on his choice, I want to insert or update the table in sql server 2008. e.g-

Color = blue and chk1=check, chk2= check and chk3 = check (chk = checkbox). now the user wants to ad 10 more states to this or remove these 3 and add 5 more. so u basically get the idea. the table in database looks like this - ID Color State_id there is a table called states, so stateid shall come from there. so how do i do a loop insert or update in vb.net?

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VS 2010 Tableadaptor Update Not Saving To DB?

May 28, 2012

This is my first time here so bear with me. Im developing an app for a festival and Im in a bit of a bind.

I have a SQL server database that creating a front end for. Im having a form for each table. Within these forms, I will have an add/edit/delete function. Im suppoesd to do it in the most secure way possible which in school i was taught not to use the onboard bindingsources/tableadaptors/datasets but rather code them yourself. so heres my problem.

Im using a textboxes and 1 combobox which contains the primary keys to display info. When i select add, it lets me add them then displays them properly on the combo box/textboxes upon saving within the app. Problem is, when i exit, the new entries are never saved to the database. This is the same case with delete/edit.


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Boolean Not Saving New Values?

Dec 26, 2011

Having a little issue with my boolean statement. It is not changing the value to true after you click it. Its a basic function just not working correctly and Im pretty stumped on why. I mean its a simple yes or no concept. The button is on or off is the basic concept.

Private Sub btn_Backhoe_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btn_Backhoe.Click
Dim InUse As Boolean
'Switch On/Off[code].......

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Saving The Null Values?

Oct 8, 2009

Have read most of the null value posts here, and I have managed to get things working as far as a "next record" button for my database application form (there's some awesome advice on this forum!). I have just one question, though. How do you manage saving of blank text box values from a form? I am using JET, but when I try to save an updated file that has a null value, it is not letting me. I got around it by forcing the text boxes with null values to contain " ", but obviously this is not the bext solution!

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Saving Values And Calculations?

Jul 22, 2011

Im creating an application that allows me to enter a product with a cost. I want all the costs to be saved in an array and then calculate the total cost and display it in a label. I looked for hours in my textbook and cant seem to get this part.


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