Saving Pictures And Text Through Button

Mar 3, 2012

How would i make a save button for my app that saves pictures and text?

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Saving Pictures To Access Using ADO?

Mar 11, 2010

I'm creating this small application that will control some equipments based on its bar code and the owner picture. everything is working fine, except the picture. is there a way to save image to access database using ADO Connections andor recordsets? I've head its possible to store the path and the retrieve.

.Fields("Nome").Value = txtName.Text
.Fields("CAI").Value = txtCAI.Text


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How To Make Write On Pictures Button

Jun 3, 2012

I am making a Full Featured Picture Editor how can I Make write on pictures Button

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Create A Replay Button For Moving Pictures?

Jul 23, 2009

I now trying to create a replay button for my moving pictures. So that i can just click the replay button and replay the moving action instead of choosing which picture to move and click play.

Private Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click
If ComboBox6.Text = "Host 1" And ComboBox5.Text = "Host 2" Then


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Show Pictures One By One In Same Form Only By Clicking The Same Button?

Nov 15, 2010

where a message sent, gets displayed to each person currently pls help to add list user and While press on user you see message not a general chat room where a message sent, gets displayed to each person?

Private Server As socketServer
Private ServerOn As Boolean = False


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VS 2010 Saving Data From Applications By Saving A Text File Via A Stream Reader As A String

Feb 12, 2012

Currently I am saving data from my applications by saving a text file via a stream reader as a string. I have come to a problem. In my current application, I have an array of the following structure:


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How To Display Moving Text And Pictures

Mar 21, 2010

i want to move text n pictures like this website url...

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Insert Pictures In Rich Text Box

Jan 29, 2010

I have some images say A.png, B.png,C.png that I want the user to retrieve on the screen on keydown events A,B,C say like this

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Saving Radio Button And Combo Button?

Nov 29, 2011

I am using WPF in VB. My window contains radio buttons and combo boxes. I am wondering how can I save those in textfiles?

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Parse Pictures In Images To Text In Program?

Jul 8, 2011

I am just wondering if there is any DLLs or features in VB.Net 2008 that I could use to parse a picture of text to text (for example, a screenshot), assuming the text are in very recognizable format (i.e., not like CAPTCHA type of text).

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Cut/Copy/Paste/Print In Rich Text Box Having Pictures?

Feb 3, 2010

I am retrieving images in Rich Text Box by this code

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VS 2008 Pictures Over Pictures Over Background

Nov 8, 2009

Im using a black n white image of a human as my back ground and panels to display the same bits in color when the area is clicked. What isn't working for me is the panels are slightly overlapped and one will always be on top of the other. it is transparent so you can see the back ground, but not the panel underneath it when it has a picture in it.

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Allow A User To Click A Button That Will Launch Windows Explorer And Go Straight To The "My Pictures" Folder

Aug 18, 2011

I want to allow a user to click a button that will launch Windows Explorer and go straight to the My Pictures folder when I don't know who the current user is.


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Winforms - Hide Button Text Or Make Image On Button Cover Text?

Aug 10, 2009

I dynamically create buttons on a form and use the button text as ids so that I can pass that to an SQL query to pull saved data about that button when necessary, but I also use an image over buttons that have information saved about them. What I need to know is how do I keep the text on the button from appearing when there is an image assigned to that button? By default shows both the text and the image and no TextImageRelation values allow for the image to take precedence. I tried changing the text color to transparent, but the outline of the text is still visible through the image. Is there anyway to keep the text value as it is but just show the image on the button?

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Taking Pictures With Webcam Via Webcam Button?

Mar 28, 2012

I have a logitech webcam that I use to take pictures of customers to submit to a server/database. Utilizing AVICAP32.DLL calls, I was able to modify my VB.NET program to take these pictures via a button in my program.

My question is, it would me more convenient to my intended users to click the webcam button, instead of clicking on the button in my program.

Is this possible to do in VB.NET? and how can I do this?

If this is not possible to do with my logitech webcam than is there a Microsoft Webcam that can do this?

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VS 2008 - Saving To Text File Using Multiple Text Boxes And Labels

May 27, 2009

how to permanently save to text files then re-open all of the information again using SFD and OFD. Now my teacher has come back at me and said that i need to be able to save the information from multiple text boxes and have the text in certain labels to also be saved into the one text file (the labels need to be done because it is a database and these labels are like the fields and the right text box needs to match the right label)

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Saving The Text In A Text Box With A Custom File Extension Using The SaveFileDialog?

Mar 31, 2011

I have a textbox that is filled with some carefully formatted text. I need to save the text in that textbox as a text file with the extension of '.scr' eg: File1.scr instead of File1.txt

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Saving A Textfile Via A Button Push

Aug 18, 2010

ive been trying to make a application that saves some information from two textfields into a textfile at a fixed location, without any peior confirmation. This is my own best bid. But it says that the Hula string is not a member of a string.


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Saving Radio Button Checked To Xml

Sep 2, 2009

I have got a group box with 5 radio buttons in it and I've been trying to save this data (the

checked radio button within that group box) to a xml file once my button Save is clicked but I

can't manage to do so. Any ideas? I am able to save all the data from the text boxes its just the

radio buttons I am not sure about?

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[2008] Editing Text In Text File And Saving It?

Dec 7, 2011

I would like to be able to read data from a text file, be able to edit it and save the new edits to that file over writing the old ones.

Dim FILE_NAME As String = "C:cat4 ext.txt"
Dim TextLine As String
If System.IO.File.Exists(FILE_NAME) = True Then


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Delete Button In Binding Navigator Not Saving Changes?

Feb 28, 2011

well, i am working on a project using tables by simply dragging and dropping them on a form.

from a single data set, i dragged 9 tables into 9 forms.. the fill method of tableadapter works whenever the form loads

now my problem here is, there's a problem with my binding navigator that the save and delete buttons aren't working..

this is actually my alternative method. since this morning.. i couldn't make my binding navigator work for my tables (i was surprised to see that there's only one working binding navigator from a single dataset, and because of that, i thought i could just use it to work for my 9 tables instead). still it doesn't work.. and i thought of using different forms for different tables so i could get the binding navigators work perfectly..

and yet, it doesn't make any change at all. still there is problems

is there any way to make this work?

how about adding codes into the delete button event in the binding navigator?

View 7 Replies - Exit Button Without Saving To Database When Items Have Already Been Added?

Oct 29, 2010

I do not have any code to show, but using,, and SQL with stored procedures.If on a page I have an item that is added to the database and therefore that information is "saved", is there a way to have an ("exit without saving") button on the page that does away with those changes?Using infragisitcs ultrawebgrid, you add an item to one table. You can add an item to another table on that page. i assume adding these items to the table automatically saves in the database. There is also a text box but without clicking save I do not believe that those items are actually added to the database. Update panel is used, I don't know if that matters.

If after someone adds to the table but then decides.. oh wait.. I don't want to do this just yet, is there a "one-click" way to act as if I never visited that page to add info? I'm assuming it would be deleting the entries but this would have to be limited to deleting ONLY those items added while making... we don't want people adding info, then going back and deleting once the "save" button has been pushed.

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Pasting Text In Text File And Saving?

Aug 8, 2011

i am making a quick program that will test the anti-virus on any computer. i am using the EICAR test that was developed by European Institute of Computer Anti-virus Research. so in order for this test to work i need a code

) to be pasted into a new text file and saved as

so I need to know how to create a new text file and past the code in and save it as [URL]

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Saving Text To MS Access 2003 Using Text Box

Mar 11, 2010

I wrote a code to save a data using text box but there are some error like : ArguimentException was unhandled. Cannot bind to the property or column User Privilege on the DataSource.Parameter name: dataMember

My code for saving is :
Private Sub btnSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click
Dim Con As OleDb.OleDbConnection


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Counting Button Clicks And Saving Computer Generated Variables?

Dec 2, 2010

1: counting button clicks and saving them to a variable and adding two. For example, if a button was clicked 10 times, the value of the variable would be 12.I would start with:Dim Buttoncount As IntegerButtoncount = ....This is the part i dont know. I would think it would be something like or something, but i cant find anything that works

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Saving Updates To Data Table Using Binding Navigator Save Item Button?

Jun 7, 2012

I am trying to understand how the binding navigator buttons are actually working.

I started by creating a table called "Students" in MS Access,

I then "dragged and dropped" that table onto my VB form after importing the data connection.

When I debug, I click the add new (the yellow plus "+") then I type info into my fields (700_Number, First_Name, MI, Last_Name). (700_Number=Primary Key)

After I am finished typing into the four text boxes, I click save. If I end my program then start the debugger again, the record is still goes away only if I change some of the code anywhere in my program.

Also, I am trying to use the record I just put into my database for another part of my program. I use this line of code:


This is just to see if what I am trying to put into my database is actually making it there. Every time I run, this message box turns up blank.

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Insert Text For The Designated Object When The Help Button (next To The 'close' Button) Is Pressed?

Aug 20, 2011

how do i insert text for the designated object when the help button (next to the 'close' button) is pressed?

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Saving Info From Text Box?

Dec 31, 2009

When the Users run my Program theres a tab in which you can type information,
I want them to beable to save it to an *.txt [Text File] and be able to Load it back

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Saving Masked Text Box?

Feb 15, 2012

I have a masked text box and two text boxes. I would like to save all of these fields so that when the "open" button is clicked the field repopulate....

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Saving Text Box Contents?

Sep 26, 2010

make a diary style application where a password must be typed in then when that is typed in it is possible to view and edit the text. I have it all working but the only problem is that I don't know how to save the text box's contents. I have read a few threads and haven't found an appropriate answer. The problem is that since it's supposed to be a diary I would like to save the text so that it may not be read, preferably not by making another file but by storing it in the program?

Here's the code I have for it so far:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim Password As String
Password = TextBox1.Text


Textbox1 is where the password is entered, Textbox2 is where the actual text for the diary would go, Button1 processes the typed in password, Button2 hides the text and clears password box, Button3 does nothing and has the text "Save" and I would like to use this button to save. Is there also an automatic way of saving?

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