How To Display Moving Text And Pictures

Mar 21, 2010

i want to move text n pictures like this website url...

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.net - Large Display Text Moving Controls?

Aug 11, 2011

I'm working on a .Net Windows application. All the controls arrange fine, but when the user specifies their Windows display text to be larger than the Windows 7 default of 'Smaller', the controls get moved around on the form and makes it unusable.

Is there a way to lock down those controls no matter what the display text setting is at?

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Moving Pictures Clock Wise?

Nov 30, 2009

How could we move Picture clock wise or any other movement in

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Moving, Renaming And Linking Pictures?

Aug 24, 2010

1.I want the user to be able to select a Picture by clicking a button which will then open an OpenFileDialog (Opening the my Pictures Folder without the user having to navigate there.)

2.When selecting the picture and clicking on save the picture must automatically be moved and saved to a folder in My Documents called "My Recipes".

3.At that same time the picture must automatically be renamed using the Title and ID of the record being edited ending up with a name like "Nick's Milktart 237.png" (preferably with a space between "Milktart" and "237").

4. The last step to this process is that a link, URL or hyper link (I'm not sure what this is called) to this picture in the "My Recipes" folder must be created in a SQL database.

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Stopping Pictures Moving Off The Form?

Apr 21, 2010

Basically ive a picturebox which ive coded to move around the form, however I can move it off/under the form if i want to if i move it that far. I want it to stop on the edge of the four sides of the form if i move it that far. Basically I want to make sure that when moving the picturebox around, it never goes off the form and stops on the edge of the form if i move it that far.

I'm guessing it's to do with the position command but i cannot quite work it out.

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Create A Replay Button For Moving Pictures?

Jul 23, 2009

I now trying to create a replay button for my moving pictures. So that i can just click the replay button and replay the moving action instead of choosing which picture to move and click play.

Private Sub Button4_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button4.Click
If ComboBox6.Text = "Host 1" And ComboBox5.Text = "Host 2" Then


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Display Pictures From Directory In FlowLayoutPanel?

Aug 24, 2010

'for each item in directory C:/temp
Dim pbx As New PictureBox
pbx.Width = 98


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Display Pictures In Rotating Cubical Box?

Jul 7, 2009

Can we display pictures in a cubical box and make it rotating on screen using vb express 2008?

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Add Two Pictures In A Single Picturebox And Display Them Simultaneously?

Mar 24, 2011

i want to add a picture of a field like a football field and on it a ball would roll (just like the football). i have loaded the field's picture in the picturebox , but m nt able to load the second picture i.e of the ball. how can i do this?

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Load Txt And Display Pictures In Succession For Each Letter?

Aug 4, 2009

I'm not sure where to start. I've made an app consisting of a textbox and picture box that changes the picture every time you press a key. But what I need is to load a txt file and have pictures display one after another for each letter at a user defined rate. Including breaking this down into smaller steps. This is for an application simular to a RSVP(rapid serial visual presentation) program.

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Build A Slideshow App That Will Display 6 Pictures At A Time From A Specified Folder?

Aug 31, 2009

I am trying to build a slideshow app that will display 6 pictures at a time from a specified folder. I put 6 pictureboxes in a TableLayoutPanel and have a timer control call the Ahead1 subroutine to load a new picture into the last box after all of the other pictures "move up one box".The problem is that every the timer calls the Ahead1, the program uses about 30MB of RAM and the program eventually ends with an OutOfMemory Error. (Choosing the Picture Folder - only called once)

Private Sub ChooseDirectoryToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ChooseDirectoryToolStripMenuItem.Click


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ListBox - How To Display Pictures In Table Layout Panel

Apr 29, 2010

I have a listbox populated with peoples names. When I click on a persons name in the listbox, a datagrid will unhide itslef, connect to a DB, and list all of the pictures that person has. All the pictures are stored on a drive in a folder named after the person. i.e.
Greg Palinkas has 52 images stored in F:PicturesGregPalinkasImages.

I would like to display all of those pictures in a Table Layout Panel populated by the choice I made in the listbox, so if I select Greg Palinkas, the Data Grid is pupulated with the names of all the images i have, and the Table Layout Panel is populated with all the pictures I have in my GregPalinkasImages folder. I have got the Data Grid updating and running smoothly, but am lost as to how to get the images to come up.

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Display Pictures On PictureBox From Accdb File's Attachment Field?

Jul 29, 2011

I want to show pictures on a PictureBox. Pictures are stored on an accdb database's field (that field's type is "attachment"). Below you can find more details.

i have an access 2007 database (accdb), it has only one table named "TbResimler".

In that table, i have these fields;

Field Name Data Type Description[code]...

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Picture Gallery - Build A Program That Display Pictures From A Media Card

Jan 14, 2010

i am trying to build a program ( i am a beginner) that display the pictures from a media card ( or other removable media) in a gallery in the form, and that allow the user to select the ones he likes and store it in a folder.

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Open Local .msg Files In Web Browser (html Format) And Display Embedded Pictures?

Jun 1, 2012

I know how to open local .msg files in webbrowser in html format.The problem is when the .msg has embedded pictures, the only thing that appears is a blank space ("picture not found") where it is supposed to be.If I open the .msg file in Outlook, I see the images correctly, but in my program I can't see embedded pictures.

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How To Display A Moving Line

Jul 2, 2009

I want to display a moving line in an x-y axis. For example, at begining, this line is "y = x". After 1 sencod, it will be "y = x + 1". Then it will be "y = x + 2", and so on. Which function should I use

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Insert Pictures In Rich Text Box

Jan 29, 2010

I have some images say A.png, B.png,C.png that I want the user to retrieve on the screen on keydown events A,B,C say like this

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Saving Pictures And Text Through Button

Mar 3, 2012

How would i make a save button for my app that saves pictures and text?

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Parse Pictures In Images To Text In Program?

Jul 8, 2011

I am just wondering if there is any DLLs or features in VB.Net 2008 that I could use to parse a picture of text to text (for example, a screenshot), assuming the text are in very recognizable format (i.e., not like CAPTCHA type of text).

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Cut/Copy/Paste/Print In Rich Text Box Having Pictures?

Feb 3, 2010

I am retrieving images in Rich Text Box by this code

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Forms :: Display The Sub Menus On Moving The Cursor On Menu Items (mouse-hover)?

Nov 21, 2011

I have created a form with a menu-strip containing sub-menus. The sub-menus will open on clicking the menu items but I am willing to display the sub menus on moving the cursor on menu items(mouse-hover). What will be the code for this? Is there any property in menu-strip to display like that?

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VS 2008 Pictures Over Pictures Over Background

Nov 8, 2009

Im using a black n white image of a human as my back ground and panels to display the same bits in color when the area is clicked. What isn't working for me is the panels are slightly overlapped and one will always be on top of the other. it is transparent so you can see the back ground, but not the panel underneath it when it has a picture in it.

View 6 Replies - Moving Text In A Web Form Vb

Jan 11, 2012

I was trying to do a label that will slide from left to right of a web form in vb. I search on the web it only have example that work for windows application form.. I wanted it to be done in web form..

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Moving The Cursor In Text?

Aug 20, 2010

I have a very wired problem. I have a txtbox which i attempt to act like a password box (ie. everything you type becomes ****)

I use a simple counter that just shows a * for each time the text is changed.However the "typer" wount follow, it just stays in the beginning. so the result is that the code is spelled backwards.

I use the following code. try it for yourself if you dont understand


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Moving Through Text Files?

Jan 20, 2009

I have a text file with 12 lines. Each line has different data and I want to compare line 1 with an original string, then line 2 with the original string, line 3 witht he original string and so on. Not sure how to read each line from the text file.

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Make A Moving Text To Mp3 Player

Apr 24, 2010

I try do make a moving text to mp3 player , but that way what i did i get error. [code]

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Moving A Panel Relative To A Text Box

Jan 31, 2012

I'm using VS2010 Express, and Visual Basic.I'm trying to make a fancy drop down list next to text box. When the user enters some text in the text box, the program will look up values in a database and show them in a list box (to easily select some existing items).The list box is in a panel control, which is initially hidden (and I have other stuff in the panel for other features.)If the query finds some entries in the database, I want to show the list box (and the panel and everything in it) and then move the panel so its top left location aligns with the top right location of the text box.I can get the panel to show (visible = true) but I can't get it to line it up with the top right edge of the text box.I'm using this code to move the panel after I set it visible.

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VS 2008 - Text Changes But Rectangle Not Moving

Dec 2, 2009

I have this
Private Sub Form1_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles Me.KeyDown
lblText.Text = rectangle1.X
If e.KeyCode = Keys.Right Then
rectangle1.X = rectangle1.X + 5
[Code] .....
And the text changes but the ractangle doesn't move... What can I do?

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Winforms - Make The Form Title (form1.text) Moving?

Mar 11, 2011

is there any way to make the form title(form1.text) moving?like marquee in HTML?

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Using A Single Picture Box To Display A Single Picture Form A Bank Of Pictures?

Mar 22, 2011

I have a few problems i need to solve. Firstly, I am looking for a piece of code i can use to display a picture from a bank of pictures. It will work on the basis of generating a random number and loading a picture that corresponds to that number.

i.e. Dim RandNumber As Integer
Dim RandClass As New Random
RandNumber =, 10)
If RandNumber = 1 Then
Picturebox1.image = picture1


Secondly, can I then use subsequent picture boxes to display pictures from the same bank of images, without displaying the same image? Finally, I then need to be able to click the picture or a button beneath the picture to select it as an answer to a question and then the whole process starts again.

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