Saving Multiple Variables Of A Type To Be Loaded Later?
Jun 12, 2011
<pre-question blab>// skip if you want Might as well consider me new, as I haven't programmed in years, and that was only tinkering in Java. Trying to get back on track a bit, so starting with VB to get the feel going to continue learning. I don't mind putting in the effort to learn and look up, I just am not 100% sure what I should be looking into at the moment... Old programming I did was nothing advanced, only little things like calculators, notepad-esque writers, and that sort.</pre-question blab>
I'm BASICally wanting to know what I should look into for saving multiple variables of a custom class object to be loaded later. I've seen some things about text, and I can do that fine, but don't think it would be the proper/best way of handling things
at all. I also saw some talk of XML, SQL tables, etc. I just need a point in the right direction.
For a bit more info on my actual project, I was tinkering with a 'simple' program to allow users to create rooms/objects/etc., which will then be converted into Inform 7 language (an interactive-fiction language).The variables needing stored are objects with a number of string variables and integer variables. I need to be able to save those, then load them out later into an array of said objects.
For anyone needing a more VISUAL image of what I mean, here are a few screenshots to show you what I mean. Also, if anyone has ever used Adrift, it is (at the moment) very similar to it, but for the Inform language.
Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2
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Mar 29, 2011
I'm looking to be able to save and load the content from multiple structured arrays and variables into/from an encrypted file, is there any reliable source of information or tutorial that I'd be able to use for this? I've never written a program in visual basic that writes to/reads from a file.
I'm using microsoft visual studio 2008.
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Sep 27, 2010
I have code, shown below, that works all except for 1 thing: The variables being passed byRef get passed, but once modified in the else section of the "if me.invokerequired" code of RecordData, the variables are never updated in the calling function. To reiterate, the calling function does not receive the updated data that is in the variables custid and amt.When debugging, I see the data change in the else section of "if me.invokerequired", but once it returns from the callback the data is missing.[code]
View 15 Replies
Nov 14, 2010
I've created the following basic function to determine whether specific control type is currently loaded:
Private Function IsPreviewerTypeLoaded(Of T)() As Boolean
For Each previewer In LoadedPreviewers
If previewer.GetType().Equals(T) Then
I need to compare each control against the generic type supplied. Equals(T) fails to do the job, producing a compiler error. How to make it correctly?
UPDATE: is the following correct?
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Sep 22, 2009
I have an object that I know was originally declared was an enum, but I need tothe specificnum type. I'm aware of the GetType method and it appears to work correctly, but I can't figure out how to go from there to a direct type comparison For reference types, you can use Typeof(object1) Is Class1, but this doesn't seem to work for value types.
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Sep 5, 2010
I can't get is to save variables permanently. For instance, say you run your project and in the source code you have Button1_click s=textbox1.text (s is the variable I declared) Button2_click s=label1.text. Say you type some thing into textbox1 then click button1. Then you click button2. Is it possible to make it that the next time you run the program the text you typed into textbox1.text last time is displayed when you click button2? I am using windows form.
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Dec 13, 2010
Im studying vb coding at the moment and im designing a reasonably small text based game using the windows console and so far i have a nice working game but the main problem is that the game restarts when you end the console, obvious i know. Been trawling through pages looking at different ways to save multiple variables for multiple uses such as a save/load feature and most pages have confused me, people asking for help with commands im not common with. So far i've tried using my settings to save the variables in a test program but can't get it to work?I have in settings a variable called gold with a scope of user as an integer and i have this code to try and utilise it
Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim answer As String
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Jun 11, 2011
1. I get a list of excel files from a dir into a list box and search for number by select each files at once. I want to select multiple files at once and search them one by one.May be using checklistbox.
2. The output is shown in a new window (labels) with result from that particular file. If multiple files are selected that the output should show result from all files in different labels.
3. Excel program stays open in memory after closing my application.
4. Also I cant get the app to display message "maskedtextbox1.text" not found in the sheet.[code]
View 1 Replies
Dec 25, 2010
I get a list of excel files from a dir into a list box and search for a string/number by selecting each files at once. I want to select multiple files at once and search them one by one.May be using checklistbox.
2. The output is shown in a new window (in labels) with result from that particular file. If multiple files are selected than the output should show result from all files in different labels.
3. Excel program stays open in memory after closing my application.
4. Also I cant get the app to display message "maskedtextbox1.text" not found in the sheet. If I do after line 30 Else "String not found", it goes into loop or displays the message even if the string exists in the excel file.
View 4 Replies
Sep 9, 2011
I am writing some code and want to check if certain things are in my database. Is there a better way than just creating a new string, performing the select and storing it in the string? I have to do this a few times for several items in my DB columns, but is there a way I should be doing this that would not require me to make a new string, and a new select for several items, well a better way? The items in my db aren't all strings and the data types vary.
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Jul 24, 2010
I would like to save the variable LargeStep so it can be used the next time I run my application. There are more variables but just have shown one.
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Dec 21, 2011
I have a small class of Object CellValue
Friend Class CellValue
Public CellColor As Color = Color.White
Public CellShape As Shape = Shape.Blank
Public CellName As String = ""
End Class
Then in my main I make an array of CellValue but I want to know if the values are also being passed down with the array.
Dim Plan(SizeW - 1, SizeH - 1) As CellValue
Dim CellW As Integer = PictureBox1.Width \ SizeW
Dim CellH As Integer = PictureBox1.Height \ SizeH
Are CellName, CellShape and CellColor being tied to each element in the array?. The reason is because I need to use these properties to tie certain functions to them. The CellName should have a MachineID which I would have to use to pull some info from a Database.
The Array should also be serialized and deserialized to XML as customer needs to create/edit and delete certain values in the array. And in order to save the array has to be in XML
So the Questions are does it save the CellName, CellShape and CellColor for each element, will it be affected if I serialize and deserialize using XML. If possible, how can I call up the Cellname p.e for a specific array element.
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Dec 26, 2011
I know this is a VB.Net messageboard, but it can work with in all languages. Is there a quick way to complete a line (sample code):
//Setting variables set 1
a = e;
b = f;
c = g;
d = h;
//Saving changes set 2
e = a;
f = b;
g = c;
h = d;
without having to type everything out...A technique using EXCEL or Notepad....Find and Replace. This would save a lot of time coding and becomes pain in the butt when you working with many variables.
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Jul 27, 2009
Ok I have a project which has a MDI parent. Inside the parent I have multiple isntances of a form load(frmLine1t5). When my program loads it will load a different form(frmSelect) and if I manually load a different form(frmRetests) I can put frmSelect on top of frmRetests and bring one another to the front if it's clicked on(without using the bringtofront method)However as soon as I load a single instance of frmLine1t5 I immediately can no longer bring ANY form loaded into the MDI parent(before or after frmLine1t5 has loaded) to the front. I can only bring them to print IF I use .bringtofront method
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Mar 25, 2011
I have an MVC application which sets some session variables based on internal static IP addresses.I have built an ApplicationController to override the OnActionExecuted sub in MVC for data that I need to use throughout my application.However, the code below, which is just a snippet of my code but is edited for my post, only partially works. On initial page load, the session variables aren't saved, but after a page refresh they are. The issue I have is that these need to be saved on the initial page load.
If Session("Item1") = Nothing Then
If IpAddressShort <> "" Then
Dim locInfo = cmsRepository.GetInfoBasedOnLocation(IpAddressShort).SingleOrDefault()
If locInfo IsNot Nothing Then
Theoretically, if I'm correct, if there is no Session("Item1") set/if Session("Item1") is empty, then the rest of the snippet should run and set those variables.How come this isn't setting those variables on the first time the page load?
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Mar 22, 2009
visual basic 2008
I am pretty good with visual basic and visual studio, but the one problem I have is saving... I am currently creating a game, and it has a lot of variables, I want o be able to save all those variables to a text file and then re-open it later. When it is open, i want the variables to have the original value from the text document.
To sum it up: I need variables to be saved in a text file, and then be able to open the text file back and have the variables have the proper values from the text file.
I have been searching around google, and I found ideas, but I have no idea how to use them. Like using XML or saving a table with " TextFile.WriteFromTable" "TextFile.ReadToTable" but I don't exactly get how to use those (the posts weren't too clear)
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Dec 2, 2010
1: counting button clicks and saving them to a variable and adding two. For example, if a button was clicked 10 times, the value of the variable would be 12.I would start with:Dim Buttoncount As IntegerButtoncount = ....This is the part i dont know. I would think it would be something like or something, but i cant find anything that works
View 39 Replies
Sep 11, 2011
i have a xdocument.load(file) and after changing some values want to
this save is not possible because file is in use ?
nattelip Private Sub savechfid_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles savechfid.Click
View 19 Replies
Jul 12, 2011
Just wondering what everyone uses to name variables that relate to an already descriptive class? [code]...
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Jun 9, 2011
I'm trying to compare two variables of type nullable(of boolean) in VB.NET 2010. One of the variables has a value False and the other is Nothing. Now I was expecting the following expression to evaluate to true, but this is not the case:
Dim var1 as nullable(of boolean) = False
Dim var2 as nullable(of boolean)
var2 = Nothing
Why don't I see my MsgBox? How should I compare two nullables (of boolean)?
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Dec 29, 2009
What happens if I do: Dim x As New Int32? Is a object of int placed on the heap? If it is, maybe your application would be able to access global variables faster if they were reference types.
A global variable as an value type should be somewhere at the bottom of the stack most of the time and it might take more time to get to this then to get a object from the heap. Unless it's the same story with the pointer of this object is also at the bottom of the stack of course.
View 9 Replies
Aug 12, 2009
Is there a way to give a value to multiple variables (integers in this case), instead of all at once?
For instance, I have Dim aceVal, twoVal, threeVal, fourVal, fiveVal, sixVal, sevenVal, eightVal, nineVal, tenVal As Integer and, pending listbox selection, I'd like to assign threeVal fourVal and sixVal all values of -1.
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Oct 24, 2011
i would like to say i am a novice programmer, in year 12. I am designing a small game for my HSC and one of my forms is getting very cluttered with controls and code. To resolve this cluttering, i have had the idea to create new forms for some aspects of the game (such as different game modes and so on). However, in order for that to happen i have to drag some variables of the new form to the old form, (these variables would be just booleans or integers to say whether you lost a game or won a game or something that would carry on to the main form.)
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Mar 3, 2012
I'm trying to set multiple variables using a textbox.The way I'm trying to do it is have each variable seperated by a space so like this:#If textbox1.text.contains("test") then set variables from textbox1.text for each " " in textbox1.text define new variable(value, string1, string2, int1, int2, int3, int4, int5)#End If I just don't know how I would code something that can set these variables from a single line of text in a textbox seperated by nothing other than just spaces.
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May 26, 2010
I'm trying to create an object Of a specific type. I've got the following code, but it fails because it can't cast the new table object to the one that is already defined. I need table to start of an IEnumerable type so I can't declare is an object.
Public sub getTable(ByVal t as Type)
Dim table As Table(Of Object)
Dim tableType As Type = GetType(Table(Of )).MakeGenericType(t)
is there a way of changing a variable type at runtime?
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Oct 30, 2010
I found out that you cannot set the array size for a structure when you are making it, i.e
I have to fix this by making a variable with type made by Structure bullet and then redimming it, i.e
This means for every variable with the bullet type i create i have to redim. Is there a way i can set the size of .mesh with .capacity for every single variable created with the bullet type automatically?
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May 4, 2011
I have 12 Varibales in VB.Net.
If a = 1 _ Or b = 2 _ Or c = 3 _ Or d = 4 _ Or e = 5 _ Or f = 6 _ Or...... Then
Like That....
For that my string will be so long for 12 varibles...
SO is there is any other way to compare 12 variables
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Mar 29, 2011
I would like to loop over two string arrays but does not work.[code]...
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Jun 6, 2009
I have a sub which requires multiple counter variables. Is there a more efficient way of doing this. My example is simple. Image if I had 20 separate counters I was trying to manage. I would have to create 20 separate variables and then increment each in the desired place in the code.
Dim Counter1 as Double
Dim Counter2 as Double
Dim Counter3 as Double
View 7 Replies
Sep 25, 2010
I am trying to have it so that when a user hits a button to enter a shop, it will open a popup window which will have the shop's goods. The only problem is I can't figure out how to keep the variables working between the two windows.
I need to get the variable 'gold' to transfer to and from form2(the shop window) and whatever is bought at the store to transfer back to the main window.
Right now, when I go to form2 all the values are 0, and all the variables I used on form1 are undeclared on form2.
How do I access variables from form1 to show up in form2? Is there an easier way to accomplish this than using a separate form?
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