Searching For An "almost" Matching String In Txt File

Nov 28, 2011

I am trying to search for a particular string on a *.txt file, while i can do this i want to be able to do it without having to type the exact string.

For example:

if i search "string" i find "string" but not "String" the big letter wrecks the search... anyone knows how to do a search like this?

And i want also to give me an incremental search while i am typing on a list box.
For example:

if i type "s" it appears, sangoku,slb, siemens,sentence,...., string,...

on the listbox. These are words that exist on the *.txt file i am reading.

if i type "st" it appears only string and any other word that starts with "st"

it would be an automatic search without having to press enter, or any search button. Just by pressing the keyboard on the letter we wanted the search would be made.

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Searching Text Box Input For Matching String Values?

Jul 8, 2009

I have to scan through documents. Excell, Word, txt, ect looking for company names that match a pre-difined list of companies.I then email the companies some specifics in regards to that doc.The problem I have been having recently is that the list of companies keeps growing and I am starting to miss some more than I used to.What I would like to build is a tiny app that has 2 Text boxes.1 on the left for input (where I would copy/paste) the document text I receive.and one on the right for the output where it will highlight any line that contains the name of any of the pre-defined companies.

I started toying with the idea and so far I have form with a SplitContainer. Within that SplitContainer each side has a TextBox... Below the Textbox on the left hand side splitcontainer I have a submit button with no actions currently assigned to it.

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Programming Syntax - Searching An Array For A String Matching Input - Visual Basic

Jan 20, 2012

I can't figure out the syntax for searching an array of stored words for a string matching an input string. I understand the pseudocode of it, but I'm tripping up over what variables I need to put where, and how they should be formatted. More than happy to provide more details should anyone request them.


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Searching Text File From Certain String?

Feb 1, 2010

I've got two text files. The first has got a list of certain keywords. Each one if these keywords are fed into a combobox. Now, when I choose one of the items from this combobox, I want to search the other textfile for the same keyword and read from that point to the next keyword. And then feed each line into a listbox. Perhaps I should use an INI-file for this purpose, doesn't really matter for me.

The textfiles have this structure;
New York

The second textfile has this structure;


'New York'

Is this possible? The reason I want to do it this way is to create a fully dynamic system. One which relies fully on whatever information is stored in these textfiles. I'm gonna build pretty complex strings from these results later on. So far, I've got this to read the first file and add each line to the combobox:

Dim oReadMenuFunction as System.IO.StreamReader
oReadMenuFunction = IO.File.OpenText("textfile1.txt")
Do While oReadMenuFunction.Peek <> -1
Dim LineIn as String = oReadMenuFunction.ReadLine()

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Ini - Searching For A Specific String In A Text File ?

May 18, 2012

There's an INI file that I want to access and read information from. This is the complete content of the INI file in question: http:[url]....I believe it is because of the [ ] tags in that INI file. Because they work if I remove the tags.My program has a bunch of comboboxes, trackbars and checkboxes. These items will be filled by the information taken from the INI file.For instance, ini file has these lines;


Example: I want the checkbox8 in my form to get checked if bFXAAEnabled has a value of 1 or unchecked if it is 0.

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VS 2008 Searching For A String Inside A File?

Oct 24, 2010

How would I use FileStream.Read() to search for a string inside a file and then return the string's offset? (basically like a Hex editor)

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Search Through Xml Searching Each TagNum Then Return All Info Associated With Matching TagNum

Jan 19, 2009

I am parsing or attempting parse an xml file that looks like this [code] myNode.FirstChild is where I think I might be going wrong here but anyway.What I want to do again is search through xml searching each tagNum then return all info associated with the matching tagNum.

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Data Terminal Device Slow Searching String In Text File?

Apr 4, 2011

Is there a way to search fast in text file? i have a 5mb text file and it is slow to search ..Im using Vs2008 (VB) and MC3100 WinCE 6 platform

Private Sub DataHandler()


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VS 2010 String Matching?

Jul 22, 2011

In javascript I know you can put for instance if date= "2010"* which would do the if for the string if it starts with 2010 but it doesn't matter what comes after that.

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VS 2008 - Check For Most Matching String

Jun 9, 2010

I want to check each of the strings in an array (currently in a hashtable, but that shouldn't necessarily matter right?) with the user's input, if the words in each of them match. This might have sounded a little tricky so let me elaborate.

Problem: Comparing an input string with a collection of strings, and know which string in the collection matches the input string the most - based on words. What I'm trying to do here is a chatbot that works with keywords. For example, in the bot script, you could find "HOW ARE YOU" and the response "I am fine." If the user then sends input to this bot, it could look like this: [Code] This may not sound like a tricky thing, but the tricky part comes when I want to know which of the strings (e.g. "HOW ARE YOU") match the input string the most, based on the words.

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Matching Text String On First Letter In SQL Query

Feb 28, 2012


In this exmample textData is a string of text and alpha is a single letter a through z or A through Z. I don't need the criteria to be case sensitive, but I do need only the first letter of textData to match alpha. I have tested the LIKE comparator and it does not return all records that begin with alpha.

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Return Rows That Have A Matching String To Predefined List?

Jul 8, 2009

1 within each section of a SplitContainer. The left hand side will be for inputing text that is copied/pasted from a word, excell, or text file.The right hand side would be for my output. What I would like it to do is return just the rows from the left hand side that contain a match to any one of the predifined strings. This will be used to search large lists of company names and circuit IDs and return the rows with matching namesSo far I have the form created, the Splitcontainer in place along with the richtextbox on each side and a submit button at the bottom.

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Finding A Matching String From A Partial Search (fuzzy Logic?)

Jul 6, 2011

I have a list of names of players and their names in some game. Now an administrator of that game might want to contact one of the players by sending him a message. He does that by writing a command that basically has the format "tell <player> <message>", where <player> is the name of the player.The problem is simple: player names might be quite complicated and long (it's their screen name not their real name), and it would take the admin quite some time to find out how to spell the name exactly and he will probably make a few mistakes. Basically, having the admin type out the exact name is not practical.So I am trying to implement a 'fuzzy logic' search (is that even the correct term?) but with a twist, I guess.The idea is that the admin can type just part of the name and is even allowed to make a couple mistakes. For example, suppose a player has a screen name of "Mr.Smith34", then the admin should be able to type, for example.[code]

The problem now is that there can be absolutely no ambiguity in which player is meant. Instead of sending a message (which is quite harmless) the admin should also be able to 'kick' or ban someone from a game server, banning them from ever playing there again. Obviously, the admin should then not accidently ban a player named "Mrs.Smith" when he meant "Mr.Smith"! My solution (unless someone else can come up with something better) is to just not allow the command if there are multiple matches. If the admin searches for 'smith' and there are multiple names that are similar to 'smith' (maybe even 'sith' or similar) then I disregard that search and tell the admin he needs to try again with a more specific name.(If all else fails he can always look up the ID of the player and use that, which should be foolproof as long as the admin doesn't make a mistake and picks the wrong ID..., but that is even more work it does not have preference).But this brings further problems. The example I just gave might be good: suppose there's a player "Mr.Smith" and a player "Sith". If the admin searches for 'Smith' then there should be no question who he meant (Mr.Smith), but I am sure any fuzzy logic implementation would count Sith as a very close match... Another thing is that my solution of only allowing the search if there is just a single match probably wouldn't work. I have never used fuzzy logic searching before, but I can imagine some names being marked as 'slightly similar' even when they are completely different ('smi' might match 'smith', but also 'ims' perhaps, in which case it would possibly match a whole new range of names), even though 'for humans' it is clear which result is meant.

I am assuming any fuzzy search would return the matches and rate them according to how similar they are to the search term. Perhaps I can choose some kind of cut-off value, where any matches that are less than 30% similar (I've no idea just guessing here) are assumed not equal whereas higher ranked matches are assumed a possible match. Perhaps this makes it easier (perhaps harder, I dunno), but I forgot to mention that the search term cannot contain any spaces. Player screen names can contain spaces though. I am thinking to just strip out the spaces of each name before starting the search, but perhaps there are better solutions in combination with fuzzy searching...

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Regex - Matching And Replacing The Contents Of Multiple Overlapping Sets Of Brackets In A String?

Jun 5, 2011

I am using to parse my own basic scripting language, sample below. I am a bit stuck trying to deal with the 2 separate types of nested brackets.

Assuming name = Sam
Assuming timeFormat = hh:mm:ss
Assuming time() is a function that takes a format string but
has a default value and returns a string.


I could in theory change the syntax of the script completely but I would rather not. It is designed like this to enable strings without quotes because it will be included in an XML file and quotes in that context were getting messy and very prone to errors and readability issues. If this fails I could redesign using something other than quotes to mark out strings but I would rather use this method.

Preferably, unless there is some other way I am not aware of, I would like to do this using regex. I am aware that the standard regex is not really capable of this but I believe this is possible using MatchEvaluators in and some form of recursion based replacing. However I have not been able to get my head around it for the last day or so, possibly because it is hugely difficult, possibly because I am ill, or possibly because I am plain thick. I do have the following regex for parts of it.

Detecting the parentheses: (w*?)((.*?))(?=[^(+)]*((|$))
Detecting the square brackets: [[(.*?)]](?=[^[+]]*([[|$))

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Argument Matching Parameter 'separator' Narrows From 'String' To &#391;-dimensional Array Of Char'. ERROR?

Dec 28, 2011

Argument matching parameter 'separator' narrows from 'String' to &#391;-dimensional array of Char'. ERROR

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Matching Values In Same Text File?

May 18, 2009

How to match one value to another value in same text file. For example I have a this value : 116.71 33.3 in my text file. I want to check whether another same value exist in a same text file or not.

I used this code to find my first value
myLine = myReader.ReadLine()
Loop Until myLine.Contains("*+*+* Top *+*+*")
Do Until myReader.EndOfStream
myLine = myReader.ReadLine()
[Code] .....
Once I get the value I want to check another same value exist in the same text file or not.

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Searching Multiple String In A String?

Aug 21, 2009

I got this

If File.Contains(Searchwhat) Then
Countnr = Countnr + 1

That code works great to search for one string, but how can i search for multiple strings in the file? Lets say that "Searchwhat" looks like "GFR,EPB,IKJ" and if the file i am searching in can find all that in the file it will add the filename to the Pathlistbox.

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Searching The XML String?

Mar 23, 2012

I have a problem when searching an XML string. The problem is that I can't get it to work. I have a big XML in a string, and I only need 2 values that are each in seperate elements. It is hard to explain so it's best I just show it.This is my XML: (sorry it's very long, but I want it to be complete so my question can be answered properly).

<transactions result="1">
<transaction raisewarning="false" result="1" location="temporary">


For each <transaction> I need the value of <Number> that is in <Header> and the value of <invoicenumber> in <line (id=1)> ... I have colored the elements in my sentence the same as I colored them in my big XML?The number of <transaction>'s can vary for each XML (these are a webservice response).I've been looking for 2 days now, and I can't seem to grasp this XML stuff unfortunately.

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Searching Through A String?

Jan 6, 2012

I am tyring to search though a string, here is the string.

{"Title":"True Grit","Year":"1969","Rated":"G","Released":"11 Jun 1969","Genre":"Adventure, Western, Drama","Director":"Henry Hathaway","Writer":"Charles Portis, Marguerite Roberts","Actors":"John Wayne, Kim Darby, Glen Campbell, Jeremy Slate","Plot":"A drunken,


View 21 Replies

Find Subdirectories Containing Matching File Names

Jun 28, 2010

[code]It spews out the directories that contain the .my files [level2a & level2clevel3] and skips level2b which does not.It looks like this code for VB 6 would work:[code]I can get to the level1 directory. I am after an array of paths to subdirectories that contain matching file names.

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Matching A Specific File Name Structure With Regex?

Jun 21, 2011

Regex in VB2008.I have a file system directory that my code is watching. When a file is placed in that directory my code kicks off a processing application. Based on the filename structure, the code will perform different processes. So I need to match the filename structure specficially to get the correct processes to run on that file.My file name structure is: IK2YYYYMMDD_VV.e;where YYYYMMDD is well, the year, month and day. And VV is a verison number from 00-99 If the new file saved in the directory match this structure then I want a TRUE returned. From a filewatcher I get the filename as an "e.Name" (FileSystemEventArgs) variable. My current code to see if it matches the baseline structure is;

Dim IKPred2Match as New Regex ("^IK2.*\.e$") Dim ValidIKPred2Match as MatchCollection = IKPred2Match.Matches(e.Name)I've tried many different regex match patterns, and just can't seem to find the magic one.

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Project - To Search File With Any Thing Matching

Mar 3, 2010

I have a search Option in my Project i want to search File with any thing Matching

Supposly : I have a File With the name "nokia samsung" And user type "Samsung" in Search TextBox and if User type "nokiasamsung" then my application also able to Understand. What my Code i cant make a Figure

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Reading, Matching And Writing To Text File?

Aug 18, 2009

I have a 3 text files

Text file 1:
.ERR - Max6 Error file

[2 19.40 44.7] X6.950 Y-4.705 106.522, 222.048
Open [code]....

From here i have to read the Node name which is MEM_B_DQ7.Then match node name with third file and get that node name group

Text file 3

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Searching For A Search Within A String

Oct 28, 2009

lot_no = "lot123" s.indexof("lot123") does not return zero whereas s.indexof(lot_no) returns zero has anyone seen a problem like this? what does s contain? For Each s As String In split1

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Searching For String In An Array?

Aug 2, 2011

Okay so I have my array and I am trying to search it, is there a method for this

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Searching String For A Character?

Oct 15, 2009

I know this has been answered before but I am having trouble with it still. I am trying to find if a textbox has an "x" as the first character. I am trying to use the left(string, 1) command as described in a couple other threads to just test the first character on the left but the only left function I can find relates to the left coordinates of the textbox.

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Searching The Registry For A String?

Feb 3, 2012

I am trying to do a query on the registry for uninstallation of a program but dont know where to start.The structure would be like so:If {123-456-789} exisits in registry then run Msi.exe /x {123-456-789}therwise run

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Searching The String In My Applications?

Dec 18, 2009

i'm searching the string in my applications ,the results display form is quite heavy so i thought before loding the form i want to show some search to do that?

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VS 2010 Searching For A String?

Feb 29, 2012

I want to search for a specific string within a text file, however instead of hard coding these string values into the system is there any way I can have them within an external file such as a text file and have these values that are to be searched in there and then pull them from there?

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.net - Searching For A Specific Format In A String?

Aug 10, 2011

I need to accum some data based on whether or not an SSN number appears in the data. I have it in a string, what I need to do is search for a numeric pattern within the string such as:I looked into regex a bit, but I don't have much time to read deep into it (my company needs the program this week) and it seems too complex to grasp in such a short time. What I've came across so far is:

If (rec.address1 Like "###-##-####")

but I don't know if this will filter it out of the string (it can appear with an address attached to it).

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