VS 2008 Searching For A String Inside A File?

Oct 24, 2010

How would I use FileStream.Read() to search for a string inside a file and then return the string's offset? (basically like a Hex editor)

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Searching Text File From Certain String?

Feb 1, 2010

I've got two text files. The first has got a list of certain keywords. Each one if these keywords are fed into a combobox. Now, when I choose one of the items from this combobox, I want to search the other textfile for the same keyword and read from that point to the next keyword. And then feed each line into a listbox. Perhaps I should use an INI-file for this purpose, doesn't really matter for me.

The textfiles have this structure;
New York

The second textfile has this structure;


'New York'

Is this possible? The reason I want to do it this way is to create a fully dynamic system. One which relies fully on whatever information is stored in these textfiles. I'm gonna build pretty complex strings from these results later on. So far, I've got this to read the first file and add each line to the combobox:

Dim oReadMenuFunction as System.IO.StreamReader
oReadMenuFunction = IO.File.OpenText("textfile1.txt")
Do While oReadMenuFunction.Peek <> -1
Dim LineIn as String = oReadMenuFunction.ReadLine()

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Ini - Searching For A Specific String In A Text File ?

May 18, 2012

There's an INI file that I want to access and read information from. This is the complete content of the INI file in question: http:[url]....I believe it is because of the [ ] tags in that INI file. Because they work if I remove the tags.My program has a bunch of comboboxes, trackbars and checkboxes. These items will be filled by the information taken from the INI file.For instance, ini file has these lines;


Example: I want the checkbox8 in my form to get checked if bFXAAEnabled has a value of 1 or unchecked if it is 0.

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VS 2008 Searching A Large String?

Jun 27, 2009

I haven't programmed for some time, so I'm a little rusty Basically I'm storing HTML within a variable, and I need to count the amount of times a specific element appears e.g. <h3 class=r> for now.

I thought of using a for each loop, and passing the string above into the parentheses of the loop (using a variable ofc) however for many reason's, I don't think this has a chance of working (won't bother explaining why, as I assume you can guess). Then thought of using the .Contains method of the string class, but I simply can't think of how to use it with what I'm trying to do.

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VS 2008 : Searching A String For Capital Letters?

Jan 17, 2010

how do you search a string for capital letters, is there a function I can use to return to me how many capital letters are in a string? I have tried searching this but as yet not stumbled across a function. Most functions I found converted lower case to upper case Etc. I thought InStr might be the one but still looking for information on that one. I did find something along the lines of .char.isupper but the textbox is .text A password 'rating' tool of sorts of which I use a counter so if I enter "STRing" in the textbox for example it will return a 3 add it to the counter and continue with the little algorithm which my rater uses to add up things such as numbers or special characters to get a final score and that indicates to the user how strong the password is.

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VS 2008 Searching List(of String) For Duplicates?

Jun 28, 2010

Okay so i have a very large list of string (500 000 strings) i want to check the number of duplicate strings and maybe even isolate the duplicate strings if i can.

i cant find a fast method to do so :S

i tried using a string array (slower than list) takes ~15mins

i tried using list with the code below takes ~10 mins

that wont cut it :S i need something faster.


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VS 2008 String To Array & Searching Arrays?

Dec 17, 2009

I have 2 groups, the information i get comes out as follows.

Dim group1 As String = "3 4 7 8 10"
Dim group2 As String = "0 1 2 5 9"
The placements are predetermined, so when the first perso


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Data Terminal Device Slow Searching String In Text File?

Apr 4, 2011

Is there a way to search fast in text file? i have a 5mb text file and it is slow to search ..Im using Vs2008 (VB) and MC3100 WinCE 6 platform

Private Sub DataHandler()


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Searching Textboxes Inside Tabs?

May 27, 2009

I've got the following issue: I want to make my program change the Backcolor property of all textboxes inside a TabControl. The problem is that one of the Tabs has got another TabControl in it, and I need to change those too.I'd like to to it all at once, but I'm getting an error using this code.

For Each SpeechTextBox As TextBox In TabControl.Controls
SpeechTextBox.BackColor = ColorFondoTablasUSE[code].....

The error I get says this:

System.InvalidCastException was unhandled

Message="Unable to cast object of type 'System.Windows.Forms.TabPage' to type 'System.Windows.Forms.TextBox'."

I read somewhere in the forum how to make this work, but I can't find it.

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Enable Searching Items Inside DataGrid?

Jan 17, 2011

I have put an Input box + Button in my main form to search items inside my DataGridView in Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition, i just dont know what codes to put in my button to enable searching items inside my DataGrid.

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Searching And Finding Strings Inside A 2-Dimensional Array?

Nov 14, 2011

I am working on arrays and I am currently having trouble with searching and finding arrays. In this example, the user should be able to enter a Name, and it will output that person's stats.

Here is the text file (note, I should be able to go to this text file, add a few more names and the code should still work, which is why I am using loops,arrays,text files instead of if and else statements),

Allen Iverson,28,7,4
Jason Kidd,12,10,9

So if the user enters Jason Kidd in the text box, this will display in another text box:

Jason Kidd averaged 12 points, 10 assist, and 9 rebounds.


All right now is the searching part. I really do know how to search for what the user entered and display the statement in a text box. I kind of have an idea of how to just get the name, but for it to get the name and then all the data for that name puzzles me even more.-I tried using .contain, indexof and few others.

I know to display the information in the text box will be something like:

textboxoutput.text = PlayerName & " averaged " & PlayerPoints & " points, " & PlayerAssist &" assist, and " PlayerRebounds " &" rebounds"

So basically, I want it to where the user can enter a basketball players name and display the values for that name.

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VS 2008 Searching A Sequential File

May 2, 2010

I'm trying to get a program running that loads a sequential file such as "records.txt" into a two dimmensional array and searches the "records.txt" for the data that the user enters into a text box. Not quite sure how to go about doing this.

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Find String Inside File With Indexing Service?

Mar 31, 2010

i need ti find string in the file with indexing service, the could be any type of file (pdf,doc,xls,txt)

i search on the internet i couldn't find the step by step tutorial

if any one have step by step tutorial to find sting inside the file

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How To Searching Part Of Object Inside Array List Without Looping Method

Feb 10, 2012

I save the client data into an array list. How to find part of data(currentIP) inside the array list(clientList) with fast method? [code]

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VS 2008 - What Word Is Inside The String

May 13, 2010

I have a string and I want to see if inside that string I have the word Peter.
This does not work, It still says Yes when I have Not in the textbox. How can I do this correctly?

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Searching Then Reading A Line In A Text File, VB 2008?

Mar 7, 2012

I need to be able to know how to search a text file in VB for a particular line and then display it. the files I'm trying to use are set up as: ID, Name, Address, Birthday, Pay-Roll TypeSo I need to know how to search the file for the ID number and then display the rest of that lin

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VB 2008 - Sorting And Searching An Array From An External .txt File

Jul 25, 2009

In the past, I have learned by reading three or four other people's coding and once I gained understanding of how it worked, I could easily write my coding. I've got I will say this is a school project, so I don't expect anyone to just throw coding at me. I'd like to actually learn this stuff! Also, I HAVE read my book (over and over) and also requested help from the instructor, but as I'd like to meet the deadline on this project, I'm having problems waiting on his availability or lack thereof.


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VS 2008 Getting String On Textbox Inside User Define Control?

Jan 19, 2010

I have created a User Control (UC) where user type the information it needed and save it ti MS SQL Database and also have created a User Control dedicated for it's button, since my main form has split container and has two panels, one for UC which contain the button only and the other one for my Main UC where user enter the information.I created a Module that contain the function on adding the data type in UC Main to the database.


on My UCButton named "Save" I just call the function AddUserInformation. But the problem is the variable where it bind to the ucUserControlMain textbox remains Blank, When i query the my database table, only the UserInforID and the DateAdded has been updated and the other column remains blank where the variable get it in the UCMain Textbox...

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Searching For An "almost" Matching String In Txt File

Nov 28, 2011

I am trying to search for a particular string on a *.txt file, while i can do this i want to be able to do it without having to type the exact string.

For example:

if i search "string" i find "string" but not "String" the big letter wrecks the search... anyone knows how to do a search like this?

And i want also to give me an incremental search while i am typing on a list box.
For example:

if i type "s" it appears, sangoku,slb, siemens,sentence,...., string,...

on the listbox. These are words that exist on the *.txt file i am reading.

if i type "st" it appears only string and any other word that starts with "st"

it would be an automatic search without having to press enter, or any search button. Just by pressing the keyboard on the letter we wanted the search would be made.

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File Attachment Inside A Panel - VS 2008

Jan 6, 2012

I have created a form with a panel; I have a MS Word document inmy local drive and I want to display the filenem with icon inside the panel. It is very similiar to the Ourlook when we attach a word documnet and outlook displays the filename with icon.

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VS 2008 Scan Crc32 Of A File Inside Of A .rar/.zip

Mar 15, 2010

i have a scanner set up which scans .bin and .iso files and returns the crc32 checksums (then displays various info based of that etc)

Im looking into adding support for .rar and .zip files, so the end user wont have to extract there files to scan them, how ever that adds to many variable for the crc32's based of what each persons compression is etc. So what about scanning the file inside of the rar/zip file.

So would it be possible to scan a rar or zip file, and get the crc32 of the .iso/.bin located within that archive?

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Open And See Data Inside A .ISO Bin File From Inside An Application

Mar 30, 2010

im new to coding (started coding last month) so im a little stuck on how to do this, im making some emulation programs to learn coding with, and a part of it is to point the app to a .iso/.bin file and scan the data inside of the iso/bin to check if a file exists.[code]My issue is i cant find any class examples, or any information etc on how to code it so my application can see the data inside of the iso/bin instead of just see'ing the iso/bin file, so that i can then check the data inside the iso to see if the file exists etc.Im a novice still at coding so making a new class myself to look inside the iso/bin is to complex for me.

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VS 2008 Create A TXT File From The Text Inside A TextBox?

Jul 12, 2011

Im wonder how i can create a textfile from the text inside in the textbox. I have already begun with the code, but i get an error.

Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
Dim output As String = Nothing
output = TextBox2.Text
output = GetFileContents("C: est.txt")
End Sub

How do i make it works?

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Searching Multiple String In A String?

Aug 21, 2009

I got this

If File.Contains(Searchwhat) Then
Countnr = Countnr + 1

That code works great to search for one string, but how can i search for multiple strings in the file? Lets say that "Searchwhat" looks like "GFR,EPB,IKJ" and if the file i am searching in can find all that in the file it will add the filename to the Pathlistbox.

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Searching The XML String?

Mar 23, 2012

I have a problem when searching an XML string. The problem is that I can't get it to work. I have a big XML in a string, and I only need 2 values that are each in seperate elements. It is hard to explain so it's best I just show it.This is my XML: (sorry it's very long, but I want it to be complete so my question can be answered properly).

<transactions result="1">
<transaction raisewarning="false" result="1" location="temporary">


For each <transaction> I need the value of <Number> that is in <Header> and the value of <invoicenumber> in <line (id=1)> ... I have colored the elements in my sentence the same as I colored them in my big XML?The number of <transaction>'s can vary for each XML (these are a webservice response).I've been looking for 2 days now, and I can't seem to grasp this XML stuff unfortunately.

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Searching Through A String?

Jan 6, 2012

I am tyring to search though a string, here is the string.

{"Title":"True Grit","Year":"1969","Rated":"G","Released":"11 Jun 1969","Genre":"Adventure, Western, Drama","Director":"Henry Hathaway","Writer":"Charles Portis, Marguerite Roberts","Actors":"John Wayne, Kim Darby, Glen Campbell, Jeremy Slate","Plot":"A drunken,


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Gets A String (mysub(string)), But AddressOf Doesn't Accept A Parameter Inside The Routine?

Aug 18, 2011

I have buttons generated through code (dynamically). I have to associate an event (the same) to them. I use AddHandler button.click, AddressOf mysub.The issue is that mysub gets a string (mysub(string)), but AddressOf doesn't accept a parameter inside the routine. How can I do this? Using also an alternative to AddressOf.


Public Class Form1
Private Sub mysub(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs, ByVal str As String)[code]......

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Searching For A Search Within A String

Oct 28, 2009

lot_no = "lot123" s.indexof("lot123") does not return zero whereas s.indexof(lot_no) returns zero has anyone seen a problem like this? what does s contain? For Each s As String In split1

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Searching For String In An Array?

Aug 2, 2011

Okay so I have my array and I am trying to search it, is there a method for this

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Searching String For A Character?

Oct 15, 2009

I know this has been answered before but I am having trouble with it still. I am trying to find if a textbox has an "x" as the first character. I am trying to use the left(string, 1) command as described in a couple other threads to just test the first character on the left but the only left function I can find relates to the left coordinates of the textbox.

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