Set All NumericUpDown Controls To Select Values (GotFocus)

Apr 18, 2012

In I would like to set all numericUpDown (NUD) controls to select their value when they receive focus, like a text box does. Do I need to write a GotFocus handler for each NUD? I know I can use widthBox.Select(0, widthBox.ToString().Length) to do the selection I just need to be able to apply this to all NUD GotFocus events.

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GotFocus Method Running Multiple Times On Controls

Aug 31, 2009

The problem is that the method is getting called multiple times when the text box control gains focus. I am looking for it to just run once since the method is filling the text box control with data. Is there a common reason this happens? Its not looping cause it is happening on everyone of my controls that use the GotFocus method.

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NumericUpDown Controls - Update Some Variables Each Time One Of These NumUD Controls Changes Value

Nov 20, 2011

I've got a couple of these NumericUpDown controls I put on a form. Without describing too much about the form I basically want to update some variables each time one of these NumUD controls changes value. So for each NumUD I have a call to a Recalculate subroutine within their "changedValue" event.

There are actually two problems. First, if I initialize the "Value" property to something other than zero in VB2010 at DESIGN TIME it won't even open the form when I hit RUN. It gives me a "No Source Available. No symbols loaded for any call stack frame" error. The error box says "InvalidOperationException" was not handled. So if I try to set the initial value of the Value property to anything but zero of either I get this error.


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Multiple NumericUpDown Controls In Form

Mar 9, 2011

I have eight NumericUpDown controls in my form, I call them NumericUpDown_1 thru NumericUpdown 8. I first noticed when I set a breakpoint in say NumericUpDown_1 routine and have code inside this routine to manipulate say NumericUpdown_6's value, the code would immediate jump to NumericUpdown_6 routine because the value changed. This makes sense since the handler fires due to the default handler - numericUpDown_valuechanges. But I do not want this to happen so I removed the handlers for all NumericUpdownX routines, one thru eight and instead I use "addhandler" and "removehandler" statements inside the individual routines to "mask off" this problem every time I change a numericUpDown.Value that is not in it's own routine.

My problem is this does not work. What I found is if I use removehandler numericUPDown_x.valuechange addressof numericUpdown_valuechange statement the coding would work however when I'm done in that routine I follow up with addhandler numericUpDown... statement and I'm back to the same problem. A different numericUpDown routine will fire because I changed it's value in another routine but I had the handler removed before I changed it's value so I don't understand. It's almost like it remembered that it's value changed as soon as I turned back on the handler using addhandler. I'm working with Visual Basic 2010.

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Comparing Values - Associated With The NumericUpDown Control

Apr 26, 2011

I have 10 values to compare against each other for duplicates and would like a recommendation to do this most efficiently. The values are associated with the NumericUpDown control. I'm using VS and VB 2010.

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Load Array With NumericUpDown Values?

Sep 7, 2011

I have a form with 84 NumericUpDown controls. How can I load each value into an array. E.G. Aryhours(1) = NumericUpDown1, AryHours(2) = NumericUpDown2..

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No GotFocus Event In ASP.NET?

Oct 8, 2009

I use to be a VB6 developer before migrating to .NET.

I am looking for a way to do something (as in, call a procedure) whenever a textbox gets focus in ASP.NET but I couldn't find my way out. I am using VB.NET.

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VS 2008 GotFocus With A Tabcontrol?

Nov 2, 2009

I am looking for a way to tell when a tab has taken focus. I tried the gotfocus call but it doesn't seem to get called when I click on the tab. Did a quick search on google but can't seem to find the answer.

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.net - Gotfocus() Mdi Child Windows Winforms?

Jul 13, 2010

I have a mdi and 3 child windows.The program start with an empty mdi.With a menu you can open each child window once.When i open for example 2 windows. And close the one on top. The one left(the window under the one i closed) should get focus. How can i manage this?

why i need this?each childwindow has a event gotFocus. Depending on the focus my menu should change.

Private Sub frmMain_gotFocus(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.GotFocus

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Can't Seem To Get Form.GotFocus Event To Fire

Oct 21, 2009

I can't seem to get the Form.GotFocus event to fire.I have two forms - a main window and a debug window.The debug window will always be shown with the main window. But, I don't want the debug window to appear in the task bar - it's unnecessary.While my program is running, when I select another program, my main window and the debug window are placed behind the program that I selected. From the task bar, I can bring my program back to the front by clicking on it in the task bar. The problem is, that now my debug window is behind the other program.I have code that will "DebugWindow.BringToFront", and it works. But I need some way to run do this when the main form gets the focus.I do not wish to make any of my forms Modal. At least not permanently. If the solution is to change the modal property of the form temporarily, then that wouldn't be a problem.

I tried Me.Enter, Me.Activated, Me.Click and a few other events. Me.Click only works when I click within the Form window, not the form's title bar. Me.Activated caused problems - The code ran, but it would always end with the focus on the Debug window. When I tried to click on the main form, the Activated event would fire again, sending the focus back to the debug window.[code]

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Added A Gotfocus And Lostfocus Handler For All Of My Textboxes?

Sep 22, 2008

I just added a gotfocus and lostfocus handler for all of my textboxes. Below is my routines to call on gotfocus/lostfocus.


Now, my issue is that this works great if you use the mouse and click around in the textboxes. However, if you hit the TAB key to move around on the screen, the LostFocus event doesn't seem to work. All of my textboxes backcolor remains lightblue. What did I do wrong? What do I need to do to fix this problem?

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VS 2005 Open The Combobox Within The GotFocus Method?

Dec 30, 2010

I know that with the Command Button, you can utilize the PerformClick option. I would like to know how you would go about doing something similar for a Combobox.What I am looking to do is open the Combobox within the GotFocus method.

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VS 2005 Webbrowser Control Gotfocus Not Working

Jul 29, 2011

I have two web browser controls on my form. I also have several buttons like bold, underline, etc. My probem is the gotfocus of the web control is not working correctly. If I click on the web browser control to add text the gotfocus is not fired. If I click on a text box first and then click in the browser control it is fired. I need to know which has focused so the bold etc know which control to work on.

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Command To Select All Controls?

Oct 8, 2009

I have more than 100 controls (labels, textboxes, menu, Gridviews etc).I want onclick a button to turn all these controls to visible = true Now I need to code them one by one. Is there a code (in VB if possible) to make it applies to all in the control ?

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Is There A Command To Select All Controls

Jun 1, 2009

Is there a command to select all controls ?

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Select All From Webpage Through Vb Controls?

Feb 19, 2012

I have a Web Browser in my vb form which has some url....what I need to do from the webpage is "Right Click -> Select All -> Copy-> Paste "-> in a textbox . How can I do it ?

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Select Controls Using LINQ?

Jul 25, 2010

i try to select controls using LINQ but it show error

here is the code:

Dim testcontrol As VariantType
testcontrol = From cControl As Control In Me.Controls.OfType(PictureBox) Select cControl Order By Name Ascending


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Shortcut Key To Select All Controls In A Container?

Apr 15, 2009

Is there a shortcut like CTRL + A which can select all controls in a container instead of all the controls in the form?

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VS 2005 - Create And Select Controls At Runtime

Aug 30, 2011

I want to be able to select any control on the vb form at runtime. These controls will be added to theform on a click of a button. So essentially I want to dynamically be able to add and then select these controls at runtime. I would also like to make these controls dragable on the form.

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Select Row Values In A Gridview - ASP.NET?

Oct 12, 2009

Public Sub GridView1_RowCommand(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewCommandEventArgs) Handles GridView1.RowCommand
If e.CommandName = "Select" Then


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Select Top 4 Values Using Sql Table?

Jun 15, 2011

I want to select top 4 values in sql table using how do i select it?

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SQL .net Insert Using Select AND Values?

Apr 6, 2011

New to using SQL and I am having trouble accomplishing something that I figured would be simple.I am trying to create and INSERT that will insert the MAX() value from the first column in one table to the first column in another table while the rest of the columns will be filled with parameters.

I have tried switching my code around to see if I just had the syntax wrong but I've had no luck and I'm not even sure what I'm trying to do is possible (at least in a single INSERT).Here is what I have at the moment:

INSERT INTO [Table2] VALUES(SELECT(Number FROM [Table1] WHERE Max(Number)), @p1, @p2, @p3, @p4, @p5, @p6, @p7, @p8, @p9, @p10)

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How To Send <Select> Values To Vbscript

Mar 31, 2010

I'm using some HTML with vb.NET and would like to know if it's possible to pass data back and forth. I need the value of an option in a drop down box passed down:


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Javascript / Printing Values From Select Box

Sep 29, 2011

I have a select box call 'ToLB' which takes in value items from another select box. I need to extract those selected values from 'ToLB' and print it on a label, this is how I do it but apparently it's not working as in no error message but nothing was printed to the label.[code]

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Retain Values In Select Multiple Box?

Oct 28, 2011

I have a javascript function below to move from select multiple box A which is populated from database to another multiple select box B, in the event of a postback my values in B which are moved over from A got lost. Initially I thought because I included a "runat="server"" tag for server side actions but apparently it's not the case. I read about Form.Request but ain't have a clue how to go about it. I just need to retain those values in multiple select box B.[code]...

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Select And Saving Values From Listbox To SQL DB

Apr 27, 2012

We have a listbox in our MVC View and the user has the ability to highlight multiple values. I'd like to be able to save those selected values(if possible?) as a comma delimited cell value in our '08 SQL Database.

The image below shows what I am attempting to explain. Note the selection in the LISTBOX

This is where we save the passed in values from the Positionnumber DDL (Listbox w/ mulitple highlights).

> <HttpPost()>
> Function Edit(wsmonitor As WSMonitor, ByVal vbpositionnumberDDL As Integer, ByVal PassedCounty As Integer, ByVal
> MonitorTypeDDL As String) As ActionResult


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Select Multiple Values In DropdownList In With VB?

Jan 20, 2012

I am creating a page in which I need to show a drop down List. From this drop down List a user can select multiple values. I know I could use a check box list like:

<asp:CheckBoxList ID="CheckBoxList1" runat="server" style="margin-right: 158px">
<asp:ListItem>Value 1</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem>Value 2</asp:ListItem>


but if there are more than 50 or so values then that will consume a lot of space on the page and will look odd. So kindly tell me how can I select multiple values from drop down list or if there any alternatives so that I can select multiple values and show many records on a minimum space but not a grid?

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Select Statement Not Fetching Values?

Jan 15, 2012

I am entering a value in textbox and click the find button. In the button click i've written the following code, but it does not yield any result.

dbprovider = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;"
dbsource = "Data Source = D:sprrg.mdb"
con.ConnectionString = dbprovider & dbsource


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Select Statement To Store Values?

Jul 19, 2011

Here is my select stament to store values when username and password and check boxes are check

com =
New OleDbCommand("INSERT
INTO Users (UserName,Password,IsAdmin,Read,Write,Change,REMOVE,User_st) VALUES ('" & txtusername.Text &
"','" & txtpassword.Text &
"'," &
CInt(chkIsadmin.Checked) &


My problem is this wehen i add new record to my db it saves values like this the value of read column is as follows read = 1 when check box is checked and read = 0 when check box is checked but i want to save true or false instead 1 and 0 how to achieve this using and my db is Oracle.

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Select Statement With Conditional Values?

Dec 13, 2010

Is there a way to do a select statement with conditional values?

For example: select * from table where column1 = (ifequals(column1, Active, Y, N))

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