Set An Array Variable?

May 30, 2012

I'm writing reports in Report Designer (VS 2008), and I've reached a point where I have to circumvent the restrictions on using aggregates in groups. I believe this can be done by utilising custom code, which is written in Visual Basic as far as I know (not sure what version though).

I have a dynamic number of "Pools", which each contain "Models". Each Model row needs to set the Pool Multiplier to the maximum of the current multiplier and proposed multiplier. The Pool row (parent group row) then needs to get the Pool Multiplier.[code]...

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What's The Difference Between Variable Array And Object Array

Jan 30, 2011

what's the difference between variable array and object array?

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Cast Array In Object Variable To Type In System.Type Variable?

Apr 14, 2010

I have this function:

Public Sub DoStuff(ByVal type as System.Type, ByVal value as Object)
End Sub

The 'value' argument is always an array of the same type as 'type'. How can I loop through the values of the array?

I'd like to be able to do something like this:

DoStuff(GetType(Integer), New Integer(){1,2,3})
Public Sub DoStuff(ByVal type as System.Type, ByVal value as Object)
//Strongly types arr as Integer()


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Using Variable In Array Variable

Feb 14, 2012

if i generate a label dynamically i can change the text as followed, variable is a string: Form.Controls(variable).text = "test" I now have a sub that will create some and will get some information out of arrays. I have a lot of them. I only want the function for tat specific array. I do not want a case or if. Thats why i was wondering if i can use a variable in the array variable. [Code] But instead of TestArray being hard-coded i want it to be replaced with Shelf. So whatever gets send into the sub will change the array that i'm using. Is that possible some how or is the way totally wrong?

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Set Variable Name To Value Of An Array?

Sep 6, 2009

Is it possible to set the name of a variable to the value of an array? so I have the array[code]...

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Add A Counter Variable To Array?

Sep 18, 2011

how to add a counter variable to this array? My code always stops when it gets to an empty array. I can't figure out how to make a counter variable to make it stop.

Private Sub btnTwo_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnTwo.Click
For Each i In PlayerArray


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Add Some Value In Array Variable For Datafiled?

May 16, 2011

simply i am trying to add some value in array variable for datafiled.

Dim dkeyn(docc.GetElementsByTagName("pkey").Count) As String ' it have 4
Dim ir As Integer = 0


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Convert A Variable To An Array?

Mar 16, 2009

I have a variable (double) which has a constantly (infinitely) changing value. I would like to store all the values of this ONE variable into an array. My variable and array are:

Dim x as Double
Private y as Double() = New Double (499) {}
I tried doing this:


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Creating An Array With A Variable Value?

Mar 22, 2010

i want to declare an array with a name that is the value of a variable. I need to do this because i want to create arrays from a text file that i'm reading.Basically, if someone could make this work then i should be able to change it to fit my use.

Dim var1 As String = howdy

Dim var1() as Integer

In this case i'd like to be declaring an array with the name 'howdy' that stores integers. In reality i'm looping a bunch of read names and would like to create an array for each name i read- but i'm quite capable of sorting the rest.

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Getting A Variable Array To Work?

Dec 30, 2011

ok, I got a lot of conceptual code for major chunks of the game's an inventory array of variables... he says that we will be using a lot of variable arrays, and I am trying to get a variable array dimmed in an inventory module, but when I try to declare what each index of the array should be, it says "declaration expected" and simply trying to reference the array from within another form, it does not register as existing...

the code is as follows, for he has not a clue how to program in

dim character_inventory(19) as array

and when trying to tell to set an individual index to nothing, it throws a "declaration expected" error...

character_inventory(0) = nothing is when it throws that error...

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Possible To Use String As Array (Name Of Variable)

Feb 3, 2011

Is it possible to use a string as an array? I mean: I have several arrays
Dim a10() As Integer = {530}
Dim a15() As Integer = {370, 231}
Dim a20() As Integer = {305, 176, 126}

'I declare a variable as a string and I assign the name of an array to it
Dim tablaalfa As String = "a10"
'I retrieve data from the array using the name of the variable instead:
lbl1.Text = tablaalfa(2)

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Read Variable Into An Array?

Dec 9, 2009

I have a variable that holds 350 lines from a HTML page. I need to read this variable into Array. reason behind this, because I am parsing a name that exist more then once.

any ideas on how to read variable with many text lines into an Array

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2005 - Separation Of Variable From Array

Mar 15, 2009

I need code for separation of one word from array in bracket. For example: Word1 (Word2). What I want, is to separate Word1 on the one side and Word2 on the other side.

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Associative Array - Set The Value Of An Existing Key To Some Variable

Mar 2, 2009

I have an associative arry with key,value pair. I want to set the value of an existing key to some variable that is ok. I can even check whether the value is null or not. But how to check whether the key itself exists or not?

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C# - Initialize An Array Variable That Has Already Been Declared ?

Sep 15, 2011

In C#, I can declare an array variable like this: object[] Parameters;

And initialize it like this: Parameters = new object[20];

In VB, declaring and initializing an array is easy:

Dim Parameters(19) As Object
Dim Parameters As Object(19) ' Alternative Syntax

How would I initialize an array variable that has already been declared in VB.NET? Parameters = New Object(19) doesn't work.

For example, how would I translate the following to

int value = 20;
object[] Parameters;
if (value > 10)
Parameters = new Object[20];

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Declaring A Variable Length Array?

Apr 26, 2010

I am new to VB.NET but used to write a lot of code in VB 6.

How do i declare a variable length array in VB.NET?

In VB6, i would just put:

Dim sArrayList() As String

But when I do that in VB.NET, it highlights my array name and says "unused local variable". What do I need to do to get it to work without an error?

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Determine Variable Types In An Array?

Sep 3, 2009

I am having some trouble with an array full of data which I am trying to process. The data has been picked out of an Excel spreadsheet and contains items such as phone numbers. The problem is that when I drop this array back into a spreadsheet, Excel being clever, decides that some of the phone numbers are numbers and removes the "+" from the front.[code]...

I know that adding a ' in front of the + will remedy this. What I need to do is find out which of the numbers in the array are actually numbers and which have spaces/characters in them. IS there a quick way of doing this without having to search through each individual character of each array position?

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How To Access Class Variable Via Array

Mar 23, 2009

If I have the following class and declaration:

Public Class objLocation
Public SysLocationId As String
Public NameFull As String
Public LatRaw As String
Public LongRaw As String
Public Active As Integer
End Class
dim lLocation as new objLocation

I can access each variable thus lLocation.SysLocationId, etc. Is there an alternate way, so I can access each variable by index, so something like lLocation(0), lLocation(1), etc., which gives me the flexibility to compare to classes of the same type via a for next loop, or against other sources, like a datatable.

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How To Pass Array Variable From Vba To Function

Mar 3, 2012

Im having a very difficult time trying to pass an vba array ive built from ms- access vba to a .net function.I don't have a com problem I can reference the library just fine from vba but and i can call a simple function from vba. however my problem exist when i attempt to try to pass an array to the function. code

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Looping Variable Array In Sql Statements?

Jul 5, 2011

I am trying to loop an array in a sql insert statement but i can't get it working. Below is a demo i'm trying to get it running. I think i am having problem with the declaration of variable in sql statement.

Public Class Form1
Dim arrayValue(5) As Integer
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click[code]......

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Marshal Variable Length Array?

Jun 8, 2010

I'm trying to call the GetInterfaceInfo Windows API - it accepts a structure as one of its parameters and this structure has a member that is an array. The API populates the contents of the array when it is called and there can be any number of items in the array. How can I define such an array in my structure?

If I just use a normal .NET array like so then the program just crashes (no exception thrown)

<StructLayoutAttribute(LayoutKind.Sequential)> _
Public Structure IP_INTERFACE_INFO
Public NumAdapters As Integer


and this works fine, but the problem is I have to define the SizeConst attribute as you can see to something large (64 in this example) so that the API doesnt fail because the array wasnt big enough. Firstly this is a waste of memory as in most cases the number of items the API sticks in the array will be less than 10, but secondly if there was ever a case where the API wanted to put more than 64 items in then it would fail.

Using ReDim to set the length of the array at runtime seems to have no effect, and that SizeConst attribute has to be set to a constant value so there's no way I can dynamically set it.

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Pass Array Variable From Vba To Function?

Mar 1, 2012

Im having a very difficult time trying to pass an vba array ive built from access vba to a .net function. I dont have a com problem I can reference the library just fine from vba but and i can call a simple function from vba. however my problem exist when i attempt to try to pass an array to the function. code

<ComClass(ComClass1.ClassId, ComClass1.InterfaceId, ComClass1.EventsId)> _
Public Class ComClass1
Public otag As String()


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Read The Variable Rgb_triplet Array?

Apr 15, 2009

I have binary files to read with this structure:

Palette files have a slightly different header structure as follows:
type pal_header = record


I can hard code each value, and read it with binaryreader, but I suspect that is possible to define a class or a structure, and read it at once with serialization, altought I are not sure on how to read the variable rgb_triplet array.

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Set Datagrid Colume To Array Variable?

May 9, 2011

I have a datagrid with 5 columes. I also have 5 array variables, Im looking to put Row 1----Columne 1 value into a[0], Columne 2 value into b[0]...

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Total Nos. Of Items In Array Variable?

Oct 14, 2010

I have an array variable (string type). It contains certain no. of items, that I donot know how many they are. I need to run a loop for that many nos. that the array contains. I tried LBound and UBound loop but it says my array is not a system array. How can I know how many items my array contains?

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Cannot Deserialize An Array Of Objects (of Variable Type)

May 8, 2011

I've tried posting this to a few forums, even microsoft... Hopefully this forum is the place to be.

I'm programming an application in Visual Studio 2010, namely in I have been developing an application which uses a derived class inherited from TreeView, with the aim of putting custom objects on the nodes. The method I have been using is to have a variable array against the node (of type object) which contains variables in custom classes to contain each of the variables associated with the node.

The two problems I had to overcome were, how to serialize a TreeView, and how to serialize an array of objects (of variable type). Good thing is I overcame both of these with some work of some other folks (and 3 days of my own work).[code]....

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Converting A Binary Array To Different Variable Types?

Aug 8, 2009

I'm trying to wrap up a program I wrote in VB.NET and quick. I have a device that I am connected to through a serial port (COM4). It sent me 1056 binary bytes which I have stored in an array called newRecievedData. (see code below)

********** Start Code*********
Dim numberOfBytesToRead As Integer
numberOfBytesToRead = myComPort.BytesToRead
Dim newRecievedData(numberOfBytesToRead - 1) As Byte


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Dynamic Array Variable Defined In Class ?

Dec 25, 2010

I have a small problem, classes and threading with classes. The problem I have is a dynamic array variable defined in class. In the code below, when error pauses the code, I can see the data in the correct form but I can't write rigth code that writes the data to richtextbox.

Public Class Form1
Public k() As Integer
Private Class zaratma


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Multidimensional Array - Creating A Variable For A Grid In .net?

Sep 6, 2011

I need to store elements in a multidimensional array. Specifically, I need to save "tiles" to a grid (e.g.Grass at x:2 y:5, Dirt at x:3 y:5, etc.). Using a multidimensional feels very hacked up and is very glitchy (having to resize my arrays and having to create new ones were they are non-existant). Is there some kind of element made for this? Something I can say obj.getPos(2,5) and get my Grass Element and use obj.setPos(DirtObj, 3, 5) to set it to my Dirt Element?

I'm just wondering if there is something easier to use than multidimensional arrays in, that is all.

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Option Strict On - How To Assign Array Variable

Nov 18, 2011

I have just put option strict on and do not understand how to grab an array from a function without late binding error?

Function returns an array -> ZAr(1) which contains two further arrays: ZAr(0) = Components(10), ZAr(1) = Fractions(10)

So when the function has returned ZAr, I wish to assign new array variables to each of the contained arrays, but the following does not work:

dim Cps() as double = ZAr(0)
dim Fracs() as double = ZAr(1)

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