I created a Project, now i wanna publish it. I should copy a folder from the CD on C:ProgramsTest .... Now my problem, how can i put the permission on it:
For all Folders and Subfolders should be: Group: User Permission:
I have a small application that creates users in the AD. It adds the users fine, and creates them a home directory. My problem is with granting the user permission to the home directory and is two foldFirstly the code detailed below adds the user to the folder, but because the account is newly created it displays as the SID rather than the name, not such a big deal, but sometimes the code fails as the replication has not caught up and the user isnt found. I beleive the answer here is to use the SID rather than the users name to add permissions, however I am not sure how to retrieve and store this when the account is created using directory services. Secondly and more frustrating is that once the user is added to the folder ACL their permissions are all blank.
Try Dim Dinfo As New DirectoryInfo(Directory) Dim DS As DirectorySecurity = New DirectorySecurity() Dim Rights As FileSystemRightsFileSystemRights = FileSystemRights.Modify
I found how to create a share in C# using the ManagementClass to create an object to reference the Win32_Share class and the ManagementBaseObject class to access the members of the Win32_Share class.My problem is that I want the "Everyone" permissions to default to Read only.When I set the share via Windows Explorer it works fine but the code in my C# application is allowing Full Control and Change permissions along with Read permission.I tried using the DirectorySecurity class but that blows away the Security permissions (under the Security tab)without affecting any Share permissions of the Everyone group (under the Share tab).I don't want to change the Security permissions, I want to change only the Share permission (you know, the permissions that appear when you hit the Permissions button on the Share tab).
I would like to read the NT Security (Read, Write, List, Inherited, blah blah blah) permissions from a file. I already have some code, and can get the names and SIDs, but cant seem to figure out the actual access bits.
I would like to read the NT Security (Read, Write, List, Inherited, blah blah blah) permissions from a file. I already have some code, and can get the names and SIDs, but can�t seem to figure out the actual access bits. I have found how to SET them, but not read.
Here is what I have so far:
Code: Imports System Imports System.IO Imports System.Security
If I don't grant write permissions to the folder containing my exe file, I get an 'Access to the path binReleaseprogram.exe' is denied. But if I grant it write permission I don't get the error. Why would the executable need write permissions? I'm not writing anything to the root where it resides.
If I adjust permissions using the Security.Accesscontrol.DirectorySecurity on a directory, how can I make it so that subfolders automatically inherit the new permissions?
Brief overview of the situation is that my neighbors can't connect their Vista laptop to a shared folder on their computer running XP Home. They're getting access errors which I believe is because of the rights set on the folder. The problem is that XP Home won't let you adjust that and they're not upgrading.
I'm able to add the Everyone user to the directory I specify. But if I drag a new folder in or create a new folder, it does not have the Everyone user. Is there something I'm missing in this class that will let subfolders and files inherit the permissions?
I have an app written on an xp pc which I want users to run on Vista
The app needs to delete a file on a portable drive in a particular folder
This folder was created on the xp machine and copied to the portable drive
The app will not delete a file in this folder on Vista but it will on xp
When I check folder security on vista (which does not exist on xp) I find that the folder does not have full control assigned
my app will write a file to that folder & delete it but will not delete a file put there from the xp pc
If I change the security in vista to full control it works
what I want to do is see if the folder has full control when the user selects it and advise them they need to alter security as I can not do it in the program
basically I want to advise them the moment they select the folder, not when it fails to delete the file after entering misc details in the app which are reuired before the file is deleted.
I've been struggling with this problem in VB.net for a while: whenever I try to access the My Documents, My video's or simular in Windows 7, I get an access denied error. The program that uses this code is a file-backup application, so it's important it can access everything. The app has admin rights, using this line:requestedExecutionLevel level="requireAdministrator" uiAccess="false" />
To confirm, I also get a nice UAC popup when starting.The app accesses the files twice. Once to calculate the file size, and once to actually copy the files. Here is the file-size calculation code (that I found online:) Function GetFolderSize(ByVal DirPath As String, ByVal includeSubFolders As Boolean) As Long
here is the poblem after installing the program only users can only use the program if they are logged as admin can use the progam. like writing to the database. i either need to find out how to change the users to have write access during install or great a dll and add it to the install and as the program starts it checks the file and folder access of the users. if the access does not have write enabled then it runs the dll to fix it. not having any code posted i really do not have any idea how to do this. oh yes the short verision is if the program is install as an administritor only a user that have administritor access can write to the database.
I use the following code in order to check if certin user exists in the DACL:
Dim l_managemantObject As ManagementBaseObject() = CType(securityDescriptor.Properties("DACL").Value, ManagementBaseObject()) For Each mObject As ManagementBaseObject In l_managemantObject l_name = CType(mObject.GetPropertyValue("Trustee"), ManagementBaseObject).Properties("Name").Value.ToString If CType(mObject.GetPropertyValue("Trustee"), ManagementBaseObject).Properties("Domain").Value IsNot Nothing Then
I have a link on a VB.net aspx page that needs to open a folder in a subdirectory of a web site and provide read and write permissions so that files can be copied into and read from as well as deleted. ONLY from this folder.I have this funtionality working on a dev and demo PC but they are both on my domain. Clicking the link opens Windows Explorer and I can copy /cut & Paste, etc.The public/production PC is on the LAN, but not part of the domain. I know there are ways to allow folder read/write permissions on a public server like this but I am not too sure on the safest way to do this. The upside, the only users that need to have read/write/delete access are employees. Forms Authentication, ASP Membership directs non-employees to other pages within the site. Likewise, the membership directs employees to an admin section of the site.
I need to create a directory with the permissions restricted to all users but only the program can modify in it. I want the program to create new files and write text in this texts files, but nobody should see or modify the content of this files and even better if nobody could see either inside the directory itself.
I have been working on creating a small application we can run that will add permissions to a folder during an installation of a new application. The application requires read/write access to the folder and all subfolders. For whatever reason I have been instructed to include this in and install package that will be pushed out using SMS. Below is a sample of the method I use to add the user to the folder and give the appropriate rights to that user:
This works fine adding the user account to the folder and with with appropriate rights. I need it to give rights to the folder I select and all subfolders and files, This is where I am stuck. Does anyone know how to grant permission to a selected directory and all subfolders and files?
With Vista we are having a permission denied error when an application tries to change properties of a file in Program Data folder... before replacing with a newer version of the file.Changing of security permissions for a standard user is not an option. Is there a way we can grant the premissions for an application developed in VB .net to give permission only to change properties of this file.
If default 'sa' account has sys_admin permissions for the whole SQL instance and all its databases. On the database itself, if I don't have db_datareader permission enabled, I would assume it doesn't need it as it is implied but I was wondering in .net, is there way to check if db_datareader has explicitly been enabled and not just implied from the 'sa' being a sys_admin.
I have a project that I am testing with Windows 7, its almost complete but doesnt function without elevating the users permissions, I've tried a few of the sample codes I've found online and they don't seem to work... This has been tested on a admin account, but still requires elevated privaliges... I believe becuase it directly effects critical and non-critical windows services (starting, stopping, retreiving the status, enabling or disabling them)
I understand the UAC could be used to implement this "admin only" restriction, but as I havent even tried using the UAC Settings area yet. As I said, a link to helpful content would be cool, an example would be great.Running Visual Studio 2005 under a Visual Basic Environment.
I'm trying to put together a simple "file search" app that lets the user specify where to look, what type of files to look for, what the minimum file size is, etc. (I know...sounds kinda like capabilities that already exist in Windows!). I'm running into "access" issues, even with directories that I wouldn't think I should have any trouble accessing.I'm doing something like this:
Dim f As New FileIOPermission(PermissionState.Unrestricted) f.AllLocalFiles = FileIOPermissionAccess.Read Try
I am trying to change the permisions of the following registry key from within VB.net:-HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftMSLicensing.Basically need to change users to full control (rather than the default of read)Have read through forum, and replies to a previous post I made (n.b. have started a new one as that post covered various things and was getting a bit convulted) and lots of links but still cannot work out how to do it, please can someone help me further?
I'm getting the hang of most controls now, still a lot to learn (and I mean a LOT) but I'm thinking how about all the windows stuff how does one learn all that for example how to change the background how to control settings permissions etc...Is there a book on it? What is Shell Programming?
I am exploring ways of implementing access control permissions in a VB 2008 Windows Application.This is an application for a non-profit where users would log in and depending on their group membership (ie. warehouse, accounting, etc.) some forms would be available while others are not. (eg Warehouse cannot view donor info) Additionally some groups can view information but not alter (add, delete, edit) information.groups who are denied permissions would not be able to open certain windows forms. The question is what is an efficient method of creating this permission structure and how would it be implemented in the application?
I'm developing a project where I'm looking after a service: Smart Card.
I'm checking if it is closed. If it is closed then I'm checking if it is Disabled. If it is Disabled then I'm changing its status to Automatic and I'm starting the service. If the service is closed but the status is disabled I'm just open it.
The problem is that on my computer everything is working good, but when I'm trying to use it on other computer, if the service is disabled then everything is fine, but for example if the service is automatic and closed then I'm trying to start it, but I receive the error which is telling that I don't have permissions.
My questions are:
1.How it is possible to have permissions to change the status from disable to auto and to start the service, but not to start it if the status is already automatic?
2. How can I give the permissions just for that using the code?
Here is the code what I'm using:
Dim controller As New ServiceController("SCardSvr")
If controller.Status.Equals(ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped) Then
I'm developing a project where I'm looking after a service: Smart Card.I'm checking if it is closed. If it is closed then I'm checking if it is Disabled. If it is Disabled then I'm changing its status to Automatic and I'm starting the service. If the service is closed but the status is disabled I'm just open it.The problem is that on my computer everything is working good, but when I'm trying to use it on other computer, if the service is disabled then everything is fine, but for example if the service is automatic and closed then I'm trying to start it, but I receive the error which is telling that I don't have permissions.
1.How it is possible to have permissions to change the status from disable to auto and to start the service, but not to start it if the status is already automatic?
2. How can I give the permissions just for that using the code?
Here is the code what I'm using:
Dim controller As New ServiceController("SCardSvr") If controller.Status.Equals(ServiceControllerStatus.Stopped) Then '' getServicesForDomainComputer(Environment.MachineName.ToString())
Now i'm working with users so for each user there are many permissions like add, update, view and delete, but i was thinking create a bit type data for each authorization, then i would load each one with 0 or 1 and show only the authorized form for the user. Could I do this? or there a better way to do the same?
I've got a WinForms install which installs the SDF file in the application directory but when my application tries to access it - permission is denied.How do I set the install such that my users can access the SDF file for update/delete functions?