Shipping And Handling And Tax Are Not Calculating?

Sep 28, 2011

when i hit add this item it adds, when click on update button it doesnt calculate and output the right calculation on the form.


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Calculating Shipping Cost For Package?

Jun 15, 2012

I am creating a code for a school project that calculates the shipping cost for a package. In this program the user enters the weight of the package ( in pounds ) and selects the destination of the package. The application with determine the cost of the shipping. The destination of the package can be the US continental, Hawaii or Alaska. If the package is going to Hawaii a 20% surcharge is added to the shipping cost. If the package is going to Alaska, a 26% surcharge is added the shipping cost.

This is my code thus far. When applying my weight in pounds and selecting the destination I still keep getting 0.0 for the total.
Public Class Form1
Private Sub textboxpounds_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles textboxpounds.TextChanged
End Sub
Private Sub ListBox1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)[Code] .....

Here is a screenshot of the GUI
Uploaded with

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Create A Program That Assists In Shipping Widgets?

Jun 14, 2009

the description of what the program is supposed to do is this: Create a program that assists in shipping widgets. When a customer orders widgets it determines how many boxes and how many bubble envelopes are required. Four widgets fit in a box. Any left over widgets are shipped in an envelope. Follow all best practices. Submit, Clear and Exit commands must be available. Be sure to have a menu and Access Keys.

So far I have a simple form layout with 3 labels and 3 textboxes. I Know to solve for boxes It has to divide Widgets by 4 But i do not no how to get the remainder into the separate envelope text box.

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Order Processing - How To Calculate Shipping Date

Oct 15, 2009

I'm using VB.NET in Visual Studio 2008. I'm programming an application to take processing orders and give the total price plus the shipping date. I would like something like : shipping_date = Current_Date + 3 days but I know this doesn't work. Any ideas?

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Building A Connectship (Shipping Service Provided By UPS) Project In VB 10?

May 25, 2012

Currently I am building a Connectship (Shipping Service Provided by UPS) project in VB 10. This is my first project in 10, in the past I have always used 2003. We decided to upgrade due to the connect ship API(.dll) wasn't compatible with 2003.

My current problem is as follows:I've built a program that uses ADOBD, some XML httprequests and a little bit of integration with there API they have. I also built it to use .net Framework 4.0. I can run the project just fine on the machine I built it on (XP SP3), but when I go to run it on the other machine, it acts like it runs but just doesn't do nothing. Basically just starts and stops.. The machine is not the same model as mine, but has all the updates (SP3) & the .net 4.0 framework on it. I've also tried installing the software package that comes with Connectship on the machine, this is how the .dll work but it still doesn't bring anything up so I don't think it's that messing it up.I was also wondering, to run VS 10 projects you should at least have SP3 correct or could you use SP1 also in XP?

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Use The FedEx Rate Calculator To Find The Shipping Cost?

Feb 23, 2009

I'm using FedEx for my shipment and use the FedEx rate calculator to find the shipping cost. When I send the request and get back the response, I always find that there is no discount applied even if i send a quantity of 100. following questions so that i can get clear with how to work with the fedex webservice

1. If i want to send 2 quantities of a product. will i be constructing the request with a package count as 2 and repeating the same <requestedpackage> twice ?


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FedEx Print Ground Shipping Label W/ Tracking Number

May 3, 2011

I have no problem printing an Express shipping label.The ground shipping label doesn't want to put the tracking number in the label.Has anyone had a similar problem? [code]When it goes to print the label with all the data it doesn't put in the tracking number, instead it puts in this.[code]how to change this using some fedex webservice call.It does it automatically for express, just not for ground.

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Make A Program To Display A Shipping Charge Based Upon A Selected Zip Code?

Nov 15, 2011

I am trying to make a simple program to display a shipping charge based upon a selected zip code. Where can I find sample code that I can use as a guide? I can create the GUI but can't figure our the code.

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Error - Handles Clause Requires A WithEvents Variable Defined In The Containing Type Or One Of Its Base Types.D:Shipping

Nov 22, 2011

i am getting errors on last two event handlers. what did i do wrong?

Error - Handles clause requires a WithEvents variable defined in the containing type or one of its base types.D:Shipping ApplicationShipping ApplicationForm1.vb75136Shipping Application
Error - 'PrintDocument1' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.D:Shipping ApplicationShipping ApplicationForm1.vb1119Shipping Application


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Calculate VAT + Declare Air Cargo Duty/shipping Duty?

Feb 27, 2012

I'm currently self-studying Visual Basic 2010 and I'm doing this piece where I have to convert pounds, shillings and pence into UK currency in one form, then in the next form, I have to select from two different types of import duty, add said import duty to the converted amount along with VAT before getting the final amount.

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Calculating Bit Masks In VB?

Jan 7, 2009

I am trying to figure out how bitmasks are calculated in vb... I have the following constants and their bit values:


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Calculating Commission In VB?

Apr 1, 2011

I'm really new to VB. This is only the 3 app I've created, and I'm stuck.I need to code an app that displays total commission earned on sales at different levels. The commission percentage goes up as sales go up.

Should I write a If/else/else/else/else/then statement or something else?There are 5 different commission levels in the problem. I have my interface designed, but obviously that's the easy part.

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Calculating GCF And Reducing

Jan 27, 2011

I understand the basics of using VB.NET, what I don't understand is what I need to tell the computer to do. I'm supposed to create a subprogram to calculate the greatest common factor and another subprogram to reduce the fraction from the answers retrieved from the first subprogram. My teacher said something about using Mod to calculate it, and also attempted and failed to explain ByVal and ByRef parameters. I don't even know where to begin other than the parameters I have for each, and even those have a high chance of being completely wrong.[code]

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Calculating Interest In .net?

Jul 27, 2009

I,ve completed a program for a debt solution agency that calculates the amount a client can afford to repay after all his deductions and general life costs, my proplam however is at the end when i have to display all the creditors on a proposal data grid that shows the amount and total months to repay all creditors and calculates the amounts as one of the creditors debt is paid up and that monthly installment is devided between the remaining creditors.

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Calculating Next Working Day?

May 5, 2009

i have the code below and i want to calculate the next working day adding five days from today and it must not add weekends as a working day. this code currently adds weekends as well and i need it tofclaculate excluding weekends.


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Calculating Using Only One Button?

Aug 31, 2010

I have a project that I'm working on and we are basically creating a calculator to calculate area of a rectangle and area of a circle using one button. How do I code to allow the button to calculate both the area of the rectangle and the

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Code Is Not Calculating Right

Sep 21, 2010

Can someone help me figure out why my calculations do not come out right? I have many notes so it is easy to understand. The assignment is: "Create a windows app for the rental of a vehicle. User selects number of rental days up to 7 days. The user also 'can select one of three types of vehicles. Customer has a choice of filling the gas tank themselves,'or prepaying for a full tank of gas ($52). If vehicle will be driven by more than one driver, a multiple'driver cost of $22 per day will be added to the cost." [code]

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For Loop Is Not Calculating?

Dec 12, 2008

The interest is compounded monthly and these are sample inputs and output.

Monthly Deposit: 300
Annual rate: .05


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Value Is Appending Rather Than Calculating?

Apr 6, 2010

I am trying to use and display calculations from various text fields, however it is appending the values. I think it has to do with it being a String Variable and not a Value.. here is the code

Private Sub btnTransact_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnTransact.Click
If rb1Deduct.Checked = True Then txtp1Amt.Text = (txtp1Amt.Text - txtTransact.Text)


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.net - Calculating Yaw / Pitch / Roll

Mar 17, 2011

I have three GPS antennae on a boat. They are in fixed xyz positions relative to each other. For example:


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Calculating A Bill For A Dental Lab?

Feb 20, 2010

I am working on this program that is suppose to display the patient's bill after they have selected a service at a dental lab. the problem I am having is that if the patient name is empty it gives me a message but it still shows the bill. Also I am having a problem with the code that will calculate the bill if a a patient choose more than one service. Here is my code below

ublic Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSubmit.Click


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Calculating A DataGridView Column?

Apr 24, 2012

I have probably not a unique issue but I can't seem to figure it out. I need to calculate a datagridview column after it a new row has been added to it. I am adding the row to the datasource and the row is added to the datagridview but how can I automate the two thing together by a single button click. IE: add the row (with a value)to the gridview and then calculate. I have this code but is doesn't work.

Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim OwnerID As Integer


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Calculating Age From Two DateTimePicker Tools?

Dec 24, 2011

I just want to calculate age from two datetimepicker tools. The label should display - "XX years XX months xx days old". I have succeeded in calculating with respect to time, but failing w.r.t date.

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Calculating An Average From Input?

Feb 8, 2009

here is my problem. i have to enter two grades, each grade should be an integer between 0 and 100 inclusive. Calculate the average of the two grades. If the average is greater than or equal to 90, display "Grade is an A!". It goes down the line for "if average is _______, display " ______is a/n __!" I get the last part and I know how to figure an average...but i am not sure how to type it in code. He did an elseif example, but it wasn't with 2 numbers and didn't have to average anything. So I don't know how to write that there anywhere to look to find it? Here is what I have so far.............

Module Module1
Sub Main()
Dim grade, sum, average As Double


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Calculating Average And Grade?

Jun 21, 2010

Using VB.NET write a program that can calculate the grade of a student based on his or her marks in five subjects as input according to the following rules:

Grade A: For average between 100 and 80 (inclusive)
Grade B: For average between 79 and 65 (inclusive)
Grade C: For average between 64 and 40 (inclusive)


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Calculating Based On The Selection?

Mar 4, 2012

I have a listbox with two values, Current account and Deposit account.The current account has an interest rate of 7% and the deposit account 3%.I have 4 other textboxes. The boxes on the right is where the user inputs and the left side holds the value.

Account Type [ ] Listbox >>[Current account]
Deposit account
Investment Amount [ ] [ ]
Interest over a year [ ]

What I want for the Investment Amount is that if the user selects Current account, the amount invested will be automatically calculated with the 7% interest and the same for the deposit, calculation with 3% interest.And the Interest over a year textbox to show how much the interest will be over that year at the rate (whether its 7 or 3%)

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Calculating Datatable Field?

Mar 15, 2012

I'm having some problems calculating the values for two diferent fiels of the datatable. it return " Object reference not set to an instance of an object"this is How I feed the datatable

Dim daProd As New SqlDataAdapter
Dim conProd As New SqlConnection
conProd = Connect()
Dim cmdProd, cmdSave As New SqlCommand


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Calculating Elements In M3array?

May 20, 2009

is there a formula for this? for example how many elements would be in this?dim m3array(5,4,1) as integer

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Calculating From Multiple Txt Using Loops?

Oct 17, 2011

Basically I have 4 empty textboxes. I need to calculate the total and averages of the numbers entered in them. So far, I've declared 4 variables and made it equal to the text that was input by the user. I'm stuck with the calculations tough. The user doesn't have to use all 4 boxes. So if he/she only entered 2 numbers, the total is divided by 2, not by 4 for the average. I think I'm supposed to use a for... next loop because the maximum iterations I should do is 4, but I'm not sure how to the code even if it is supposed to use a for loop. Otherwise, the rest of my project seems to work fine.

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Calculating Numbers And Hours?

Mar 26, 2009

if i have two variables,

Dim Hours
Dim Minutes

what i want to do is add the minutes to hours, so if Hours =2, and minutes = 120 I want to say hours = hours+2, not so simple as it seems or am i missing something?

Dim hours
Dim mins
IF mins > 60


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