Show And Hide A Picture?

Mar 16, 2010

Just playing around with VB and have made a program for playing "pairs". The program displays lots of face down cards, then the user can click on them to reveal their face and try to find pairs. This is done by hiding or showing the "card reverse" picture

If the user finds a pair, the cards should stay face up, however if they do not match, they should be returned to facing down.

The pictures need to be loaded dynamically through an array...

The code I have so far is as follows...


Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Show And Hide Picture

Mar 16, 2010

Just playing around with VB and have made a program for playing "pairs". The program displays lots of face down cards, then the user can click on them to reveal their face and try to find pairs.If the user finds a pair, the cards should stay face up, however if they do not match, they should be returned to facing down. This needs to be done by hiding or showing the "reverse of card" picture..[code]

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Hide/Show Items - Possible To Hide A Group Of Text Boxes From View In A Form

May 5, 2012

I'm curious if it is possible to hide a group of text boxes from view in a form until a particular condition is met, and to have a custom set of text boxes for that condition. To give an example; I want radio buttons offering choices for a manner of searching records, the user selects one and then a specific set of text boxes are displayed for the user to utilize, if a different option is chosen a different set of text boxes will be shown. Is this something that can be done?

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Hide The Pink Frame Inside The Image And Make The Picture Going Into A Shape?

Mar 7, 2010

I have designed the image with a pink frame inside the image, so I would like to know how to hide the pink frame inside the image and make the picture going into a shape??

View 2 Replies - Show And Hide Div With Jquery?

Aug 29, 2011

I have a problem to show and hide some div. The only thing i have is a span with a class. Where we need to click on, to show or hide the div below the parent h2 I can't add some classe's to the h2 or div (this come from some cms, where we can't add a css class), so we need to do it with some jquery.

<span class="h2toggle">Heading (This shows an hide the div below)</span>


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.net - Hide / Show Program Window?

Apr 30, 2011

I'm using Visual Basic 2008 for example i have running notepad.exe, can i hide notepad window, and then if i need it to show it again?

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C# - Show / Hide Another Application's Window

Jun 6, 2011

I want to create a button that can hide an exe application. As example: this application will start spider.exe when page loads. I need a button that can hide & show the spider.exe. How can I do it with VB.NET, C#, or Java?

I tried to use:

myProcess.StartInfo.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Normal

in page load part, and use

myProcess.StartInfo.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden

in button part but it does not work.

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Difference Between .visible And .show/hide?

Jul 23, 2009

i was wondering this: what is the difference as in response.. should i use the .visible or the .show/.hide option.. by setting the .visible to true/false, the controls (in my case) will only appear visible or not.. by setting them to .show./hide, i guess they unload from the form, and reload in their previous state.. do correct me on this .. is this more memory use than the .visible option or the other way? i am currently designing a project containing a lot of panels/buttons/etc., that has the .visible option included for these controls. should i be using the .show/.hide option instead, or does it even make a difference, since i cannot tell from the response of my project when using either/or..

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Hide / Show Labels In Program?

Aug 23, 2011

I have this labels in my project[code]...

What's the best way to hide/show them?

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Hide And Show A Form Which Is Owned?

Apr 12, 2010

I have a form called form1 when i press button1 i open a new form [code]..

now this new form is owned by Form1 so that i cant use form1 till the new form is closed.[code]...

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Hide And Show Desktop Icons?

Dec 19, 2011

I want to create a simple utility app that emulates a right click on the desktop -> view -> show desktop icons - so I can by the click of one button hide and show the desktop icons.[code]...

View 16 Replies

Hide And Show Listbox In Specified Location?

Mar 9, 2012

how to hide and show listbox in specified location? on a form in visual basic 2010

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Hide The Window For Like 10 Seconds And Then Show It Again?

May 3, 2010

I'm building a console application. How can i hide the window for like 10 seconds and then show it again? This code is only working on a form not a console application:


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Hide/Show And Shortcut Keys?

Aug 8, 2010

Private Sub FavoritesToolStripMenuItem1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles FavoritesToolStripMenuItem1.Click
FavoritesToolStripMenuItem1.Visible = False


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Show / Hide Desktop Icons?

Apr 2, 2010

I'm trying to make a tray application to allow me to easily show and hide my icons. I did a bit of research and found this [code]...

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Show Or Hide A Title Bar On Demand?

Sep 8, 2009

I want to add an option to my windows form application (written in that will give the user the option to hide the menu bar and the title bar. I can do the menu but i'm not sure what the best way is to hide the title.

I could just change the FormBorderStyle to none, but is that the best way of doing it?

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VS 2005 Hide/show Tab In A Tab Control?

May 11, 2010

how to hide/show tab in a Tab Control?

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VS 2010 - Hide Show Button

Jan 28, 2012


Is there an easy way to do it or better code than mine because this is just a simple there will be like 400 button and to show and hide every 70 will be long code.

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VS 2010 ContextMenuItem - How To Show & Hide

Oct 27, 2010

Goal: I want to Copy text from clipboard and paste into RichTextBox but am having trouble getting the ContextMenu to show up. What am I doing wrong?


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Allow User Option To Show Or Hide Visualizations In WMP?

Jan 29, 2012

I want too allow my users to be able to choose wether they SEE VISUALIZATIONS in the player in my app when listening to Audio through the Player. Also, how doo I let them choose different visualizatins for the player?

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C# - How To Make NotifyIcon To Always Show And Will Not Be Hide By Windows Itself

Jul 19, 2010

I try using Icon.Visible = True. But it will only show icon in the taskbar for a brief period of time before Windows will hide it automatically. How to programmatically make show icon permanently?

The effect is the same as doing it manually, by click on task bar icon button -> Customize Notifications and set behavior to = "Always Show / Always Hide / Hide when inactive" for each taskbar icon on the list.

How to set it to "Always Show" programmatically?

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Gridview Show And Hide A Specific Coloumn?

Jan 6, 2012

I have a Gridview in which a specific column of name "Date".I have set the Visible Property of Column to false because i want to show on different conditions of page.Please tell me how can i do it using that my Date column should show or hide on runtime


My current code is

If Not Page.User.Identity.Name = "bilal" Then
GridView1.AutoGenerateEditButton = False
GridView2.AutoGenerateEditButton = False


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Hide / Show A Groupbox On Clicking Radiobutton?

May 21, 2012

How to hide/show a groupbox of radio buttons on clicking another radiobutton ?

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Hide / Show Visible / Invisible Forms

Dec 18, 2009

I have a form (Form1 class) which has got a "next" button (like we have setup wizards) which shud take me to other form. Now that other form has two buttons , next and back , and it shud take me to the previous and the next form. And I want to preserve the states of each form. What I did was that I instantiated the Form2 class in the click event of the next button : [code]That does the job of showing the second form . In the click event (of the back button) handler of the second form , I have the following [code]Now , when I press the back button , the program hangs. And nothing happens. how to hide/show forms with .NET. In VB6 it's quite easy using Show/Hide methods.

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Hide Buttons And Then Show Them When Another Button Is Clicked?

Jun 22, 2010

I made a form with only 1 Button. I want that when i click that button, 2 more buttons should be appeared. Example: Button1 is clicked. Button2 and Button3 are displayed. I have named Button1 as Scan. When i click on Scan, the Button2(Pause) and Button3(Stop) should be displayed. When it is scanning, i have placed the progress bar with the timer. When the progress bar finishes loading, Button2(Pause) and Button3(Stop) should be hidden again.


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JavaScript - How To Get ASP Table Control To Show / Hide

Apr 19, 2012

I use a Repeater that's databound to a DataRowCollection and programatically build a table through that. I have something similar to:
Private Sub SubAcctGrid_OnItemDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As RepeaterItemEventArgs)
If e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.AlternatingItem Or e.Item.ItemType = ListItemType.Item Then
Dim currentrow = TryCast(e.Item.DataItem, DataRow)
Dim acctSummaryTable = New Table With {.ID = "acctSummary" & e.Item.ItemIndex, .CssClass = "minisub_acct_table"}
[Code] .....

I can't pass in the correct element ID, though. From what I understand, ASP.NET transforms the ID I assign into some huge long ID for the sake of uniqueness. For example, I assign a table with the ID 'drillDownTable0' and it spits out 'ctl00_drillDownTable0' in the HTML markup. It worked the first time around, but then the Repeater gets binded to a new row and then I get 'ctl01_drillDownTable0' so on and so forth. I've tried the ClientID, ID, and UniqueID where I add the attributes to the Cells in the code above and they don't do what I need to. Is there any way I can get that ID and pass it to the Javascript function? Or I guess a better question is: When are the IDs generated and can I get to them before the page is rendered in HTML?

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Making A Program Dock - Hide / Show

Apr 7, 2010

Alright, so what I'm looking to do is make a dock or some other thing that I can hide/show for programs. Kind of like a shortcut holder. how to approach the issue. I'm thinking maybe I could make a new button based on some settings in the VB thing, but that seems rather inconvenient. I was also wondering if anybody knew how to get the icons from shortcuts or the rest to use those as display pictures. "Victory is difficult to see beyond the devestation incurred in its pursuit."

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Show / Hide Desktop Icons In Program?

Jul 24, 2008

Is there a way to Show/Hide the desktop icons in .NET?I tried manually editing the HideIcons subkey in the registry through code, but it didn't take for some reason.I also tried calls to Win API methods FindWindowA but i'm not the best at handling unmanaged code.

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Show And Hide Data Based Off Of A Value In A Column?

Feb 16, 2009

I would like to know how I can show and hide data based off of a value in a column.

Example. My table has 3 columns Name, Password, and Tel#

:Pseudo Code
if Name or Column(0).Row(0) = "Shawn" then
. Column(1).Row(0).Forecolor = System.Highlight
. Column(2).Row(0).Forecolor = System.Highlight


I placed my code in the rowprepaint event of the datagridview and on start up I get the results I am looking for. However, if the user selects the row or a cell in the row then the value will display.

I don't want the value to show even if the row is selected.

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Show N Hide The Panel With Some Animation Effect?

Dec 23, 2009

how to animation effect in win forms my main form 4 buttons and 4 panels each button click i need to show appropriate Panel can show n hide the panel with some animation effect how to do this

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