Simple Code Lookup To Get Description
Jun 11, 2011
Simple Code lookup to get Description I have a static list of Street Type Abbreviations and their associated Street Type Descriptions: RD to Road. I have the complete list needed. There are 37 elements in the list - 37 Street Type Abbreviations with their associated Descriptions. The lookup will only happen once. The input lookup field is in a single field: stType. Not trying to get fancy. but what is the best approach? Dictionary, List, two dimensional array, etc. Started with Dictionary but the .Add was getting redundant. Two dimensional array let me initialize the values, but searching an old school loop.
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Jan 12, 2011
Simple Code lookup to get Description I have a static list of Street Type Abbreviations and their associated Street Type Descriptions: RD to Road. I have the complete list needed. There are 37 elements in the list - 37 Street Type Abbreviations with their associated Descriptions. The lookup will only happen once. The input lookup field is in a single field: stType.
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May 21, 2010
How can I go about implementing a popup box or something that shows a simple description of a controls contents if the user hovers over the control?
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Jun 10, 2011
Is there anyone can post a simple code using vb,that start building a simple games ?
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Aug 16, 2009
Where do you put the "main code" for lack of a better description? I can find all sorts of places to put code based on events like button clicks or forms loading. However, I can't seem to find a place to run code without an event (just idling).Basically I'm looking to monitor a file and call a sub when it changes. I can monitor the file fine based on the size but I can't figure out where to put code to call a sub when that changes. Everything seems based on user actions but that doesn't work in this case.
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Jan 24, 2009
i need the basic connetivity code and description in vb .net
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Mar 6, 2011
I am currently writing a program in Visual Basic 2008 express edition to read and write to tags on an Omron PLC. I am using the DeviceXPlorer OPC Server V4.1.1.1 program to connect to the Omron PLC. I have made two programs, one is a form program which works fine, two is a windows service program where it does not let me connect to the OPC Server. The connection code is identical, the only difference is the windows service code is called by a timer. The timer works fines and jumps into the connection code, but stops at the line
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Mar 6, 2011
I'm a rookie in Visual Basics 2008 and i am trying to make a program to communicate and read tags from an Omron PLC. I am trying to connect to the PLC via devicexplorer opc server, because it can let me read DInts and Reals from the PLC tags. I have referenced Microsoft ActiveX Datas Objects 2.5 Library and OPC DA Automation Wrapper 2.02. I have made some code which connects to the PLC "in a form", but I cannot use the same code and connect through as a Windows Service program.Here is my code,
Public Sub OpcConnect(ByRef Items() As String, ByVal PLCType As Integer)
Dim j As Integer
Dim TempSvrHandles As Array[code].....
Note: this code is run in a timer on the windows service, it connects properly to the "RSLinx OPC Server", but "Takebishi. Dxp.1" (devicexplorer shortcut) exits the sub routine at MyServer.Connect(PLCServer) ' connect to the opc server.
View 6 Replies
Jul 12, 2009
code for calculator using
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Aug 14, 2009
provide me a simple code to connect .net and MSAccess? also provide me the details of where to find ADODB control.
View 6 Replies
Jun 9, 2010
I'm trying to do the very basic add "hello" to a button. The instructions tell you to click on the button the tutorials say the code that is supposed to show starts with "public class form1" but when I double click the button it seems to open the whole code of the template, not the button. (and no where in the code shows the "private sub button1_click")
View 17 Replies
Apr 18, 2010
I've designed a Arithmetic Calculator. I can get my additon button to work but not my multiplication button. My result total comes back as 0.
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May 22, 2011
I am not a computer programmer and I have never used Visual Basic before but I have to take a class about using it. I am trying to make a simple Area calcutor but what it is telling me in my book to do isn't working.
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Apr 10, 2010
I've created an application, And now need to add the chat feature. It just needs to be basic, But im un sure on how to code one since i am still a beginner at Visual Basic. I know there is a way via TCP Listener using Net.Sockets, But im stuck there. I am totally out of my mind when i think ill know how to code. But here is how the chat will work[code]...
Server side, Is just to host it. I will host it on a windows vps with ports opened, and Anyone who downloads the program can connect to the chat. The username or Nickname of the user will come from 'My.Settings.username'. At this point I am willing to pay someone to code this project.
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Feb 20, 2010
I recently started working with and I am just trying to create a class that has two properties one is StoreName and the other is StoreImage. What I am trying to do is figure out how to create objects using this class? Each object will be a Store that has a corresponding Name and Image to go with it. Here is the code I have written so far although I am not sure if im headed in the write direction with the function. Also not sure if it matters but I am using ASP with VB?
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
Public Class Store
Dim NameofStore As String
Dim ImageofStore As Image
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Nov 23, 2011
Are there any free or cheap Code coverage tools I can use "ad hook" just to run my program and see wich methods that is not runned in the project for that session? Im not interrested in tools that has to use unit-tests or a lots of advanced functions. If possible just "hit'n run".Its for a "fun" event in a "programmer pentathlon". I'll get 10 programmers run a program and the person that cover most code when running it will win.
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Nov 8, 2010
Can anyone tell me what is wrong with this code? It looks OK to me but the GetImage function returns the same image irrespective of the filename passed to it (the one corresponding with Id=2 which is the second one found) [code]
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Sep 7, 2011
I'm using Real Studio 2011r3.It's just a simple game that's a small maze from a bird's eye view and you've got to dodge enemies and what not.But I've been told to make a map array like this: [code] I've got level1map(13,13) as an integer, and the numbers in the brackets are supposed to be ypos, xpos.Say I make level1map(5,7) as = 1, it'll make both the 5,7 and the 7,5 so that you can't walk into them.. even if 7,5 is still = 0.I could have just left something out somewhere, but I've been trying to work this out for days..Oh, and with the 7,5 will let me walk there if I walk from the left or right.. but not from the top or bottom.
View 11 Replies
Oct 19, 2009
I'm sorry if this is in the wrong forum or has already been asked, but I'm having a problem creating what should be a relatively simple code for an Excel Project. Essentially, the code is supposed to check if a certain column has Y in it and then copy that entire row onto another sheet and then move on to check the rest of the original sheet. This version of the code seems to do everything but actually populate the cells with the information. Every other attempt I've made has ended with "Application-Based or Object Based Errors". I've worked on this code for a few days now and I just can't seem to get it right. What am I doing wrong?
Here's the code:
Sub PopulateNewSheet()
i = 2
Do While Worksheets("Main List").Cells(i, 2).Value <> 0
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Jul 30, 2009
I have a simple poker game that deals out 9 cards into pictureboxes and shows another 3 pictureboxes that hold cards for the dealer. The code itself does what I want it to...even though I'm at a dead end with writing the code further to evaluate the poker hands. I would simply like to add a few labels and a combobox to my form, but everytime I add something, or try to add it I get cast error?
Public Class Form1
Dim ListOfCards As New List(Of String)
Dim dealtCards As New List(Of String)
View 7 Replies
May 2, 2012
When I execute the code provided, Word 2010 opens and appears visible and then stops with an error: "COMException was unhandled". But if I execute the code line by line (F8), the code runs perfectly, that is Word 2010 opens, it is visible and the template is opened. The error fails (always) on the third line of code. What is going on and how might I fix it? [Code]
View 11 Replies
Aug 9, 2007
I want to catch the text from an html page.. you know that when you open any html page in the browser, you will see a text but with formatting.. because it's an html code having a lot of tags...
how to get the text from an html page and ignore all formatting and html code?
View 7 Replies
Sep 15, 2010
Does anyone have a simple code for Moving and Renaming a Image File?
Here is an example of exactly what I need to do.
Ok let's presume the end user is Editing a Record named Mick's Milktart, the DataBase Table Field named ID (Primary Key) has a value of 237.The user clicks a button to add an Image to that Record.
An OpenFileDialog opened and an Image File named "NewImage.png" is selected by the user from "MyPictures".[code]...
View 4 Replies
Jun 11, 2011
I need to simple code in Vb.Net for Open / close USB Port (Windows 7) ...
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Jul 21, 2009
So I've created a very simple UserControl that is pretty much just a combo box that has US States in it and a couple properties to return the selected value as an enumeration or a string, etc.The enumeration and string values I'm using are being referenced from an external library which is working. However, when I add my user control to another project the designer-generated code has errors in it. [code] I would assume that this probably has something to do with project settings or something similar for the user control. The control itself is in a separate project and compiled as a .dll which has been added to my main project's toolbox and subsequently added to my form. [code]
View 11 Replies
Mar 7, 2012
can you teach or give me a code for a simple grading system using VB '10..?
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May 12, 2009
The example of source code to make a simple notepad?
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Jun 21, 2010
There are so many controls, properties, etc in VB 2008 .NET it's mind boggling. I'm amazed at how much this product can do.Does anyone know of a VB 2008 .NET book that describes in simple language and shows sample code for all of those controls, properties, etc?
View 5 Replies
Jan 11, 2010
I am trying to make a simple program to convert ascii in its code format
Example: Chr(53) & Chr(53) & Chr(54) & Chr(100) & Chr(52)
to a readable format. I understand that this can be easily accomplished by writing in the ascii code into the code will do it but I am trying to create a more interactive method of doing it so I can copy and paste a long length of code into a textbox and have it update a label with the conversion.
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Feb 22, 2012
for the any of the button in vb the c# code which is written is not working at all after running a form example: exit, message box even these also not working give me solution
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