Simple Client-server Application Programming?

Nov 18, 2010

I'm trying to learn how to do some very simple client-server application programming.

Basically, I want to make a program (the server) that listens and waits, and when a commend is sent it will run a batch file or execute a line of code.

The client will just ask for the ip and send the command when a button is pushed.

Shouldn't be too hard right? So what are some good resources that you've used to get started?

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Simple IRC Client + Server

Sep 19, 2009

I have three computers in my house. I want to control them, like put to sleep, shutdown, display msgbox and so on. I want something very simple.

The server should have a window so i can write, something like: "Basement: shutdown". The client should not show. When the client receive its name and ": shutdown" it will then shutdown.

I have seen a bit on the 101 Samples for Visual Basic 2005 and "UsingSockets", but it don't have a server-form.

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Client Server Winsock Or Socket Programming?

Jul 14, 2009

how to access client side activity i.e. which client is connected and which computer connected at the same time from server.

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VS 2005 Make A Simple Client-server Program?

Sep 27, 2010

I was wanting to make a simple client-server program.I saw some code for it and it was easy to understand but it was with winsock.

The program is:

Client: Clicks button.
Server: Recieves Text written in clients textbox.

Is there a reasonably easy way to do this?Maybe Net.Sockets or something similar?

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Asynchronous Socket Programming Vb 2008(.net) Again Server Should Able To Send The Data To Client

Feb 2, 2011

I am facing problem in asynchronous socket communication.

1)I wanted to perform connect(from client to server) operation on enter button and send the data whatever client want to send and disconnect from server. And again client should get connect to server whenever client wanted to send data. this is the mechanism.

i.e how to reuse the socket.

2)Again Server should able to send the data to client.

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Low Programming Experience To Create A Simple CRUD Web-application?

Aug 29, 2011

a friend of mine wants to create a simple inventory database that can be deployed on the web.He has had a lot of experience with Database tools like Paradox. Moreover he has experience with writing Macros and programs with Basic, and even a bit of C++ experience. He uses Windows and Mac OS X, though mostly Windows.

If the requirement of having a web application wasn't there I would recommend MS Access.


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VS 2008 Send A Simple Text File To A Client From The Server?

Feb 16, 2010

I am Really Interested in Learning How to Code in Vb With Client and Servers.What should I use Tcp/Ip,Winsock? any Good Tutorials or Examples. How do I send a Simple Text file to A Client from the Server?

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Server/Client - Basic Tcp Server/client Application

Mar 30, 2009

I've basically made a basic tcp server/client application. The thing is that I'm behind a router and so will be the other people that use my clients. I've had to use port-forwarding or the software "rinetd"to run quite a few applications online.

Let me explain: I'm on a lan network that connects to the internet. Whenever I want to host a server - for instance a basic ftp or http server. If I give my external IP to anyone, they won't be able to access my server. Even if I portforward, it doesnt work. I have to use rinetd here. For other applications, portforwarding works. I'm not sure how these things work at all.

Anyway, my issue now is that I have created this server/client application. I'm having serious doubts that if I run the server, I'll have to either a) portforward or use rinetd to get people to connect to my server. IF I need to portforward, that's fine. However, using rinetd would really suck... My 2nd concern is as follows: IF the person running the client is in a similar situation as me (i.e he's on a lan that has a router which connects to the net), will he have to portforward or use rinetd as well? If he portforwards that's fine. But I don't think I could get people to use rinetd.... Also, if there are more than 1 person on a lan trying to connect to my server, there is a big problem when they try to portforward: they will only be able to allocate one of their internal ip to that port, and the others won't be able to connect, right? How does this work? I mean, I use many softwares like msn/skype/(some games)/firefox that do not need portforwarding/rinetd. Yet they work. My housemates(other people on the lan) use the same softwares, and it works fine. There's no clash/probs watsoever How come these run fine?

Anyway, back to my issues. Given I have no knowledge about how the above work, I was wondering whether there was a way to host a vb .net server application on an external website (external to my house) so that I might *avoid* the above mentioned problems, and to what extent that would be a sound solution.

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SQL Server 2008 Configuration For Client Server (Windows Form) Application

Apr 6, 2012

Case : I'm creating an application (desktop application) with VB.NET (actually windows form), and using SQL Server Express 2008 for its database.


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Communicate From Client To Server From Multiple Clients On Multiple Requests In Socket Programming?

Jan 8, 2010

I have been struggling to find a solution for this problem. What I need to do is build a server application that accepts tcp client requests from different clients running on same port say:1003. I experimented by using asynchronous mode call backs etc. but it disconnects once connection is established and does not respond for further requests from the same client.

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Client Server Application - How To Make Clients On Sql Server

Sep 24, 2010

How to make clients on sql server i mean when i will install my application on clients how i will connect it with sql server?

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Remote Desktop Application? Safe To Use Winsock In Creating A Client/server Application?

Jul 18, 2012

Im planning to create a Remote Desktop Application and I'm having problem with viewing other computers monitor or screen.

Im not asking for the code on how to do it. and one more thing is it safe to use winsock in creating a client/server application?

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Build Client-server And Sql Server Application?

Oct 26, 2009

i'm newbie in this programming..i need some references or a starting guide to build an sql server and application.

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Client Needs To Have Sql Server On His Machine If Application Uses Sql Server?

Jul 16, 2009

I am creating small application (desktop search engine) which uses sql server as back end. Sql server is used to store huge data using indexing (for quick search). Is it necessary that client should have sql server on his machine to run the application? I don't want to install sql server on client's machine, because my application is just a small utility.Is there any other way so that I can store huge data using indexing?

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.net - Port Sqlite Application To A Server/client Application?

Jun 4, 2012

I have wrote an Application for a organisation and they had let the app run in their lan using Samba, it worked perfect. Now they want to work over the internet.The Problem is that I have written this app with Sqlite, that means its currently working so:They have a exe and the sqlite dll and the sqlite database on their samba server and they connected a network drive on their windows pc to run it. So that means every pc is writing over samba to the sqlite database.

I tried it over the internet, but like i thought sqlite is a local database and its very slow, even if the ping is under 50ms. I could create a tcp server, that handles all and writes all to the sqlite database, but I have already written around 20.000 code lines for the project, so that would be not the best option for the lazy me. I have used only one sqlite class in my client for querieng, so I thought that it could work without much work, if i would replace the sqlite database adapter with the mysql database adapter, since sqlite has nearly the same syntax then mysql.

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VS 2008 TCP Server / Client - Client To Send The Server 4 Numbers - Depending On The User's Choice

May 9, 2009

how to create a client/server... But I couldn't... I don't want anything fancy. Just want the client to send the server 4 numbers, depending on the user's choice; after that, the server would turn off the pc, restart it, etc. It all depends on the number received. Is there a rather "simple" way to do it? If it's not to much trouble you could use Atheist's example. (Btw I don't understand the code and, yes, I've checked on [URL])

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VS 2010 : Send Data From Client To Server (encrypted) And The String Sent From The Client Is Not The Same As Received From The Server?

Jun 27, 2011

Hey guys, I am trying to send data from client to server (encrypted) and the string sent from the client is not the same as recieved from the server. I've been killing my brain for hours to get this to work but I cant manage. Im converting everything to Base64 string.


Public Sub SendMessage(ByVal msg As String)
SyncLock myclient.GetStream
sw = New IO.StreamWriter(myclient.GetStream)


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Client Server Application In .net?

Jun 4, 2011

i am creating a client server application using with odbc as my data source to sql server 2005.send me a code that will enable the application running on a client machine to connect to a remote server.the application is to run on LAN and other client machines are on same domain.

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Create A Simple Chat And Server Application?

Jun 8, 2012

i want to create a simple chat and server application but i dont know where to start in socket hope someone will help me to create the application.

i found some tutorial in .net but it doesn't explain the code.

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Application Is Now Running On Server Or Client?

Nov 8, 2010

I use VB.NET for a Windows application.

How can I find out if the application is now running on a server or client (programmatically)?

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Build A Client Server Application?

Jun 3, 2011

i currently have a project. The application created in this project will be located in a server, and some machines can access this application at the same time. The problem is, i don't know what's needed to connect that application to several machines. I know how to build this application and run it in a single machine, but i have no idea about running this on server.

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Client Server Windows Application

Oct 28, 2009

I have developed 2-3 standalone windows application using VS2008( + Sql server (2008,2005) and quite comfortable with stand alone windows application. Now i am trying to make a windows app which will share a server database on LAN. I googled alot about this but still no success. So i decided to make that as stand alone app and i just changes the connection string to use remote server database. Everything is working fine still. All the insert, update and delete query are same as stand alone n me not getting any problem while testing through one more remote client system. But while googling i heard abt "CONCURRENCY" control.So please guide me is anything wll b wrong in future wid my this application when i will deploy this to my users? What about locks and how can i implement this to my Insert, update and delete queries to control concurrency and maintain integrity ?Please guide me step by step becoz i m new be to client/server application.

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Client-server Chat Application

Jan 15, 2012

I made one client-server chat application using I want to know how can i change the form/icon color when a client sends a message and vice versa.

for eg: like in yahoo messenger or msn messenger,etc, How i user knows when he receives an message.

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Create A Server And Client Application?

Jun 7, 2009

I am trying to create a a server and client application. All that I want to do is have a client that has a picture box. The server will send an image to the picture box and the client will display it. I have looked online to find some tutorials but most of them just show how to do a connection and usually only with a console application.

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Create An UDP Server/Client Application?

Jul 8, 2011

Create an UDP Server/Client Application?

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Creating A Server Client Application

Jan 21, 2011

First of all, I want to say sorry if this is not a correct forum. I have built several standalone applications up until now. But now I need to create a server client application, the only database is on the server. The application itself is installed on all the client computers but not all of them are granted the same level of access to the database.


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MultiThread In Client Server Application?

Aug 9, 2009

Im using this code:
Imports System.Threading
Imports System.Net.Sockets


but when i tried to run the application, it hangs even if i wait several minutes.., is there something wrong with the code..

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Server Client Interface Application?

Apr 13, 2011

I want to create a server client application in which The server will communicate with the client and give them commands. I did the same in visual basic 6.0 using Winsock component.Now I want it to implement using Visual Basic 2008, how to do it and which component to use.

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Access Or Run File From Server In The Client Application?

Sep 15, 2011

I would like to ask some advise for the best thing to do regarding with this matter. Im working with a client-server application and I should run a pdf file from the server in the client application. The file name is the only saved in the database(MySql) and the full path is in the server. What technique should i used i order to access this file in the server., I planned to use the winsock. Im working in

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Client Server Application That Uses File Sharing

Mar 3, 2009

I want to build an application(the client and server) that the clients would be able to see and modify only certain files on the server depending on their credentials. For example, a specific client can read/modify a word file, but another cannot. And the server should specify which client has which rights. After a client has made any change in a file, every other clients should be notified by email. I've read some articles about .Net Remoting but I still don't know how to make a client see/modify files on the server.

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