Simulating A 'Where' Clause In A For Each Loop?

Aug 20, 2009

Is it possible to have something similar to an SQL 'WHERE' clause in a For Each loop in VB.NET?I.E.

FOR EACH event IN events
'WHERE eventdate=getdate

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Use For Each Loop With A Where Clause For XElement?

Oct 5, 2010

I am tring to write a for each loop that loops through the descendants of an xml doc but only the ones that satisfy a criteria.[code]...

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Simulating Pointers In .Net?

Jun 9, 2010

have a 2d array of structures that holds about 5 or 6 details on each cell. The array size will not be known at compile time so I am using ReDim to resize it. I also have a list (think I have it as an arraylist actually but shouldn't matter really) that I would like to hold a pointer to one of the 2d array elements (as well as some other info). The list is a much smaller subset of the 2d array. The reason I am doing this is that the list needs to be sorted based on some data in the 2d array that will be changing. I don't want to have to search through the list each time to update the values as these lists and arrays can potentially be very large.

Maybe there is a better way to handle this but even if there is I would like to know how to simulate pointers in VB.Net. I know there are IntPtr's and references that I could probably use but I have no idea how to do it with dynamic arrays of structures. I'm familair with pointers from C++ but this is the first time I have tried to use (or simulate since there seems to be no real support for them) in VB.Net.

Not sure how clear that was so here are some snippets of the data types involved and some initialization.

'structures that are in the 2d array
Structure SearchNode


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Simulating Hotmail Login?

Feb 15, 2010

i had program as part of my final year project,program used smtp to send email to email to mms gateway. worked perfectly at home moved it onto set up in college and it appears they do not allow these smtp requests from campus.

basically i need to simulate a login to hotmail and to send a message without using an smtp request. Is this possible to do ?? what im looking for is minimal user input, i want to be able to hard code the username and password for the login, and also hardcode the emails recipients subject and body.

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Simulating Keypresses With Sendmessage?

Nov 30, 2009

I use keybd_event and mouse_event to simulate keypresses. I want taht to still work when the user is switch (Xp supports several users as we know).

Well, it doesn't.

I've heard sendmessage is more reliable,.

I manage to simulate click easily.

SimulateClick2 = SendMessage(hwnd, BM_CLICK, 0, 0)

Now, how to do so to simulate keypresses?

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Simulating Right Mouse Click?

Sep 18, 2009

I am currently attempting to simulate a mouse click within a Webbrowser control. I am able to move the cursor to where I want but i have been looking for hours for a way to make it click. An explanation as well as exemplar code is preferable as i would like to understand how it works...

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VS 2008 Simulating The Effects Of Add-On?

Jul 30, 2010

There's an Add-On for FireFox called FireBug, that lets you edit the HTML of the website in Real Time. Is it possible to do that with a WebBrowser is VB .NET? I basically want to edit the HTML of a website I'm browsing in the WebBrowser Control.

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Error When Simulating Virtuial Keypress?

Oct 11, 2011

Option Explicit On
Public Class Form1
Dim VirtuialSetting As String = "off"


According to the examples I have seen, 4 exactly, this code should work, however, instead of simulating a virtual shift key pressing button1 results in an error. I would post the error, but I would have to restart my computer as it causes problems including a permanent caps lock and a problem with the mouse that opens another instance of the program when clicking on it's icon in the task bar, instead of maximizing it. These are the only side effec

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Simulating A Auto Mouse Click?

Jun 19, 2012

ulating a auto mouse click in VB 2010 or C# Express 2010 Ive been trying for awhile now but cant find a code that works! I need a code to click a web browser on a timer say to click every 3

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Simulating A Ctrl-Click On A Touchscreen?

Oct 22, 2010

I need to come up with a way for a user to select multiple non-consecutive rows of a DataGridView from a touchscreen. Using a mouse & keyboard I would just Ctrl-Click on the rows I want to select, but I dont have that option with a touchscreen.

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Simulating A Real Deck Of Cards?

Sep 21, 2009

Ok here's what my code looks like as of now:

Private Sub btnDeal_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnDeal.Click
Dim RandomClass As New Random()
Dim RandomNumber As Integer[code].....

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Simulating Mouse Click Through Windows API

Sep 12, 2010

When I execute DoMouseClick then I get a PInvkokeStackImbalaced. I searched on google and tried some other things nothing really worked.
Public Class PerformClick
Declare Sub mouse_event Lib "user32" Alias "mouse_event" (ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dx As Long, ByVal dy As Long, ByVal cButtons As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long)
[Code] .....

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Simulating Multiple Games In Background

Sep 6, 2011

I'm trying my hand at a little football simulator, along the same lines as Football Manager (except for Australian football but that's not really the point). Right now I have a code that will simulate a match in a background worker thread and then output all of the statistics and such to a text file. It's all good for simulating one game at a time but I want to do multiple games simultaneously!

This is because, like in Football Manager, I want to have multiple leagues setup so there will be lots of games that need simulating and to do them one at a time would be pretty slow. To sim the games I have a "Match Engine" module which has a metric load of variables and different procedures in it for kicking and marking the ball etc. I'm not sure how I could somehow duplicate all of these variables and procedures at runtime and run them simultaneously in different threads.

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Simulating Clicks, Keyboard Input Etc In A Web View?

Apr 12, 2011

I plan on viewing the game through a webview control, which I believe is perfectly possible... unless I can't see Flash/Java content? I've been wondering how would you "simulate a click" in the web view control? And, of course, keyboard input?

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Simulating Mouse Right Click After CheckBox Checked?

Mar 18, 2011

I would like to know how to code for a right mouse button click. The idea is that after a checkbox is checked I want the program to stimulate a right click.

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Simulating Multiple Instances Of An Embedded Processor

Jan 10, 2012

I'm working on a project which will entail multiple devices, each with an embedded (ARM) processor, communicating. One development approach which I have found useful in the past with projects that only entailed a single embedded processor was develop the code using Visual Studio, divided into three portions:[code]Feeding the embedded compiler/linker the code from parts 1 and 3 yields a hex file that can run on the target system. Running parts 1 and 2 together yields code which can run on the PC, with the benefit of better debugging tools and more precise control over I/O behavior (e.g. I can make the simulation code introduce certain types of random hiccups more easily than I can induce controlled hiccups on real hardware). Target code is written in C, but the simulation environment uses C++ so as to simulate I/O registers. For example, I have a PortArray data structure; the header file for the embedded compiler includes a line like unsigned char LATA @ 0xF89; and my header file for simulation includes #define LATA _IOBIT(f89,1) which in turn invokes a macro that accesses a suitable property of an I/O object, so a statement like LATA |= 4; will read the simulated latch, "or" the read value with 4, and write the new value. To make this work, the target code has to compile under C++ as well as under C, but this mostly isn't a problem. The biggest annoyance is probably with enum types (which behave as integers in C, but have to be coaxed to do so in C++).

Previously, I've used two approaches to making the simulation interactive:Compile and link a DLL with target-application and simulation code, and have VB code in the same project which interacts with it.Compile the target-application code and some simulation code to an EXE with instance of Visual Studio, and use a second instance of Visual Studio for the simulation-UI. Have the two programs communicate via TCP, so nearly all "real" I/O logic is in the simulation program. For example, the aforementioned `LATA |= 4;` would send a "read port 0xF89" command to the TCP port, get the response, process the received value, and send a "write port 0xF89" command with the result.I've found the latter approach to run a tiny bit slower than the former in some cases, but it seems much more convenient for debugging, since I can suspend execution of the unmanaged simulation code while the simulation UI remains responsive. Indeed, for simulating a single target device at a time, I think the latter approach works extremely well. My question is how I should best go about simulating a plurality of target devices (e.g. 16 of them).The difficulty I have is figuring out how to make each simulated instance get its own set of global variables. If I were to compile to an EXE and run one instance of the EXE for each simulated target device, that would work, but I don't know any practical way to maintain debugger support while doing that. Another approach would be to arrange the target code so that everything would compile as one module joined together via #include. For simulation purposes, everything could then be wrapped into a single C++ class, with global variables turning into class-instance variables. That would be a bit more object-oriented, but I really don't like the idea of forcing all the application code to live in one compiled and linked module.What would perhaps be ideal would be if the code could load multiple instances of the DLL, each with its own set of global variables. I have no idea how to do that, however, nor do I know how to make things interact with the debugger. I don't think it's really necessary that all simulated target devices actually execute code simultaneously; it would be perfectly acceptable for simulation instances to use cooperative multitasking. If there were some way of finding out what range of memory holds the global variables, it might be possible to have the 'task-switch' method swap out all of the global variables used by the previously-running instance and swap in the contents applicable to the instance being switched in. Although I'd know how to do that in an embedded context, though, I'd have no idea how to do that on the PC.

Is there any nicer way to allow simulation logic to be paused and examined in VS2010 debugger, while keeping a responsive UI for the simulator front-end, than running the simulator front end and the simulator logic in separate instances of VS2010, if the simulation logic must be written in C and the simulation front end in managed code? For example, is there a way to tell the debugger that when a breakpoint is hit, some or all other threads should be allowed to keep running while the thread that had hit the breakpoint sits paused?If the bulk of the simulation logic must be source-code compatible with an embedded system written in C (so that the same source files can be compiled and run for simulation purposes under VS2010, and then compiled by the embedded-systems compiler for use in real hardware), is there any way to have the VS2010 debugger interact with multiple simulated instances of the embedded device? Assume performance is not likely to be an issue, but the number of instances will be large enough that creating a separate project for each instance would be likely be annoying in the absence of any way to automate the process. I can think of three somewhat-workable approaches, but don't know how to make any of them work really nicely. There's also an approach which would be better if it's possible, but I don't know how to make it work.Wrap all the simulation code within a single C++ class, such that what would be global variables in the target system become class members. I'm leaning toward this approach, but it would seem to require everything to be compiled as a single module, which would annoyingly affect the design of the target system code. Is there any nice way to have code access class instance members as though they were globals, without requiring all functions using such instances to be members of the same module?Compile a separate DLL for each simulated instance (so that e.g. if I want to run up to 16 instances, I would include 16 DLL's in the project, all sharing the same source files). This could work, but every change to the project configuration would have to be repeated 16 times.Compile the simulation logic to an EXE, and run an appropriate number of instances of that EXE. This could work, but I don't know of any convenient way to do things like set a breakpoint common to all instances. Is it possible to have multiple running instances of an EXE attached to a single debugger instance?Load multiple instances of a DLL in such a way that each instance gets its own global variables, while still being accessible in the debugger. This would be nicest if it were possible, but I don't know any way to do so.If I use one VS2010 instance for the front-end, and another for the simulation logic, is there any way to arrange things so that starting code in one will automatically launch the code in the other?

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VS 2008 List Box Simulating A File Browser?

May 11, 2010

I just started programming at my college and enjoying it a lot. So far only C++ and a few tutorials in VB 2008.I didn't want to stop there and wanted to keep going, but had no idea what to even try working on as I learn.After returning home from college for the summer, my family's business was in need of some program help.

We make Fence Chargers and we receive registrations of them on a regular basis. We write them down as they come in on a form. About once every month or two one of us sits down and types them into a text program similar to notepad, but was first designed to be used in MSDOS, but now used on a windows 98 machine.

(My Father started the business and practically ran it by himself since '96. We are keeping the MSDOS program, firstchoice, until we can use an easier program to keep the warranty registrations. (That and the label printers only work on that computer due to the printer port is going extinct.))

The process is simple. The user inputs the Serial Number, the person/place the owns it, when the registration was made, and optionally where it was bought. I've created a piece of the program that does that in each text field with not program and saves each registration as it's own text file. (Later I'll be adding in a feature to keep record of repairs for each fence charger. Simply, each registration file belongs to a unique charger where it saves the repair notes.)Up to this point I got done. The files are saved with no hassle. Four fields entered by the user, one text file comes out.I'm on the next step where the files are separated into folders of each fence charger model.Executable's location > Warranties > Model > Registration Files

The Second feature I'm working on is a bit of a problem for me. I may be looking at it the wrong way, or not seeing something.The Second feature is going to be a search and edit.The search feature I have not started, just yet, but the showing of files are working, but I want to have the ability to manually select a folder, refresh the list box to show what's in the folder. I got showing of one folder deep, but the next I know it won't work, but can't figure out how to allow it to extend deeper, at least one more folder by click. Then the ability to go back one.


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Evaluates Loop Condition In Do...Loop Statment To Determine Whether Loop Instructions Should Be Processed

Mar 14, 2011

Makes the following statement about the code below:

**"The computer evaluates the loop condition in the Do...Loop statment to determine whether the loop instructions should be processed. In this case, the inputsales <> String.Empty condition compares the contenst of the input sales variable to the String.Empty value. As you know the String.Empty value represents a zero length, or empty, string if the inputsales variable is empty, the loop condition evaluates to True and the computer process the loop instructions. *If on the other hand the inputsales variable is not empty, the loop condition evaluates to false and the computer skips over the loop instructions.

Based on the code I think it is the opposite: ...that while the inputsales value is not empty it should evaluate to true and process the loop and if it is empty it should evaluate to false and skip the loop?

See below.

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On

Imports System.Globalization


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Random Number Generator - Simulating Rolling Of Two Dices

Sep 11, 2011

I have a certain problem with 2 number generators that I have. My problem is that I want them to act individually. To where they seperatly come up with a random number. Mine is from 1-6 for 2 random number to simulate the rolling of two 6 sided dice. The problem that I have is that when I run the program they always generate the same number no matter what that number is. When I step through it step by step while the program is running in the debug screen they come up with a different number. This is in visual basic 2010 express edition.

sender As
[Code] .....

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Simulating Keystokes And Focus (virtual Game Pad For Tablet UPC)

Jan 14, 2011

Edit: I finally found something that works! Hooking the mouse, preventing actual mouse clicks when the mouse is over the control form and calling the click events manually did the trick I've recently been working on a virtual game pad to be controlled by a mouse (or more likely a touch screen on a tablet UPC). It is nearing completion and works exactly as I had hoped except for one issue. I created a topic about it in the VB6 section though as of yet I havn't found a working solution. I consider porting it to .NET if anyone here can give some insight.


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VS 2010 Simulating Mouse Click Without Form Being Selected?

Dec 9, 2011

For my program, I have a webbrowser loaded with a website which contains flash elements. I'm trying to simulate a mouse click (using coordinates) and have the user not need to have the form highlighted (I believe this means the physical position of the cursor shouldn't need be changed either). I've been experimenting with the


This is what I'm looking for however, paired with the ability to simulate the click while not being on that form. I believe this would require the coordinates to be relative to the form itself also. I'm not sure if this is all possible in Visual Basic, however I've seen it utilized in Actionscript and Java.

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Forms :: Create Tutorial For .net Form-Simulating Menu Clicks?

May 18, 2010

I am trying to create a tuturial within my software in The code will take the current mouse position, move it over the relevant menu header (e.g. file) and click, move to relevant item (e.g. New) and click etc.

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Simulating Click On Human Interface Device And Retrieving Data

Apr 7, 2010

I have USB device that is detected as human interface device (HID). The device has one button on it. I want to have more of same devices attached to one PC. I would like to simulate a click on that device (it is not a mouse!). It should be simple using Windows API, but I just can't seem to find an example or at least function that does that (I successfully found code that takes position of a MOUSE, and sends click to a MOUSE, but I need that for my HID). What i really need is an example how to simulate click on HID (something like joystick).Second question is a bit more complicated and I can't find a solution. The HID when button is clicked returns data (5-6 bytes). But data returned is immediately printed to the screen (like i typed it on keyboard) and it is followed by CR, however no data is left on clipboard. I don't know how to get that data to my program. Detecting keystrokes using Windows API (something like keylogger), or to make a control (richtextbox) and retrieve data from that control? Thou important notice is that my program is complicated, involves multithreading (cross-thread operations are a mess) and is TIME CRITICAL (as much as it can be on Windows - you get what I mean), so cross-thread access of control will slow me down a lot or even just won't work. Something like this:[code]Even if this problem is solved it still makes it buggy because user should be able to use GUI all the time.

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Html - Simulating The Web Client/web Server Interaction In A Winform Using A Webbrowser Object?

Aug 6, 2009

Simulating the web Client/web server interaction in a winform using a webbrowser object in

In short I'm using the web browser object as a gui for a giant treeview folder list, in the html there is a form that needs to submit to perform the action, del, rename, etc.

How do I make my program catch the submit, process it and spit out the new info out to the webbrowser item in vb2005 winform?

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Simulating IntelliSense's Parameter List For A Function Call (like MsgBox Button)

Jan 29, 2010

I am creating a function and want to have IntelliSense pop down the list of valid options for a certain parameter in the same way that the MsgBox function behaves when you are typing your argument for which buttons you wish to include (such as MsgBoxStyle.OkCancel). I have done my best to search the internet but haven't found a thing which comes close to what I'm seeking. My monkeying around hasn't produced a satisfactory solution, yet, either.

A related additional thing, which I can live without but that would be nice to have, is the description of the current parameter, which appears below the function description as shown highlighted below MsgBox (Prompt As Object, [Buttons as Microsoft.Visual Basic.MsgBoxStyle = MsgBoxStyle .DefaultButton1], [Title as Object = Nothing]) AsMicrosoft.VisualBasic.MsgBoxResult

Buttons: Optional. Numeric expression that is the sum of values specifying the number and type of buttons to display, the icon style to user, the identity of the default button, and the modality of the message box. If you omit Buttons, the default is zero. This is my first post. I'm relatively new to VB .Net.

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VS 2010 Simulating A "Mouse Click" On Inactive Window

Aug 21, 2011

I don't know where to start so i will explain my project. I want (someday) to make a macro scripting program kinda like SCAR. The difference will be that it will simulate all the function/procedures from scar. What i mean by simulate is that you can "Mouse Click" without actually moving or affecting the "real" mouse. This will allow you to macro and do what ever you do on the computer at the same time.

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VS 2008 : Simulating The "Aero" Effect?

Nov 21, 2010

How would I implement the Aero effect in my applications?

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Sql Query Where Clause And .net

Mar 11, 2010

I am learning how to use database. I am using sql server 2005. I would like to know how to make an sql query to the database from I have tried some code. what i would like to know is, how to make the sqldataadapter statement with 2 or more where clause.


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Where To Put Parameters That Have Set After Where Clause

Sep 6, 2011

I am trying to use the following query Dim sqlQry As String = "SELECT * FROM tblTest where Name=@NM and Rank=@RN"..Then I fill my dataadapter by Dim dAdt As New SqlDataAdapter(sqlQry, conStr) But do not know where to put the parameters that I have set after where clause.

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.net - Optional Where Clause In Query?

Jan 27, 2010

I have an application that does a search of our database (exposed via EF) for records meeting certain conditions. We have two main tables (Jobs and Recipients). Recipients are linked to the Jobs table by a Job ID.The job record has various fields (Process Date, NameJobType). The recipient has a lot of Name and ID fields (e.g. Account Number, Surname, etc)

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