SingleTagSectionHandler Returned As DefaultSection?

Mar 19, 2012

I have an App.conf file which contains:

<?xml version="1.0"?>


As you can see an CrystalReport section is defined in the configSections.
But when I do: config.GetSection("CrystalReport") its returning an DefaultSection object in stead of an SingleTagSectionHandler.

How do I retrieve the Database attribute from the CrystalReport tag using the ConfigurationManager?

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ADVERTISEMENT - Get Scope_identity Returned Value?

Sep 24, 2010

How can i get the scope identity parameter in my vb code. I have this so far....


How can i retreive this ID, in the DetailsView1_ItemInserted?

View 1 Replies - Subquery Returned More Than 1 Value?

Nov 8, 2011

I know this topic is all over the place, but I am not doing an INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE. My statement is a plain and simple SELECT statement and so far has worked with 116 different items in my database until I got to one.

I have a search engine and am going through every single product in our database to add information to it. This is all done through the website, but when I search for ProductID 331 and click on it, it goes to the error page that says Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.

It doesn't make any sense to me that the website would error with only this one product. This is the statement I am using. Does anyone know why 1 product would be causing this error?

Public Class ProductSearch
Inherits System.Web.Services.WebService
<WebMethod()> _


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Files Returned Just Don't Look Right

Apr 5, 2009

what i'm aiming at doing here is returning every file on my drive that hasn't been accessed in 90 days. The first listbox has all the directories and the second works off that to return all the files... [code]

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How To Get Another Function's Returned Value

Apr 4, 2012

How to give another function's returned value in LINQ.[code]but in above query I should write code to store the return value of GetObjProperty Value(p) and add obj-p and returnValue combination to the dictionary.The last line below code is wrong. but please suggest me how to correct it. My intention is, I want output collection(say dictionary) of each fruitname and its color(returned by other function call) for all the fruits which the GetFruitColor is not nothing(it can be empty or valid string).[code]In above code last line is wrong. So how to put getFruitColor in k, how to correct it to save the k value and give me output as dictionary of fruit and k value.

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How To Use Returned Value From Function

Sep 5, 2010

Why this code doesn't work? It returns an unexpected value actually total = 0.
total = Cscore(TextBox1.Text) * CDbl(TextBox2.Text)

When trying this
total = TextBox1.Text * TextBox2.Text
It returns the expected value but I need to pass textbox1.text to the function to get the desirable value

The function is this
Public Function Cscore(ByVal score As Integer) As Double
Select Case score
Case score = 100
Return 5.0
Case score >= 95
[Code] .....

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SQL - Subquery Returned More Than 1 Value

Jul 27, 2009

I get the following errors: Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression. If the subquery only return one result,then it works fine,but if the subquery return more than one results, then the error occurred,how can I resolve this error?

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SQL SUM Negative Value Not Being Returned

Jul 21, 2011

I have an SQL Query that looks like this [code]I get two results. The first is the correct one which is -0.0060 and the second @return_value which is 0.This is also the case when I call the stored procedure from my code, I get a 0 back instead of the -0.0060 that I want. This is how I am calling the stored procedure from my code:[code]

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Using Returned Value Of A Function?

Apr 2, 2011

I have many functions that perform mathematical calculations.

Here is one for example:

Public Function internaldiamofcasingpipecalculation(ByVal Externaldiameterofcarrierpipe As Double, ByVal insulationthickness As Double) As Double


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Value Returned From Popup?

Feb 17, 2009

i m working on and wht i want to do is return some value from the popup window to the page from where popup generated.

for example

i have a multilined text box populated with the names of product categories.

now i want to add more categories to that textbox.

for this purpose i have a link button which triggers popup window from where i can add more categories.

now when i clicked on done in popup the newly added categories should be in the textbox of that page.

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Weird Value Returned When Using Len

Feb 5, 2010

I need to check the current date and month to see if they are only 1 character long (1 - 9 - January to September) and if so I need to insert a 0 before the value in a string.Now the code I have been using is Len(Now.Month) which for some reason is returning 4 even though the current Month is February (thought this would return 1).I I use Len(Now.Month.ToString) it comes through as 1, which is what I want.

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.net - How To Returned A TYPED Result

Apr 18, 2011

I would like to define Sorted to be of type ErrorProviderMessageCollection, which is what unsortedCollection is defined as.


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Accessing Value Returned From Function?

Feb 22, 2010

I'm new to VB.NET and want to parameterise the SQL Connection Strings in my VB.NET App. I've added a function to my Main Form to retrieve the App.config File like:

Imports System.Configuration
Imports System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings
Public Class MainMenu [code]....

In my other forms when i want to reference the Connection String, i get an error saying getConnStr is not declared?

Private Sub UpdDept_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
myconnection = New SqlConnection(getConnStr()) <=============
Dim mycommand As New SqlCommand()

why i get this when i've declared the Function as Public?

View 1 Replies - No Rows Being Returned From Dataset JUST On IOS Using MVC 3

Aug 11, 2011

I have a model that returns a dataset to a view and builds a list. The crazy thing is that I have tested this code with IE, Safari on Mac and Windows, Chrome and Opera and all return data. However, on the iPad or iPhone, zero rows are returned from the dataset object. It seems that the model is in fact passing the dataset to the view. I am using jquerymobile to render the view for the iOS devices and have taken that out of the mix to test and it still doesn't work.


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Compare Returned Value Against A List?

Nov 6, 2011

Im still doing some amatuer programming, but now in .net and Ive come here with a question that I cant seem to find an answer to... Basically, Ive got a program im writing to interface into my companies AD and return some values, which then trigger other events etc..

The problem Ive run into is trying to find and easy way to compare the returned value when against a list of possible combinations (16 possibilities to be exact), and if its one of them then all good continue on but if not then I need to throw an error and exit sub.[code]...

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Data Type Of Returned Set?

Jul 11, 2011

I am confused which data type to define for my variable which stores value returned by LINQ Statement.

Currently I am defining it as some data type but its generating error like: ""Unable to cast object of type 'WhereSelectListIterator2""`


Here i want myBase to hold the data which has UIN = 4

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For Each Loop - Value Returned From List?

Mar 21, 2012

I have a problem with a For Each Loop that doesn't make any sense. The For Each Loop returns values from a list which are Memory Ranges for a given device. When I check the count in the list it returns 3. The For Each only returns 1.

Here's my code:
Private Sub DisplayDeviceResources(ByRef lvwResources As ListView, ByRef intClassIndex As Integer, ByRef intDeviceIndex As Integer)
Dim curDeviceClasses As New DeviceClasses
Dim lvwItem As ListViewItem
[Code] .....

View 12 Replies

FTP Server Returned Error

Nov 15, 2010

Just finished reading a book on visual basic "Imports System.IO" and "FtpWebRequest". I double checks this code and tripple checked it but I can't seem to find anything wrong with it, bare in mind I did write it from scratch with help from the book so maybe its full of mistakes.[code]

View 2 Replies

Get Number Of Row Returned By DataReader?

Jan 23, 2006

I have been playing around with datareader for a little while, and I can't figure out how to get the number of row returned? [code]...

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Handle Nothing Returned From Function?

Mar 18, 2009

When the AlertsSettings.xml is not present the Appsettings is assigned to nothing. The variables that follow that definition rely on the existance of that information which will normally be set by the load method. But when there is a problem and either of the variables do not get a value how do I handle that in the code that relies on those values. The Settings class deserializes an xml document and assigned values to properties.

Sub Main()
Dim Appsettings As Settings = Settings.Load("AlertsSettings.xml")
Dim AlertsServer As String


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Sql - Returned ID From SELECT Statment?

May 21, 2011

I use in my Project the IfExistsTable function; in order to see the existence of a table.

For this purpose I use the Select statement as follows.

MASQLComm = New SqlCommand("SELECT COUNT(*) AS [RecCount] From sys.tables WHERE name Like '%" & tName & "%'", SQLConn)
RecCount = CInt(MASQLComm.ExecuteScalar)

After that I take the number which returned in RecCount. Until now the numbers was 1 and 0

And so I was turn the numbers in True or False.Now suddenly the returned number is 2 which I can't understand what it means.

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Use Dataset Returned When Using ExecuteDataSet?

Jul 29, 2009

I am using Enterprise block and not able to figure this out.

I am using oracle procedure for inserting records into the database from my application in

Though it is inserting records as it should When I try to access the dataset returned I am not able to see the just inserted record details.

In my Oracle procedure I have Output Cursor which should return several column values from the just inserted record.

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Using Dataset Returned By Sql Statement In VB

Jul 7, 2009

I am returning to VB and coding after several years of trying to be out of coding :)
I would like in grabbing data retrieved from a SQL database call into an array of sorts so that I can quickly close the database connection. I am having some trouble remembering how to do this. Most of the posts I've found say to use the dataSet() functionality, but I do not have a table name for the structure to mimic. I am selecting from several tables on a remote server.

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What Table Would Be Returned From Sql Query

May 5, 2010

Im a noob to sql query ,can anybody point to what table would be returned from ths sql Query. [code]

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What To Do Now To Read Different Strings Returned

Nov 29, 2010

I',m using a method in a COM component. The method looks like this [code] 'What to do now to read the different strings returned? Next i've worked with simpler types but not **BSTR.

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Why Are Files Returned Out Of Order

Mar 15, 2011

I wrote a program that uses the namespace.It parses through files in a folder and renames them. It does so in such a fashion that it could create dups.

Dim di
As New IO.DirectoryInfo(fbdBrowseFolder.SelectedPath)
Dim aryFi


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.NET XML Web Service Returned Collection As An Array?

Mar 21, 2012

I am working with an XML web service using VB.NET, created using VS 2010. One of my web methods returns a collection(type that inherits from list) of custom objects. It's a simple return statement, it is my understanding that .NET handles most of the tricky protocol stuff as well as serializing/unserialzing of objects.

The issue is in my consuming application when I get the the return value of the web method that returns a custom collection I get an array of the custom objects. Is this normal behavior? It will be easy enough for me to take that array and insert it into a custom collection object but if I could I would like to skip this step.

View 1 Replies - Convert The Ado Recordset To Xml And Returned A String

Jan 26, 2012

In my webservice I have converted the ado recordset to xml and returned a string.In my application I managed to convert it back to the ado recordset but now I need to convert that recordset to dao as I need to use some of the functions provided by dao that ado does not have.

View 1 Replies - Formatting Data Returned Via Datareader?

Jun 6, 2011

I am returning a date from my database table:


Which gives me:

31/05/2011 16:00:50

How do I change this to:

31 May 2011

View 3 Replies - Status Code Returned From The Server Was: 500

Jul 31, 2011

First off, I am new to, so this is new territory for me.I am using Telerik controls on a project. I get the following error as a javascript error for every action on the form. Changing any value, whether its a telerik slider, a radio button, asp:button, submit button, telerik rating. Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManagerServerErrorException: An unknown error occurred while processing the request on the server. The status code returned from the server was: 500

I understand that the 500 error is an error thrown when the server doesn't have any more details, however I was hoping someone might have had a similar situation and can point me the right direction as I have a good feeling it has something to do with the Telerik controls.

I was able to submit the form using javascript however then I get the following error, and I don't know if they are related or not.Validation of viewstate MAC failed. If this application is hosted by a Web Farm or cluster, ensure that <machineKey> configuration specifies the same validationKey and validation algorithm. AutoGenerate cannot be used in a cluster.

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