Snag A Thumbnail From A Video File?

Feb 20, 2010

I need to grab a thumbnail from a video file. I dont mind if i need to somehow grab it myself.... But I was doing some research and found IExtractImage which grabs the thumbnails out of the thumbs file in the directory... I haven't found any examples on how to use it in vb, only C#

how to use this or another way to get thumbnails from video files?

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Get Video Thumbnail From A Video File (from A Directory In Hard Drive)?

Jul 21, 2011

I would like to create thumbnails into a VB (2005 or 2010) form from video files.

I have a directory (in my hard drive) with video files (.mpg).

How to show video thumbnails for each video file?

My VB code (for images) is attached below and I want to convert it in order to manage video files.

Private Sub ThumbButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ThumbButton.Click
Dim imagepath As String


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Show Video-file's Thumbnail?

Apr 14, 2010

Is there a way to show videofiles' thumnails in VB application? Ideal situation would be so that the application would recieve videofiles via drag and drop and then show thumbnails from them the same way as you can see a preview thumbnails in Windows file-explorer.

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Dual Screen Video Player With Windows 7 Thumbnail Preview?

Aug 25, 2010

I try to create a dual video player with VB 2010.

With that I have 2 forms, 1 main form (with all the controls and it should contain a preview screen of what is being displayed on the second form.

And a second form (with a windows media player component).

Now the main form should have (as told) a preview screen of what is shown on the second screen, I want to know if it is possible to have is as the windows 7 taskbar thumbnail (when preview the mediaplayer).

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How The Win7 Taskbar Showing Thumbnail View Of A Video Or Pics Or User Apps That Running Presently With Code

Dec 13, 2011

i am trying to develop a project for my academics...i.e, windows application s/w... how to get the thumbnail view(in win7 taskbar shows in that manner?) of all applications that are appearing on taskbar with code in vb ..

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Created Thumbnail With Other Programming Mothod Test Thumbnail.rar?

Feb 13, 2012

i created this thumbnail with other programming mothod Test Thumbnail.rar but how can i register it in other windows i tried register it with RegAsm but i don't could register it

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Working On A Spider Bot And Hit A Snag In The Last Function?

Jul 20, 2008

I'm working on a spider bot and hit a snag in the last function?'This function navigates the web browser control to the entered URL.'It wait till the document is loaded completely into the browser control by testing the ready state of the web browser control. 'Then it returns the web browser document.

Private Function Navigate2WebPage(ByVal URL As String, ByVal TimeoutInterv As TimeSpan) As HTMLDocument
Dim T1, T2 As Date
Dim Interv As TimeSpan


the problem lies with "SHDocVw.tagREADYSTATE.READYSTATE_COMPLETE" I an example of it on the net and it works in the sample app but not in mine. It won't compile because it says "Name ShDocvw is not declared" and i've searched through the example app and can't find it "declared" anywhere. I had a look at the designer generated code and found

2003 - Friend WithEvents AxWebBrowser1 As AxSHDocVw.AxWebBrowser
2005 - Friend WithEvents WebBrowser1 As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser

what is a AxSHDocVw.AxWebBrowser? Now i've done some searching and found that apparently "SHDocVw.tagREADYSTATE.READYSTATE_COMPLETE" no longer works in 2005.

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Generate Thumbnail Image From .doc File?

Oct 13, 2011

I am in search of a way to access a files thumbnail preview and push it to a picturebox on my form. I have the code below that works for jpg files, however it does not work for say a word document's thubnail. displaying the word documents thumbnail in a picturebox would be great!

Dim myBitmap As New Bitmap("C:Doc1.doc", True)
Dim myThumbnail As Image = myBitmap.GetThumbnailImage(40, 40, myCallback, IntPtr.Zero)
PictureBox1.Image = myThumbnail

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Thumbnail Creation From Image File

Aug 20, 2009

Im looking to create a thumbnail from a jpg image. the image is stored in c: empimage.jpg all im trying to do is create a thumbnail from this and save it in c: emp humbimage.jpg. Ive found a number of C# tutorials and some ones. Apparently this is a really easy thing to do.

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How To Create And Save Thumbnail For Specific File

Jul 27, 2009

Is there anyway to save a thumbnail of an image, then save it so that, when viewed through My Computer, the thumbnail is displayed for the file. Basically, what I mean is to do something similar to the way you can see a preview of a pdf file, or Microsoft Word file, or Microsoft Expression Design file. I want to be able to open the file's containing folder, then switch to thumbnail view, and the thumbnail will be displayed as the image for the file.

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Reading Image Path From Text File And Add It To Thumbnail Control?

Jul 14, 2011

I have a CheckedListBox and a thumbnail control and I am trying to save and retrieve back the images along with their path.

I need to show their image path in the checked list box which I am able to do but I am unable to get the images.

I want to know how to read Images from the saved text file and display it in the thumbnail control.

Here is the code:

Private Sub LoadProject_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles LoadProject.Click
Using ofdlg As New Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog


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VB Express 2008 - File Directory - Coded A Video Downloaded - Want To Include A Converter As A Separate Exe File

Feb 15, 2011

Anyways, i have coded a video downloaded and i want to include a converter as a separate exe file. But obviously people may have different file directories so a simple piece of code i have used won't work. This is what i have: Also where would i place the exe file?

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C# - Show Video File And Word File In Gridview From The Database?

Jun 15, 2011

im the beginner of .net, im doing the project to save and retrive the files in with c# , i done saved the files to sql in binary format, and i dont know how to retrive the file in grid view, also i dont know how to play the video file in gridview,

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Play Swf File In Media Player Current Video File?

Dec 13, 2011

I m trying to create media player .i want to add an swf file in current running video file at the top of my video player or bottom of my video.

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Get File Path To An Embedded Video Resource File

Dec 7, 2011

can anyone please explain to me how I get the file path to an embedded video resource file I have?Currently I know how to get this while debugging, but I am unsure how to refer to it when built.It needs to work no matter where the application files are.[code]

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Inserte Pictures And Video - Can't Move The Program To Another Computer Because The Pathname For The Video Will Be Wrong

Jun 22, 2010

I have a project which i have inserted pictures and video. I inserted a video clip using the Windows Media Player control and it does work. The issue i have is that i can't move the program to another computer because the pathname for the video will be wrong. I know i could change the pathname when i move it but this is not practical because i need to present this program. Does anybody know how to make the video accessible no matter what location the program is at?

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Monitoring 12 Video Feeds From Video Cameras - NEXT Or FORWARD Button On My Monitor Form

Dec 24, 2009

I am monitoring 12 video feeds from video cameras. Now I have more than 12 cameras, I have 134. But I will only monitor 12 cameras at a time. By Monitoring I mean, I have 12 small video screens on the form that I can see the video. The way I know which cameras are active, so I can monitor them is by a boolean value in a sql database. I run a Store Procedure in my program, and spit out the results in a XML file. I then read the XML file in a loop. This XML file will have a list of the camera names I need to monitor.

So that is for 12 video feeds. Now, I want to have a NEXT or FORWARD button on my monitor form. So when I click this it will give me the next group of cameras, 13 to 24. Now if I only have15 cameras that are active, that means the first group is 1 to 12, then the second group is 13 to 15 cameras. So I will only have 3 to monitor on the second grouping. One thought I had was to have another field in my table to mark as already as an active monitor, so when I run the SP, i will not select that row. But I need to select 12 at a time. Or I can make a number of xml files, one xml file for each grouping of 12, but I need to figure out how I can select the next group without re-selecting the first group. I have no code at the moment, I'm on my non-programming computer.

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Create Audio Video Chat - Client Move His Or Her Webcam Video Where Want?

Oct 17, 2011

I creat audio video chat and when calling receivng video and client video is together...I want that client move his or her webcam video where I know it name DROP&DRAP but I`m not know how to do it...

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It Open A Bunch Of Tabs That All Go To A Link With A Video, And Then Have It Automatically Play That Video?

Jul 7, 2009

I was wondering if it was possible to have a program open Firefox, and have it open a bunch of tabs that all go to a link with a video, and then have it automatically play that video?

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Make A Video Streaming Server Or A Video Lan Chat Programme?

Jun 22, 2010

i want to make a video streaming server or a Video Lan chat programe in

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Recording Video Via Video Webcam Within Visual Basic Application

Dec 5, 2009

How can i record a video via webcam in visual basic application and then display the video on user's request either live or recorded video.

how to develop video webcam recording application.

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What Syntax Use To Buffer Video The Video In Client's Media Player

Jul 12, 2010

i want to buffer a video file on client side when it request.. what syantax i use to buffer the video the video in client's media player

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Use Avicap32 To Capture Video With A Web Cam And Save The Video As A Wmv Format Instead Of Avi One?

Oct 20, 2010

is it possible to use avicap32 to capture video with a web cam and save the video as a wmv format instead of avi one

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Encryption Of Video File?

Aug 4, 2009

Imports System
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Security
Imports System.Security.Cryptography


The above code is used by me to encrypt .avi files and it worked very well but the problem is that if the size of my video file is greater than 200 mb memory overflows probably as the code copy the whole input file into ram and then process it hence it put limitation of hardware,is there any better way to do it so that files > 200 mb could me encrypted in PCs with 1gb ram?

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Get Video File Duration?

Jan 20, 2009

I have created my own application for organising my video library. when the application starts a datagridview displays all of the videos in my database. i can't get it to display the duration of each video. i assumed i'd be able to loop through each row in the datagridview and use the FileInfo class to look up the properties of each file and get the duration from there because if you look at the properties of any .avi and then click on Details you can see the duration of the video but i can't figure it out.

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Opening A Video File?

Sep 26, 2010

know the source code format when i want to open a video file in

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Capture And Save As Video .WMV, Or .FLV File

Feb 26, 2007

Visual Basic has a function that allows a video from a webcam to be saved as .AVI file which inherently is too large for data transfer over the internet. I would like to know if there is a function that allows the video to be saved as a .WMV, or a .FLV file so its smaller and allowed to be transfered over the net. Here is a snippet of the code i am using


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Capture Image From Video File?

Dec 15, 2011

I have written a code from which using a web camera one can record a video and save it onto the HDD but now according to a client requirement he needs to play that video and capture still images from the video and save it onto a picture box's and here is where i am having issues.

1)when i use windows media player to play the recorded video i don how to capture the image from the video by triggering an event

2) also i need to know if i can play the video on picturebox tool(i tried using the winmm.lib and Mci but it din work out for me)

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Create A Video File From BMPs?

Mar 29, 2006

there are a number of sources (ONE, TWO and THREE) which show how to use VB6 to create a video file from BMPs?

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Extract Information From A Video File?

Nov 8, 2009

Extract information from a video file?

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