Sorting Arrays Numerically / Alphabetically In Textbox

Feb 26, 2011

In Visual Basic 2008 or 2010. How to sort numerically in this format:

From this:
"basketball" 900,000
"golf" 300,000
"bike" 600,000
"snow boarding" 800,000
"mountain climbing" 500,000
"roller blading" 100,000
"soccer shoes" 400,000
"football team" 700,000
"field track" 200,000

To this numerically:
"roller blading" 100,000
"field track" 200,000
"golf" 300,000
"soccer shoes" 400,000
"mountain climbing" 500,000
"bike" 600,000
"football team" 700,000
"snow boarding" 800,000
"basketball" 900,000

I would like to have a form application that I can drag n drop the words with their numbers into a Textbox1.text and have the Textbox1.text do the sorting.

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Sorting Arrays Numerically And Alphabetically (like Windows Explorer) Without Using StrCmpLogicalW Or Shlwapi.dll - ASP.NET?

Nov 12, 2010

I created a sorter that StrCmpLogicalW / shlwapi.dll. unfortunately it causes errors on partial trust environments. I am in a really bad need of a solution that does not use 'shlwapi.dll' or StrCmpLogicalW and works in the same fashion.

Here's the sorter that causes the error.

Public Class nvSorter
Implements IComparer(Of String)
Declare Unicode Function StrCmpLogicalW Lib "shlwapi.dll" ( _
ByVal s1 As String, _


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C# - Sorting An Array Of Folder Names Like Windows Explorer (Numerically And Alphabetically) - .NET

Jun 23, 2010

I'm killing myself and dehydrating trying to get this array to sort.I have an array containing directories generated by;Dim Folders() As String = Directory.GetDirectories(RootPath)

I need them to be sorted so they appear like in windows explorer in win7 / vista. -- numerically and alphabetically by folder names.The folder names contain both letters and numbers, sometimes letters only or numbers only.


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Sorting Listbox Items Numerically In VB?

Jan 28, 2010

I need to sort the items in a visual basic listbox numerically, that is, I have a collection of numbers I would like to be sorted increasingly.

I tried to simply use the listbox's Sorted property, but found that it treated the numbers as if they were strings, that is, it would look at the first digit, then the second, etc. to determine the order. That meant that 13 would show before 5, for example.

I thought of dumping all the numbers into an array, soring the array, and then pushing them back to the listbox, but, honestly, I don't know how to go about the sorting. I figured the array would be useless, since the listbox already acts as a pseudo array.

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Sorting Numerically With A Datagridview Bound To Xml?

May 20, 2011

I've been searching for days for a solution. I've scoured the internet and other forums and tried so many things at this point that I think my brain may explode.I receive a large XML file from a third party vendor. I have converted the XML file to a a dataset and use the dataset to fill a datagridview with a specific table. I do not have a schema from the vendor and the XML file does not contain any data type information. The datagridview populates fine but all columns are defaulted to type string. This presents a problem when sorting columns that should be numeric - they sort by string comparison instead of logically numeric. I've tried numerous ways to attempt to convert the datatable columns to integer to no avail.


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Decimal Column In Datagridivew Is Not Sorting Numerically?

Mar 16, 2012

I have a datagridview which is bounded to a table m_table constructed in my code. A column named price has decimal type.

DGV.DataSource = m_table
DGV.Columns(columnPrice).ValueType = System.Type.GetType("System.Decimal")

All prices are in decimal. But I found that when clicking the column header of DGV, the price column is sorted like a string. For example:

9.0, 13.5, 8->13.5, 8, 9.0

But I want sort numerically, that is 8,9.0,13.5

I wonder why decimal type cannot be sorted numerically. How to achieve this?

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Sorting Number Numerically In List View?

Dec 18, 2010

In 2007 I created a program that reads weather data into a listview. When a user clicks on the column header it fires off the column click event handler which calls the Sort Wrapper function. The Sort wrapper will re-order items either in ascending or descending order.

I have never been able to get negative integers to sort properly. I have created a stripped down listview program with a few numbers in the grid for testing. (see attached program zip file).When you run the program, click on the column header that says "Val" and you will see right away that the numbers do not sort correctly.

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VS 2010 - String Sorting In Order Numerically

May 3, 2012

I have a list of strings lets say the items are like this:

If I do list.sort() I get the following
Somehow I need to get these in order numerically but I am dealing with strings not numbers.

View 7 Replies

Numerically Sort Labels Or Arrays?

Nov 22, 2011

Well I'm just trying to sort array's so it would show in numeric order in the labels ... I tried the code

Example: 55, 30, 52, 23
goes to 23, 30, 52, 55

however nothing happened when I used this code

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Names Sorting Alphabetically

Sep 21, 2009

This program i am working needs to be sorted alphabetically but right now it just sorts by the length of the names in descending order. i think the problem is my if statement. [Code]

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Bubble Sorting Words Alphabetically?

Jan 15, 2012

i have a few names in a list box (string). How do i use bubble sorting to sort them in alphabetical order.

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C# - Sorting List Alphabetically And By Type?

Apr 18, 2011

I have a list of instruments and I need to sort them to the following requirement.

order by:

securities in alphabetical order
managed funds in alphabetical order

I have a list of instrument which has properties name and type, I've managed to sort alphabetically by name.

Instruments.Sort(Function(x, y) String.Compare(x.Name, y.Name))
Instruments.Sort((x, y) => string.Compare(x.Name, y.Name));

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Sorting Multiple ArrayLists Alphabetically

Sep 26, 2011

I've got three arraylists of strings, and the "091: " part of the string is not part in the arraylist, thats added when I display them in the listboxes. So basically, how can I sort a list, and make sure that item nr 98 in english, still equals nr 98 in japanese and kanji?

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Sorting Arrays In .net?

Aug 10, 2009

I need to know if there is any simple way to sort an array in visual I have been trying for some time without any real reliable results or wierd results. Here is the code this is the sort routine which transfers a csv text file read earlier into an array.

Private Sub btnSort_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSort.Click
Dim i As Integer = 2 'inner loop
Dim j As Integer 'outer loop
Dim tempstore As String = String.Empty
ProgressSort.Minimum = 0


The data seems to be read into the array but the sorting takes a very long time and I am not sure if it is working or not. I have read from other forums that it is easier to sort the array read from csv before splitting it. This record I am trying to sort is 250 records long. I have no idea how long that should take. Not even sure if the algorithm I chose is correct.

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Use Arrays Or Lists When Sorting?

Jun 24, 2011

I have been assigned a program for homework in which I need to take in information about songs from a text file and then be able to sort the list alphabetically, by genre and by length. I also need to be able to filter it by genre. The user can then move songs they choose from the master list to a playlist where again the list can be sorted by either genre or play order.My book only covered sorting array when they are one dimensional however I need to be able to sort a multidimensional array by different columns. I asked my teacher but she had so much going on that we didn't really have time to get into it, so I decided to ask here.

I'm not looking for code, just to get pointed in the right direction. For instance rather than using a multidimensional array would it be better to pull the values in and then put them into an array of song objects with properties for each value? And if I choose to go that route is an array the best structure to use? I have to use an array of some type, but the problem says nothing about whether or not it can be a list or other array type structure.

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Creating Copies Of Arrays And Sorting?

Mar 17, 2010

Basically the assignment says:Create an array that accepts user input. When the user inputs -1, stop the entering process.Check user input to circumvent bad numbers (numbers less than -1)Make two copies of the array (making sure the two new arrays are only as big as the amount of numbers the user input, might need a counter)Sort the first copy using any algorithmSort the second copy using standard array.sort method.Display all three arrays in a form.I have this so far, and I'm stumped as to where to go next.

Public Class SortingForm
Establishing Module-Level Variables


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VS 2005 Sorting Parallel Arrays

Jan 4, 2012

In Visual Basic 2005 is it possible to parallel sort three or maybe four arrays? I have a function that is trying to accomplish this but it only parallel sorts the second array with the Array that it is being sorted with. Here is the code

Sub ParallelListBoxSort(ByVal byList As ListBox, ByVal otherLists() As ListBox)
Dim ii As Integer = 0
Dim a As Integer = otherLists.Length


'listToArray' is just a function that converts a list to an 1-Dimensional array and 'setArrayToListCollection' just puts the array back into the appropriated list.

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Raise Events - Generic Function For Sorting Integer Arrays

Aug 26, 2010

I am very confuse over a Raise Events example and using delegate as a function pointer: I am clear with this function pointer example program below which creates a generic sort function for sorting integer arrays without changing the main sort function.
' Returns True if need to swap
Delegate Function CompareFunc(ByVal x As Integer, _
ByVal y As Integer) _
As Boolean

Here are two alternative target methods for the delegate - one for an ascending sort and one for a descending sort:
Function SortAscending(ByVal x As Integer, ByVal y As Integer) As Boolean
If y < x Then
SortAscending = True
End If
End Function
Function SortDescending(ByVal x As Integer, _
ByVal y As Integer) As Boolean
[Code] .....

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Vb 2010 Sorting Out Textbox's?

Apr 26, 2012

to something that sure is really simple. If i have two textboxes. Textbox1 is where you type in the text and textbox2 sorts out the text. Lets say i type in a bunch of letters and numbers "random2random1random3" then sorts it out, so textbox2 only shows the numbers

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Sorting 2 Arrays Side By Side?

Jan 18, 2012

Basicly I have a program that retrieves data and parses it, which is fine, so it starts from:11:981.8 which equals to November 981.8 now what I have done is split the "November" and the "981.8" into 2 different arrays, with other similar data, now what I need to be able to do, is sort the array in either Ascending or Descending order, however keeping in tact, the November and 981.8 side by side in a list box.

My current code is:

Private Sub sortData(ByVal strYear As String, ByVal strSort As String)
Dim strData As String = My.Settings.usage2011
Dim arrRawData() As String


EDIT: Just to mention, there are many more values, not just November and 981.8, there would be for example December and 128.1, January and 191.1, etc.

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Sorting Length In Textbox/richtextbox In .net?

May 29, 2012

i want to ask how to sort a length in a textbox or richtextboxt in order to make it display line by line..for e.g, the user enter: "2002red2003der2003ter200456ter" in a textbox1.text/richtextbox1.text i want to display it into another textbox2.text/richtextbox2.text to become:


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VS 2008 Sorting With Interactive Sort Of A Textbox In A Report?

Jul 4, 2011

I am trying to sort my report on the values in a column. The underlying query consists of a director colum a movietitle column and a rating column, for every movie a director has directed there is a record which off course shows the rating in the ratingcolumn In my report I have grouped by Director and created two other columns which are called: Nr of Films and averageRating. in the design view i used two functions to accomplish this. the first is: count('the field of the rating') and sum('the field of the rating')/count('the field of the rating'). This is working... but now I would like to sort the column, Nr of Films. I think I have to do this with interactive sort of the textbox which holds the column name(i.e. Nr of Films)

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How To Examine User Stack Numerically

Jan 28, 2011

Has anyone found a way to view it numerically?Im sure that for a multithreaded program that a seperate user stack is maintained for each thread?Inevtably. there will be the dunderhead who asks what I am doing. Im in the last stages of developing a multithreaded filescanning program. The program uses a fairly tight loop.

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Get Strings From Arrays To Print Into Same TextBox?

May 17, 2012

I'm making a random sentence generator that takes subjects, predicates, etc. from user input, stores them, and then randomly chooses one value from each category and prints it in a textbox. Or at least, that's how it's supposed to work. But I just can't seem to get the text to print in the textbox. Everything compiles fine, but when I click generate, Windows gives an error.

Since I have barely any time, for it is a project at an enrichment course that ends in 2 days, I've been trying everything I could without taking too long.[code]...

View 7 Replies

Arrays - How To Import The Data That Is displayed In A Textbox

Mar 8, 2012

I cant seem to find out how i import the data(below)that is displayed in a textbox(textbox2), into an array,, let alone what type of array to use. [Code]

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Textbox - Create Arrays Of Strings To Hold The Names

Jun 3, 2012

I'm attempting to create a small app that allows a teacher to input 5 students with 5 test scores each. I need to create arrays of strings to hold the five students names, an array of five strings to hold each student�s letter grade, and five arrays of five single precision numbers to hold each students set of test scores.


View 3 Replies - Sort DataAdapter Alphabetically ?

Nov 30, 2010

This should be a fairly simple one. I am creating a dataset which will contain a description field which I would like to sort by. The reason I want to sort the dataadapter and not in my SQL is that I am already ordering by the results that have a particular value.My SQL looks like this:

SELECT pif_desc, pif_fund, psf_end, (CASE WHEN SUM(pmi_units) IS Null THEN 0 ELSE SUM(pmi_units) END) As fundunits
FROM tbl_mem INNER JOIN tbl_sfunds[code]....

I want to sort the datarows is ds.tables(0) by pif_desc but still have the rows with fundunits > 0 listed first. how I can achieve the correct ordering.

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TreeViewNodeSorter Sort Alphabetically

Oct 4, 2011

I have been attempting to work the TreeViewNodeSorter into a treeview. I essentially need the first level of the tree to be sorted by two things: 1) In the tag of each node there is a zero (0) or a one (1) - I need the zero, then the one to be the first sort order. Then I need it to sort alphabetically after that. How can I do this?

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Trying To Filter A Datagrid Alphabetically

Jan 26, 2010

I am trying to filter a datagrid alphabetically.I already have a filter in place to sort by grade(another column in the grid)but I have tried 10 different tutorials and can not get the alpha to work. [code] The last on is the alpha filter, the top is grade and the middle is to show all

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Excel Sorting Is Only Sorting One Column Not Multiple?

Mar 12, 2012

I'm having my program sort an excel sheet by a few columns. However, it is only sorting by the first column not the rest that I specify.ere is my sort code below:

myRange.Sort(Key1:=myRange.Range("A:A"), Order1:=XlSortOrder.xlAscending, Key2:=myRange.Range("G:G"), Order2:=XlSortOrder.xlAscending, Header:=XlYesNoGuess.xlYes, Orientation:=XlSortOrientation.xlSortColumns)


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