Vb 2010 Sorting Out Textbox's?

Apr 26, 2012

to something that sure is really simple. If i have two textboxes. Textbox1 is where you type in the text and textbox2 sorts out the text. Lets say i type in a bunch of letters and numbers "random2random1random3" then sorts it out, so textbox2 only shows the numbers

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Sorting Length In Textbox/richtextbox In .net?

May 29, 2012

i want to ask how to sort a length in a textbox or richtextboxt in order to make it display line by line..for e.g, the user enter: "2002red2003der2003ter200456ter" in a textbox1.text/richtextbox1.text i want to display it into another textbox2.text/richtextbox2.text to become:


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Sorting Arrays Numerically / Alphabetically In Textbox

Feb 26, 2011

In Visual Basic 2008 or 2010. How to sort numerically in this format:

From this:
"basketball" 900,000
"golf" 300,000
"bike" 600,000
"snow boarding" 800,000
"mountain climbing" 500,000
"roller blading" 100,000
"soccer shoes" 400,000
"football team" 700,000
"field track" 200,000

To this numerically:
"roller blading" 100,000
"field track" 200,000
"golf" 300,000
"soccer shoes" 400,000
"mountain climbing" 500,000
"bike" 600,000
"football team" 700,000
"snow boarding" 800,000
"basketball" 900,000

I would like to have a form application that I can drag n drop the words with their numbers into a Textbox1.text and have the Textbox1.text do the sorting.

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VS 2008 Sorting With Interactive Sort Of A Textbox In A Report?

Jul 4, 2011

I am trying to sort my report on the values in a column. The underlying query consists of a director colum a movietitle column and a rating column, for every movie a director has directed there is a record which off course shows the rating in the ratingcolumn In my report I have grouped by Director and created two other columns which are called: Nr of Films and averageRating. in the design view i used two functions to accomplish this. the first is: count('the field of the rating') and sum('the field of the rating')/count('the field of the rating'). This is working... but now I would like to sort the column, Nr of Films. I think I have to do this with interactive sort of the textbox which holds the column name(i.e. Nr of Films)

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VS 2010 Sorting Excel 2007 Using VB 2010?

Dec 3, 2010

I'm trying to sort a range in excel 2007, copy it and export it to another workbook. I can get as far as selecting the range but, I get lost after that...I have searched a lot of threads but, just can't seem to find one that give me an exact answer.

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VS 2010 Sorting A NameValueCollection?

Jan 30, 2012

I'm using a NameValueCollection that I'd like to sort the keys on, just not sure how. The keys are basically a 24hr time stamp.

Dim matched As New NameValueCollection


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VS 2010 - Sorting Array Of ListViewItems

Nov 16, 2010

I am trying to sort an array of ListViewItems, here is my code for setting is up:
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim Apps(), Owners() As String
Apps = {"App2", "App1", "App4", "App3", "App5"}
Owners = {"AOwner2", "BOwner1", "COwner4", "DOwner3", "Owner5"}
Dim ListViewItemArray(Apps.Count - 1) As ListViewItem
[Code] .....

I know I can have the ListView be sorted but I want the item "All" to stay at the top. I have tried sorting the array with:
But I get this error: "Failed to compare two elements in the array.".

I also tried:
But it says there is invalid number of arguments. Is it possible to sort this array or is there an easier way to accomplish what I am trying to do?

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VS 2010 Bubble Sorting An Array?

Dec 14, 2011

I am trying to sort my array in ascending&Descending order, BUT im having trouble because the code to enter numbers and the code to sort the array was given to me by my professor but i changed the code to enter numbers into the array, so i think that's what messing my code to sort arrays up because the codes aren't matching up.. Dim J As Integer = 0 Dim MyArray As New List(Of Integer)


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VS 2010 Sorting A DataTable DefaultView?

Mar 23, 2011

I am attemping to bubble sort a DataTable.DefaultView (column has hex Integers), problem is that my code isnt working. I think the way I am swapping the rows is not actually happening in the Devault View, but ony happening at the local variables drv1 & drv2.


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VS 2010 Sorting An Array Of Processes?

Oct 5, 2010

I am trying to sort an array of processes by the process name. I fill the array by doing the following:

Dim proc() As Process = Process.GetProcesses
Then I tried doing
, but that gives me an error.

I see there are a ton of overloads for the sort method, but I dont know which one will work, if any.

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VS 2010 Sorting Data From DataSet?

Aug 29, 2010

I have data in a DataSet and want to extract 3 fields from each row in the DataSet.

Field1 = String
Field2 = Date
Field3 = Time

I then want to add all the Field1 strings to a combo list box, sorted by the dates and times in Field2 and Field3.

Is there an easy way to get the data from the DataSet in a Sorted order?

i.e. Equivalant to saying "SELECT [Field1] From [Table] ORDER BY [Field2], [Field3]" in SQL.

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VS 2010 Sorting Menu Items?

Feb 24, 2012

I have a Windows form with a menu strip (the built-in one, nothing custom).I want to add a new list of items to one of the current menu items programmatically (no problem, done that).The new list of items I am adding is unsorted, but I want them to appear on the menu in alphabetical order.

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VS 2010 - Sorting Time In DateTime Column

Jan 27, 2011

I've got a datatable with a DateTime field that I want to sort using a DataView. I only need the Time part of the column though, and not the date. I can't get it to show just the time and not the date as long as its a DateTime column. I know I could convert it to a string to get the time, but then it wont sort correctly.

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VS 2010 - String Sorting In Order Numerically

May 3, 2012

I have a list of strings lets say the items are like this:

If I do list.sort() I get the following
Somehow I need to get these in order numerically but I am dealing with strings not numbers.

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VS 2010 : Sorting LinkedList Objects As They Are Added?

Oct 22, 2009

what the point of a Generic.LinkedList is in Visual Basic .NET 2010.I've heard that I can save sorting time with such a list, since it somehow sorts objects as they are added.How can I perform such sorting with this type of list?

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Excel Sorting Is Only Sorting One Column Not Multiple?

Mar 12, 2012

I'm having my program sort an excel sheet by a few columns. However, it is only sorting by the first column not the rest that I specify.ere is my sort code below:

myRange.Sort(Key1:=myRange.Range("A:A"), Order1:=XlSortOrder.xlAscending, Key2:=myRange.Range("G:G"), Order2:=XlSortOrder.xlAscending, Header:=XlYesNoGuess.xlYes, Orientation:=XlSortOrientation.xlSortColumns)


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Wpf - Sorting Observable Collection Incorrectly Sorting?

Aug 20, 2011

I have a WPF ObservableCollection which is bound to a ListBox and I have a Sort() method which when called will convert the ObservableCollection to a List(Of T), and undertakes a sort based on a date/time column within the collection.

The data is sorted, even when new items are added to the ObservableCollection, however the date/time isn't being correctly sorted. The data is sorting based on the date however it is very much random when it comes to the time portion. The following is an example of the outcomes I am experiencing:


Is there anything that I am doing incorrectly in this method that would cause the time portion not be included in the sort? Is there a better way of doing a sort?

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VS 2010 DataGridView Sorting - Don't Want That Column Sorted Automatically?

Mar 27, 2011

I have a DataTable in a DataGridView, one of the columns has data that I want sorted. I can click on the column header to sort it and it's fine. The problem is that I don't want that column sorted automatically when some of the data changes in it. I want it sorted only when I click on the header.

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VS 2010 Listbox Data Extract After Entry & Sorting?

Sep 26, 2011

I have an application that receives data input from an automated set of devices. This data stream I have managed to capture & get it into a list box which I can sort based on the Device ID & the time that the response was received.There is a set time window for the devices to transmit their data into the application and during this each device is not limited to the number of responses it can send (ie :- Device 1 can send in 2 responses where Device 3 can send in 40 responses, etc).All of the responses are captured, listed & sorted within the listbox (this bit is working ).I now need to extract the last (ie:- latest) entry in the listbox for each Device ID & this is where I am stuck. I can retrieve the last item in the list but cant seem to extract the last item for each Device ID.The code that I am using for the Device response capture, etc is :-

*********Code Start
Private Sub btnPoll_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As_ System.EventArgs) Handles btnPoll.Click


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VS 2010 Sorting Datagridview By Dates Returned In Column?

Feb 3, 2012

I am using vb.net2010.

I am currently writing a bit of software for myself and need guidance.

I have a datagridview on a form with a date column. (column0)

I am trying to sort this by date desending but it will only sort by the day (dd) and not the whole date (dd/mm/yyyy) which leaves the months unsorted.

(example of output):
#1 - 01/03/2012
#2 - 02/01/2010
#3 - 03/02/2011


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VS 2010 Sorting Files By Time Created By Date?

Mar 11, 2011

I have a Datetimepicker, when i select a date it brings up in a listbox all the files created on that day but in no particular order. So i wanted it sorted by when they were created (not to fussed either ascending or descending). i tried using the code below with no luck, This adds multiple of blocks of the same files on the selected date


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VS 2010 Sorting String In Ascending/descending Order?

Jun 1, 2011

I am performing some filescans in a directory where I always neither get ascending or descending order of filenames. What I currently have is a logical order, but what I want to make of it is an ascending order.


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2010- Sorting A Set Of Labels Against The Previous Set In Order To Check The Answer And Accuracy?

Apr 23, 2012

I have a program which is made with 12 labels, the first set of six are randomly generated and the second set are values obtained from the first set and the user has to choose in ascending order the numbers on the first set.The values chosen will be trasferred to the second set and then with a "check" button that set of labels have to be rearranged and compared to the user input.If the user for example manage to choose the right order, he will obtained a 6 of 6 and he will recieve a message.My problem is on the rearrage and compare part.

The code I made is very simple but is not working, basically it only check if the next value is smaller that the previous and changed its back color according to the case.

Here the code:

'check button
Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
Dim Score As Integer
Score = 1


I would like to have a correct rearrange of the numbers and introduce a message according to the accuracy of the user.

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VS 2010 Sorting A Listbox (after Trying To Copy Class Instances Properties To A Temp List)

Jan 25, 2012

I'm trying to figure out a way to sort the entries of a listbox... but in a different way instead of the obvious one (sorted property). First of all, I need to explain how the items are populated at first:


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VS/VB 2010 - Sorting Excel Rows Getting Error "The Sort Method Is Not Valid'?

Jun 14, 2011

In the following code all goes well until the .Sort line. Then I get an error which says, "The sort method is not valid. Make sure it is within the data you want to sort and the first sort by box isn't the same or blank."I've tried various permutations to deal with this exception, all to no avail. The Range is Selected ok and the Excel data are pasted from the clip board ok. Then I get the error and no sort occurs.


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VS 2010 ListView > Sorting By "Version Number"

Mar 22, 2012

How to sorting ListView by "Version number".


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VS 2010 Take Multiple Lines Of Data From Textbox Split And Organize Them To New Textbox

Feb 18, 2012

i need to take data input from a textbox such as this


and get it so i push a button and it seperates it out so it adds and looks like this inside a display field


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VS 2010 - Sorting By "Avatar" Property?

Dec 5, 2010

I have a class named "Account":


In my form, I have an ArrayList and I add a new Account to it. Then when I'm done I call the Sort() method... it doesn't seem to work! I want the Accounts with the highest Avatars at the top of the ArrayList.


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VS 2010 [2008/2010] Opacity Via Textbox?

May 11, 2010

So what I am trying to do is make it so i can set my forms opacity by the the textboxso if i type ' setop .5 ' then it will set the opacity to 50% depending on what integer I type after the setop.

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VS 2010 Clearing A Textbox?

Nov 30, 2011

I have multiple textboxes that I clear once the task is done to be ready for the next set of information to be populated into the textboxes when the user opens the next file.In the textbox_TextChanged event I check to make sure there is some text in the textbox before running the code. Since I am clearing the textbox this fires the TextChanged event and causes me an error:

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