VS 2010 DataGridView Sorting - Don't Want That Column Sorted Automatically?
Mar 27, 2011
I have a DataTable in a DataGridView, one of the columns has data that I want sorted. I can click on the column header to sort it and it's fine. The problem is that I don't want that column sorted automatically when some of the data changes in it. I want it sorted only when I click on the header.
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Feb 3, 2012
I am using vb.net2010.
I am currently writing a bit of software for myself and need guidance.
I have a datagridview on a form with a date column. (column0)
I am trying to sort this by date desending but it will only sort by the day (dd) and not the whole date (dd/mm/yyyy) which leaves the months unsorted.
(example of output):
#1 - 01/03/2012
#2 - 02/01/2010
#3 - 03/02/2011
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Jan 13, 2012
What i am trying to do is get the data type of the sorted column that the user selects in order to properly convert a variable. the variable will be used to locate similar values in the dataset that populates the datagrid view.
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Jun 9, 2009
I'm trying to sort multple colums in the DataGridView which is unbound. I would prefer to sort by using a DataTable/DataView but for some reason another developer in my team experienced other problems relating to sorting so he abandoned using the DataTable to fill the grid :(
Here is the senario: I want the user to be able to choose which columns they want sort on. The way I envisaged was to show a form with a listbox, a grid and 3 buttons (Add to sort, Remove from sort and Apply Sort).
The list box would be populated from the parent form grid column headings.
The grid will show the columns and sort direction.
Button 1 would add the selected item of the list box to the grid.
Button 2 would remove from the grid the selected row.
Button 3 would Apply the Sort in the order of the grid and the columns SortDirection.
Now I looked at How to: Customize Sorting in the Windows Forms DataGridView Control using the IComparer [URL]
how I can use the IComparer to sort on multiple columns that a user has specified or another way to sort on multiple columns using unbound data.
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Feb 27, 2009
I need to be able to sort a DGV image column by clicking on its header. I set the sort mode to automatic in the designer, but when I click on the header nothing happens. Are these columns sortable? If so, what do I need to do?
View 5 Replies
Sep 8, 2011
I have an unbound datagridview that I populate with data. When the user clicks on the column head the datagridview is sorted - which is fine for alphabetic fields but I have a column that contains numeric fields and goes from -100 to +100. This is sorted incorrectly by the number (all the 1s first then all the 2s and so on, ignoring the minus sign). How do I get it to sort my column numerically?
View 9 Replies
Nov 9, 2009
I have a datagridview with a column called "Total Price". This is set to a string value type because I need to always show 2 decimals. For example:
must be in the datagridviewcolumn:
So I use string.format for this. However, now I have a problem with sorting because the column is a string value type and numbers get sorted like this:
How to override the sort method or something that is called when a user clicks on the column header and the most effective way to sort it programmatically?
View 2 Replies
Sep 28, 2010
I want to get the old state (lets say datagridview default state) of grid after sorting is done. How can I achive this.
View 1 Replies
Aug 25, 2009
i am trying to use DatagridView Control.
Is there any possibility to sort multiple columns and group the data by a specific column..
View 1 Replies
Feb 7, 2009
I have an unbound datagridview that has 2 columns. Both columns contain numeric data only and will only go to 55 in count. How do you sort a Datagridview Column in collating sequence? I basically want to sort from 55 down to 1 and 1 to 55 in their respective numerical order.
View 3 Replies
Sep 28, 2011
i have a datagridview on a form which contains studentname (in alphabetical order) and a blank rollno field according to the particular class.Now what i m suppose to do is to assign roll no on button click, starting from first student to last student.
View 6 Replies
Jan 27, 2011
I've got a datatable with a DateTime field that I want to sort using a DataView. I only need the Time part of the column though, and not the date. I can't get it to show just the time and not the date as long as its a DateTime column. I know I could convert it to a string to get the time, but then it wont sort correctly.
View 1 Replies
Sep 28, 2011
i have a datagridview on a form which contains studentname (in alphabetical order) and a blank rollno field according to the particular class.Now what i m suppose to do is to assign roll no on button click, starting from first student to last student.
Roll no is like 11DCE001...For eg:-
Roll No StudentName
11DCE001 A
View 1 Replies
Mar 12, 2012
I'm having my program sort an excel sheet by a few columns. However, it is only sorting by the first column not the rest that I specify.ere is my sort code below:
myRange.Sort(Key1:=myRange.Range("A:A"), Order1:=XlSortOrder.xlAscending, Key2:=myRange.Range("G:G"), Order2:=XlSortOrder.xlAscending, Header:=XlYesNoGuess.xlYes, Orientation:=XlSortOrientation.xlSortColumns)
View 1 Replies
Dec 4, 2009
I have a few classes, one is a form, the other is the source of the datagridview. I want to be able to sort the columns of the datagridview by clicking on the header. Here are the classes that I am dealing with:
Imports DiscoveryByte.AddTools.Misc_Tools
Public Class ViewDiscoveryFlashCards
Private DBBindingSource As New BindingSource
View 1 Replies
Jan 14, 2010
i want to check if time's column is sorted and after that save the table, for this i use this code but it seems does not work, evry time apears this MsgBox("Error")
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim sel_er As Integer
View 16 Replies
Nov 16, 2011
Alright I have a DataGridView, where the user can click on the column headers to sort. When they add a new row while a sort is applied, the record isn't created until the moment they validate the row(which they cannot do till they exit the newRow). How can I make the row be selected once it is sorted?The DataGridView is databound.The selection mode for the grid is full row.I'm using VB.NET with SQLite database backend.I suspect I need to use the RowsAdded event, or DataBindingComplete events. The records in question do have a unique GUID attached but it is NOT visible in the DataGridView.
View 1 Replies
Mar 19, 2012
I am using a bindingsource to load data in datagridview. Some textboxes, comboboxes and a picture box are binded to the current item of the bindingsource. Note that the image is not being displayed in the datagridview. Only the picturebox in the form display the picture of current row in the datatable. The problem occurs when I follow the steps below:
View 8 Replies
Apr 9, 2011
I want to move the cursor from column 1 to column 4 but what happened instead the cursor moves to column 5, this happens when I use the enter key event. but run well if I double click. The following description of the program: there are 7 columns of code, item description, unit, price, qty, discount, item amount code when key enter press :
View 3 Replies
Jun 5, 2009
I have a datagridview named "DG" bound to a datatable. The grid has one column that requires me to determine its value, so the grid has the virtual mode property set to true.When i try to add using the dg.rows.add, i get a message saying 'operation not valid while in virtual mode'.If i set the virtual mode to false and execute the dg.rows.add line i get."Rows cannot be programatically added to the datagrid's rows collection when the control is databound"Ok....i cannot use rows.add when in virtual mode,.....and i cannot use rows.add when i am in data-bound mode.So then next thing i try is ctype(dg.datasource,datatable).rows.add , This gets the row into both the underlying table as well as the into a new row located at the bottom of the grid.
I try this: dg.sort(dg.columns("Row"),ascending) and get this "Operation is not supported when VirtualMode is set to true." i try seting virtual mode to false and get this: "Data-bound DataGridView control can only be sorted on data-bound columns."The column "Row" IS a column in the underlying table.If i click on the column header it sorts correctly.All i want to do is add arow and have it be located in the correct place in the sort order.
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Jan 13, 2010
What I am trying to do is sort a datagridview and remove a row from its sorted position to the 1st row.
The problem I am experiencing is as follows:
in the source below, when the code runs "MeanRow" is populated with what is required. As soon as Rows.Remove() executes, the MeanRow datarow is lost. Why would this be if I'm declaring a new variable and simply setting it?
MeanRow = r
Private Sub dgv_Sorted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
Dim MeanRow As DataRow
View 6 Replies
May 16, 2012
I have a datagridview populated from a CSV file in vb.net. I have 2 datepickers, 1 button. see the attached images. Image1->before filtering
View 8 Replies
May 28, 2012
I havew a smal xml file which looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<flv url="http://www.mysite1.com">Windows</flv>
View 4 Replies
Apr 8, 2011
I do not know what this term in the computer. but I try to send pictures, might be able to know what I mean.I want to eliminate the columns that I marked in the picture.how? what can be set for width 0 ?
View 3 Replies
Jul 2, 2009
I am trying to aggregate a column in a datagridview. I know how to get it to work if I bind a database to it, I have several of them working perfectly, but I have one datagrid that is not bound to a database and for the life of me can not fiqure out
View 4 Replies
Dec 17, 2011
I use a code for place a CheckBox Column, into a DatagridView.This CheckBox column is the last Column of the DataGridView.Now i wants the CheckBox column at the first place of the datagridView.The DataGridView is filled from a database with several Columns.Can i place the Checkbox to the front?this is mij code, that place the CheckBox on the last place..[code]
View 4 Replies
Oct 25, 2011
Is there a way to make a column unselectable? I can make the column read-only but it would be easier if it was unselectable so the user won't be confused trying to enter data into a read only cell. So if I clicked on a cell in that column or moved into that cell in that column it would jump to the next column, or not focus on the cell at all.
View 4 Replies
Jun 15, 2012
Oh masters of VB i call upon your power once again !! i'm trying to do the following and i'd like your advice on how to do it because i don't know...i want to add a dropdownlist control to a datagridview, which will be bound and display a specific value for each row (based on a key cell on each row) and that i will be able to select a different value (from the dropdown) and then save the changes to the database.
View 6 Replies
Jan 4, 2011
I have a function that gets information off a webpage and adds it to a datagridview that has a few columns.
Is there a way to make sure the item im about to add is not within the datagridview recordset already?
i tried this but it didnt work
If DataGridView1.Rows.Contains(element.GetAttribute("data-id")) = False Then
End If
View 18 Replies
Jan 28, 2012
I have a column with dates on it and I'm trying to sort it according to that.[code]I tried to use this but it only sorts by the first two digits, dd, and not with the full date.
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