Sorting By Columns With Datagridview?
Nov 1, 2010
Is it possible to sort a datagridview by column when a user clicks a column header? I have the sort method set to automatic under each column, which from what I read, is what I need. I know this has to be insanely easy....
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Mar 10, 2009
Is it possible to remove from a datagrid view very first "column" i.e. the row selector and also to remove the ability to reorder the columns ?
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Apr 28, 2010
I'm using vb 2005, seems sorting is not working if I change the data by code. For example, if I have a simple form with only one datagridview and one button, grid was sorted on column 1, then I press the button to randomly change data in column 2, then use column 2 to sort, the display order is not correct, but after the button click, if I click on a cell, the grid will re-sort by itself, and get the right list. I know DataGridView is not for Editing data...
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim dt As New DataTable
[Code] .....
View 4 Replies
Oct 7, 2009
I have a datagridview and all its columns are set to Double Datatype. The problem is when I changed the value of cell and try to sort the column, it shows me an error "Object must be of type Double." I check each cell but all its values are number and I can sort all the columns before I edit one cell. But when I tried to change the value of only one cell and sort the columns, the errors will show. Its weird because I only removed 1 digit of the cell value and I cant sort at all.
Dim col As New DataGridViewTextBoxColumn
col.ValueType = GetType(Double)
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Sep 23, 2010
I have a datagridview that is bound to a datatable. When the form is displayed, the column headers have no sort glyphs and the columns will not sort.
I don't see a property on the form that controls column sorting - at least not one that's obvious. This is an area of the code that another developer wrote originally, so maybe there's something going on that I'm not aware of.
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Mar 7, 2012
I have a datagridview in VB.NET in which i have few columns which are data bound . How to sort a databound column which contains names ?
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Jun 22, 2009
First off i just want to take a bow to all the vb gods out there..I am trying to implement the sorting class form article 319399 in the knowledge base [URl]..on step number 6 it says to "Paste the following code into the ColumnClick event for the ListView:"so i created a sub to handle the ColumnClick event
View 2 Replies
Apr 7, 2011
I have a ListView (GridView) that I want to sort by 2 columns, so if 2+ items have the same value in Column 1, it sorts by Column 2. Pretty easy. But empty strings show up at the top when sorting A-Z. I'd like to move them to the bottom. I made a comparer (IComparer) that takes care of this, but I'm not sure how to use it.[code]...
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Oct 26, 2011
I'm using 2005. I have working programs that I populate DataGridViews with something like the following:
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Aug 5, 2011
I re-wrote this to make it more readable. If you want to skip right to the chase, look at the ALL CAPS comments in the code blocks. All necessary code has been included for debugging. I've searched multiple forums (including ASP.NET), and the MSDN library and cannot fix this >.<
View 2 Replies
May 20, 2011
I've followed examples here and here to create a generic sort with memberexpressions, but how I'm supposed to add a "ThenBy" clause, or combine multiple columns for sorting in the methodcallexpression. Ideally, the ThenBy should go before skip, but it can't because it can't see the orderby clause that I made with the methodcallexpression. GridSortExpression is a Telerik class - it just describes which column and direction the query should be sorted.
Here is what I have right now:
Dim exp As Expressions.Expression(Of Func(Of Product_Catalog, Boolean)) = PredicateBuilder.True(Of Product_Catalog)()
exp = exp.And(Function(e) e.Chapter_Price > 30)
Dim sortExpression As New List(Of GridSortExpression)({New GridSortExpression() With {.SortOrder = GridSortOrder.Descending, .FieldName = "Id"}})
[Code] .....
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Jul 9, 2011
GridView SORTING of DYNAMIC Columns and Data Source Scope
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Jan 20, 2011
At the moment I have a DataGridView (bindet to a DataTable) and some labels. If DataGridView's event SelectionChanged occurs,the labels should be filled with the information of the selected row -> No problems.But if I sort the DataGridView and click on a row, the informations in the labels are wrong.
Private Sub DGVMain_SelectionChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles DGVMain.SelectionChanged
If DGVMain.SelectedRows.Count > 0 AndAlso Not Me.DGVMain Is Nothing Then[code].....
View 1 Replies
Jun 11, 2009
I have a problem with sorting in datagridview. I load an xml file in a datagridview and I sort the collums for check. when I try to sort it according to it's number the sorting goes like this:
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Jan 14, 2010
I have two columns in a datagridview, one is a year and the other is a month. These two form a date, but unfortunately the structure in the database I'm forced to use is that of two integers. I need to sort the rows by date, using these two integers. I tried creating an unbound column with a date, but sorting this way seem quite difficult. So, I thought I could do a multicolum sorting by year first and then by month using two columns
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Jun 5, 2011
I have a DataGridView that is being populated via SQL with one table and is being filtered by Stock Code. I need to sort the view of one Stock Code by Nutrient names, but the sequence number is in anther SQL table. it would be easy if i could put the sequence in one table but that's not possible
View 2 Replies
Sep 29, 2011
I have a datagridview that is bound to a dataview. I use a textbox to sort the list of data in the datagridview. Once the list is sorted I want to click on a row to populate the textboxes in order to update the data. Problem is once I sort the data I click on say row 3 and it pulls up the orginal data before the data was sorted in the datagrid view. For instance:
Before Sort:
1. betsy
2. james
3. john
After sort:
1. john
2. james
3. betsy
If I double click row 1 it will pull betsy info into my textboxes instead of john. I currently refresh my datagridview after every letter is entered into my textbox. I also reload my dataview and rebind the dataview with the datagridview.
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Jul 8, 2010
How do i deactivate sorting in my dgv after a certain button is clicked?
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Nov 17, 2009
I am automating a datagridview that will hold the name of an object in one column and the number of units in the second column. The datagridview keeps recognising my numbers as a string and doesnt sort them accordingly. Any ideas how to inform the datagridview to sort by numeric?
View 3 Replies
Aug 24, 2011
I need to sort datagridview row sorting. There two color in the datagridview rows, some is yellow, some is white. How can I sort them by yellow rows shown first then only show white color rows?
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Jun 28, 2011
I have a datagridview with four columns, the first of which is date. I was wondering if there was a way to sort all of the data by date using code. I was thinking about doing a bubble sort, but I feel like there must be an easier method.
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Aug 25, 2009
win app where user loads files from win explorer into a datatable bound to a datagridview. After loading the files, each filename is parsed and split into different fields and finally sorted w.r.t. to two its columns. One column is filled with error codes and depending on these, the cells that contain errors will be marked redIt's a three-step process where I just described step one.In step 2, the user will edit the data and hopefully correct the errors, cell by cell, according to some rules and here it's where my problems start. Since I sort the table in step one, sorting is activated and each time the user changes a value in one of the sorting columns the table will do a resort, messing up some of the editing done by the program (cell background color etc.) confusing the user.I have tried to use several of the datagridview events (mainly the cell and the row events) and also to turn-off the sorting by setting its dataview.sort="". Neither of my attempts has been complete successful so far.
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Nov 2, 2009
I need to have "press" grouped (all jobs for press #1 then #2 then #3). Then have the grouped press jobs sorted by date ascending (all Mondays jobs together, Tuesdays jobs, etc.)When I change: Me.~my~BindingSource.Sort = "print date" to Me.~my~BindingSource.Sort = "print date, press"My datagridview groups the press rows together and lists everything in ascending order according to todays date just fine, except it won't show the first job with today's date at the top of grid. It will start somewhere within the today's date entries. I then have to scroll up 4 or 5 rows to see the first job with today's date.
But if I change my PC's calender/clock to any other day (past or future) it works perfect, first job at the top, all presses grouped together. Set clock back to current day and time and again it will start somewhere within the today's date entries.
Me.~my~TableAdapter.Fill(Me.~my~DataSet.~my data~)
'---Sort by "Print Date"---
Me.~my~BindingSource.Sort = "print date"
View 5 Replies
Jun 9, 2009
I'm trying to sort multple colums in the DataGridView which is unbound. I would prefer to sort by using a DataTable/DataView but for some reason another developer in my team experienced other problems relating to sorting so he abandoned using the DataTable to fill the grid :(
Here is the senario: I want the user to be able to choose which columns they want sort on. The way I envisaged was to show a form with a listbox, a grid and 3 buttons (Add to sort, Remove from sort and Apply Sort).
The list box would be populated from the parent form grid column headings.
The grid will show the columns and sort direction.
Button 1 would add the selected item of the list box to the grid.
Button 2 would remove from the grid the selected row.
Button 3 would Apply the Sort in the order of the grid and the columns SortDirection.
Now I looked at How to: Customize Sorting in the Windows Forms DataGridView Control using the IComparer [URL]
how I can use the IComparer to sort on multiple columns that a user has specified or another way to sort on multiple columns using unbound data.
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Nov 11, 2010
How would I sort or filter the datagridview so that only cells that are are viewable? What I have now shows all of the red and not red cells with the values <=0 else But if I were to put this on a button I would want only to see the cells on the gridview.
For Each dgr As DataGridViewRow In dgProducts.Rows
If CInt(dgr.Cells(4).Value) <= 0 Then
dgr.DefaultCellStyle.ForeColor = Color.Red
dgr.DefaultCellStyle.ForeColor = Color.Black
End If
View 1 Replies
Feb 27, 2009
I need to be able to sort a DGV image column by clicking on its header. I set the sort mode to automatic in the designer, but when I click on the header nothing happens. Are these columns sortable? If so, what do I need to do?
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Sep 8, 2011
I have an unbound datagridview that I populate with data. When the user clicks on the column head the datagridview is sorted - which is fine for alphabetic fields but I have a column that contains numeric fields and goes from -100 to +100. This is sorted incorrectly by the number (all the 1s first then all the 2s and so on, ignoring the minus sign). How do I get it to sort my column numerically?
View 9 Replies
Nov 9, 2009
I have a datagridview with a column called "Total Price". This is set to a string value type because I need to always show 2 decimals. For example:
must be in the datagridviewcolumn:
So I use string.format for this. However, now I have a problem with sorting because the column is a string value type and numbers get sorted like this:
How to override the sort method or something that is called when a user clicks on the column header and the most effective way to sort it programmatically?
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May 20, 2011
I've been searching for days for a solution. I've scoured the internet and other forums and tried so many things at this point that I think my brain may explode.I receive a large XML file from a third party vendor. I have converted the XML file to a a dataset and use the dataset to fill a datagridview with a specific table. I do not have a schema from the vendor and the XML file does not contain any data type information. The datagridview populates fine but all columns are defaulted to type string. This presents a problem when sorting columns that should be numeric - they sort by string comparison instead of logically numeric. I've tried numerous ways to attempt to convert the datatable columns to integer to no avail.
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May 3, 2012
I have a DataGridView that I am adding rows to manually. After adding rows & then sorting the cells seem to be sorted by string, E.g.
I have multiple columns with numbers available, is it possible to sort by Integer?
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