Split Row Display Into 2 Lines?

Feb 16, 2009

I've got a datagrid view and at present the user has to use the scroll bar to get to the last fields in the row.Is there a simple way of splitting the row so that all of it appears on one screen without having to use the scroll bar to get to the last fields in the row?

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Get A Bunch Of Lines From A Text File (they Will Be Filenames Eventually) Which Are Split By New Lines And Puts Each One Into An Array?

Jun 22, 2010

I have written a simple script to get a bunch of lines from a text file (they will be filenames eventually) which are split by new lines and puts each one into an array..

Dim ary() As String
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If My.Computer.FileSystem.FileExists("C:MenuFiles.txt") Then


The only thing I can do for now is either use the substring function to remove the first character from all array values after 0 but I don't like that because it's messy and what if the split "works" as I want it to one one of the lines and knocks of the first character when I don't want it to.

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Read Lines In A File - Split The Lines And Spit The Result To Another File?

Aug 3, 2009

I am trying to make a script to spit command lines to a bat file to compress a bunch of files singly and then delete the original ones. I am sure that is easy to most of you, but I living a ____ trying to do this. A have a file list like this one belo, which was created with a command -- Dir /b /s /a-D N: > filelist.txt


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Read Lines In A File, Split The Lines And Spit The Result To Another File?

Oct 20, 2009

read lines in a file, split the lines and spit the result to another file

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2008 Count Lines In Textbox With Multiple Lines Using Label To Display The Numbers?

Sep 3, 2009

how to count the lines in textbox1.text (with multiplelines). I don't need to count each character. I only need to count each line from top to bottom in textbox1.text (multiplelines) and I will use Label1 to display the numbers.



Obviously this is 5 lines and that's what I need to count.

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.NET Split On New Lines (C# Conversion)?

Jun 20, 2011

I'm trying to convert this code from C# to VB.NET

string[] lines = theText.Split(new string[] { "
", "
" }, StringSplitOptions.None);

Here's what I have, the problem is it is printing the whole of the text box contents in the messagebox, instead of each line.

Dim Excluded() As String
Dim arg() As String = {"
", "


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Literally Split A String Into Multiple Lines?

May 21, 2010

I have a large string variable that I'd like to split into multiple line for readability. What is the syntax to accomplish this?

EXAMPLE: Dim str As String = "asfrgasdfgadsfgadfgdfgasdfgdasfgdfgsdghsdghsh"
EXAMPLE: Dim str AS String = "asfrgasdfgadsfgadfgdfgasdfgd" _

Something like that is what I'm trying to accomplish.

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String Manipulation - Split Lines To 3 New RichTextboxes

Apr 23, 2012

I have a Richtextbox with many lines. The data is as follow:
[Z=100, A=10, B=20, C=100]
[Z=100, A=33, B=50, C=255]
I want to split the lines to 3 new Richtextboxes, with the A, B and C values + the line number. Should maybe not be so hard, but I got stuck.

This code extracts the A, but obvious only the first line.
Dim values As String
values = RtbAll.Text
Dim Rawdata As String() = Nothing
Rawdata = values.Split(","c)
Dim s As Integer
For s = 0 To Rawdata.GetUpperBound(0)
RtbRed.Text = (Rawdata(1) & Environment.NewLine)
Next s

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Split Up Multiple Lines Of Text And Place Them In Textboxes?

Dec 11, 2011

I was developing a antimalware, and wanted to read Signature from a Signature.txt file, and place all the strings into different textboxes, my viruslist has 90069500 malware (Took Almost A Year Collecting Them) signatures and if I start typing then like:

If buff.ToString = "000008298FC27014ECF5610F163277E2" Then
txtvirname.Text = "Trojan-GameThief.Win32.OnLineGames.tvl"
txtrisk.Text = "Moderate"


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Take Multiple Lines Of Data From Textbox And Split It Up For Calculation?

Jan 18, 2012

i need to take data input from a textbox such as this

13:41 A spider loses 20 hitpoints due to your attack.
13:41 You gained 18 experience points.
13:41 Loot of a spider: 2 gold coins, meat
13:41 A wolf loses 25 hitpoints due to your attack.
13:41 You gained 27 experience points.


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VS 2008 - Split Text Into Two Lines In Notify Icon

Sep 17, 2010

I'm trying to split the text into two lines in a NotifyIcon1.
My code
NotifyIcon1.Text = "Line1" & My.Application.Info.Version.ToString & _
" Line2 " & "Test"

View 8 Replies

VS 2008 Read Webbrowser Text And Split Lines

Sep 11, 2010

im making an app that shows topics i post. i have an html file at [URL]. I'd like to take that html document and for each line of text (separated with <br>), and add them to a listbox. how can i do this?

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Read Lines From A File And Split Them Into Two Words Contained In A Two Dimensional Array?

Jun 23, 2011

I'm trying to read lines from a file and split them into two words contained in a two dimensional array. The file looks something like this:

dog cat
red blue
orange green
night day


'When I run it, it highlights the following line and says Object reference not set to an instance of an object

pos(i, 0) = value(0)
pos(i, 1) = value(1)
i = i + 1


why I'm getting this error?

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VS 2010 Take Multiple Lines Of Data From Textbox Split And Organize Them To New Textbox

Feb 18, 2012

i need to take data input from a textbox such as this


and get it so i push a button and it seperates it out so it adds and looks like this inside a display field


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Split String By Three And Display On Listbox

May 9, 2009

I have a problems regarding on how to display my data by 3 characters every listbox. This what really my problem is, I have data coming from my database and that specific field contains numbers but the problem is that is was merge and what i want is that i want to split that by 3 so that i can get the itemcode coming from other table that i need to display again on my grid or listbox. This is how it look like.[code]....

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VS 2005 Display Simple Box That Can Be Split

Aug 31, 2010

I need to display a simple box on a form that can be split by the user. It represents a gang up of a number of images on a printed sheet. These images are always in a # of rows x # of columns format (1x1 or 2x4 etc). There can be from 1 - 24 rows and 1 - 24 columns.

My thought was that I would give one text box each that the user could enter the number of rows and number of columns into. When these change then the box display would repaint to display a grid that represents the gang up specified in the text boxes. My issue is that I don't see a control that I could adapt for this use for the box.

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Display Lines From Search?

Mar 29, 2010

I have a textbox that when i enter a text that is 4 characters long and my csv file contains those numbers it should display the rest of the text in a label.[code]...

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Display Specific Lines From A .rtf?

Oct 2, 2011

At the moment I'm using:

For Each book In books
result.Add(File.ReadAllText(book).Substring(0, 500))
Return result

to display the first 500 characters of an rtf file I'm drawing from in earlier code, but I'm now wanting to specify line - for example lines 4 - 20.I can't find any way to get this to work as when I change the above code to:

For Each book In books
result.Add(File.ReadLines(book).Substring(4, 24))
Return result

I get massive issues stating "Substring is not a member of 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumberable(Of String)" I feel like I'm literally 1 line of code away from this being fixed but cannot get my head around it.

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Display The Number Of Lines?

Nov 2, 2010

Ive a richtextbox and want to display the number of lines it has in a separate RTB just like:

1 Hello
2 From
3 VB

I did it using the code:

<pre lang="x-vbnet">Private Sub text_RTB_TextChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles text_RTB.TextChanged
numbering_RTB.Text = ""


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How To Display Messages In Several Lines In Message Box

Mar 24, 2009

how to display the messages in several lines in the message box in vb.net

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How To Only Display Certain Lines Depending On N Number

Mar 26, 2010

I have read a text file into a textbox. The text looks like this (small snippet):
N08861 A1 P 0 A2 P 0 A3 P 0
N08862 P 0
N08870 P 0
N08900 P 00000001
What I want to do is to only display certain lines - this depends on the N number shown above.
E.G. I want the text box the display line N5000 upto N6000.

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Display Multiple Lines Of Data In A List Box?

Apr 1, 2012

I'm new to Visual basic (which will be obvious from my question) and am writing program that does various calculations, then displays the results in a list box. the results, however, are all concatenated, end don't each appear on a new line. I tried adding a carriage return/line feed at the end buit the compiler rejected it.

I can't find any examples of creating a list box, and adding multiple entries (one for each time a loop is performed), nor of how to use columns to make the resulting display cosmetically pleasing.

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VB 2008 - How To Display 2 Text Lines In A Button

Jan 23, 2010

Simple question I couldn't find in the book or online. I have a Button which needs to have permanent text set to 'Calculate' and 'Section' on separate lines. The 'Multiline' option I have seen mentioned does not appear in my properties. I can't 'show the code' as I think it is a properties setting.

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Display Multiple Lines In A Label, Counting Numbers?

Feb 24, 2010

Im just trying to get a simple multi line label box counting numbers using vbCrLf.

Dim startNumber As Integer
For startNumber = 1 To 4
lblCount.text = "Number = " & startNumber & vbCrLf
Next startNumber

I just want something to display like this in a multi line label, not a textbox:

Number = 1
Number = 2
Number = 3
Number = 4
But... I keep getting something like:
Number = 4

I already turned auto size off and expanded the label.

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Display Multiple Lines Of Text In Subitems Of Listview?

Dec 29, 2009

I have a listview, it's view is Details and it has gridlines, in that listview, I am including addresses with multiple lines (ie.):

John Doe
123 Street Dr.
City, State, 123456

and would like for it to display that way, instead of:

John Doe123 Street Dr.City, State, 123456

I'm sure this is something simple, but I just can't figure this out.

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Unable To Display A World Map And Draw Lines Between Cities?

Oct 22, 2009

I've got a project where I want to be able to display a world map and draw lines between cities.I've looked at using a web browser with google maps but don't want it to have to be used while "online"

I've looked and longitude and latitude and converting these to UTM co-ordinates but i'm lost for how to place these on world map programaticly.I have a full list of all cities used in my program and have a list of their latitude and longitude co-ordinates because i need to work out thier distance apart which I have already done the code for.

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VS 2008 : Display Six Or Seven Lines Of Data For Each Device On The Same Screen?

Mar 2, 2010

I have 20-30 devices that I am connecting to and gathering data from. I want to display six or seven lines of data for each device on the same screen, then allow the user to click the object containing the device and show more detail on a separate form. There aren't any other programmers where I work and am looking for advice on how most efficiently to implement this. I have tried TableLayoutPanels, Datagrids, Textboxes, ListBoxes and I am probably not implementing them right, but they don't seem to be getting me where I want to go. I am also trying to stay away from hardcoding objects onto the screen.

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VS 2010 Why Does Visual Studio Display All Lines Of Code

Sep 20, 2011

I only want it to display the code only related to the button i double click not the whole entire code of the program unless it automaitcally does this i am not sure i am new to visual studio and programming!

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Regex - Split String On Several Words, And Track Which Word Split?

Dec 15, 2010

I am trying to split a long string based on an array of words. For Example:Words: trying, long, array Sentence: "I am trying to split a long string based on an array of words."Resulting string array:Multiple instances of the same word is likely, so having two instances of trying cause a split, or of array, will probably happen.

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Create A Split Container With A Three Way Split?

Mar 1, 2012

I would like to create a split container with a three way split. The first split is a vertical split. The second is creating a horizontal split within panel2 of the first split container. panel1 will hold a treeview control the other two panels will hold listview controls

I think this question has been asked already in a couple different ways and I've reviewed those posts and I've tried to do what was suggested but it doesn't seem to work for me. I've tried to place a second split container inside panel2 of the first split containter. This gave me what appeared to be a three way vertical split.

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