Stop Repeating Same Answers

May 25, 2009

there are 8 text boxes where user should put 8 answers, but when he type one answer in one text box it cant be found in some other text box.Basically when button is clicked there should be check for repeated answers.

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Stop Repeating Randomizing Numbers

Feb 17, 2011

Basically I have 7 labels on a form that I randomize into numbers between 0 and 49. However some of the numbers repeat, like this 1,4,8,14,14,50,12. [Code]

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Getting Answers Into Decimal And Calculating

Feb 10, 2009

I'm trying to get the answer "dblcost" to go into 2 decimal spots. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't.Also, I have to create something that continually adds each transaction to lblfinalcost. Mine seems to be a little buggy.Right not I have strfinalcost = strginalcost + dblcost. Another question i have is how do I make a number default into the textbox? I want it to say 1, but be able for the user to delete it and then replace it with their own number.[code]

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Signature For Msdn Answers?

Dec 12, 2009

if you are a constant answerer here on msdn, and do not have a unique signature, or no signature at all, please take a little time to create one... eason ..when quoting a post of a member, if no signature available, then it would have to be followed w/ "quoted from so and so's post", this so so said this, etc.

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Displaying The Equation And Answers In A Listbox?

Apr 27, 2012

First off the listbox needs to show the equations for the number entered between 0 and 12 example:



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Error With Compare Answers Function?

May 12, 2012

When Score exam is clicked, the answers from the keys file is read using ReadLine method 6 times to fill the Answer Array. then the users' answers and the answers from the keys will be paired up by calling "Compare_Answers" function in the RMV Global Module. and calculate the score and it will show on the main form.

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VS 2010 How To Line Up Answers In The Listbox

Oct 18, 2010

So far this forum has been awesome answering my questions in full. I am very new to Visual Basic but I enjoy learning about it greatly. My question now is I now need to get all of my answers lined up neatly in the listbox using "zoning." Now I have know clue how to start this. Basically I need to make this..

Sum: 5 = 2 + 3
Difference: -1 = 2 - 3
Product: 6 = 2 * 3


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VS 2010 New At Forum Answers For A Virtual OS?

Mar 26, 2011

i'm developing a virtual OS in vb2010. i want to know how i can move objects in the mouse during the runtime of the project? ; like when we move icons in desktop(i saw it in a youtube video, so i know it is possible xd) my second doubt: how i can i can detect if a position is fulled with an object; i want to create the effect of windows superbar; .

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Declare An Array Of 20 Integers To Store The Answers ?

Jan 29, 2009

I am looking to declare an array of 20 integers to store the answers to the questions, and then for the next button i am looking to get the answer and write it to the array. If one radio button is checked then i want it to write 1 to the array. Then finally i want to write the username, the array of answers and score to the txt file. How can I do that?

below is my code i have so far:

Imports System
Imports System.IO
Public Class Question


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How To Incorporate User Generated Answers Into Script

Sep 12, 2011

How can I use user generated answers and incorporate them into my script? I want to make an extremely simple AI program which asks for your name and then says "Hello 'Insert name entered by user' " in a Message Box.

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Create A Magic 8 Ball That Would Display Answers Via Array?

Apr 17, 2011

The goal in this assignment was to create a Magic 8 Ball that would display answers via array.Here's what I got down so far, now I apologize once again, I forgot most of the stuff so I don't even know if it is REMOTELY close to what it's suppose to be

Public Class Form1
Dim ArrayRes(7) As String
Private Sub btnASK_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnASK.Click


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Forms :: Sending Bulk Messages To Yahoo Answers?

Jun 28, 2010

I'd like to create one as I am an affiliate marketer who wants to reach customers based on key words. I don't regard this as spamming since I'm not randomly sending out links its based on key words like I said. Y!A might regard this as spamming anyways but so what. In Yahoo Answers you click the question you want to answer, type in the answer, it takes you to a preview screen, and then you click submit. I suppose the script/program could involve automating this task.

Its not that I need everything to be done when I'm away from the computer, I don't mind working the program at all each time I send a mass amount of messages. Someone created a program a while back that was *supposed* to send bulk messages as they stated in the description but as it turned out this was not an option you could only comment on resolved questions. When I did send mass comments to questions which related to my key words, I clicked the link to confirm my comments went through and they did not! This program was a waste of my time and energy but that's life.

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Make The Textboxes Only Accept Letters A, B, C, Or D As Answers From The User?

Nov 15, 2011

I'm having trouble with the Try...Catch code. I'm trying to make the textboxes only accept letters A, B, C, or D as answers from the user. I'm also having trouble matching the two arrays. I wanted it to be like if textbox1 is A then it is correct but in a loop. Please take a look at my code.

This is the programming challenge instruction for reference: The local Registry of Motor Vehicles office has asked you to create an application that grades the written portion of the driver's license exam. The exam has 20 multiple choice questions. Here are the correct answers to the questions:


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Multiple Choice Quiz With Access, Get 3 Levels Of Answers?

Nov 22, 2011

I am working on a multiple choice quiz, admin screen, student login screen where they choose their level of difficulty. I have been able to start the quiz, have the questions and answers filled, user answers question, check if correct or not, if correct then the score is incremented.I am able to set up a variable for 'level' and want to write some code so that whatever is selected then that table / questions will be selected and displayed to the user.

The way I'm thinking at the moment seems very long winded. I think I'll have to write an IF ELSE statement/case statement for each of the 'navigaterecords' and the sql statment for beginners, intermediate and advanced.Assume there is a variable 'LEVEL' - have not actually done this yet. Where the code refers to 'advanced' is where I have been trying it out to select questions from the advanced table.

Imports System.Data
Imports System.Random
Imports System.Data.OleDb


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VS 2010 Making A Calculator With 1 Textbox For Input And Answers?

Feb 5, 2012

so i am new to v basic and as you can see in the picture below that i have 2 textboxes just to put in them 2 numbers and then do mathematical calcualtions on them and a label up there that shows the answer so i wanted to make 1 textbox to type in the 1 st number then press the symbol for example + and then type the 2nd number and then press equal so the result is formed in the same textbox the only problem is idk how i searched google but i couldnt understand here is my source code


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Multiple Choice Quiz - Make Some Arrays Like Questions(20) And Answers(20)?

Mar 4, 2011

trying to make a Multiple Choice quiz, with 20 questions

-4 RadioButtons

-2 Label (Reading the Questions) and 1, keeping a score count

Do I wanna make some arrays like Questions(20) and Answers(20)

Dim ScoreCount as Integer

So I want it to be a little screen, and once you click a Radiobutton to choose answer, it will change the label to Question(2) so forth.. but I am unsure how to do this. I am fairly new to vb, im doing this to learn.How do I make it so everytime you click a radiobutton wether it's right or wrong, the next question and possible answers all change??

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VS 2008 Script - Form In Which Have Added 5 Questions - Each Question Has 3 Possible Answers

Sep 4, 2009

I got a form in which i have added 5 questions , each question has 3 possible answers , so if a user selects the correct answers then when he hit the OK button he will pass the quest ... if he hit the OK button without having the right answers selected , i want to show him which answers are not correct .. show him which answers he selected ..

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2008 Windows Form - Get Percentage Of Right Answers In A 10 Question Math Exercise?

Feb 1, 2011

I have a form with 10 math questions. Beside each question there will appear a check mark if it is right and a X if its wrong. I also have a label that will display a score in percentage. If 2 are right then it will display 20%. If they are all right then it displays 100%. My problem is can I code the event. I thought of case select, but that would mean 100 cases to make it work.( If check1 and check2 are visible then display 20%, but if its check1 and check 7? Thats alot) What I want ot know if there is an easier or shoter way to ontain the same result. I am working with Visual Basic 2008.

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[2008] Express Edition - Create A Variable /add Up The Score Of Correct And Incorrect Answers?

Feb 27, 2009

i am creating a quiz which would be 20 questions for software design students and may use alot of first problem is the score for the test, i know a friend of mine can add up the score but he cant move onto the next thread until you have got the question correct which is sort of cheating, i want to know how you create a variable and make that variable stay in all the forms and add up the score of correct and incorrect answers and come up with a final score for the user in the end.

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Stopping Multiple Timers - Stop Button To Stop Each Timer One At A Time

Feb 26, 2009

Alright, so I'm still working on the slot machine. I have three timers all independently going for my three "wheels" of the slot machine.

My issue, is that I'm trying to make a Stop button to stop each timer one at a time, and I'm not understanding why this code isn't working. The logic completely makes sense, and the first "wheel" stops when I click the button, however, it doesnt appear to stop the other two timers.


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Repeating The Same Value?

May 23, 2010

Below code is working fine. but when i enter the next value it was showing the previous value only.


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VS 2008 Stop Threadpool With A Stop Button?

Dec 24, 2009

I have a simple application that use thread pool to read a file and input the data into a listbox. I want to be able to stop threadpool from running after clicking a stop button. How do I stop threadpool? Here is the code for my application below:

Imports System.Threading
Public Class Form1
Private Delegate Sub StringDelegate(ByVal text As String)


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VS 2010 : Use A Stop Button To Stop A Loop?

Dec 7, 2009

I created a form and have the variable inputs for 4 motor run statements. Then with a start button the script starts and it is surrounded by a for next statement to loop 10 times. It works fine but if i need to stop the execution of the script with a stop button. I put the stop in a new section but of course does not work to do a motor stop. It just causes the exe to not respond till the loop is complete. Just need to be able to stop the Run1_Click button section.

Edit:I do not mind if it finishes the 4 motor run commands and then stops execution of the loop. So need to figure out a way to trigger a stop from a button on the form to stop the cycle. For the future the loop will be a variable integer input so 10 will not be the standard.

Edit::Does a ' Do ' statement sound like the thing to use? If so how and where would I place that? Have a Stop button on the form and it would stop after the 4th motor run command.

#End Region
Declare Function InitStp Lib "stp.dll" () As Integer
Declare Function RunMotor1 Lib "stp.dll" (ByVal steps As Integer, ByVal interval As Integer, ByVal direction As Integer, ByVal outputs As Integer) As Boolean


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Repeating While It's Not Supposed To VB?

Jan 28, 2011

So, I'm making my program which let's people auto-update other programs. Code:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim path As String = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) & "UpdateFiles"
Label1.Text = "Finding updates..."'To do: Find all files in the folder, and let em update one at a time. Write names of Plugins to label2.text ProgressBar1.Maximum = 10000


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Create A Non-Repeating List?

Feb 4, 2012

Before getting started, I'm new to VB and currently using Visual Basic 2010 Express. Just want to make sure I've got this in the right forum and my apologies if I'm not.[code]...

I have 16 cities (those would be my string variables, right?) that I want to appear on my 16 labels in random order without repeating when I click the button. So basically label 1 can be any of my 16 cities, label 2 then will be any of 15 left available cities, and so on and so on.

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DataGridView Repeating Extra Row?

Mar 2, 2010

I have a datagridview that is being loaded from a dataset. This dataset is the result of a SQL Statement (which could be my problem). The MS Access Client table is the main table and contains 2 records, however, after loading the dataset, the row count is 3.

Below is the procedure where I load the dataset and then the DGV.

Public Function LoadClientDataSet()
strSQL = "SELECT A.clientID,,, B.zipCode, B.stateCD " & _


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Datatable Repeating And Increments?

Aug 20, 2009

If say in my datatable i have one column called order number and one column called line. Whats the best way to keep repeating the order number into everyrow, whilst incrementing the line number until i add a new value in the order number column.

So it'd go like this..


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Non-Repeating Random Numbers?

May 23, 2010

I'm working on a Bingo game that generates a random letter and number.

Dim RandN As New Random()
Dim randnumber = RandN.Next(1, 30)
Dim RandL As New Random()
Dim randletter = RandL.Next(1, 5)

All that works, but I'd like it not to repeat a combination. Any tips on how to do that?

Also the random numbers tend to be repetitive and the random letter is never 5. I think the random number has been 30 before but I can't be sure. Is there a way to fix that or just a better way to do the random numbers?

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Unable To Repeating Sections?

Feb 13, 2010

I searched the forum and the web in general but did not find anything that answered my question.I am trying to create repeating sections (much like you can do in InfoPath development) in VB. For example, I would have a dozen textboxes in a section which the user would be able to fill out.

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.net - Shortening A Repeating Sequence In A String?

Jun 30, 2010

I have built a blog platform in VB.NET where the audience are very young, and for some reason like to express their commitment by repeating sequences of characters in their comments.


..and so on.

I don't want to filter this out completely, however, I would like to shorten it down to a maximum of 5 repeating characters or sequences in a row.I have no problem writing a function to handle a single repeating character. But what is the most effective way to filter out a repeating sequence as well?This is what I used earlier for the single repeating characters

Private Shared Function RemoveSequence(ByVal str As String) As String
Dim sb As New System.Text.StringBuilder
sb.Capacity = str.Length


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