Forms :: Sending Bulk Messages To Yahoo Answers?

Jun 28, 2010

I'd like to create one as I am an affiliate marketer who wants to reach customers based on key words. I don't regard this as spamming since I'm not randomly sending out links its based on key words like I said. Y!A might regard this as spamming anyways but so what. In Yahoo Answers you click the question you want to answer, type in the answer, it takes you to a preview screen, and then you click submit. I suppose the script/program could involve automating this task.

Its not that I need everything to be done when I'm away from the computer, I don't mind working the program at all each time I send a mass amount of messages. Someone created a program a while back that was *supposed* to send bulk messages as they stated in the description but as it turned out this was not an option you could only comment on resolved questions. When I did send mass comments to questions which related to my key words, I clicked the link to confirm my comments went through and they did not! This program was a waste of my time and energy but that's life.

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Sending Yahoo SMTP EMail

May 29, 2012

I have looked it up and not found anything other than you need to upgrade your account to do it. Is this true? If not how would i do this?

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Place A Button On A Form And Paste In The Code For Sending Bulk Email?

Sep 14, 2009

Recently there was a request about sending bulk email which was building a potentially dangerous collection of answers which could lead to someone easily creating a spam engine. While there are legitimate reasons to send bulk email, one must be sure to follow all the applicable rules. This means following RFC 2821 and forming properly crafted email messages. In the US, it also means complying with fedral law regarding the sending of unsolicited email (express permission must be captured through direct user initiation e.g. user's must choose to check the box to receive your email), and that means including a removal instruction as well as valid contact information.

To that end, here is an example program for sending a mass email to a list of recipient addresses located in a database. The code only cares about recieving an array of DataRow objects, so any database for which you can fill a DataTable will work.

To run this example, simply place a Button on a Form and paste in the following code:


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Sending Messages From 1 Computer To Another?

Dec 9, 2011

I am trying to add functionality to an existing program that can send a message from a Windows XP and Windows 7 computer to a group of computers that are running XP and Windows 7. Previously I was doing this with Net Send but as we are no purchasing
Windows 7 machines when we need to replace old computers, that is no longer an option.

I would prefer to have the message appear as a popup on the receiving computers as this is for calling for assistance from a supervisor or the QC department and they will not have to send a response.

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Sending Messages Through The MSN Protocol?

Apr 18, 2009

I'm working on a program that detects any keyboard or mouse activity, and sends a message through the MSN (or Windows Live Messenger) protocol. The mouse and keyboard thing should be fine, but I don't know how to send messages through the MSN protocol.

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Sending Messages To Other Computers?

Mar 14, 2009

I was Wondering How Would I I Make A Program or a port That will connect with my friends computer...and I can send Him Like message box and stuff..

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Sending Multiple SMS Messages?

Jan 5, 2009

I have made a app that allows me to keep track of when bills are due, it allows 8 bills and dates to be entered and once the time hits a specified time of day and the day that the bill is due it sends a text message to my phone, it works fine if only one of them are enable but if 2 are due the same day it seems to only send the first on that completes the if statement i made heres my code, the timer is set for ever 1 second tick (otherwise it sends multiple texts of the same bill due) This is the first 2 of the bills but the other 6 are the same

Private Sub Timer2_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer2.Tick
Dim mto As String


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Sending SMS Messages Via Email

Sep 5, 2011

A little while back, someone asked the question "How can I send an SMS text message via a VB program?", and it's not the first time that I've seen this asked. I thought, as a little side project (mainly just to get my head away from 'real work' for a while). Of course there are several ways this can be done, including the use of a GSM modem, but this only focuses on one aspect: Sending an SMS message via e-mail.
Rather than clogging this forum with a lot of code and screenshots, I've put it all together on my site.

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Communications :: Sending Messages In VB 2008?

Jan 15, 2009

I'm in a programming class, and I need to make a game. Is there an easy way I can send messages, like "w" or "down", between 2 computers so I can have a multiplayer game?

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Communications :: Sending Messages To Lan Computers

Aug 22, 2008

I was woundering if it is possible to send messages over network to a lan computer . if it is possible does anyone have the code to make this possible

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IDE :: Sending Messages To Other Applications On The Same Computer

Dec 5, 2009

I was looking for an easy way to send Messages to other Applications on the same computer. Something simple like "SendMessage("MySecondApplication",WMI_USERS,"MESSAGE").

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Networking - Sending Messages With TCPClient

Oct 29, 2011

I'm realizing a .NET chat application but i still have that error: I can send only a message per connection. For example. With the code below, i can send only one message that can be received correctly by the other peer, but if i send another message message, on the same connection,it won't be received by the remote PC. Here is the code:


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Sending /receiving SMS Messages From Vb2008?

Mar 11, 2009

All,I am trying to implement something so that my VB can be able to send/receive SMS messages to cell phone(modem). I tried researching a bit and found out that we can use MsComm control to do this but it is not available in Visual Basic express 2008 edition. Can we use serial port class to do this? If yes, how could we implement this?

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Forms :: Yahoo Status Check?

Dec 31, 2009

I see many web forms for doing a yahoo status check, I'm wondering if the same would be possible with a windows form? Basically have a form with a text box to enter the yahoo id, a button to submit and a message box reporting the status (online, offline, invisible).

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Sending Messages Between Client Machines On A Network?

Mar 15, 2012

i have several clients on a LAN network, these clients all have access to a particular sql server. i want to write an application that allows any client on the network to send one or more messages to another client on the network providing that both clients have access to the specified sql server.

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.net - Performance Comparison Bulk Insertion Using .Net Bulk Copy Or Table Value Parameters In SQL Server 2008

Jan 3, 2012

I am working on a desktop application in VB.Net (4.0) There will a lot of SQL scripts which contains a lot of insert queries Currenlty we are running the scripts using SMO ( performance, we have planned to change the sql scripts to xml file ( instead of insert queries, it will have xml data with a proper xsd defined )Loads xml to dataSet and Using SQL Bulk Copy we are trying to insert to SQL Server.


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.net - Formatting And Sending Client Messages, Use Of XxxService Classes?

Jun 21, 2011

Need some advice on class design. I've just started to use xxxService classes, so not really sure when and how to use them. A number of (identical) client applications connect to this program with socket TcpClient. Different type of messages needs to be sent from several different classes. Should I call a service class, with static methods, whenever I need to send some message (like code below suggests), or should I rather raise an event, and have some class registered to those events, that will format and send the messages.

That would kind of hide that sequence of events from these classes, but on the other hand, it would be a centralized class where one can see easily all events that trigger a message send. Which feels like a benefit. Would like to hear some advice on this. And if my last suggestion makes sense, what could such class be called, and would it be considered a ..Service class?

Example: (code is a bit "rough")
Class UserConnection
tcpClient As TcpClient
Public Sub SendMsg(msg as String)


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Chat Room - Sending Messages To Specific Clients?

Nov 19, 2009

How would I create a multi-tcp chat room. Im having trouble handling them. I know you can store the connections as arrays or store then in hash tables. Is there a better way to data to a specific connected client. My way was to just broadcast the message to all the connected with the clients name (EX: Client1||MessageHere) || is the split. The client reads the message and sees if client name matches if it does then it will display it other then that it will not. I found out that my server was sending out useless data with this method. So is there a better way to handle/Send messages to a specific client?

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Sample Code For Sending Text Messages To Pagers In C#?

Mar 4, 2010

I'm looking for some sample .NET code that would show how to send text messages to pagers. I have no problem with sending text messages to cell phones, but could not find how to do the same for pagers.

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Sending Text Messages Using 2005 With A Mail Server?

Apr 15, 2009

I've been working on this personal project of mine and this has me stumped. I told my friend what i was trying to do and hes going to let me use his mail server that he uses at work. I have already looked on google for a sample application, but the only one i could find is not the one im looking for. Ive never worked with System.Net.Mail before so this is new to me. Im sure it would be something like this:

Imports System.Net.Mail
Dim toPhoneNumber As String = "DestinationPhoneNumber";
Dim login As String =


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Updateable String - Make It Read All The Messages That The Server Is Sending?

Dec 14, 2010


Dim conReader As New StreamReader(con.GetStream)
Dim conCont As String = conReader.ReadLine

It just reads the first line of the server I'm trying to connect to, I want to make it read all the messages that the server is sending. btw, con is: Dim con As New TcpClient

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Forms :: How To Capture Process Messages

Feb 14, 2011

I've got a winform that has a button that runs an exe from the command prompt (process). Since the cmd window pops up and goes away so fast, I need to kno if there's a way to capture the messages that were sent in the cmd window, within my Windows form. (like make it write to a log file)

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Forms :: Where Is The Best Place To Store Messages

Aug 14, 2010

I am wondering where should I store my error messages. These messages are the simplified version meant for the users. I am thinking like centralizing a specific location to store all the custom messages so that it will be easier to reference in the future. The location should also provide a key for each stored message.


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Read WM_COMMAND Messages From A App - Select 'Log Messages' And Find The Windows -Nothing Show's Up?

Dec 10, 2011

I want to use spy++ or Winspector But from what i Read they Dont work on windows 7 64bit Correct ? Im trying to read WM_COMMAND Messages from a App.And whenever i Select 'Log Messages' And find the windows etc.Nothing show's up. Is there a alternative ?

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Written A Small Class Called 'Messages' That Holds The User Messages?

Sep 24, 2008

here I am again I have written a small class called 'Messages' that holds the user messages.The case is that I am not being able to import it. Here it is:


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Sending Data Between Forms

Dec 1, 2010

i have a similar question so i thought i might post it here rather than clutter the place with a new thread, if that's okay.first off, i'm using VB 2010 Express, if that makes any difference.second, i'm trying to send data to form2 from form3 rather than the other way around. i'm still pretty much new to VB, but have a lot of experience in PHP and some in java. i'm making a basic program that creates critters on form3 and then adds them to a table on form2.[code]then adds a value of 1 to the progress bar (i still am trying to figure out how that works) on form2.

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VS 2010 Sending Imput To Other Forms?

Feb 23, 2011

I have looked at a ton of tutorials and still don't seem to understand how to do this.I want the information that was typed into the text box to show up in this listbox

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C# - Sending Emails From A Windows Forms Application?

Jun 7, 2012

I'm building a windows forms application that's supposed to run on a remote/isolated machine and send error notifications by email to the admins. I've tried employing System.Net.Mail classes to achieve this but I'm running into a strange problem:

1. I get an error message:

System.IO.IOException: Unable to read data from the transport connection:
An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.--->
System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: An existing connection was forcibly closed by
the remote host at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.Receive(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset,


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Sending Irc Commands From Multiple Forms & Classes?

Feb 13, 2012

while making my irc bot i need to send many different irc commands such as join channel, change mode, kick user message, topic channel message and so on. All these commands are currently process individually in a public sub on the irc connection thread.

Public Sub Write(ByVal command As String)


Would you have a load of public sub's to handle each or maybe something else?

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VS 2008 - Sending Data / Passing Value Between Forms

Dec 15, 2009

Imagine a project with couple of forms and a module. Now as per my knowledge if i want to send some data from one form to another then :

- If I declare variable friend/public in a module then it can be accessed in the entire project (thus also between forms).
- If I just have to send data from one form to another, then I can call the other form's sub/function and pass value.
- If the pass value by reference then I can get new value only if its changed in that function.

Now what the issue is, I need to pass a variable to a form and in that form when user types contents in a textbox or makes other selection and presses OK button then it should return some values back to the calling form. Now how can I achieve this (without declaring global variables which will be accessible everywhere) ?

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