Written A Small Class Called 'Messages' That Holds The User Messages?

Sep 24, 2008

here I am again I have written a small class called 'Messages' that holds the user messages.The case is that I am not being able to import it. Here it is:


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Read WM_COMMAND Messages From A App - Select 'Log Messages' And Find The Windows -Nothing Show's Up?

Dec 10, 2011

I want to use spy++ or Winspector But from what i Read they Dont work on windows 7 64bit Correct ? Im trying to read WM_COMMAND Messages from a App.And whenever i Select 'Log Messages' And find the windows etc.Nothing show's up. Is there a alternative ?

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VS 2008 Custom Class Called CustomItem That Holds Name And 'SomeProperty' Properties

Apr 22, 2009

Let's say I have a custom class called CustomItem that holds the Name and 'SomeProperty' properties:[code]Now, on the click of a Button, I want to select the CustomItem whose SomeProperty is equal to "Property 4". Of course, this is just "Item 4", but the names and properties are not that correlated in the real application than they are in this example.I have spent ages a long time ago figuring out how to do this. I could not directly set the SelectedItem, because I first need to get the CustomItem that actually matches my condition (SomeProperty = "Property 4"). My solution was to use a loop, looping through each item in the ListBox, and setting the SelectedItem when the right property has been found.[code]Now, is this the correct way to approach this problem? Is the LINQ query correct, or can it be done easier, without the casting? Also, is the LINQ query faster than the For loop, especially for a large amount of items? I expect it to be, but I don't know how to test this.

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Alert The User For New Messages?

Aug 21, 2011

I am implementing a chat client in an application. Conversation windows are tabbed and I have to alert the user for new messages. My temporary solution was like this:

There is a timer with 500ms interval ( always running ).

For Each t In SuperTabControl3.Tabs
If TypeOf t Is SuperTabItem Then
If t.Tag = "1" Then


Will this cause performance issues? I have no possibility to try on an older computer but they will use this application on slow pc's.

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C# - ASP.NET User Messages On MasterPages?

Dec 21, 2009

i have an admin master page where i want to place a label which i can control with two functions (setErrorMessage and setSuccessMessage) both functions assign strings to label's text property and change CssClass property according to function type.

I want to use these functions from nested pages while the control remains centralized on master page so i can return to form in case of error so user could edit wrong input.

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Storing Last 5 Messages For User To Scroll Through

Aug 11, 2009

This is for a game i've been working on in C# & XNA. I'm not asking for code however, so language doesn't matter. I've got a console. I want to store up to the last 5 messages sent so the user can scroll through them. Additionally, I want to store whatever their message was if they hit up to go through the messages, so if they hit down again they have it back. If they send a message without going back to that, it's lost. I'm not really sure what a good implementation for this might be. I'm thinking a string array where the last value gets deleted each time a message is sent, and a separate string for the current message.

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NativeWindow Class Skip / Ignore Messages On Right Clicking

Jan 5, 2010

I am using a class derived from NativeWindow to get access to WndProc for various text boxes on my form. I am trapping the WM_CONTEXTMENU message. I assign the handle in the Enter event and release it in the Leave event. Everything is working as expected except for one situation. If the user right clicks to select a new textbox, the first WM_CONTEXTMENU message is either skipped or is fired before the handle is assigned in my code. If I set a break point in the Enter event, the issue described above does not occur.

In all other cases, tabbing into the textbox, setting the focus to the textbox in code or left clicking in the textbox to select it, everything works as expected. To test the above, I also trapped WM_RBUTTONUP and display a message box. In all of the cases noted above except for selecting the textbox by right clicking it, the message boxes are displayed and then the context menu is displayed. When selecting a textbox by right clicking it, the message boxes are not displayed and the context menu is. Could this possibly be a bug in the NativeWindow class?

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C# - Generate And Handle User Messages Inside Methods?

Aug 5, 2011

What is the best way to handle a function that might occasional fail to evaluate, but even when it does fail does not require a halt of the parent routine, though sometimes might require an explanation to the user?I have such a function, deep in my code, that returns a number. Codingwise, the simplest approach would be to make the function nullable, and return null when it can't evaluate. That way the calling routine can continue while also knowing the function failed to return a number.

However, depending upon the circumstances, sometimes I want to display the reason for the fail to the user so they know what to fix. Obviously just returning null isn't enough information. Should I be raising messages inside the function itself as it evaluates for anonymous listeners to catch, to be displayed if desired?(For those rightfully pointing out that logic functions shouldn't be responsible for creating user messages, I didn't mean to imply the function generates the full text message, just somehow transmits the reason for the problem so that the UI could later parse that into a message)

The other option I suppose would be throw exceptions inside the function if it can't evaluate, then catch and interpret to user messages if desired. However, as stated the inability to evaluate typically does not signify a halt to the routine, and now I'd have to put a Try...Catch block around the function call everytime I use it.

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[2005] Error Messages - Allow User To Enter Only Numeric

Mar 11, 2009

I need help for error messages for senerio like.... If i onli allow user to enter only numeric. And if i onli allow user to enter text start with "DM"...

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VS 2008 - Using Form2 To Display Informaitonal Messages Without Having The User To Press The OK Button?

Jan 2, 2010

I have an app that I'm using Form2 to display informaitonal messages without having the user to press the OK button. I DIM form2 as a new form as a global and then add a lable to it on the fly and then control it's appearance with a timer. This all works great providing the main form is being displayed however I can't make Form2 show up if the main form is minimized or hidden. I can get around this a bit by keeping the main form maximized but change it's Opacity to zero but once I do that I have no idea how to return the Opacity back to normal when I do want to see the form. Anyone have any ideas on how to make Form2 display if the main from is minimzed or how to control the Opacity of the main form so I can return things to normal? I was thinking that there might be something I could do with hovering over or clicking on the icon in the taskbar but I don't know what that event might be.

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Create A Message Box That Stores User Name, Message And Post Datetime Into The Database As Messages Are Sent?

Jan 6, 2010

create a message box that stores my user name, message, and post datetime into the database as messages are sent. Soon came to realise, what if the user changed his name? So I decided to use the user id (icn) to identify the message poster instead. However, my chunk of codes keep giving me the same error. Says that there are no rows in the dataset.

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim name As String
Dim icn As String
Dim message As String


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The Application Is Used To Find A Given File Name In A Given File Directory And Put Messages To Remind User At A Given Time?

May 13, 2011

the application is used to find a given file name in a given file directory and put messages to remind user at a given time.

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Game Programming :: Have An String Array Called ArrMap (0 To 19) That Holds The 20 Rows Of Each Map For Display?

Sep 30, 2009

Im working on a roguelike console RPG. For those of you that dont know, just google search it.What I need help with is that I have an string array called ArrMap(0 to 19) that holds the 20 rows of each map for display. I also have an array of the same size called VisibleMap that needs to hold which portions of the map are visible and which arent so that when the player switches screens [IE goes from map, to inventory] they can go back to the map and it will look the same. I was thinking of using an array, but if you can think of another way to do it, that's fine.Here are the subs that deal with the map reading and display, so you know how I have things set up at the moment.

Public Sub ReadMap(ByVal location As String)
Dim ioFile As New StreamReader(location)
Dim ioLine As String
Dim intX As Integer


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AT Commands For SMS Messages

Feb 19, 2011

I'm trying to use a cell phone modem to send an sms message but i'm not sure whats wrong with my code?? Also i'm getting en error with _ContsSMS = False .. but i have no idea what that line is ? (Also are AT commands not used for Windows 7, is this why it wont work?)

Using COM7 As IO.Ports.SerialPort = _
'set command message format to text mode(1)


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Get The Messages To Be Sent Instantly?

Aug 20, 2009

How would i start to go about creating an instant messenger? I start with MDI Child Form. But how would i get the messages to be sent instantly?

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How To Suppress Messages

Jul 28, 2010

I have read the MSDN Page on how to suppress messages. I am unable to supress warnings for VS2008. [code] The problem was I had a series of parallel tasks that were dependent on check boxes. I wanted each task to to run simultaneously and then join back. I overcame the warning by using a callback method that decremented until all the call backs completed. [code] The warning was an Uninitialized Variable. Which was not the case as it was dependent on identical if-statements. I opted to use a callback method instead, which turned out to be a better alternative and did not lock up the GUI.

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Pop Up Error Messages

Jul 7, 2009

How do i write into my code an error message to pop up once the user of the interface tries to enter in one more item than the maximum number alowed? Here is the code i have so far.[code]...

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Written A Small Program To Set Wallpaper On The Desktop?

Oct 5, 2008

i have written a small program to set wallpaper on the desktop when i change the wallpaper then if I refresh the desktop then problem is that,wall paper is disappeared and a blue screen comes.secondly i want few changes i want to set wallpaper as Tile,Center and stretch i want to use radio buttons on the form for this purpose so how can i make these changes.

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Allow Users To Send Each Other Messages?

Jan 5, 2011

In my program I am using a MySQL database and I want to allow users to send each other messages ("Emails"). How can I go about something like this? I'm not wanting someone to do my 'homework'

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How To Create Popup Messages

Apr 9, 2012

how to create popup messages? the ones that go up on your right hand side?...?

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How To Download Email Messages

Mar 6, 2012

Is there a way to make an application which will download all mails from my email address?

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How To Make Warning Messages

Jun 8, 2011

i wanna ask how to make warning messages when a user clicks the search button and found no record with what he input. [code]

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How To Process Windows Messages

Aug 31, 2010

how to process windows messages in vb.net , article, website or any.

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How To Receive Gmail Messages

Mar 13, 2011

How can I reseive or open my gmail messages by vb.net2008 code ???

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How To Separate TCP Socket Messages

Dec 5, 2010

I've experimented a bit with async TCP socket messages between two programs, for passing data, numbers and/or text. What I've done is to use a keyword in the start of each message,and then seperate the values with the "|" character. So a message may look like this: "DATA|490|40517.9328222222|1|6|11345|11347|11344|11345|106|40517.8494212963"I set the read buffer size to 1024, as most of the messages will be within that lengthHowever sometimes I may send rapidly many short messages where several together are less than 1024 characters, and it seems then it will be read in one go. And if I send a message longer than 1024 characters, it will be split. So I'm looking for some advice on how to handle this. Should I use some special characters to start and/or end each message?

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IDE :: Where Are Windows Messages Defined

Sep 29, 2009

Where does VB .NET define common window messages like WM_SIZE, WM_Activate etc. so I can handle such messages?

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Informative Messages Across The Application In .net?

Mar 9, 2012

i have a vb.net application in which i have to guide the user how to use the software by using messages. For example, when the application loads, a message appears on the screen telling the user what he has to do next.

i've been searching on the net how to do this but can't find a way. Can anyone give me an idea how can implement this?

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Informative Messages Across The Application?

Jul 21, 2009

i have a vb.net application in which i have to guide the user how to use the software by using messages. For example, when the application loads, a message appears on the screen telling the user what he has to do next.

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Interact With Windows Messages?

Oct 5, 2011

I'm Writing a program for my VET IT class at school, so other IT students dont ruin computers we have set up. the program is working great, with only one problem. the program carries out its task, even during debugging (Although it shows an error.) the problem is with windows. in order to stop users from pressing the windows key, the program turns of windows explorer when run, and turns it back off afterwards. before doing this, windows asks for permission. does anyone know how to use visual basic to automatically interact with this messagebox?i have uploaded a video showing my program in action and the problem. (Will Comment With the video when it is done oploading 108 minutes remaining...)here is my code


Below is an image of the error message i receive in visual studio, and when running the .EXE from the [attachment=25889:Untitled1.jpg

how do i automatically lcick continue on this error box, because my program runs fine when continue is clicked...

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Messages Pumped To Label?

May 9, 2011

I basically want to implement a Label and have it constantly showing information to the user. I want to be able to do something like this:

printMessage("Starting program")
doWork() //possibly does some calls to printMessage()


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